em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Monte Carlo simulations are used to study the effect of confinement on a crystal of point particles interacting with an inverse power law potential in d=2 dimensions. This system can describe colloidal particles at the air-water interface, a model system for experimental study of two-dimensional melting. It is shown that the state of the system (a strip of width D) depends very sensitively on the precise boundary conditions at the two ``walls'' providing the confinement. If one uses a corrugated boundary commensurate with the order of the bulk triangular crystalline structure, both orientational order and positional order is enhanced, and such surface-induced order persists near the boundaries also at temperatures where the system in the bulk is in its fluid state. However, using smooth repulsive boundaries as walls providing the confinement, only the orientational order is enhanced, but positional (quasi-) long range order is destroyed: The mean-square displacement of two particles n lattice parameters apart in the y-direction along the walls then crosses over from the logarithmic increase (characteristic for $d=2$) to a linear increase (characteristic for d=1). The strip then exhibits a vanishing shear modulus. These results are interpreted in terms of a phenomenological harmonic theory. Also the effect of incommensurability of the strip width D with the triangular lattice structure is discussed, and a comparison with surface effects on phase transitions in simple Ising- and XY-models is made


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When non-adsorbing polymers are added to an isotropic suspension of rod-like colloids, the colloids effectively attract each other via depletion forces. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to study the phase diagram of such rod-polymer mixtures. The colloidal rods were modelled as hard spherocylinders; the polymers were described as spheres of the same diameter as the rods. The polymers may overlap with no energy cost, while overlap of polymers and rods is forbidden. In this thesis the emphasis was on the depletion effects caused by the addition of spheres on the isotropic phase of rod-like particles. Although most of the present experimental studies consider systems close to or beyond the isotropic-nematic transition, the isotropic phase with depletion interactions turns out to be a not less interesting topic. First, the percolation problem was studied in canonical simulations of a system of hard rods and soft spheres, where the amount of depletant was kept low to prevent phase separation of the mixture. The lowering of the percolation threshold seen in experiment is confirmed to be due to the depletion interactions. The local changes in the structure of the fluid of rods, which were measured in the simulations, indicated that the depletion forces enhance local alignment and aggregation of the rods. Then, the phase diagram of isotropic-isotropic demixing of short spherocylinders was calculated using grand canonical ensemble simulations with successive umbrella sampling. Finite size scaling analysis allowed to estimate the location of the critical point. Also, estimates for the interfacial tension between the coexisting isotropic phases and analyses of its power-law behaviour on approach of the critical point are presented. The obtained phase diagram was compared to the predictions of the free volume theory. After an analysis of the bulk, the phase behaviour in confinement was studied. The critical point of gas-liquid demixing is shifted to higher concentrations of rods and smaller concentrations of spheres due to the formation of an orientationally ordered surface film. If the separation between the walls becomes very small, the critical point is shifted back to smaller concentrations of rods because the surface film breaks up. A method to calculate the contact angle of the liquid-gas interface with the wall is introduced and the wetting behaviour on the approach to the critical point is analysed.


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When a liquid crystal is confined to a cavity its director field becomes subject to competing forces: on the one hand, the surface of the cavity orients the director field (``surface anchoring''), on the other hand deformations of the director field cost elastic energy. Hence the equilibrium director field is determined by a compromise between surface anchoring and elasticity. One example of a confined liquid crystal that has attracted particular interest from physicists is the nematic droplet. In this thesis a system of hard rods is considered as the simplest model for nematic liquid crystals consisting of elongated molecules. First, systems of hard spherocylinders in a spherical geometry are investigated by means of canonical Monte Carlo simulations. In contrast to previous simulation work on this problem, a continuum model is used. In particular, the effects of ordering near hard curved walls are studied for the low-density regime. With increasing density, first a uniaxial surface film forms and then a biaxial surface film, which eventually fills the entire cavity. We study how the surface order, the adsorption and the shape of the director field depend on the curvature of the wall. We find that orientational ordering at a curved wall in a cavity is stronger than at a flat wall, while adsorption is weaker. For densities above the isotropic-nematic transition, we always find bipolar configurations. As a next step, an extension of the Asakura-Oosawa-Vrij model for colloid-polymer mixtures to anisotropic colloids is considered. By means of computer simulations we study how droplets of hard, rod-like particles optimize their shape and structure under the influence of the osmotic compression caused by the presence of spherical particles that act as depletion agents. At sufficiently high osmotic pressures the rods that make up the drops spontaneously align to turn them into uniaxial nematic liquid crystalline droplets. The nematic droplets or ``tactoids'' that so form are not spherical but elongated, resulting from the competition between the anisotropic surface tension and the elastic deformation of the director field. In agreement with recent theoretical predictions we find that sufficiently small tactoids have a uniform director field, whilst large ones are characterized by a bipolar director field. From the shape and director-field transformation of the droplets we estimate the surface anchoring strength.


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The t(8;21) (q22;q22) translocation fusing the ETO (also known as MTG8) gene on human chromosome 8 with the AML1 (also called Runx1 or CBFα) gene on chromosome 21 is one of the most common genetic aberrations found in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). This chromosomal translocation occurs in 12 % of de novo AML cases and in up to 40 % of the AML-M2 subtype of the French-American-British classification. To date, the in vivo function of aberrant AML1-ETO fusion protein expression has been investigated by several groups. However, in these studies, controversial results were reported and some key issues remain unknown. Importantly, the consequences of aberrant AML1-ETO expression for self-renewing hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), multipotent hematopoietic progenitors (MPPs) and lineage-restricted precursors are not known. rn The aim of this thesis was to develop a novel experimental AML1-ETO in vivo model that (i) overcomes the current lack of insight into the pre-leukemic condition of t(8;21)-associated AML, (ii) clarifies the in vivo consequences of AML1-ETO for HSCs, MPPs, progenitors and more mature blood cells and (iii) generates an improved mouse model suitable for mirroring the human condition. For this purpose, a conditional tet on/off mouse model expressing the AML1-ETO fusion protein from the ROSA26 (R26) locus was generated. rn Aberrant AML1-ETO activation in compound ROSA26/tetOAML1-ETO (R26/AE) mice caused high rates of mortality, an overall disruption of hematopoietic organs and a profound alteration of hematopoiesis. However, since the generalized activity of the R26 locus did not recapitulate the leukemic condition found in human patients, it was important to restrict AML1-ETO expression to blood cell lineages. Therefore, bone marrow cells from non-induced R26/AE mice were adoptively transplanted into sublethal irradiated RAG2-/- recipient mice. First signs of phenotypical differences between AML1-ETO-expressing and control mice were observed after eight to nine months of transgene induction. AML1-ETO-expressing mice showed profound changes in hematopoietic organs accompanied by manifest extramedullary hematopoiesis. In addition, a block in early erythropoiesis, B- and T-cell maturation was observed and granulopoiesis was significantly enhanced. Most interestingly, conditional activation of AML1-ETO in chimeric mice did not increase HSCs, MPPs, common lymphoid precursors (CLPs), common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) and megakaryocyte-erythrocyte progenitors (MEPs) but promoted the selective amplification of granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (GMPs). rn The results of this thesis provide clear experimental evidence how aberrant AML1-ETO modulates the developmental properties of normal hematopoiesis and establishes for the first time that AML1-ETO does not increase HSCs, MPPs and common lineage-restricted progenitor pools but specifically amplifies GMPs. The here presented mouse model not only clarifies the role of aberrant AML1-ETO for shaping hematopoietic development but in addition has strong implications for future therapeutic strategies and will be an excellent pre-clinical tool for developing and testing new approaches to treat and eventually cure AML.rn


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Over the last decades the prevalence of food allergies has continually increased on a world wide scale. While there are effective treatments available for bee and wasp venom allergic patients, there is currently no established therapy for the treatment of severe food allergies. Aim of the project was to genetically fuse different food allergens with the immune modulating Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5)-ligand flagellin and to test these constructs for their immune modulatory capacities both in vitro and in vivo. Chicken ovalbumin (Ova) as model antigen, Pru p 3, and Ara h 2 the respective major allergens from peach and peanut were used as allergens. The potential vaccine candidates were characterized by protein biochemical methods (purity, folding, endotoxin contaminations). Moreover, their immune modulating effects on cell culture lines (TLR5-receptor activation) and primary mouse immune cells (myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells) were investigated. Additionally, the prophylactic and therapeutic use of the flagellin Ova fusion protein (rflaA:Ova) were investigated in a mouse model of intestinal allergy. In myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) stimulation with the fusion proteins led to a strong cell activation and cytokine secretion. Here, the fusion proteins proved to be a much stronger stimulus than the equimolar amount of both proteins provided alone or as a mixture. Noteworthy, stimulation with rflaA:Ova induced the secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 from mDC. In co-culture experiments this IL-10 secretion suppressed the Ova-induced secretion of Th1 and Th2 cytokines from Ova-specific CD4 T cells. Using MyD88-deficient mDC this repression of cytokine secretion was shown to be TLR-dependent. Finally, the potency of the rflaA:Ova construct was investigated in a mouse model of Ova-induced intestinal allergy. In a prophylactic vaccination approach rflaA:Ova was shown to prevent the establishment of the intestinal allergy and all associated symptoms (weight loss, temperature drop, soft faeces). This fusion protein-mediated protection was accompanied by a reduced T cell activation, and reduced Th2 cytokines in intestinal homogenates. These effects were paralleled by a strong induction of Ova-specific IgG2a antibodies in rflaA:Ova-vaccinated sera, while Ova-specific IgE antibody production was significantly reduced. Therapeutic vaccination with rflaA:Ova reduced allergic symptoms and T cell activation but did not influence weight loss and antibody production. In all in vivo experiments vaccination with both proteins either provided alone or as a mixture did not have comparable effects. Future experiments aim at elucidating the mechanism and further optimization of the therapeutic vaccination approach. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate, that fusion proteins containing flagellin have strong immune modulatory capacities both in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, such constructs are promising vaccine candidates for the therapy of type I allergies.


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Computer-Simulationen von Kolloidalen Fluiden in Beschränkten Geometrien Kolloidale Suspensionen, die einen Phasenübergang aufweisen, zeigen eine Vielfalt an interessanten Effekten, sobald sie auf eine bestimmte Geometrie beschränkt werden, wie zum Beispiel auf zylindrische Poren, sphärische Hohlräume oder auf einen Spalt mit ebenen Wänden. Der Einfluss dieser verschiedenen Geometrietypen sowohl auf das Phasenverhalten als auch auf die Dynamik von Kolloid-Polymer-Mischungen wird mit Hilfe von Computer-Simulationen unter Verwendung des Asakura-Oosawa- Modells, für welches auf Grund der “Depletion”-Kräfte ein Phasenübergang existiert, untersucht. Im Fall von zylindrischen Poren sieht man ein interessantes Phasenverhalten, welches vom eindimensionalen Charakter des Systems hervorgerufen wird. In einer kurzen Pore findet man im Bereich des Phasendiagramms, in dem das System typischerweise entmischt, entweder eine polymerreiche oder eine kolloidreiche Phase vor. Sobald aber die Länge der zylindrischen Pore die typische Korrelationslänge entlang der Zylinderachse überschreitet, bilden sich mehrere quasi-eindimensionale Bereiche der polymerreichen und der kolloidreichen Phase, welche von nun an koexistieren. Diese Untersuchungen helfen das Verhalten von Adsorptionshysteresekurven in entsprechenden Experimenten zu erklären. Wenn das Kolloid-Polymer-Modellsystem auf einen sphärischen Hohlraum eingeschränkt wird, verschiebt sich der Punkt des Phasenübergangs von der polymerreichen zur kolloidreichen Phase. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese Verschiebung direkt von den Benetzungseigenschaften des Systems abhängt, was die Beobachtung von zwei verschiedenen Morphologien bei Phasenkoexistenz ermöglicht – Schalenstrukturen und Strukturen des Janustyps. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung von heterogener Keimbildung von Kristallen innerhalb einer Flüssigkeit wird eine neue Simulationsmethode zur Berechnung von Freien Energien der Grenzfläche zwischen Kristall- bzw. Flüssigkeitsphase undWand präsentiert. Die Resultate für ein System von harten Kugeln und ein System einer Kolloid- Polymer-Mischung werden anschließend zur Bestimmung von Kontaktwinkeln von Kristallkeimen an Wänden verwendet. Die Dynamik der Phasenseparation eines quasi-zweidimensionalen Systems, welche sich nach einem Quench des Systems aus dem homogenen Zustand in den entmischten Zustand ausbildet, wird mit Hilfe von einer mesoskaligen Simulationsmethode (“Multi Particle Collision Dynamics”) untersucht, die sich für eine detaillierte Untersuchung des Einflusses der hydrodynamischen Wechselwirkung eignet. Die Exponenten universeller Potenzgesetze, die das Wachstum der mittleren Domänengröße beschreiben, welche für rein zwei- bzw. dreidimensionale Systeme bekannt sind, können für bestimmte Parameterbereiche nachgewiesen werden. Die unterschiedliche Dynamik senkrecht bzw. parallel zu den Wänden sowie der Einfluss der Randbedingungen für das Lösungsmittel werden untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass die daraus resultierende Abschirmung der hydrodynamischen Wechselwirkungsreichweite starke Auswirkungen auf das Wachstum der mittleren Domänengröße hat.


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In this thesis we are presenting a broadly based computer simulation study of two-dimensional colloidal crystals under different external conditions. In order to fully understand the phenomena which occur when the system is being compressed or when the walls are being sheared, it proved necessary to study also the basic motion of the particles and the diffusion processes which occur in the case without these external forces. In the first part of this thesis we investigate the structural transition in the number of rows which occurs when the crystal is being compressed by placing the structured walls closer together. Previous attempts to locate this transition were impeded by huge hysteresis effects. We were able to determine the transition point with higher precision by applying both the Schmid-Schilling thermodynamic integration method and the phase switch Monte Carlo method in order to determine the free energies. These simulations showed not only that the phase switch method can successfully be applied to systems with a few thousand particles and a soft crystalline structure with a superimposed pattern of defects, but also that this method is way more efficient than a thermodynamic integration when free energy differences are to be calculated. Additionally, the phase switch method enabled us to distinguish between several energetically very similar structures and to determine which one of them was actually stable. Another aspect considered in the first result chapter of this thesis is the ensemble inequivalence which can be observed when the structural transition is studied in the NpT and in the NVT ensemble. The second part of this work deals with the basic motion occurring in colloidal crystals confined by structured walls. Several cases are compared where the walls are placed in different positions, thereby introducing an incommensurability into the crystalline structure. Also the movement of the solitons, which are created in the course of the structural transition, is investigated. Furthermore, we will present results showing that not only the well-known mechanism of vacancies and interstitial particles leads to diffusion in our model system, but that also cooperative ring rotation phenomena occur. In this part and the following we applied Langevin dynamics simulations. In the last chapter of this work we will present results on the effect of shear on the colloidal crystal. The shear was implemented by moving the walls with constant velocity. We have observed shear banding and, depending on the shear velocity, that the inner part of the crystal breaks into several domains with different orientations. At very high shear velocities holes are created in the structure, which originate close to the walls, but also diffuse into the inner part of the crystal.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war es, Einblicke in das Kristallisationsverhalten weicher Materie („soft matter“), wie verschiedener Polymere oder Wasser, unter räumlicher Einschränkung („confinement“) zu erlangen. Dabei sollte untersucht werden, wie, weshalb und wann die Kristallisation in nanoporösen Strukturen eintritt. Desweiteren ist Kristallisation weicher Materie in nanoporösen Strukturen nicht nur aus Aspekten der Grundlagenforschung von großem Interesse, sondern es ergeben sich zahlreiche praktische Anwendungen. Durch die gezielte Steuerung der Kristallinität von Polymeren könnten somit Materialien mit verschiendenen mechanischen und optischen Eigenschaften erhalten werden. Desweiteren wurde auch räumlich eingeschränktes Wasser untersucht. Dieses spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Molekularbiologie, z.B. für das globuläre Protein, und als Wolkenkondensationskeime in der Atmosphärenchemie und Physik. Auch im interstellaren Raum ist eingeschränktes Wasser in Form von Eispartikeln anzutreffen. Die Kristallisation von eingeschränktem Wasser zu verstehen und zu beeinflussen ist letztlich auch für die Haltbarkeit von Baumaterialien wie etwa Zement von großem Interesse.rnUm dies zu untersuchen wird Wasser in der Regel stark abgekühlt und das Kristallisationsverhalten in Abhängigkeit des Volumens untersucht. Dabei wurde beobachtet, dass Mikro- bzw. Nanometer große Volumina erst ab -38 °C bzw. -70 °C kristallisieren. Wasser unterliegt dabei in der Regel dem Prozess der homogenen Nukleation. In der Regel gefriert Wasser aber bei höheren Temperaturen, da durch Verunreinigungen eine vorzeitige, heterogene Nukleation eintritt.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die sachdienlichen Phasendiagramme von kristallisierbaren Polymeren und Wasser unter räumlich eingeschränkten Bedingungen. Selbst ausgerichtetes Aluminiumoxid (AAO) mit Porengrößen im Bereich von 25 bis 400 nm wurden als räumliche Einschränkung sowohl für Polymere als auch für Wasser gewählt. Die AAO Nanoporen sind zylindrisch und parallel ausgerichtet. Außerdem besitzen sie eine gleichmäßige Porenlänge und einen gleichmäßigen Durchmesser. Daher eignen sie sich als Modelsystem um Kristallisationsprozesse unter wohldefinierter räumlicher Einschränkung zu untersuchen.rnEs wurden verschiedene halbkristalline Polymere verwendet, darunter Poly(ethylenoxid), Poly(ɛ-Caprolacton) und Diblockcopolymere aus PEO-b-PCL. Der Einfluss der Porengröße auf die Nukleation wurde aus verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten untersucht: (i) Einfluss auf den Nukleationmechanismus (heterogene gegenüber homogener Nukleation), (ii) Kristallorientierung und Kristallinitätsgrad und (iii) Zusammenhang zwischen Kristallisationstemperatur bei homogener Kristallisation und Glasübergangstemperatur.rnEs konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Kristallisation von Polymeren in Bulk durch heterogene Nukleation induziert wird und das die Kristallisation in kleinen Poren hauptsächlich über homogene Nukleation mit reduzierter und einstellbarer Kristallinität verläuft und eine hohe Kristallorientierung aufweist. Durch die AAOs konnte außerdem die kritische Keimgröße für die Kristallisation der Polymere abgeschätzt werden. Schließlich wurde der Einfluss der Polydispersität, von Oligomeren und anderen Zusatzstoffen auf den Nukleationsmechanismus untersucht.rn4rnDie Nukleation von Eis wurde in den selben AAOs untersucht und ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Nukleationstyp (heterogen bzw. homogen) und der gebildeten Eisphase konnte beobachtet werden. In größeren Poren verlief die Nukleation heterogen, wohingegen sie in kleineren Poren homogen verlief. Außerdem wurde eine Phasenumwandlung des Eises beobachtet. In den größeren Poren wurde hexagonales Eis nachgewiesen und unter einer Porengröße von 35 nm trat hauptsächlich kubisches Eis auf. Nennenswerter Weise handelte es sich bei dem kubischem Eis nicht um eine metastabile sondern eine stabile Phase. Abschließend wird ein Phasendiagramm für räumlich eingeschränktes Wasser vorgeschlagen. Dieses Phasendiagramm kann für technische Anwendungen von Bedeutung sein, so z.B. für Baumaterial wie Zement. Als weiteres Beispiel könnten AAOs, die die heterogene Nukleation unterdrücken (Porendurchmesser ≤ 35 nm) als Filter für Reinstwasser zum Einsatz kommen.rnNun zur Anfangs gestellten Frage: Wie unterschiedlich sind Wasser und Polymerkristallisation voneinander unter räumlicher Einschränkung? Durch Vergleich der beiden Phasendiagramme kommen wir zu dem Schluss, dass beide nicht fundamental verschieden sind. Dies ist zunächst verwunderlich, da Wasser ein kleines Molekül ist und wesentlich kleiner als die kleinste Porengröße ist. Wasser verfügt allerdings über starke Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen und verhält sich daher wie ein Polymer. Daher auch der Name „Polywasser“.


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Satellite image classification involves designing and developing efficient image classifiers. With satellite image data and image analysis methods multiplying rapidly, selecting the right mix of data sources and data analysis approaches has become critical to the generation of quality land-use maps. In this study, a new postprocessing information fusion algorithm for the extraction and representation of land-use information based on high-resolution satellite imagery is presented. This approach can produce land-use maps with sharp interregional boundaries and homogeneous regions. The proposed approach is conducted in five steps. First, a GIS layer - ATKIS data - was used to generate two coarse homogeneous regions, i.e. urban and rural areas. Second, a thematic (class) map was generated by use of a hybrid spectral classifier combining Gaussian Maximum Likelihood algorithm (GML) and ISODATA classifier. Third, a probabilistic relaxation algorithm was performed on the thematic map, resulting in a smoothed thematic map. Fourth, edge detection and edge thinning techniques were used to generate a contour map with pixel-width interclass boundaries. Fifth, the contour map was superimposed on the thematic map by use of a region-growing algorithm with the contour map and the smoothed thematic map as two constraints. For the operation of the proposed method, a software package is developed using programming language C. This software package comprises the GML algorithm, a probabilistic relaxation algorithm, TBL edge detector, an edge thresholding algorithm, a fast parallel thinning algorithm, and a region-growing information fusion algorithm. The county of Landau of the State Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany was selected as a test site. The high-resolution IRS-1C imagery was used as the principal input data.