117 resultados para Jogos infantis


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The World Health Organization (WHO) has created a program “Safe Surgery Saves Lives”, focusing on reduce and minimize life threatening or cause serious risk to health for patients submitted to a surgery. This primary goal for this presented study is to apply the checklist from the WHO´s program for children´s surgery in a public university hospital, located in the countryside of São Paulo State, Brazil. Having the responses from professionals surgery´s team, there is an opportunity for evaluation of the features and easiest parts, which are filled in a quickly and in a easy way; focus, supporting and assistance; issues, such as lack of time for filling in, and viability of application of this protocol considering the improvement of the cross functions relationship, and quality of services, providing better assistance and support to the patient


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In this research, we analyzed the use of manipulative materials and games as motivators tools that facilitate the comprehension of fractions content when presented to a class of students from the 9th grade from a public school in Guaratinguetá-SP city. The students are 14 and 17 years old. Initially we presented the benefits that could bring manipulative materials for teaching and learning with understanding, followed by historical accounts of the Tangram material. We show the advantages of the games, when properly used in activities classroom. The game titled Dominoes fractions using the Tangram was applied in order to check if students retook properly the fractions contents. This research was motivated students to participate in math classes and this motivation may have promoted the understanding of the contents worked


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A matemática está presente nas mais diversas atividades do nosso cotidiano. O interesse em realizar o Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso no âmbito da Educação de Jovens e Adultos/EJA, surgiu a partir do meu ingresso no Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência - PIBID no início do ano de 2010. O PIBID vem sendo desenvolvido em vários campi da Unesp, somente nos cursos de licenciatura e tem como financiadora a CAPES/MEC. No curso de licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia, o Programa EJA/PIBID Rio Claro atua na escola Municipal Celeste Calil, localizada em um bairro periférico, que tem como público alvo pessoas de baixa renda, alfabetizadas ou não. O trabalho que a cada dia vem sendo construído com as educandas me despertou muito interesse, principalmente com relação ao ensino da matemática, uma vez que a mesma está presente nas diversas esferas do cotidiano. Podemos acompanhar (observar) que as alunas já trazem consigo uma experiência de vida muito grandiosa com relação à solução de questões pertinentes a matemática. Para auxiliar na aprendizagem, recursos matemáticos vêm sendo introduzidos nas aulas, entre eles jogos, onde as educandas podem reviver situações cotidianas que, à primeira vista, facilita o processo de aprendizagem e resolução de problemas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivos fazer um levantamento de jogos matemáticos que poderão ser utilizados nas aulas da EJA, e também analisar o caderno de registros matemáticos do PIBID, no ano de 2010. Quanto à metodologia, buscam-se elementos na pesquisa qualitativa, bem como análise bibliográfica de jogos que foram levantados e também análise documental do caderno de registros do PIBID 2010, construído conjuntamente, pelo grupo de educandas e bolsistaseducadores


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Tendo em vista as inúmeras possibilidades de utilização dos recursos tecnológicos, como computadores, internet e jogos eletrônicos, em todos os contextos da vida humana, o campo de educação não pode ficar alheio às vantagens desses recuros. Entretanto, esta inserção de jogos eletrônicos como estratégias no contexto da educação, seja no âmbito formal, quanto no informal ainda precisa vencer algumas barreiras. Torna-se importante que os educadores busquem aliar esses dispositivos e jogos ao ensino, com o intuito de atender às demandas e expectativas crescentes sobre o uso cada vez mais constante desses recursos em todos os âmbitos da sociedade. Assim, este estudo teve por objetivo analisar o uso do jogo eletrônico não-didático e de entretenimento Zoo Tycoon® 2 para o ensino de Ciências e Biologia, observando-se a autenticidade dos conteúdos de Ciências e Biologia presentes no mesmo e, também, a forma como esse conteúdo é apresentado aos usuários. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico acerca do significado do ensino formal, não-formal e informal e a inserção do jogo Zoo Tycoon® 2 no contexto da aprendizagem, no que tange ao ensino de Ciências e Biologia. Os dados obtidos foram analisados com base na técnica de análise de conteúdo temático e classificados em três categorias, de acordo com o modo que aparecem no jogo, tal como interagem com o jogador. As categorias de classificação foram referentes aos conteúdos Meramente Ilustrativos (MI), Simplesmente Informativos (SI) e Educativos (E), estando cada uma relacionada, gradativamente, com o maior conteúdo de informações e a maior interação do jogador para com as informações, representando um acesso mais fácil e direto ao conteúdo. Os resultados apontam que este jogo transmite, efetivamente, conteúdos educativos, e também funciona como uma ferramenta despertadora e embasadora, isto é, ele estimula a busca por conhecimento e dá base...


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This essay addresses translation as a form of resistance, whose invisible, unexpected effects underlie my rendering into Portuguese of two poems by the AfricanAmerican contemporary poet Harryette Mullen, with interesting developments that enable to envisage the complex intricacies that characterize different black aesthetics.


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The (usually rotten) fruit theme or motif is recurring in Ferreira Gullar‟s poetic work (from A luta corporal, 1954, to Em alguma parte alguma, 2010). It can be said that the semantic-metaphoric field comprises metapoetic to political and social issues –expressive aspects in the author‟s trajectory. Thus, starting from the fruit topic which is characteristic of the bucolic-pastoral poetic tradition and tracing its presence in Brazil, this paper aims, by analysing some of Gullar‟s poems, to reflect on the peculiar way the problem is subverted in his lyric.


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The authors worked in a 4th grade room of elementary school and usedchildren's drawings in which the students have shown their impressions andunderstandings with sexuality and gender relations. The article reflect about themanifestations of sexuality, behaviors gender and sexual attitudes at the school andrelates to the necessity of sex education in a critical and reflexive approach, which,however, can only happen with the improvement of teacher training in sex education.


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This article aims to discuss the use of business games for educational purposes taking into account evidence about the difficulty in managing financial resources. The use of business games is justified because the young generation tha are coming to the education system have grown up using business games, allowing a more motivating learning environment and stimulating investment and on how the concept to provide learning. Instead of pushing content well defined and wel-formatted for the student, promotes the use of games promote at the same time, a chalenge whose solution entails learning effort. Thus, the use of games affect educators, students and aducational institutions, requiring them new attitudes and patterns of thought about schooling. The elaboration of this article was based on experiences gained with the development and use of games for educational purposes, specifically the game "Mercado Virtual". Several articles have been published on research with indergraduates and postgraduate courses in business administration and engineering field. They have shown that the evaluation of the player, based on their decisions during the game, to detect specific aspects of learning. This exploratory research is based on data obteained in various experiments with the game Mercado Virtual.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Written language is a form of communication between humans and, as is not acquired naturally, needs educational interventions systematized to be learned. However, the teaching of writing is still mechanically imposed on the student, and could make use of other features such as games and plays. As a result, this research we analyze the writing development of phases, the psychic functions present in its development and the construction of a paradigm games and games that can be used as auxiliary tools in the teaching of writing. We describe the operation of each and identify how they can be used in the classroom. The survey was conducted through a qualitative approach of empirical type. The data concluded that these instruments are not used in class and often writing has no social relevance for the child. We also conclude that some usage scenarios of play occurred among children, are not used for didactic purposes as an example of sign-symbol relationship by teachers to teach writing


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Placing the management of childhood forms considered at risk, we discuss the operation of a welfare institution and its effects on the subjective process. Created to manage the virtues of the poor behavior of children, makes visible to the way technology features disciplinary policies: surveillance is evident of cameras, high walls, electric fences and in the eyes of educators, the penalty stands normalizing practices corrective aimed at standardization bodies, educational meetings are compared to the examination, as they produce dossiers of individual behavior, emphasizing characteristics that are considered dangerous anticipates the administration and production of docile individuals, useful, productive, applying identity models. Following the lines of knowledge and power relations that constitute this space, we used the genealogy in the analysis of discursive practices that cross society in its historical construction, the genealogy allows us to achieve these movements in the consolidation process of the government of life, and also, the deconstruction of hegemonic practices. In an attempt to escape the set, we propose the realization of artistic and cultural activities within a process of collective construction as a strategy of resistance and confrontation with the dominant logic, consolidating practices that favor the enhancement of life in its manifold possibilities.


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Through brief comments on famous texts of Randolph Caldecott, Rudyard Kipling and Christina Rossetti, we intend to show to the reader aspects of children’s literature written in the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901), in which authors inherited the Romantic idea that child and childhood are pure, close to nature in a way that the adult man is not. Moralizing texts, they taught children how to be an adult.