80 resultados para Fraseologia bilíngue
This research, theoretically founded on Corpus Linguistics and Phraseology, has the purpose of extracting and analyzing general language and specialized collocations in the medical field, taken from a parallel corpus comprised of transcriptions of the TV serial Grey’s Anatomy. Based on this extraction, it is proposed a compilation of a bilingual glossary, so that the referred material can be used by learner translators as well as English language teachers.
Brazil was one of the countries that stood out in the list of nations that publishes more articles in scientific journals. From 2007 to 2008, the Brazilian scientific production has moved from 15th to 13rd place in the world ranking published articles in professional journals. However, 60% of articles published by the Brazilians are in Portuguese, which makes the Brazilian work have little international attention. The purpose of this research is to build and analyze a parallel corpus composed of a book of Remote Sensing and its translation in the direction English into Portuguese in order to create a glossary of most recurrent terms in the literature of Remote Sensing. The achievement of these goals will take for theoretical and methodological foundation the Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996; CAMARGO, 2005), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and principles of Terminology (BARROS, 2004; KRIEGER & FINATTO, 2004). It will also use Wordsmith Tools program and its tools. Besides the parallel corpus, we will also build two comparable corpora respectively from articles published in Brazilian and international journals in the area. The first results show that the translators made use of greater variation of vocabulary in their translations, which can be a way to make the text more clear to the reader. For the analysis of glossary entries, professionals from the National Institute for Space Research - INPE, will be consulted and their views aggregated to this research to give consistency to the production of the proposed bilingual glossary.
À luz da Linguística de Corpus e da Fraseologia, discutiremos aspectos teóricometodológicos que nos possibilitaram o levantamento de colocações e de colocações especializadas na área médica, a partir do corpus formado pelas transcrições dos episódios da série House M.D. Apresentamos também as colocações especializadas formadas com base nos nódulos ‘blood’, ‘brain’, ‘tumor’ e ‘heart’, a fim de exemplificar como as colocações serão organizadas em um glossário bilíngue de colocações especializadas na área médica, que se encontra em fase de compilação.
The aim of this research is to build and analyze a parallel corpus in the field of remote sensing in order to identify, according to its frequency, specialized collocations in English and then search for their equivalents in Portuguese. The research is based on the interdisciplinary approach of Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1995; CAMARGO, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004; TOGNINI-BONELLI, 2001), Phraseology (ORENHA-OTTAIANO, 2009; PAVEL, 1993), and some principles of Terminology (BARROS, 2004). For manipulating the corpora, the program WordSmith Tools (SCOTT, 2012) version 6.0 is used. To support this study, two comparable corpora in English and Portuguese were also built from articles published in both national and international journals in remote sensing. The results show that the collocations in Portuguese seem to be still in the process of conventionalization, as the translators made use of greater variation in their translational options, which can be a way to make the text clearer for the reader.
In the current context of Metalexicography several types of studies have been conducted in order to better understand the organization of existing dictionaries and, thus, constitute a knowledge base that would support the development of new works. Regarding specifically the dictionaries of Phraseology, although there are many researchers who engage in this domain, there is still much to study in order to optimize and boost production as much monolingual as bilingual works. The aim of this paper is to present a brief discursive analysis of three phraseological dictionaries considering the pedagogical aspect.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
In the architecture of a natural language processing system based on linguistic knowledge, two types of component are important: the knowledge databases and the processing modules. One of the knowledge databases is the lexical database, which is responsible for providing the lexical unities and its properties to the processing modules. The systems that process two or more languages require bilingual and/or multilingual lexical databases. These databases can be constructed by aligning distinct monolingual databases. In this paper, we present the interlingua and the strategy of aligning the two monolingual databases in REBECA, which only stores concepts from the “wheeled vehicle” domain.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Os dicionários para aprendizes de línguas estrangeiras são obras relativamente recentes no mercado editorial e atendem uma demanda por obras pedagógicas que foi ignorada pelos lexicógrafos durante muito tempo. Esse segmento do mercado lexicográfico vem se revelando promissor, com diversas possibilidades de inovações. A fim de delinear o campo de desenvolvimento da Lexicografia Pedagógica, este artigo analisa-a sob duas perspectivas: a de suas interfaces com outras áreas da Lingüística e a de seus atores, pessoas cuja atuação influencia a produção de suas obras. Esta exposição tem o objetivo de despertar o interesse de pesquisadores brasileiros pela Lexicografia Pedagógica e, indiretamente, promover a produção nacional de dicionários pedagógicos.
O dicionário bilíngüe e o aprendizado de línguas estrangeiras sempre estiveram associados. Este artigo procura evidenciar como o papel do dicionário bilíngüe foi se alterando com as mudanças no ensino de línguas estrangeiras e como isso pode estar relacionado ao movimento de evolução da lexicografia bilíngüe no sentido de tornar os dicionários mais adequados às necessidades dos aprendizes de línguas estrangeiras.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE