61 resultados para Sentido (Filosofia)

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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La musique, plus qu`um mot et le texte écrit, a le pouvoir de produire le déplacement du sujet en relation aux contingences du temps e de l´espace. Entendre de la musique est plus que de l´amusement. Comme un artifice cognitif qui ultrapasse l´expérience analytique e métonymique, les formes tonales doublent la réalité, expandent les sens, actionent l´imagination, retotalisent les sentiments, amplient les expériences, permettent la rencontre du sujet avec les éssences des phénomènes qui ne sont pas traductibles par les mots. Nous écoutons de la musique pour restituer notre dignité e conférer à la vie plus de vérité, plus de concrétion (Santiago Kovadloff). La mélodie permet l´expérimentation des états de cohésion, de conéction pleine entre sens et intention, entre commencement et fin, de la finitude de la vie (Schopenhauer). Le phénomène musical provoque l´expréssion de la douleur, de la souffrance et, au même temps, du jubile et de la joie, réliant nature et homme (Nietzsche). Tenant comme base cette compréhension, la dissertation tient dans la musique une importante métaphore pour comprendre la complexité humaine, une fois qu´elle propicie une écoute sensible du monde et mobilise dans le sujet l´expérimentation de divers états de l´être. Nous pouvons dire que la musique est un opérateur de la conaissence parce qu´elle fait affleurer l´écoute intérieure, la rencontre du sujet avec lui même. Cet opérateur cognitif actione les pôles de l´ésprit qui font dialoguer sensibilité, éthique et esthétique, ordre et chaos, silence et bruit, mouvement et pause, repétition et inovation. Par l´expérience musicale, nous habitons des formes hibrides de sensibilité et raison. L´inachèvement, notre principal caractéristique comme humains, a, dans la musique, une image impair, parce que la musique est l´expression du dévir. Pour tisser ces arguments, la dissertation part des études de Schopenhauer et Nietzsche sur la musique, esthétique et métaphysique; Expose des fragments de la biographie de trois grands penseurs contemporains (Werner Heinsenberg, Ilya Prigogine et Edgar Morin) accentuant la présence de la musique en ses vies; et, par fin, présente ce que nous appelons biographies sonores de quatre artistes-musiciens brésiliens (Benedito Juarez et Gil Jardim, de São Paulo, et Ronaldo Ferreira de Lima et, Cleudo Freire, du Rio Grande do Norte)


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On analyse une expérience de l enseignement de philosophie dans l enseignement secondaire par la littérature. La scène d intervention a été l Institut Fédéral d Éducation, Science et Technologie du Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), dans l année 2008. L étude à caractère qualitatif a adopté un modèle de recherche participant, dans laquelle le chercheur a intervenu dans son propre contexte de classe. On a utilisé l investigation d un ouvrage existentialiste de Jean-Paul Sartre, le roman La Nausée, comme contribution méthodologique pour l enseignement de philosophie. On a adopté le recours de la littérature avec contenu philosophique à partir de la proposition apportée para les Paramètres Curriculaires Nationaux pour l Enseignement Secondaire (PCNEM) : celle qu on ne doit ni avoir la prétention de former de philosophes professionnels ni banaliser la philosophie auprès des élèves. En partant du principe que l existentialisme a été un courant philosophique qui a utilisé la littérature entant qu expression d idées philosophiques, on a envisagé le potentiel pédagogique du voisinage communicant entre la philosophie et la littérature que lie l expérience littéraire avec les textes qui montrent aussi la discussion philosophique. L idée force a été celle de traiter concepts philosophiques a partir de la littérature comme invitation à la réflexion, en analysant l élément ludique dans la littérature comme jeu de la pensée. La pensée considérée comme action ludique arriverait parmi l idéal d en chercher de meilleures manières à comprendre la réalité en étant cet idéal esthétique assumé dans l effort d imprimer sens au chaos des expériences. Les situations pédagogiques en classe comptent fréquemment avec moment de dialogue a propos des problèmes existentiels affrontés par le protagoniste du roman, Antoine Roquentin, considérés comme questions philosophiques et débattues par l investigation dialogique tout suite après la lecture des parties du livre. Dans ce sens, on a cherché à suivre les marches de la méthode socratique dans lequel questionner e questionner à soi même soient les moles propulseurs de la réflexion philosophique. L investigation dialogique a été étendue pendant cinq rencontres de quatre-vingt-dix minutes interprétés par une analyse discursive qui a essayé d établir des rapports entre le discours de l enseignant et des élèves avec le discours de la tradition philosophique. Cette recherche a aussi envisagé à produire une réflexion sur la pratique de l auteur lui-même de l étude. Celui-ci peut-être soit l objectif le plus largement atteint : prendre conscience de l importance de la formation d un enseignant réflexif qui associe dans sa praxis le savoir faire avec la critique honnête de sa propre capacité professionnel


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Esta disertación es el resultado de un estudio de naturaleza de calidad que tuvo como objetivo analizar la estructura curricular de los cursos de Licenciatura en Física y en Química de Universidad Federal de Rio Grande del Norte en lo que se refiere a la inserción de disciplinas de contenido histórico y filosófico. La metodologia adoptada se constituye en un estudio de caso comparativo, pues procura establecer relaciones entre los dos cursos analizados. En este sentido, fueron consultados, para cada uno de los dos cursos, el Proyecto Político Pedagógico, el programa de La Disiplina y los materiales en ella utilizados. Se realizó también, la observación simple de clases de la disciplina y en seguida, una entrevista semi-estructurada con el profesor responsable por ella. Los resultados muestran que las disciplinas están inseridas en los currículos de los cursos de Física y de Química de maneras diferentes, principalmente en lo que se refiere a los enfoques teóricos-metodológicos asumidos por los profesores en el trabajo con los contenidos y en lo que se dice al respecto del papel desempeñado por la disciplina en la estructuta curricular. Hay por otro lado, puntos de convergencia, notadamente cuanto a la formación y al histórico de los profesores formadores, asi como en la relación a los modelos de formación subyacentes a la estructura curricular de los cursos. Se concluye que el conocimineto mútuo de los diferentes modelos de inserción de disciplinas de contenido histórico y filosófico en las Licenciaturas en Física y en Química de La UFRN podría contribuir para futuras reformulaciones curriculares, en el sentido del establecimiento de opciones claras y concientes acerca del papel a ser desempeñado por esas disciplinas en los cursos


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The testimonial is a way of statement that demonstrates or admit the existence of a reality with which the enunciator has contacted. This is, thus, pushed to say what he saw, heard or touched. In this paper, we verified the effects of senses produced in the blog of Bishop Macedo, founder of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG), from a corpus which consists of nine testimonies of presumed believersselected among 64 statements distributed during the year, 2012. Instead of instantaneous testimonials, on a live presentation, these media narratives are underpinned by attributes such as hyperlinks, visuals, language translators, besides mechanisms of interaction and sharing in other spheres from mediatic slant. The problem of this analysis was born from the observation of regular points in the discursive architecture of these testimonials, when was identified the existing relation force between the sacred and the profane, everyday practices. During six months, analysis of the empirical material, we found some effects of the senses on the testimonials, as the dialectic structure and the need for denuding a precarious past, an engagement to shield the figure of Macedo and the UCKG towards society; a update of a crusade against other religions; and the presence of certain sensuality in self-deprecation of the deponents, and an unequal relation of forces (sacred and profane) in the construction of truth. In order of succeeding in this investigation, we used the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Analysis of French Discourse (AD), denouncing the qualitative nature of the research. As a methodological principle, we still use transdisciplinarity, which validated some of our dialogues, especially with philosophy. The conception of discourse modeled by a media support and transpassed by the subject(s) and story (ies) characterized the perspective of the research


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This work deals with the relationship between medicine and philosophy, which has existed since Antiquity, and will also be discussed here from Kant s perspective. It presents the historical context formed by reciprocal influences of common notions regarding health/disease, balance/justice, and just measure, which are present in the medical discourse as much as in the philosophical one. It considers that Hippocratic medicine emerges from concerns about dietetics, thus creating the link between philosophy and medicine, which is important for our analysis on Kant s contributions to Hippocratic legacy. Taking into account these considerations, the work distinguishes between two aspects which are associated within the dietetics presented by Kant in his work The conflict of the faculties, studied here in the light of his Doctrine of virtue, particularly the duties to oneself in regard the care of one s body and the teleological conception. In this sense, the work indicates the role of Kantian thinking not only to enrich medical dietetics, by lending to it moral value, but also to enrich philosophy by highlighting its therapeutic effects


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The ontological investigation of sense, from German philosopher Gottlob Frege s point of view, has, as its foundation, the understanding of reference, representation, thought and sense s categories. According to Frege s writings, On Sense and Reference, and Thoughts Logical Investigations, sense carries itself the solution for the problem of identity s relation. Sense gives us the knowledge s increment that identity doesn t give. But still there is a problem: the definition of sense's nature. Sense couldn t have its nature strictly defined because, in this case, it would be reduced to reference s category and thus, sense would be identified with the own extra-linguistic object, and this is a misconception. But Frege said that thought must be considered as the sense of the sentence. So, with this close relationship between sense and thought, a new goal in this investigation is putt in focus: thought. To Frege, thought is not a simple subjective performance of thinking, it is not a subjective representation, but it is an objective content that is real, eternal, and that exists by itself in a third realm . Thought exists in a realm beyond the world of subjective representations and beyond the world of sensible perception. From this point, the present investigation went back to Plato s World of Ideas. So, the platonic thinking was included in this debate about the metaphysic of the third realm in Frege, trying to clarify the original concepts of knowledge, reality and truth. To achieve this objective, the following dialogues had been included in our research: Theaetetus, Republic and Phaedo. And the following fregean questions had been brought to Plato's scope: how happens the new knowledge? What is the third realm s reality? What is the relation between truth and thought? Doing that we could see as much some of the platonic origins of Frege's approach, as some differences between this two philosophers


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The research examines the problem lie in the thought of Immanuel Kant. This field of law, of the history of political morality, we seek to investigate the Kantian rejection of falsehood and unconditional obligation to be truthful. Defends the thesis of the exception to lie and not be objectionable in two cases, namely: the torture and before the murderer. Thus, it is demonstrated that it is possible the exception to lie under the law, politics and history, considering the perspective of harmony of external freedoms and the idea of moral progress. In this sense, it is argued that the source of law is established to guarantee the external freedoms. From the point of view of morality, reaffirmed the absoluteness is that for Kant the duty of veracity, but it points to the possibility of a practical rule that allows the lie based on human dignity, weighting values as political equality, respect for rational agents, as well as the principle of humanity which teaches always treat the other as an end in itself.


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The present dissertation focuses on specific problems in the educational context: challenges in the construction of historical narratives for pedagogical use as well as the difficult task of using them in the classroom. In this context, we seek to work in teacher training for insertion of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) in classroom, and historical narratives become mediation elements to advance the dialogue with this specific audience. This initiative is in line with a recurring concern: one of the main challenges related to the didactic transposition of HFC would be the lack of teacher preparation. Historical contents and Nature of Science are still absent in classrooms. Insecurity and lack of knowledge by teachers are often mentioned as factors that contribute to this situation. It is important, therefore, that teachers (active and in training) take part in discussions concerning the inclusion of HPS in classroom. It is relevant that they know examples of historic-philosophical didactic proposals to address science and contents on science, develop skills to adapt them to their specific contexts and to develop their own proposals. It is believed that these issues are significant to undertake conscious initiatives to insert HPS in classrooms. It is considered that adapting educational proposals to particular educational contexts depends on understanding what these proposals indeed mean and how flexible they can be. In order to address these objectives, we elaborated an educational product, a didactic material focused on teacher training, which was used in an extension course at UFRN. The didactic material discusses the role of HPS in Education, Nature of Science and historiographical issues. It presents a series of dialogical activities on aspects of didactic transposition of HPS, especially those regarding historical narratives. A set of historicpedagogical texts on the History of Vacuum and Atmospheric Pressure is used as a mediation element in discussions. We address potential, possibilities and limitations historical narratives. To carry out the course, it was taken into account methodological concerns of so-called action research. There have been expected changes, modifications and effective actions in the own teacher training material in face of the experience of the researcher-lecturer in interactions with the participants of the course as well as in face of impressions reported by the participants. Developments in this direction have been incorporated into the teacher training material.


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The actor is an actor during all the phases of creation and development of his character. (S) He goes beyond the moment of interpreting. In this sense, in her (his) daily life, the actor may use her (his) potential to extract from reality the necessary elements for the work of creation. This is a theoretical research which focus on the concept of presence in the actor s work, stretching the concept beyond the scene, encompassing different components such as the body, the word, the silence, the technique and the acting as the actor s stance in regards to his own reality. The objective of such stance is to integrate him (her) self in the environment, balancing his (hers) inner life with the outside life flow. To reach this objective, the research drew theoretical resources from the concept of presence in the actor s work according to BROOK, BARBA, GROTOWSKI and MNOUCHKINE and the studies on reception theory in ISER, 1996; GUMBRECHT, 2010. Thus, the dialogue between reader and actor high lights both as receivers in this work. A practical description of a street theater Kamchàtka show, featured by the Kamchàtka Company is used as an example of the research on the presence. The elements localized in this show are: play, listening, word, silence, meaning, relationship with here and now and the effects of the said presence


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The purpose of this work is to analyze the influence of the Catholic Church on rural worker s union in the Seridó potiguar region between 1964 to 1979. To the work developed by the Church is connected the beginning of worker s union in the Seridó region. In this way, this research tries to understand what is also the politic direction of the labor s union by means of the Cathólic Church that througt a process of creating Leagues have been looking for reinforcing and protecting catholicism as a way of maintaining its believers and distancing them from others movements such as Peasant League and the influence of Brazilian Communist Party. We use as sources oral narratives and newspaper A Folha , wich was published by the Parish Church of Caicó (RN) between 1954 to 1967. Some wrintten documents produced by worker s union from the Seridó region were also used


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The work presented here is about aspects of the constitutional extension in which is the public civil action with the objective of verifying its aptitute in tutelaging subjective situations derived from fundamental rights, especially right to health assistance. Thus, it offers a clear analysis of the practical functioning of most aspects of the public civil action (lawsuit), with philosophical foundation and necessary doctrinaire to your comphehension. How it once was (history), how it could be (reform suggestion), how it is (current interpretation of the law) and how it should be (critic analysis of the microsystem of collective tutelaging of rights, its perspectives, as well as the efficacy of the public cilvil action about accomplishment of the right to health as supraindividual right). The objective is to analyse the main version of the theme (for instance: the impacts caused to the dissociation of the Procurations theory), so that it can be extracted the philosophy and the general theory, of the public civil action and collective tutelaging in general, pragmatically applicable to study purposes. With this theorical fountain, the reader will be in a more solid position, not only being able to understand the subtilities of the public civil action, but mainly being able to recognize its faults and present solid reform proposals and improvement. It is know that the Juridical Power (Procuration) does not allow any more inactivity about negating accession to health in its collective dimension (lato sensu: spread, collective stricto sensu and homogeneous individuals), being imputed to it novel usage that consolidates in the assumption of the role instrument set aside to be used by all with organized instancy of solution to collective conflicts in large sense. This happens, overall, because of the current justice politization, understood as juridical activism, connected to the struggle between the groups defending their interests and the acceptance of the constitution about solidifying the public politics of quality health


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The study aims to investigate the limits of state intervention via induction on Economic Order, especially in cases regarding tax equality, through the analysis of their effects on economic development and on free competition from the perspective of economic efficiency and the Constitution. Thus, the work seeks to demonstrate that the achievement of equality in taxation is important in that it strengthens the economic relations in terms of efficiency, protects competition and fosters economic development to reduce regional and social inequalities and other constitutional desiderata. A dissertation is characterized by interdisciplinarity and was divided into two parts. The first is to discuss the legal meaning of equality from the doctrinal analysis of the principle and the relationship between equality and justice in the economic sense without rejecting its philosophical content. It is noteworthy that hermeneutics and the philosophy of language are useful tools for achieving equality in presenting the pragmatic methodologies applicable to the subject in terms of corrective justice. Based on these general assumptions, is going to study the tax equality and their characteristics, the corollary of the ability to pay and its relation to the economic capacity and the issue of progressivity in taxation as an ideal of distributive justice. The second part concerns the legal foundations of Economic Order and its relation to extrafiscality as a means of economic regulation in order to investigate the efficiency of this induction in order to promote economic development, free competition and tax equality itself to reduce inequalities and distributing wealth. Within this context, we investigated the scope of the constitutional principles of economic order, free enterprise and free competition, and favored differential treatment for small and medium enterprises, the issue of regional development for the reduction of regional and social inequalities, the problem the "fiscal war" and finally the efficiency from the perspective of Economic Analysis of Law


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By means of the Pastoral one an Education celebrated in the body and the laugh, visible is unmasked by means of cançonetas and of the licentious gesticulations of the jokers of this idleness. For such, we support ourselves in the phenomenological of Merleau-Ponty, the tradition and transmission of the verbal as it is conceived by Paul Zumthor, as well as in the phenomenology of the memory of the jokers and in the studies of cultural history and the philosophy of the body. The objective research to argue the body and the laugh as learning of the culture, as well as carrying through the production of a cartography of the potiguar pastoral ones, in the direction to argue the elements of the licentious gesticulations for the look and of cançonetas for hearing. The research is of phenomenological nature and when appealing the Phenomenology as an attitude, recognizes our look on the phenomenon, what if we show for while searching citizens and we assume the reduction and the lived world as methodological boarding to think the searched phenomenon. As he was evidenced in this study, one searched to dimensional the reach of a reflection centered in the body and the laugh through the listening of cançonetas of the Pastoral one and the vision through the licentious gestures; a reflection centered in the body of the joker of Pastoral


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This thesis is the result of a piece of research on hospitality social representations between tourism professionals and academics in the city of Natal. The reasearch s corner stone is the point of the view that the notion of hospitality, with all its theoretical and practical implications, is essential to the success of any tourist destination. Is there any relevance in the growing use of the word, almost as a synonym for tourism? How is this notion, first learned in the domestic context and then exercised in the contact with the city and especially with visitors, represented in the learning process for professional practice and in the exercise of professional tourist reception itself? In order to answer this question, initially we chose to study the concept of hospitality in their current academic view, with reference to the French school, which binds hospitality to the maussian perspective of donation, and other scholars of the current theme, with emphasis on the research performed in the program of Master of Hospitality at the Anhembi Morumbi University, whose philosophy imprints in the hospitality concept the same sense we want to give this study. Then we chose to analyze the notion of hospitality, by the Social Representations Theory, in light of Moscovici s methodology, as well as the analysis of the core of this concept among tourism professionals and students. It was found that hospitality is still a very diffuse reference to representations of these two groups and that academic education, if accepted both theoretical and practical implications of this research s starting point, will still have a long way to go. Cities such as Natal, "naturally" hospitable, according to its dwellers, where tourism is relevant to their economies, need (re)thinking and (re)organizing, continuously, their actions towards quality and performance of their professional training especially those concerned with receptive structure