67 resultados para Lie Algebra


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Lagrangian formalism for the N = 2 supersymmetric sinh-Gordon model with a jump defect is considered. The modified conserved momentum and energy are constructed in terms of border functions. The supersymmetric Backlund transformation is given and an one-soliton solution is obtained.The Lax formulation based on the affine super Lie algebra sl(2, 2) within the space split by the defect leads to the integrability of the model and henceforth to the existence of an infinite number of constants of motion.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper we discuss the algebraic construction of the mKdV hierarchy in terms of an affine Lie algebra (s) over capl(2). An interesting novelty araises from the negative even grade sector of the affine algebra leading to nonlinear integro-differential equations admiting non-trivial vacuum configuration. These solitons solutions are constructed systematically from generalization of the dressing method based on non zero vacua. The sub-hierarchies admiting such class of solutions are classified.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Let alpha be a C(infinity) curve in a homogeneous space G/H. For each point x on the curve, we consider the subspace S(k)(alpha) of the Lie algebra G of G consisting of the vectors generating a one parameter subgroup whose orbit through x has contact of order k with alpha. In this paper, we give various important properties of the sequence of subspaces G superset of S(1)(alpha) superset of S(2)(alpha) superset of S(3)(alpha) superset of ... In particular, we give a stabilization property for certain well-behaved curves. We also describe its relationship to the isotropy subgroup with respect to the contact element of order k associated with alpha.


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A systematic construction of super W algebras in terms of the WZNW model based on a super Lie algebra is presented. These are shown to be the symmetry structure of the super Toda models, which can be obtained from the WZNW theory by Hamiltonian reduction. A classification, according to the conformal spin defined by an improved energy momentum tensor, is discussed in general terms for all super Lie algebras whose simple roots are fermionic. A detailed discussion employing the Dirac bracket structure and an explicit construction of W algebras for the cases of OSP(1, 2), OSP(2, 2), OSP(3, 2) and D(2, 1\ alpha) are given. The N = 1 and N = 2 superconformal algebras are discussed in the pertinent cases.


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A scheme inspired in Lie algebra extensions is introduced that enlarges gauge models to allow some coupling between space-time and gauge space. Everything may be written in terms of a generalized covariant derivative including usual differential plus purely algebraic terms. A noncovariant vacuum appears, introducing a natural symmetry breaking, but currents satisfy conservation laws alike those found in gauge theories. © 1991 American Institute of Physics.


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We apply a five-dimensional formulation of Galilean covariance to construct non-relativistic Bhabha first-order wave equations which, depending on the representation, correspond either to the well known Dirac equation (for particles with spin 1/2) or the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation (for spinless and spin 1 particles). Here the irreducible representations belong to the Lie algebra of the 'de Sitter group' in 4 + 1 dimensions, SO(5, 1). Using this approach, the non-relativistic limits of the corresponding equations are obtained directly, without taking any low-velocity approximation. As a simple illustration, we discuss the harmonic oscillator.


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Some properties of the higher grading integrable generalizations of the conformal affine Toda systems are studied. The fields associated to the non-zero grade generators are Dirac spinors. The effective action is written in terms of the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten (WZNW) action associated to an affine Lie algebra, and an off-critical theory is obtained as the result of the spontaneous breakdown of the conformal symmetry. Moreover, the off-critical theory presents a remarkable equivalence between the Noether and topological currents of the model. Related to the off-critical model we define a real and local lagrangian provided some reality conditions are imposed on the fields of the model. This real action model is expected to describe the soliton sector of the original model, and turns out to be the master action from which we uncover the weak-strong phases described by (generalized) massive Thirring and sine-Gordon type models, respectively. The case of any (untwisted) affine Lie algebra furnished with the principal gradation is studied in some detail. The example of s^l(n) (n = 2, 3) is presented explicitly. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.


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We study the Schwinger Model on the null-plane using the Dirac method for constrained systems. The fermion field is analyzed using the natural null-plane projections coming from the γ-algebra and it is shown that the fermionic sector of the Schwinger Model has only second class constraints. However, the first class constraints are exclusively of the bosonic sector. Finally, we establish the graded Lie algebra between the dynamical variables, via generalized Dirac bracket in the null-plane gauge, which is consistent with every constraint of the theory. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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We study the local properties of a class of codimension-2 defects of the 6d N = (2, 0) theories of type J = A, D, E labeled by nilpotent orbits of a Lie algebra $g, where g is determined by J and the outer-automorphism twist around the defect. This class is a natural generalization of the defects of the six-dimensional (6d) theory of type SU(N) labeled by a Young diagram with N boxes. For any of these defects, we determine its contribution to the dimension of the Higgs branch, to the Coulomb branch operators and their scaling dimensions, to the four-dimensional (4d) central charges a and c and to the flavor central charge k. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Using an approach based on the Casimir operators of the de Sitter group, conformally invariant equations for a fundamental spin-2 field are obtained, and their consistency is discussed. It is shown that only when the spin-2 field is interpreted as a 1-form assuming values in the Lie algebra of the translation group, rather than a symmetric second-rank tensor, the field equation is both conformally and gauge invariant. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.


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We use Hirota's method formulated as a recursive scheme to construct a complete set of soliton solutions for the affine Toda field theory based on an arbitrary Lie algebra. Our solutions include a new class of solitons connected with two different types of degeneracies encountered in Hirota's perturbation approach. We also derive an universal mass formula for all Hirota's solutions to the affine Toda model valid for all underlying Lie groups. Embedding of the affine Toda model in the conformal affine Toda model plays a crucial role in this analysis.


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We obtain the exact classical algebra obeyed by the conserved non-local charges in bosonic non-linear sigma models. Part of the computation is specialized for a symmetry group O(N). As it turns out the algebra corresponds to a cubic deformation of the Kac-Moody algebra. We generalize the results for the presence of a Wess-Zumino term. The algebra is very similar to the previous one, now containing a calculable correction of order one unit lower. The relation with Yangians and the role of the results in the context of Lie-Poisson algebras are also discussed.