em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
In this thesis cholesteric films made of liquid crystalline cellulose derivatives with improved optical properties were prepared. The choice of the solvent, hydrogen bond influencing additives, the synthetic realization of a very high degree of substitution on the cellulosic polymer and the use of mechanical stirring at the upper concentration limit of the liquid crystalline range were the basis for an improved alignment of the applied cellulose tricarbamates. In combination with a tuned substrate treatment and film preparation method, cholesteric films were obtained, with optical properties that were theoretically predicted and only known from low molecular weight liquid crystals so far. Subsequent polymerization allowed a permanent fixing of the alignment and the fabrication of free standing and insensitive films.rnThe incorporation of inorganic nanorods into the cholesteric host material was mediated with tailored block copolymers, available via controlled radical polymerization methods. In addition to the shape match between the rodlike mesogens of the host and the nanorods it was possible to increase the miscibility of both materials. Nevertheless, the size of the nanorods, in comparison to the mesogens, in these densely packed liquid crystalline phases as well as their long equilibration times were the reasons for phase separation. Nanorods are, in principle, valuable substitutes for organics, but their utilization in cellulosic CLC was not to be combined with a high quality alignment of the cholesteric structure.rnA swelling process of polymerized films in a dye solution or dissolving dyes in non-polymerized CLC was used for incorporation of the organic chromophores. With the first method the CLC could be aligned and polymerized without any disturbance due to dye molecules. The optical properties of dye and CLC were matched, with regard to mirrorless lasing devices. The dye was optically excited and laser emission supported by the cholesteric cavity was obtained. The polarization and wavelength of the emitted radiation as well as its bandwidth, the obtained interference pattern and threshold behavior of the emission proofed the feedback mechanism that was not believed to be realizable in liquid crystalline polymers. rnUtilization of a microfluidic co-flow injection device enabled us to transfer the properties of cellulosic CLC from the planar film shape to spherical micrometer sized particles. The pure material yielded particles with distorted mesogen alignment similar to films prepared by capillary flow. Dilution of the CLC with a solvent that migrated into the carrier phase during particle preparation provided the basis for particles with well ordered areas. rnAlthough cellulose derivatives were known for their liquid crystalline behavior for decades and synthesized in mass production, their application as feedback material was affected by bad optical properties. In comparison to low molar mass compounds, the low degree of order in the CLC phase was the cause. With the improved material, defined lasing emission was shown and characterized. Derivatives of cellulose are desirable materials, because, as a renewable resource, they are available in large amounts for a low price and need only simple derivatization reactions. The fabrication of CLC films with tunable lasing emission, for which this thesis can provide a starting point, is in good agreement with today's requirements of modern technology and its miniaturization.rn
In this work a novel design concept for folded oligomers is presented. The concept involves the insertion of a rigid spacer, the 1,3-bis(ethynylene)benzene unit, into linear alkyl-chain oligomers. Number and position of these spacers determine the molecular conformation of the oligomers in crystalline assemblies. In this way, chain folding is induced on crystallization at the air-water interface and in bulk. The packing arrangements in the crystalline monolayers were determined by grazing inzidence X-ray diffraction.
Die vorliegende Arbeit 'Liquid Crystalline Hexabenzocoronenes as Organic Molecular Materials - Synthesis, Characterization and Application' war durch drei Schwerpunkte definiert:1. Verbesserung der Synthese von Hexabenzocoronen Derivaten mit sechsfacher Alkyl-Substitution,2. Entwicklung von molekularen Materialien mit verbesserten Eigenschaften wie zum Beispiel Löslichkeit und Verarbeitbarkeit,3. Einsatz der entwickelten Moleküle in optoelektronischen Bauteilen wie zum Beispiel organischen Solarzellen und Feld-Effekt-Transistoren.Mit Hilfe einer neuen Syntheseroute ist es gelungen Aryl-Aryl und Aryl-Alkyl Kupplungen sehr spät in der Reaktionssequenz von Hexabenzocoronenen einzusetzen. Dies führte zu einer Vielzahl substituierter HBC Derivate. Die Einführung eines Phenyl Spacers zwischen den HBC Kern und die äußeren Alkylketten, wie zum Beispiel in HBC-PhC12, hatte eine Vielzahl positiver Effekte wie dramatisch verbesserte Löslichkeit und Flüssigkristallinität bei Raumtemperatur zur Folge. Die Kombination dieser Phänomene ermöglichte die Bildung hochgeordneter Filme, welche sehr wichtig für den Einsatz in organischen Bauelementen sind. Mit Hilfe von STM Techniken an der Fest-Flüssig Phasengrenze wurden hochgeordnete 2-D Strukturen der HBC Moleküle gefunden. Die Kombination von extrem hoher kolumnarer Ordnung, bestimmt mit Hilfe der Festkörper NMR Spektroskopie, mit einer konstant hohen Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeit, führte zu dem sehr erfolgreichen Einsatz von HBC-PhC12 in organischen Solarzellen.
Simulationen von SiO2 mit dem von van Beest, Kramer und vanSanten (BKS) entwickelten Paarpotenzial erzeugen vielezufriedenstellende Ergebnisse, aber auch charakteristischeSchwachstellen. In dieser Arbeit wird das BKS-Potenzial mitzwei kürzlich vorgeschlagenen Potenzialen verglichen, dieeffektiv Mehrteilchen-Wechselwirkungen beinhalten. Der ersteAnsatz erlaubt dazu fluktuierende Ladungen, der zweiteinduzierbare Polarisierungen auf den Sauerstoffatomen. Die untersuchten Schwachstellen des BKS Potenzialsbeinhalten das Verhältnis der zwei Gitterkonstanten a und cim Quarzübergang, das von BKS falsch beschrieben wird.Cristobalit und Tridymit erscheinen instabil mit BKS.Weiterhin zeigt die BKS-Zustandsdichte charakteristischeAbweichungen von der wahren Zustandsdichte. DerÜbergangsdruck für den Stishovit I-II Übergang wird deutlichüberschätzt. Das Fluktuierende-Ladungs-Modell verbesserteinige der genannten Punkte, reproduziert aber viele andereEigenschaften schlechter als BKS. DasFluktierende-Dipol-Modell dagegen behebt alle genanntenArtefakte. Zusätzlich wird der druckinduzierte Phasenübergang imalpha-Quarz untersucht. Alle Potentiale finden die selbeStruktur für Quarz II. Bei anschliessender Dekompressionerzeugt BKS eine weitere Phase, während die beiden anderenPotentiale wieder zum alpha-Quarz zurückkehren. Weiterhinwerden zwei Methoden entwickelt, um die piezoelektrischenKonstanten bei konstantem Druck zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnissegeben Hinweise auf eine möglicherweisenicht-elektrostatische Natur der Polarisierungen imFluktuierende-Dipole-Modell. Mit dieser Interpretation scheint das Fluktuierende-DipolPotential alle verfügbaren experimentellen Daten am bestenvon allen drei untersuchten Ansätzen zu reproduzieren.
Zusammenfassung Um zu einem besseren Verständnis des Prozesses der Biomineralisation zu gelangen, muss das Zusammenwirken der verschiedenen Typen biologischer Makromoleküle, die am Keimbildungs- und Wachstumsprozess der Minerale beteiligt sind, berücksichtigt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues Modellsystem eingeführt, das aus einem SAM (self-assembled monolayer) mit verschiedenen Funktionalitäten und unterschiedlichen, gelösten Makromolekülen besteht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Kristallisation von Vaterit (CaCO3) sowie Strontianit (SrCO3) Nanodrähten der Präsenz von Polyacrylat in Kooperation mit einer COOH-funktionalisierten SAM-Oberfläche zugeschrieben werden kann. Die Kombination bestehend aus einer polaren SAM-Oberfläche und Polyacrylat fungiert als Grenzfläche für die Struktur dirigierende Kristallisation von Nanodraht-Kristallen. Weiter konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Phasenselektion von CaCO3 durch die kooperative Wechselwirkung zwischen einer SAM-Oberfläche und einem daran adsorbierten hb-Polyglycerol kontrolliert wird. Auch die Funktionalität einer SAM-Oberfläche in Gegenwart von Carboxymethyl-cellulose übt einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Phasenselektion des entstehenden Produktes aus. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen an CaCO3 zur homogenen Keimbildung, zur Nukleation in Gegenwart eines Proteins sowie auf Kolloiden, die als Template fungieren, mittels Kleinwinkel-Neutronenstreuung durchgeführt. Die homogene Kristallisation in wässriger Lösung stellte sich als ein mehrstufiger Prozess heraus. In Gegenwart des Eiweißproteins Ovalbumin konnten drei Phasen identifiziert werden, darunter eine anfänglich vorhandene amorphe sowie zwei kristalline Phasen.
Homo-oligofluorenes (OFn), polyfluorenes (PF2/6) and oligofluorenes with one fluorenenone group in the center (OFnK) were synthesized. They were used as model compounds to understand of the structure-property relationships of polyfluorenes and the origin of the green emission in the photoluminescence (after photooxidation of the PFs) and the electroluminescence (EL) spectra. The electronic, electrochemical properties, thermal behavior, supramolecular self-assembly, and photophysical properties of OFn, PF2/6 and OFnK were investigated. Oligofluorenes with 2-ethylhexyl side chain (OF2-OF7) from the dimer up to the heptamer were prepared by a series of stepwise transition metal mediated Suzuki and Yamamoto coupling reactions. Polyfluorene was synthesized by Yamamoto coupling of 2,7-dibromo-9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)fluorene. Oligofluorenes with one fluorenone group in the center (OF3K, OF5K, OF7K) were prepared by Suzuki coupling between the monoboronic fluorenyl monomer, dimer, trimer and 2, 7-dibromofluorenone. The electrochemical and electronic properties of homo-oligofluorenes (OFn) were systematically studied by several combined techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry, UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, steady and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. It was found that the oligofluorenes behave like classical conjugated oligomers, i.e., with the increase of the chain-length, the corresponding oxidation potential, the absorption and emission maximum, ionization potential, electron affinity, band gap and the photoluminescence lifetime displayed a very good linear relation with the reciprocal number of the fluorene units (1/n). The extrapolation of these linear relations to infinite chain length predicted the electrochemical and electronic properties of the corresponding polyfluorenes. The thermal behavior, single-crystal structure and supramolecular packing, alignment properties, and molecular dynamics of the homo-oligofluorenes (OFn) up to the polymer were studied using techniques such as TGA, DSC, WAXS, POM and DS. The OFn from tetramer to heptamer show a smectic liquid crystalline phase with clearly defined isotropization temperature. The oligomers do show a glass transition which exhibits n-1 dependence and allows extrapolation to a hypothetical glass transition of the polymer at around 64 °C. A smectic packing and helix-like conformation for the oligofluorenes from tetramer to heptamer was supported by WAXS experiments, simulation, and single-crystal structure of some oligofluorene derivatives. Oligofluorenes were aligned more easily than the corresponding polymer, and the alignability increased with the molecular length from tetramer to heptamer. The molecular dynamics in a series of oligofluorenes up to the polymer was studied using dielectric spectroscopy. The photophysical properties of OFn and PF2/6 were investigated by the steady-state spectra (UV-vis absorption and fluorescence spectra) and time-resolved fluorescence spectra both in solution and thin film. The time-resolved fluorescence spectra of the oligofluorenes were measured by streak camera and gate detection technique. The lifetime of the oligofluorenes decreased with the extension of the chain-length. No green emission was observed in CW, prompt and delayed fluorescence for oligofluorenes in m-THF and film at RT and 77K. Phosphorescence was observed for oligofluorenes in frozen dilute m-THF solution at 77K and its lifetime increased with length of oligofluorenes. A linear relation was obtained for triplet energy and singlet energy as a function of the reciprocal degree of polymerization, and the singlet-triplet energy gap (S1-T1) was found to decrease with the increase of degree of polymerization. Oligofluorenes with one fluorenone unit at the center were used as model compounds to understand the origin of the low-energy (“green”) emission band in the photoluminescence and electroluminescence spectra of polyfluorenes. Their electrochemical properties were investigated by CV, and the ionization potential (Ip) and electron affinity (Ea) were calculated from the onset of oxidation and reduction of OFnK. The photophysical properties of OFnK were studied in dilute solution and thin film by steady-state spectra and time-resolved fluorescence spectra. A strong green emission accompanied with a weak blue emission were obtained in solution and only green emission was observed on film. The strong green emission of OFnK suggested that rapid energy transfer takes place from higher energy sites (fluorene segments) to lower energy sites (fluorenone unit) prior to the radiative decay of the excited species. The fluorescence spectra of OFnK also showed solvatochromism. Monoexponential decay behaviour was observed by time-resolved fluorescence measurements. In addition, the site-selective excitation and concentration dependence of the fluorescence spectra were investigated. The ratio of green and blue emission band intensities increases with the increase of the concentration. The observed strong concentration dependence of the green emission band in solution suggests that increased interchain interactions among the fluorenone-containing oligofluorene chain enhanced the emission from the fluorenone defects at higher concentration. On the other hand, the mono-exponential decay behaviour and power dependence were not influenced significantly by the concentration. We have ruled out the possibility that the green emission band originates from aggregates or excimer formation. Energy transfer was further investigated using a model system of a polyfluorene doped by OFnK. Förster-type energy transfer took place from PF2/6 to OFnK, and the energy transfer efficiency increased with increasing of the concentration of OFnK. Efficient funneling of excitation energy from the high-energy fluorene segments to the low-energy fluorenone defects results from energy migration by hopping of excitations along a single polymer chain until they are trapped on the fluorenone defects on that chain or transferred onto neighbouring chains by Förster-type interchain energy transfer process. These results imply that the red-shifted emission in polyfluorenes can originate from (usually undesirable) keto groups at the bridging carbon atoms-especially if the samples have been subject to photo- or electro-oxidation or if fluorenone units are present due to an improper purification of the monomers prior to polymerization.
The separator membrane in batteries and fuel cells is of crucial importance for the function of these devices. In lithium ion batteries the separator membrane as well as the polymer matrix of the electrodes consists of polymer electrolytes which are lithium ion conductors. To overcome the disadvantage of currently used polymer electrolytes which are highly swollen with liquids and thus mechanically and electrochemically unstable, the goal of this work is a new generation of solid polymer electrolytes with a rigid backbone and a soft side chain structure. Moreover the novel material should be based on cheap substrates and its synthesis should not be complicated aiming at low overall costs. The new materials are based on hydroxypropylcellulose and oligoethyleneoxide derivatives as starting materials. The grafting of the oligoethyleneoxide side chains onto the cellulose was carried out following two synthetic methods. One is based on a bromide derivative and another based on p-toluolsulfonyl as a leaving group. The side chain reagents were prepared form tri(ethylene glycol) monoethyl ether. In order to improve the mechanical properties the materials were crosslinked. Two different conceptions have been engaged based on either urethane chemistry or photosensitive dimethyl-maleinimide derivatives. PEO - graft - cellulose derivatives with a high degree of substitution between 2,9 and 3,0 were blended with lithium trifluoromethane-sulfonate, lithium bis(trifluorosulfone)imide and lithium tetrafluoroborate. The molar ratios were in the range from 0,02 to 0,2 [Li]/[O]. The products have been characterized with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and laserlight scattering (LS) with respect to their degree of substitution and molecular weight. The effect of salt concentration on ionic conductivity, thermal behaviour and morphology has been investiga-ted with impedance spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The crosslinking reactions were controlled with dynamic mechanical analysis (DMS). The degree of substitution of our products is varying between 2,8 and 3,0 as determined by NMR. PEO - graft - cellulose derivatives are highly viscous liquids at room temperature with glass transition temperatures around 215 K. The glass transition temperature for the Lithium salt complexes of PEO - graft - cellulose deri-vatives increase with increasing salt content. The maximum conductivity at room temperature is about 10-4 and at 100°C around 10-3 Scm-1. The presence of lithium salt decreases the thermal stability of the complexes in comparison to pure PEO - graft - cellulose derivatives. Complexes heated over 140 – 150°C completely lose their ionic conductivity. The temperature dependence of the conductivity presented as Arrhenius-type plots for all samples is similar in shape and follows a VTF behaviour. This proofs that the ionic transport is closely related to the segmental motions of the polymer chains. Novel cellulose derivatives with grafted oligoethylen-oxide side chains with well-defined chemical structure and high side chain grafting density have been synthesized. Cellulose was chosen as stiff, rod like macromolecule for the backbone while oligoethylen-oxides are chosen as flexible side chains. A maximum grafting density of 3.0 have been obtained. The best conductivity reaches 10-3 Scm-1 at 100°C for a Li-triflate salt complex with a [Li]/[O] ratio of 0.8. The cross-linked complexes containing the lithium salts form elastomeric films with convenient mechanical stability. Our method of cellulose modification is based on relatively cheap and commercially available substrates and as such appears to be a promising alternative for industrial applications.
The production, segregation and migration of melt and aqueous fluids (henceforth called liquid) plays an important role for the transport of mass and energy within the mantle and the crust of the Earth. Many properties of large-scale liquid migration processes such as the permeability of a rock matrix or the initial segregation of newly formed liquid from the host-rock depends on the grain-scale distribution and behaviour of liquid. Although the general mechanisms of liquid distribution at the grain-scale are well understood, the influence of possibly important modifying processes such as static recrystallization, deformation, and chemical disequilibrium on the liquid distribution is not well constrained. For this thesis analogue experiments were used that allowed to investigate the interplay of these different mechanisms in-situ. In high-temperature environments where melts are produced, the grain-scale distribution in “equilibrium” is fully determined by the liquid fraction and the ratio between the solid-solid and the solid-liquid surface energy. The latter is commonly expressed as the dihedral or wetting angle between two grains and the liquid phase (Chapter 2). The interplay of this “equilibrium” liquid distribution with ongoing surface energy driven recrystallization is investigated in Chapter 4 and 5 with experiments using norcamphor plus ethanol liquid. Ethanol in contact with norcamphor forms a wetting angle of about 25°, which is similar to reported angles of rock-forming minerals in contact with silicate melt. The experiments in Chapter 4 show that previously reported disequilibrium features such as trapped liquid lenses, fully-wetted grain boundaries, and large liquid pockets can be explained by the interplay of the liquid with ongoing recrystallization. Closer inspection of dihedral angles in Chapter 5 reveals that the wetting angles are themselves modified by grain coarsening. Ongoing recrystallization constantly moves liquid-filled triple junctions, thereby altering the wetting angles dynamically as a function of the triple junction velocity. A polycrystalline aggregate will therefore always display a range of equilibrium and dynamic wetting angles at raised temperature, rather than a single wetting angle as previously thought. For the deformation experiments partially molten KNO3–LiNO3 experiments were used in addition to norcamphor–ethanol experiments (Chapter 6). Three deformation regimes were observed. At a high bulk liquid fraction >10 vol.% the aggregate deformed by compaction and granular flow. At a “moderate” liquid fraction, the aggregate deformed mainly by grain boundary sliding (GBS) that was localized into conjugate shear zones. At a low liquid fraction, the grains of the aggregate formed a supporting framework that deformed internally by crystal plastic deformation or diffusion creep. Liquid segregation was most efficient during framework deformation, while GBS lead to slow liquid segregation or even liquid dispersion in the deforming areas.
Termiten beherbergen in ihrem Darm eine einzigartige Flora aus Bakterien, Archaeen, Flagellaten und Hefen. Diese symbiontische mikrobielle Gemeinschaft ist am Abbau von komplexen organischen Verbindungen beteiligt und ermöglicht es den Termiten schwer abbaubares Material wie Holz als Nahrungsquelle zu nutzen. Spirochaeten, eine Gruppe beweglicher Bakterien die sich durch ihre besondere Morphologie und Art der Fortbewegung von allen anderen Mikroorganismen abgrenzen lassen, gehören zu den häufigsten Bakterien im Termitendarm. Ziel der Arbeit war die Isolierung und Charakterisierung bislang unbekannter Spirochaeten aus Termitendärmen. Aus drei niederen Termitenarten konnten sechs spirochaetale Stämme gewonnen und identifiziert werden. Die Isolate ließen sich anhand der 16S rRNA Gensequenzen den Gattungen Treponema und Spirochaeta zuordnen. Im Gegensatz zu allen bislang charakterisierten Spirochaeten zeigte der Stamm SPN1 aus der Termite Neotermes castaneus eine kokkoide Zellform und war unbeweglich. Der Organismus wurde daher als neue Art, Spirochaeta coccoides sp. nov., beschrieben. Bei allen gewonnenen Isolaten handelt es sich um strikt anaerobe Organismen die verschiedene Mono-, Di- und Oligosaccharide fermentieren. Als wesentliche Stoffwechselprodukte konnten Acetat und Ethanol (sowie Formiat bei einem Stamm) identifiziert werden. Weiterhin konnten bei den untersuchten Stämmen eine Reihe von enzymatischen Aktivitäten nachgewiesen werden, die für den Abbau von Lignocellulose im Termitendarm von Bedeutung sind. Die Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass die Spirochaeten eine wichtige Rolle bei der Fermentation von Abbauprodukten der Lignocellulose im Termitendarm spielen.
In this study, the use of the discotic liquid crystalline HBCs and conjugated polymers based on 2,7-carbazole were investigated in detail as donor materials in organic bulk-heterojunction solar cells. It has been shown that they perform efficiently in photovoltaic devices in combination with suitable acceptors. The efficiency was found to depend strongly dependent on the morphology of the film. By investigation of a series of donor materials with similar molecular structures based on both discotic molecules and conjugated polymers, a structure-performance relation was established, which is not only instructive for these materials but also serves as a guideline for improved molecular design. For the series of HBCs used in this study, it is found that the device efficiency decreases with increasing length of the alkyl substituents in the HBC. Thus, the derivative with the smallest alkyl mantle, being more crystalline compared to the HBCs with longer alkyl chains, gave the highest EQE of 12%. A large interfacial separation was found in the blend of HBC-C6,2 and PDI, since the crystallization of the acceptor occurred in a solid matrix of HBC. This led to small dispersed organized domains and benefited the charge transport. In contrast, blends of HBC-C10,6/PDI or HBC-C14,10/PDI revealed a rather homogeneous film limiting the percolation pathways due to a mixed phase. For the first time, poly(2,7-carbazole) was incorporated as a donor material in solar cells using PDI as an electron acceptor. The good fit in orbital energy levels and absorption spectra led to high efficiency. This result indicates that conjugated polymers with high band-gap can also be applied as materials to build efficient solar cells if appropriate electron acceptors are chosen. In order to enhance the light absorption ability, new ladder-type polymers based on pentaphenylene and hexaphenylene with one and three nitrogen bridges per repeat unit have been synthesized and characterized. The polymer 2 with three nitrogen bridges showed more red-shifted absorbance and emission and better packing in the solid-state than the analogous polymer 3 with only one nitrogen bridge per monomer unit. An overall efficiency as high as 1.3% under solar light was obtained for the device based on 1 and PDI, compared with 0.7% for the PCz based device. Therefore, the device performance correlates to a large extent with the solar light absorption ability and the lateral distance between conjugated polymer chains. Since the lateral distance is determined by the length and number of attached alkyl side chains, it is possible to assume that these substituents insulate the charge carrier pathways and decrease the device performance. As an additional consequence, the active semiconductor is diluted in the insulating matrix leading to a lower light absorption. This work suggests ways to improve device performance by molecular design, viz. maintaining the HOMO level while bathochromically shifting the absorption by adopting a more rigid ladder-type structure. Also, a high ratio of nitrogen bridges with small alkyl substituents was a desirable feature both in terms of adjusting the absorption and maintaining a low lateral inter-chain separation, which was necessary for obtaining high current and efficiency values.
A broad variety of solid state NMR techniques were used to investigate the chain dynamics in several polyethylene (PE) samples, including ultrahigh molecular weight PEs (UHMW-PEs) and low molecular weight PEs (LMW-PEs). Via changing the processing history, i.e. melt/solution crystallization and drawing processes, these samples gain different morphologies, leading to different molecular dynamics. Due to the long chain nature, the molecular dynamics of polyethylene can be distinguished in local fluctuation and long range motion. With the help of NMR these different kinds of molecular dynamics can be monitored separately. In this work the local chain dynamics in non-crystalline regions of polyethylene samples was investigated via measuring 1H-13C heteronuclear dipolar coupling and 13C chemical shift anisotropy (CSA). By analyzing the motionally averaged 1H-13C heteronuclear dipolar coupling and 13C CSA, the information about the local anisotropy and geometry of motion was obtained. Taking advantage of the big difference of the 13C T1 relaxation time in crystalline and non-crystalline regions of PEs, the 1D 13C MAS exchange experiment was used to investigate the cooperative chain motion between these regions. The different chain organizations in non-crystalline regions were used to explain the relationship between the local fluctuation and the long range motion of the samples. In a simple manner the cooperative chain motion between crystalline and non-crystalline regions of PE results in the experimentally observed diffusive behavior of PE chain. The morphological influences on the diffusion motion have been discussed. The morphological factors include lamellar thickness, chain organization in non-crystalline regions and chain entanglements. Thermodynamics of the diffusion motion in melt and solution crystallized UHMW-PEs is discussed, revealing entropy-controlled features of the chain diffusion in PE. This thermodynamic consideration explains the counterintuitive relationship between the local fluctuation and the long range motion of the samples. Using the chain diffusion coefficient, the rates of jump motion in crystals of the melt crystallized PE have been calculated. A concept of "effective" jump motion has been proposed to explain the difference between the values derived from the chain diffusion coefficients and those in literatures. The observations of this thesis give a clear demonstration of the strong relationship between the sample morphology and chain dynamics. The sample morphologies governed by the processing history lead to different spatial constraints for the molecular chains, leading to different features of the local and long range chain dynamics. The knowledge of the morphological influence on the microscopic chain motion has many implications in our understanding of the alpha-relaxation process in PE and the related phenomena such as crystal thickening, drawability of PE, the easy creep of PE fiber, etc.
Research on thin nanostructured crystalline TiO2 films has attracted considerable interests because of their intriguing physical properties and potential applications in photovoltaics. Nanostructured TiO2 film plays an important role in the TiO2 based dye-sensitized solar cells because they act as a substrate for the adsorption of dye molecules and a matrix for the transportation of electrons as well. Thus they can influence the solar cell performance significantly. Consequently, the control of the morphology including the shape, size and size distribution of the TiO2 nanostructures is critical to tune and optimize the performance of the solar cells. To control the TiO2 morphology, a strategy using amphiphilic block copolymer as templating agent coupled with sol-gel chemistry has been applied. Especially, a good-poor solvent pair induced phase separation process has been developed to guide the microphase separation behavior of the block copolymers. The amphiphilic block copolymers used include polystyrene-block-poly (ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO), poly (methyl methacrylate)-block-poly (ethylene oxide) (PMMA-b-PEO), and poly (ethylene oxide)-block-polystyrene-block-poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO-b-PS-b-PEO). The block copolymer undergoes a good-poor-solvent pair induced phase separation in a mixed solution of 1, 4-dioxane or N, N’-dimethyl formamide (DMF), concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP). Specifically, in the system of PS-b-PEO, a morphology phase diagram of the inorganic-copolymer composite films was mapped by adjusting the weight fractions among 1, 4-dioxane, HCl, and TTIP in solution. The amorphous TiO2 within the titania-block copolymer composite films was crystallized by calcination at temperatures above 400C, where the organic block copolymer was simultaneously burned away. This strategy is further extended to other amphiphilic block copolymers of PMMA-b-PEO and PEO-b-PS-b-PEO, where the morphology of TiO2 films can also be controlled. The local and long range structures of the titania films were investigated by the combination of imaging techniques (AFM, SEM) and x-ray scattering techniques (x-ray reflectivity and grazing incidence small-angle x-ray scattering). Based on the knowledge of the morphology control, the crystalline TiO2 nanostructured films with different morphologies were introduced into solid state dye-sensitized solar cells. It has been found that all of the morphologies help to improve the performance of the solar cells. Especially, clustered nanoparticles, worm-like structures, foam-like structures, large collapsed nanovesicles show more pronounced performance improvement than other morphologies such as nanowires, flakes, and nanogranulars.
This thesis presents the versatile synthesis and self-organization of C3-symmetric discotic nanographene molecules as well as their potential applications as materials in molecular electronics. The details can be described as follows: 1) A novel synthetic strategy towards properly designed C3 symmetric 1,3,5-tris-2’arylbenzene precursors has been developed. After the final planarization by treatment with FeCl3 under mild conditions, for the first time, it became possible to access a variety of new C3-symmetric hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes (HBCs) and a series of triangle-shaped nanographenes. D3 symmetric HBC with three alkyl substituents and C2 symmetric HBC with two alkyl substituents were synthesized and found to show the surprising decrease of isotropic points., the self-assembly at the liquid-solid interface displayed a unique zigzag and flower patterns. 2) Triangle-shaped discotics revealed a unique self-assembly behavior in solution, solid state as well as at the solution-substrate interface. A mesophase stability over the broad temperature range with helical supramoelcular arrangement were observed in the bulk state. The honeycomb pattern as the result of novel self-assembly was presented. Triangle-shaped discotics with swallow alkyl tails were fabricated into photovoltaic devices, the supramolecular arrangement upon thermal treatment was found to play a key role in the improvement of solar efficiency. 3) A novel class of C3 symmetric HBCs with alternating polar/apolar substituents was synthesized. Their peculiar self-assembly in solution, in the bulk and on the surface were investigated by NMR techniques, X-ray diffraction as well as different electron microscope techniques. 4) A novel concept for manipulating the intracolumnar stacking of discotics and thus for controlling the helical pitch was presented. A unique staggered stacking in the column was achieved for the first time. Theoretical simulations confirmed this self-organization and predicted that this packing should show the highest charge carrier mobility for all discotics.
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Polymerfunktionalisierung formanisotroperrnNanopartikel wie TiO2 Nanostäbchen oder Kohlenstoff Nanoröhren. Dies dient derrnSolubilisierung und sterischen Stabilisierung in organischen Medien, da diesernionenfrei hergestellt werden können, was eine Nutzung für nanoskopische,rnelektrische Schaltkreise ermöglicht. Die Polymere wurden mittels der RAFTrn(reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer) Polymerisation mit engenrnMolekulargewichtsverteilungen hergestellt. Im Detail wurden Ankergruppen inrnBlockcopolymere und an der Alphaposition eingeführt, welche eine Anbindung an diernNanopartikeloberfläche ermöglichen. Die Polymere wurden durch Variation derrnverschiedenen Blocklängen für eine bestmögliche Adsorption optimiert. Die sorngewonnenen Polymer funktionalisierten Nanopartikel zeigten eine gute Löslichkeit inrnorganischen Medien und zeigten zudem eine lyotropes, flüssigkristallinesrnPhasenverhalten. Dies war aufgrund der Formanisotropie zu erwarten, zeigte jedochrnebenfalls ein unerwartetes thermotropes Verhalten, welches durch die Polymerhüllernerzeugt wurde. Die Flüssigkristalle wurden eingehend mittels polarisierterrnMikroskopie und Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) untersucht. Diernflüssigkristallinen Phasen aus Nanostäbchen und –röhren wurde dann zurrnOrientierung der anisotropen Nanopartikel benutzt und es konnten makroskopischrngeordnete Proben hergestellt werden. Die Polymerhülle um die Nanopartikelrnermöglichte es ebenfalls diese in Polymerfilme einzuarbeiten und sornNanopartikelverstärkte Kunststoffe herzustellen.
In order to reduce the costs of crystalline silicon solar cells, low-cost silicon materials like upgraded metallurgical grade (UMG) silicon are investigated for the application in the photovoltaic (PV) industry. Conventional high-purity silicon is made by cost-intensive methods, based on the so-called Siemens process, which uses the reaction to form chlorosilanes and subsequent several distillation steps before the deposition of high-purity silicon on slim high-purity silicon rods. UMG silicon in contrast is gained from metallurgical silicon by a rather inexpensive physicochemical purification (e.g., acid leaching and/or segregation). However, this type of silicon usually contains much higher concentrations of impurities, especially 3d transition metals like Ti, Fe, and Cu. These metals are extremely detrimental in the electrically active part of silicon solar cells, as they form recombination centers for charge carriers in the silicon band gap. This is why simple purification techniques like gettering, which can be applied between or during solar cell process steps, will play an important role for such low-cost silicon materials. Gettering in general describes a process, whereby impurities are moved to a place or turned into a state, where they are less detrimental to the solar cell. Hydrogen chloride (HCl) gas gettering in particular is a promising simple and cheap gettering technique, which is based on the reaction of HCl gas with transition metals to form volatile metal chloride species at high temperatures.rnThe aim of this thesis was to find the optimum process parameters for HCl gas gettering of 3d transition metals in low-cost silicon to improve the cell efficiency of solar cells for two different cell concepts, the standard wafer cell concept and the epitaxial wafer equivalent (EpiWE) cell concept. Whereas the former is based on a wafer which is the electrically active part of the solar cell, the latter uses an electrically inactive low-cost silicon substrate with an active layer of epitaxially grown silicon on top. Low-cost silicon materials with different impurity grades were used for HCl gas gettering experiments with the variation of process parameters like the temperature, the gettering time, and the HCl gas concentration. Subsequently, the multicrystalline silicon neighboring wafers with and without gettering were compared by element analysis techniques like neutron activation analysis (NAA). It was demonstrated that HCl gas gettering is an effective purification technique for silicon wafers, which is able to reduce some 3d transition metal concentrations by over 90%. Solar cells were processed for both concepts which could demonstrate a significant increase of the solar cell efficiency by HCl gas gettering. The efficiency of EpiWE cells could be increased by HCl gas gettering by approximately 25% relative to cells without gettering. First process simulations were performed based on a simple model for HCl gas gettering processes, which could be used to make qualitative predictions.