83 resultados para periodic perturbations


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In this paper, a load transportation system in platforms or suspended by cables is considered. It is a monorail device and is modelled as an inverted pendulum built on a car driven by a DC motor. The governing equations of motion were derived via Lagrange's equations. In the mathematical model we consider the interaction between the DC motor and the dynamical system, that is, we have a so-called non-ideal periodic problem. The problem is analysed and we also developed an optimal linear control design to stabilize the problem.


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In this study, we investigate the possibility of mode localization occurrence in a non-periodic Pfluger's column model of a rocket with an intermediate concentrated mass at its middle point. We discuss the effects of varying the intermediate mass magnitude and its position and the resulting energy confinement for two cases. Free vibration analysis and the severity of mode localization are appraised, without decoupling the system, by considering as a solution basis the fundamental free response or dynamical solution. This allows for the reduction of the dimension of the algebraic modal equation that arises from satisfying the boundary and continuity conditions. By using the same methodology, we also consider the case of a cantilevered Pluger's column with rotational stiffness at the middle support instead of an intermediate concentrated mass. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper, a loads transportation system in platforms or suspended by cables is considered. It is a monorail device and is modeled as an inverted pendulum built on a car driven by a dc motor the governing equations of motion were derived via Lagrange's equations. In the mathematical model we consider the interaction between the dc motor and the dynamical system, that is, we have a so called nonideal periodic problem. The problem is analyzed, qualitatively, through the comparison of the stability diagrams, numerically obtained, for several motor torque constants. Furthermore, we also analyze the problem quantitatively using the Floquet multipliers technique. Finally, we devise a control for the studied nonideal problem. The method that was used for analysis and control of this nonideal periodic system is based on the Chebyshev polynomial exponsion, the Picard iterative method, and the Lyapunov-Floquet transformation (L-F transformation). We call it Sinha's theory.


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For a class of reversible quadratic vector fields on R-3 we study the periodic orbits that bifurcate from a heteroclinic loop having two singular points at infinity connected by an invariant straight line in the finite part and another straight line at infinity in the local chart U-2. More specifically, we prove that for all n is an element of N, there exists epsilon(n) > 0 such that the reversible quadratic polynomial differential systemx = a(0) + a(1y) + a(3y)(2) + a(4Y)(2) + epsilon(a(2x)(2) + a(3xz)),y = b(1z) + b(3yz) + epsilon b(2xy),z = c(1y) +c(4az)(2) + epsilon c(2xz)in R-3, with a(0) < 0, b(1)c(1) < 0, a(2) < 0, b(2) < a(2), a(4) > 0, c(2) < a(2) and b(3) is not an element of (c(4), 4c(4)), for epsilon is an element of (0, epsilon(n)) has at least n periodic orbits near the heteroclinic loop. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several methods have been proposed for calculations of the eccentricity function for a high value of the eccentricity, however they cannot be used when the high degree and order coefficients of gravity fields are taken into account. The method proposed by Wnuk(1) is numerically stable in this case, but when is used. a large number of terms occurs in formulas for geopotential perturbations. In this paper we propose an application of expansions of some functions of the eccentric anomaly E as well as Hansen coefficients in power series of (e - e*), where e* is a fixed value of the eccentricity derived by da Silva Fernandes(2,3,4). These series are convergent for all e < 1.


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Using coupled equations for the bosonic and fermionic order parameters, we construct families of gap solitons (GSs) in a nearly one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixture trapped in a periodic optical-lattice (OL) potential, the boson and fermion components being in the states of the Bose-Einstein condensation and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superfluid, respectively. Fundamental GSs are compact states trapped, essentially, in a single cell of the lattice. Full families of such solutions are constructed in the first two band gaps of the OL-induced spectrum, by means of variational and numerical methods, which are found to be in good agreement. The families include both intragap and intergap solitons, with the chemical potentials of the boson and fermion components falling in the same or different band gaps, respectively. Nonfundamental states, extended over several lattice cells, are constructed too. The GSs are stable against strong perturbations.


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The (2 + 1)-dimensional Burgers equation is obtained as the equation of motion governing the surface perturbations of a shallow viscous fluid heated from below, provided the Rayleigh number of the system satisfies the condition R not-equal 30. A solution to this equation is explicitly exhibited and it is argued that it describes the nonlinear evolution of a nearly one-dimensional kink.


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The Fitzhugh-Nagumo (fn) mathematical model characterizes the action potential of the membrane. The dynamics of the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model have been extensively studied both with a view to their biological implications and as a test bed for numerical methods, which can be applied to more complex models. This paper deals with the dynamics in the (FH) model. Here, the dynamics are analyzed, qualitatively, through the stability diagrams to the action potential of the membrane. Furthermore, we also analyze quantitatively the problem through the evaluation of Floquet multipliers. Finally, the nonlinear periodic problem is controlled, based on the Chebyshev polynomial expansion, the Picard iterative method and on Lyapunov-Floquet transformation (L-F transformation).


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We will present measurements and calculations related to the antisymmetric perturbations, and comparisons with the symmetric ones, of the IFUSP race-track microtron booster accelerator end magnets. These perturbations were measured in planes situated at +/-12 mm of the middle plane, in a gap height of 4 cm, for a field distribution of about 0.1 T. The measurements were done in 1170 points, separated by a distance of 8 mm, using an automated system with a +/-1.5 mu T differential Hall probe. The race-track microtron booster is the second stage of the 30.0 MeV electron accelerator under construction at the Linear Accelerator Laboratory in which the required uniformity for the magnetic field is of about 10(-3). The method of correction employed to homogenize the IFUSP race-track microtron booster accelerator magnets assures uniformity of 10(-5) in an average field of 0.1 T, over an area of 700 cm(2). This method uses the principle of attaching to the pole pieces correction coils produced by etching techniques, with copper leads shaped like the isofield lines of the normal component of the magnetic field measured. The ideal planes, in which these measurements are done, are calculated and depend on the behavior of the magnetic field perturbations: symmetric or antisymmetric with reference to the middle plane of the magnet gap. These calculations are presented in this work and show that for antisymmetric perturbations there is no ideal plane for the correction of the magnetic field; for the symmetric one, these planes are at +/-60% of the half gap height, from the middle plane. So this method of correction is not feasible for antisymmetric perturbations, as will be shown. Besides, the correction of the symmetric portion of the field distribution does not influence the antisymmetric one, which almost does not change, and corroborates the theoretical predictions. We found antisymmetric perturbations of small intensity only in one of the two end magnets. However, they are not detected at +/- 1 mm of the middle plane and will not damage the electron beam.


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Some Voyager images showed that the F ring of Saturn is composed of at least four separate, non-intersecting, strands covering about 45 degrees in longitude. According to Murray et al. [Murray, C.D., Gordon, M., Giuliatti Winter, S.M. Unraveling the strands of Saturn's F ring. Icarus 129, 304, 1997.] this structure may be caused by undetected satellites embedded in the gaps.Due to precession, the satellites Prometheus and Pandora and the ring particles can experience periodic close encounters. Giuliatti Winter et al. [Giuliatti Winter, S.M, Murray, C.D., Gordon, M. Perturbations to Saturn's F-ring strands at their closest approach to Prometheus. Plan. Space Sciences, 48, 817, 2000.] analysed the behaviour of these four strands at closest approach with the satellite Prometheus. Their work suggests that Prometheus can induce the ring particles to scatter in the direction of the planet, thus increasing the population of small bodies in this region.In this work we analysed the effects of Prometheus on the radial structure of Saturn's F ring during the Voyager and early Cassini epochs. Our results show that at Voyager epoch Prometheus, and also Pandora, had a negligible influence in the strands. However, during the Cassini encounter Prometheus could affect the strands significantly, scattering particles of the inner strand in the direction of the planet. This process can contribute to the replenishment of material in the region between the F ring and the A ring, where two rings have recently been discovered [Porco, C. et al. Cassini imaging science. Initial results on Saturn's rings and small Satellites. Science, 307, 1226, 2005].We also analyse the behaviour of undetected satellites under the effects of these two satellites by computing the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent. Our results show that these satellites have a chaotic behaviour which leads to a much more complex scenario. The new satellite S/2004 S6 also presents a chaotic behaviour with can alter the dynamic of the system, since this satellite crosses the orbit of the strands. (C) 2006 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper singularly perturbed reversible vector fields defined in R-n without normal hyperbolicity conditions are discussed. The main results give conditions for the existence of infinitely many periodic orbits and heteroclinic cycles converging to singular orbits with respect to the Hausdorff distance.


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Saturn's F ring, which lies 3,400 km beyond the edge of the main ring system, was discovered by the Pioneer 11 spacecraft(1) in 1979. It is a narrow, eccentric ring which shows an unusual 'braided' appearance in several Voyager 1 images' obtained in 1980, although it appears more regular in images from Voyager 2 obtained nine months later(3). The discovery of the moons Pandora and Prometheus orbiting on either side of the ring provided a partial explanation for some of the observed features(4). Recent observations of Prometheus(5,6) by the Hubble Space Telescope show, surprisingly, that it is lagging behind its expected position by similar to 20 degrees. By modelling the dynamical evolution of the entire Prometheus-F ring-Pandora system, we show here that Prometheus probably encountered the core of the F ring in 1994 and that it may still be entering parts of the ring once per orbit. Collisions with objects in the F ring provide a plausible explanation for the observed lag and imply that the mass of the F ring is probably less than 25% that of Prometheus.