132 resultados para Feed handling
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar desempenho, parâmetros de eficiência e correlações fenotípicas entre medidas de eficiência energética de animais Nelore selecionados para peso pós-desmame e classificados quanto ao consumo alimentar residual, calculado pela diferença entre o consumo observado e o predito, com base no peso vivo médio metabólico e no ganho médio diário. Assim, os animais foram classificados em três grupos: alto (> média + 0,5 desvio-padrão; menos eficientes); médio (± 0,5 desvio-padrão da média); e baixo (< média - 0,5 desvio padrão; mais eficientes) consumo alimentar residual. Não foram observadas diferenças nos pesos vivos inicial e final, no ganho médio diário e no consumo de matéria seca entre os grupos. Animais com baixo consumo alimentar residual mostraram-se também com melhor eficiência alimentar, conversão alimentar e eficiência parcial de crescimento e não apresentaram diferenças em relação aos outros grupos quanto à taxa de crescimento relativo e taxa Kleiber. O consumo alimentar residual apresentou correlação significativa com eficiência alimentar (_0,25), conversão alimentar (0,25), eficiência parcial de crescimento (_0,37) e consumo de MS (0,16) e não apresentou correlação significativa com peso vivo (0,04), ganho médio diário (_0,02), taxa de crescimento relativo (_0,03) e taxa de Kleiber (_0,05). Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre conversão alimentar e peso vivo inicial (0,34) e ganho médio diário (_0,46). Eficiência parcial de crescimento apresentou correlação significativa comtodos os outros parâmetros de eficiência analisados. O consumo alimentar residual, em comparação às demais medidas de eficiência energética, apresenta grande potencial na eficiência produtiva, sendo independente de crescimento e tamanho dos animais.
Este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da frequência no fornecimento de volumoso e concentrado e/ou da categoria animal sobre o comportamento ingestivo de bovinos. Foram utilizadas 16 novilhas e 16 vacas com idade média inicial de 20 e 66 meses e peso médio inicial de 338 e 432 kg, respectivamente. Os tratamentos foram representados pelas frequências de fornecimento do volumoso e do concentrado: 2 V/C - volumoso e concentrado duas vezes ao dia; 1 V/C - volumoso e concentrado uma vez ao dia; 1 V/2 C - volumoso uma vez ao dia e concentrado duas vezes ao dia; 1 V/3 C - volumoso uma vez ao dia e concentrado três vezes ao dia, ofertadas às categorias vacas e novilhas. A dieta foi composta de 60% de silagem de milho e 40% de concentrado com base na matéria seca (MS). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4 × 2 (frequências × categorias). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias, comparadas pelo teste t. A interação frequência de fornecimento e categoria animal foi significativa para as características tempo de ruminação e ócio, eficiência de ruminação da matéria seca e da fibra detergente neutro, número de bolos diário e tempo diário de mastigação. em relação às vacas, as novilhas apresentaram maiores tempos de ócio e mastigação quando receberam a alimentação uma vez ao dia. A frequência de fornecimento da dieta não influenciou o tempo de consumo. As vacas apresentaram maior tempo consumindo alimento e taxa de ingestão em comparação às novilhas (4,38 vs 4,09 horas e 2,91 vs 2,35 kg de MS/hora de consumo, respectivamente). O aumento na frequência da alimentação estimula os animais a maior ingestão de alimento no momento do fornecimento.
Feed-forward neural networks (FFNNs) were used to predict the skeletal type of molecules belonging to six classes of terpenoids. A database that contains the (13)C NMR spectra of about 5000 compounds was used to train the FFNNs. An efficient representation of the spectra was designed and the constitution of the best FFNN input vector format resorted from an heuristic approach. The latter was derived from general considerations on terpenoid structures. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A series of studies was conducted to establish a methodology for the accurate and efficient determination of betaine in different feed ingredients. The final methodology involves an extraction step in which the feed sample is heated for 3h in a methanolic KOH solution using a Goldfisch apparatus. Impurities are removed by the addition of activated charcoal and concentrated (36%) HCl. After centrifugation the extractant is passed through a strong cation exchange resin (Dowex 50W-X12, H+). The betaine retained in the column is eluted with 1.5 N HCl. A 2 nil aliquot of the elute is air dried and reconstituted with 1 ml of deionised water. HPLC separation with a cation exchange column (Partisil SCX-10) is used for the separation of betaine from other compounds. The mobile phase is kept constant at 50mm KH2PO4 in water, and eluted compounds are detected by UV absorbance (200nm). The flow rate is maintained at 1.5ml min(-1). This assay is very accurate over the range of betaine concentrations from 15 to 650 mug ml(-1), with a lower detection limit in feeds of approximately 500 mug g(-1) when 4g of sample is extracted. Recovery assays done with standard betaine hydrochloride and hard red wheat resulted in a consistent recovery of 80%. Betaine content was quantified in several feed ingredients, including alfalfa (1.77 mg kg(-1)), wheat (3.96 mg kg(-1)), wheat middlings (4.98 mg kg(-1)) and poultry meal (0.77 mg kg(-1)). Betaine in corn and soybean meal was not detectable by this method, even when 16g of sample was used (<125 mg kg(-1)). Betaine present in several feed ingredients should influence choline supplementation to animal feeds and may have implications for human health. (C) 2002 Society of Chemical Industry.
The effect of feed restriction and enzymatic supplementation on intestinal and pancreatic enzyme activities and weight gain was studied in broiler chickens. Quantitative feed restriction was applied to chickens from 7 to 14 d of age. An enzyme complex mainly consisting of protease and amylase was added to the chicken ration from hatching to the end of the experiment. Birds subjected to feed restriction whose diet was not supplemented showed an increase in sucrase, amylase, and lipase activities immediately after the restriction period. Amylase, lipase, and chymotrypsin activities were higher in chickens subjected to feed restriction and fed a supplemented diet than in those only subjected to feed restriction. Trypsin activity increased after feed restriction and after supplementation, but there was no interaction between these effects. Early feed restriction had no effect on enzyme activity in 42-d-old chickens. Chickens subjected to early restriction and fed the supplemented diet presented higher sucrase, maltase, and lipase activities than nonsupplemented ones (P < 0.05). There was no effect of early feed restriction or diet supplementation on weight gain to 42 d. Percentage weight gain from 14 to 42 d of age was equivalent in feed-restricted and ad libitum fed birds. Feed-restricted broilers fed a supplemented diet showed a higher percentage weight gain than nonsupplemented birds. We conclude that enzymatic supplementation potentiates the effect of feed restriction on digestive enzyme activity and on weight gain.
Injection metering systems are an important option for the development of pesticide application equipment, with advantages relating to minimising the need for disposal of unused pesticide, improving the ease of cleaning and optimising the accuracy of chemical application. For all injection systems, characteristics such as the steady-state accuracy of delivered dose, dose stability and the time response for dose step changes are related to the ability of the system to operate with different chemical formulations. A system designed to inject liquids should be able to accommodate changes in viscosity and density. The aim of this study was to develop a methodology for testing chemical injection systems using liquids with different viscosities. The experimental arrangement simulating applications with injection metering systems used dye and salt solutions as tracers. Tests were conducted to analyse the influence of salt on the characteristics of the water and a viscous solution. Results showed that the salt interfered with the dye stability in the water solution. In tests with a viscous test liquid, the salt was introduced at different steps during the mixing process, providing four different liquids to be analysed in terms of viscosity, density and pH. Some differences in liquid characteristics were found which could influence the performance of the injection systems.
We studied the effect of feed and water deprivation on gastrointestinal tract and intestinal mucosa development of chicks at 24, 48, and 72 h posthatching. The treatments were water and feed ad libitum, water ad libitum and no feed, no water but feed ad libitum, and no water and no feed. The relative weight of the yolk sac was not influenced by the treatments. However, at 48 and 72 h posthatching, the relative weight of the liver increased, and the gizzard + proventriculus weight decreased in birds receiving feed ad libitum. An increase in jejunum and ileum relative weights and lengths was observed when the birds were supplied with feed and water. The lack of water produced the same effect as the lack of feed, both causing a higher number of villi per area with reduction in villus size, when compared with feed and water ad libitum treatments. The results of this study revealed that feed and water are able to affect intestinal villus development after hatching, indicating that both feed and water must be supplied to the chicks immediately after hatching.
This investigation was carried out to study the influence of early qualitative feed restriction and environmental rearing temperature on long bone development in broiler. Energy and protein restriction reduced femur width and humerus weight, but did not affect tibia parameters. Broilers kept at cold environmental temperature showed reduced femur, tibia and humerus length and tibia weight, but the calculated density was not affected by rearing temperature. These findings suggest that qualitative feed restriction and environmental temperature influenced the normal long bone growth; however, bone weight/bone length index (calculated density) was not affected by rearing temperature. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of the present study was to assess the heat tolerance of animals of two Portuguese (Alentejana and Mertolenga) and two exotic (Frisian and Limousine) cattle breeds, through the monitoring of physiological acclimatization reactions in different thermal situations characterized by alternate periods of thermoneutrality and heat stress simulated in climatic chambers. In the experiment, six heifers of the Alentejana, Frisian and Mertolenga breeds and four heifers of the Limousine breed were used. The increase in chamber temperatures had different consequences on the animals of each breed. When submitted to heat stress, the Frisian animals developed high thermal polypnea (more than 105 breath movements per minute), which did not prevent an increase in the rectal temperature (from 38.7 degrees C to 40.0 degrees C). However, only a slight depression in food intake and in blood thyroid hormone concentrations was observed under thermal stressful conditions. Under the thermal stressful conditions, Limousine animals decreased food intake by 11.4% and blood triiodothyronine (T3) hormone concentration decreased to 76% of the level observed in thermoneutral conditions. Alentejana animals had similar reactions. The Mertolenga cattle exhibited the highest capacity for maintaining homeothermy: under heat stressful conditions, the mean thermal polypnea increased twofold, but mean rectal temperature did not increase. Mean food intake decreased by only 2% and mean T3 blood concentration was lowered to 85,6% of the concentration observed under thermoneutral conditions. These results lead to the conclusion that the Frisian animals had more difficulty in tolerating high temperatures, the Limousine and Alentejana ones had an intermediate difficulty, and the Mertolenga animals were by far the most heat tolerant.