12 resultados para Rhetorical treaties
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
This research continues the current debate about the role of the images and the words in the architectural design persuasion, where we emphasize the increasing valuation of written documents (FORTY, 2004; MARKUS; CAMERON, 2002), the seduction for the graphical representation (DURAND, 2003) and the rhetorical effects of the graphical and textual resources (TOSTRUP, 1999). Based on these quarrels, we look for verify in the graduate final projects the relation between the design texts and images. From the PROJEDATA, database of the PROJETAR research group (UFRN), we selected the final projects of two brazilians universities, UFRN and USP, that in a first analysis, they had shown as ideal types of two distinct design presentation models, respectively: texts and drawings in separated documents, or combined in an only support. Based on Markus explanation about the function and the content of the texts, on the Durand perspective with regard to graphical representation uses and on Tostrup point of view concerning the rhetorical potential of texts and drawings, we analyze, in a set of 25 projects, how the students relate the textual and imagetical speeches. For this, we related the focus of each speech, in order to verify the possible coherence between both. We conclude that in the model of USP final project the coherence between the texts and the drawings is clearer than in the model adopted in UFRN
The apportionment of natural resources between sovereign States is a subject that relates many aspects of International law, as long as Constitutional Law, at the execution and application phases of international treaties that regulates the exploration of common goods. In this sense, because of their natural characteristics that creates an environment of constant migration and fixation in transboundary regions, terrestrial or maritime, the petroleum and the natural gas bound a complex juridical apparatus that can control the sovereign rights involved. This research is aim at accomplishing a study concerning the international agreements that enable the non-unilateral action, specifically the unitization treaties between sovereign States, as a manner to resolve situations related to the individualization of oil and/or gas reservoirs that go across their national borders. These agreements will be analyzed considering the international public law sources theory, bearing in mind yet the already existed experiences in this sense, not disregarding the way that this fact could affect Brazil. It will begin with an historical incursion over the unitization institute, covering its main characteristics and its formation and execution procedures, and finally it will address the Brazilian legal system and the comparative law threats the institute. The clauses of these relevant agreements will be analyzed in details, concerning its particularities and its contents. Because these agreements are international obligatory rules of law, it is indispensable that they are considered under the auspices of the international law system, focusing their nature and the subjects of international law and establishing them as sources of the international law, analyzing them, then, as international rules and the applicable law to these juridical relations, the conventional established, the consolidated international custom and the applicable International Law principles, appearing the State s responsibility as an important subject for the verification of the acts lawful practiced by States. The analysis of the apportionment of these natural resources ends with the individualization of possible exploitable marine oil fields located between the exclusive economic zone and the continental platform ends and the region administrated by the International Seabed Authority. At last, the Brazilian constitutional system appears as the mechanism of integration, application and execution of the international unitization agreements in Brazil, detaching the format and the proceedings that the international treaties take to acquire validity at the national legal system, passing through the treaties interpretation and the applicable constitutional principles, coming to its application in Brazil, considering the existing constitutional peculiarities and the role played by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and bio-fuel ANP
The current research come from need to analyze possibilities to materialize human dignity principle during freedom curtail penalties fullfilment, abreast finding that internal and international regulations dictate this is the way to be tread by Brazilian penitentiary system, however, verily, indignity, assistance missing, overcrownding, crime, in the end, barbarie reigns. The work will analyze two strands in order to effective the mentioned principle: the state responsability optics, such in internal scope, as internationally, abreast historical omission in satisfy Constitution, international treaties and laws; and also indicating penal execution alternative methods adoption as a way, bringing to fore a case study - called "apaqueano" method. With such desideratum will bring, first of all, considerations about consolidation process of human dignity principle, its concept and essential content. Furthermore, will address historical and philosophical evolution of freedom curtail penalties. As it follows, will be done an approach about constitutional and underconstitutional legislation that disciplines penalties fullfiling in Brazil, analyzing their main aspects, emphasizing the possibility to charge Brazilian state for disregarding mentioned standards. Next, will also be started a critical analyzis about international regulations, which forbids diminishing or cruel penalties or treatments, approaching human rights international treaties and conventions ratified by Braziland their incorporation and effectiveness in local Law, emphasizing monitoring forms and country international charging possibility for disregarding international regulations. Lastly, will advance to the real possibility to materialize human dignity principle in penalties fullfiling, based in a case study verification - the APAC (Associação de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados) called method, analyzing the various theories about penalties grounding, with emphasis in their ressocializing function, as well as traditional penitentiary systems, and the theory adopted by vernacular order, in desideratum to contribute to improve national penitentiary system chaotic situation
O Brasil, apesar de ter uma participação ativa nos fóruns internacionais de debates sobre a proteção dos direitos humanos, ainda não atua de forma eficiente no adimplemento das obrigações livremente pactuadas, fato este que o levou a ser acionado e condenado pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, em virtude da prática de atos violatórios aos ditos direitos, praticados no âmbito dos três Poderes, bem como por todos os Entes Federativos. Diante dessa realidade que se apresenta, o nosso objeto de estudo será investigar a efetivação dos direitos humanos previstos em tratados internacionais pela Jurisdição brasileira. Na esteira desse raciocínio, nossa problemática consiste em demonstrar que os tratados internacionais de direitos humanos, apesar de serem claramente fontes do direito estatal, não vêm sendo devidamente aplicados pelos órgãos que exercem a função jurisdicional em nosso país. Fixada à problemática, nosso objetivo no presente estudo consiste em: 1) descrever a competência constitucional do Poder Judiciário para proteção dos direitos humanos e aplicação dos tratados internacionais; 2) definir o controle jurisdicional de convencionalidade como instrumento de proteção dos direitos humanos a ser utilizados pelos magistrados; e, 3) analisar quase um século de decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal no que toca a aplicação dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos. Espera-se efetivamente demonstrar que compete a todos os órgãos estatais o dever de aplicar diretamente os instrumentos internacionais de proteção aos direitos humanos devidamente internalizados. Essa obrigação inegavelmente também recai sobre os que exercem a função jurisdicional. Desta maneira, todos os juízes incumbidos do exercício da jurisdição convertem-se no âmbito estatal em verdadeiros concretizadores dos direitos humanos, sejam eles advindos do sistema global ou do regional de proteção. Dessa forma, devem servir-se do controle de convencionalidade para afastar as manifestações estatais que estejam em dissintonia com o teor dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos, bem como da interpreção a eles conferida pelas Cortes e Tribunais internacionais
There is a clear relationship between citizenship and labor market. While foreign nationals are equal in dignity and rights in the laws governing the employment of this labor force. Motivated by reasons of state security or political direction, such laws to a greater or lesser degree, create establish a system of worker protection in the face of the foreign national. These rules have a direct impact on economic regulation, as they can affect the supply of skilled labor or not, articulating with the economic order envisaged by the 1988 Constitution. The Constitution adopts several principles in its economic order, so that the issues involving the rules of the nationalization of all work must be considered in a systematic way, one can not choose a pleasure interpreter. The nationalization of the work rules are not unique to Brazil, similar rules exist in several countries of South America and Africa. In Europe they already existed, but lost out on the basis of treaties setting up the European Union, although other mechanisms are used for the purpose of protecting the citizens of the member states, making policies equal treatment legislation symbolic. The nationalization of the work rules governing the relationship between nationality and the labor market and are in a legal category, which has a function to fulfill in the Brazilian legal system. Not all rules nationalization violate the principle of equality, as it is possible, depending on the circumstance indeed adopt a criterion that implies differentiation between nationals and foreigners. The Constitution has a will arising from its normative force, so that the assumptions it (constitution) used to discriminate may also be possible by ordinary legislation, since the situation is actually justifiably constitutional
This work aims to analyze the relationship among culture, education and rhetoric on the sermons of the Priest Antonio Vieira (1608-1697). It discusses the presence of oratory on the Western teaching since its Greek origins until the formation of the Ratio Studiorum in 17th-century. Brazilian society is defined as baroque and the rhetoric arises as element essential in the elaboration of the social imaginary speeches and, occupying as an essencial element in the elaboration of discursese and social imaginaries, occupying the centre of controversies, about questions like reason and the faith, ethics and the politics, the nature of the Indian and African peoples, even over the own construction of the modern subject. In this context the vieira´s preaching discharges the functions of kerigma (preaching), didachê (education) and politics (action). The research consisted in a finicky reading over five of these sermons that were returned in the presence of different audiences. The pulpit was the cathedra where Vieira used his sermons as a manner of social mobilization that aimed not only teaching a determined knowledge of reality, but altering cruel situations like Indian and poor people slavery in his epoch. Education by Vieira consist in a tension between utopian hopes and urgencies of practice. The rhetorical tradition affirms the interdependence of technical ethics and politics aspects. To know is not enough is necessary to convince and to move, realizating passage from theorical to practical liverly. It presupposes still the preoccupation with the solidity of argumentation and of reasoning, a wide cultural formation, the requirement of a civic ethics and, mainly, the adequacy between content and the specifics of audience
This research aims to understand the social representations Teaching Work in groups of undergraduate students of Physics and Chemistry of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. For this, the proposal was based on the three theoretical and methodological consensus Carvalho (2012) in the explanation of socio-genetic mechanisms constituents of dynamic consensus that has functionality to your organization. It Was used to achieve this goal, the theoretical-epistemological Serge Moscovici (1978, 2003), Jodelet (2011), Wagner (1998,( 2011) and Carvalho (2012). The corpus analyzed results from a qualitative and quantitative research, developed in three stages. The first two (2) questionnaires to fifty (50) of each undergraduate course, a questionnaire and another profile for collection of free associations concerning motes inductors "Give Lesson," "Student" and "Teacher". The second step in the procedure Multiple Classifications, Roazzi (1995), aimed for another thirty (30) undergraduate students for each course, as well as Document Analysis of Educational Projects Curriculum courses in Physics and Chemistry. The data analysis of the first stage focused on descriptive statistics and frequency and average order of the words associated with motes inductors. The results from the Multiple Classification Procedure submitted to multidimensional analysis (MSA multidimensional scalogram analysis) and SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis), were interpreted by the theoretical and methodological proposal of the three consensus, supported by analysis of the rhetorical nature of justifications classifications and categorizations of words, boosted in times of application of Procedure Multiple Classification. The data revealed that the groups surveyed were the same Social Representation with specific dynamic consensual. Thinking Teaching Work for these groups it is considered in three dimensions: the BE-DO-HAVE of teaching. In the group of Physics consensus was clear semantic, which expressed a dynamic in which the interpretations of "Teaching Work" peacefully coexist on perceptions of two concepts: An identity around the "BE" "Teacher" or "BE" "Educator" and the other, how they think about professional development. The type of group consensus Chemistry pointed to a consensual logic hierarchical order in which the gradual between the elements of BE-DO-HAVE attested conflicts and disagreements about the perceptual object "Teaching Work", around what value most, whether they are the attributes of personal or professional-technical dimension of teaching, in the course of professional development. The thesis to explain the mechanisms of socio-genetic Representation Social Teaching Work by theoretical and methodological proposal was confirmed
Helena is the romance of perishable and discontinuous title character denominator of a dialectic that does not consume and build the narrative by sequential fragmentation combined with episodic frame. The novel is a lightning stroke to the romantic literary project. Therefore, this study aims to find "objective" elements of the novel that would constitute a conception of literary nation proposed by Machado de Assis, as in classical writing, where women are engaged as a metaphor for the nation by a non-cultural heroism, as the example of the Greek myth of Helena, where the feminine represents a mythical image of the nation. The paper's theoretical conception of the history of Walter Benjamin, that is, that is constructed as an allegorical appeal, the conclusions about the disciplinary society of nineteenth century of Michel Foucault, the construction of the nation as a subtle game to remember and forget of Wander Miranda and the rhetoric of death and loss reflected in the speeches of the cultural heritage of José Reginaldo Santos Gonçalves, which allow you to analyze the work permeated by subjectivity and existential conflicts by Machado, who has it arranged in dialectic with the avant-garde literary romanticism and realism. In this relationship with the Greek myth of Helen, explained that characters with the nickname of Helena in Machado's work are not uncommon. As in classical Helena, Machado s Helena uses three rhetorical are the cause of the seizure of the nation. In this game of remembering and forgetting, in the daily plebiscite, Machado draw ideal images that forged our mythical past and commitment to the future. The suffering love of Helena is suffering from failure of the nation which would have led the author to the use of allegorical language, seeking a balance in the chaos generated by the opposition between cruelty and pity widespread view in an area where only left the character's confession guilt for the death. It is a simulacrum of unfinished nation, the space for the game of remembering and forgetting, while the rhetoric of negotiation of our Brazilianness
In administrative settings of public institutions, many activities are conducted through writing practices. Concerning this, writing is always connected to an activity we intend to perform. Among those practices, the genre request consists of an instrument through which the requirer addresses to an institution in order to request something under the support of legislation. Considering our work experience in a public institution of higher education, we elected - as object of our research - the genre request produced by undergraduates within the administrative domain of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) due to its importance in this context. For this, the theoretical framework adopted refers to the socio-rethorical conception of genre studies, which understands the genre as forms as rhetorically typified action (MILLER, 2009a; SWALES, 1990; BAZERMAN, 2009). Regarding methodology, it is a research associated to a qualitative approach (BODGAN; BIKLEN, 1994; CHIZZOTTI, 2010) whose discussion inserts into the field of Applied Linguistics. The data were generated from samples of requests and their users replies in questionnaires, interviews and verbal protocols of writing. The data analysis is based on the ethnographic methods of genre analysis postulated by Devitt, Reiff and Bawarshi (apud JOHNS et al., 2006). These analyses indicated that the requests are not always fully accomplished due to a lack of comprehension about the genre and its rhetorical situation on the part of the producers. It must probably happen - among other reasons - because these students may not have understood that several factors, such as: context, audience and purpose, affect the text production. We believe that one possibility to make the practice of this genre more efficient is to develop a more simple and practical way of elaborating requests, taking the needs imposed by the rhetorical situation as a basis
This work has as objective generality to make a multidimensional analysis in the genre journalistic assay, communicative genre that, beyond complex and multimodal, presents hybrid characteristics. Specifically, with the intention to propose defining criteria of the cited genre, this research looks for to establish differences and similarities between the assay and other genres of the same sphere, from the description and interpretation of used multimodal resources. The analysis of the formal, schematical and rhetorical resources identified in the formatting of the journalistic assay sample that the analyses are supported in the socio-semiotic and socio-rhetorical approaches. In the formal dimension, we contemplate elements that constitute design of the text, including the forms of representation from the typography, the colors, images, as well as the aspects communicative-linguistics: the modalization indices, the communicative operators and the category time; in the schematical dimension, we present the organizational structure, considering the rhetorical movements postulates for Swales (1990) and in the rhetorical dimension we observe the categories: who writes, for who it writes, on what it writes and where writes. The adopted methodologicals postulates are of qualitative nature and the procedure is documentary, data that in we are valid them written texts of this genre as analysis object. Corpus it is constituted by a composed sample for 14 extracted texts of a set of 173 propagated journalistic assays weekly for the magazine Veja, in the period between August of 2004 and January of 2008. The analysis of the data showed that the journalistic assay, object of this study, materializes through multiple symbolic representations and multiple subjects that turn since a small episode of the daily facts of great social relevance in the present time, of historical and cultural nature, nationwide or international. Used for the first time by Montaigne in 1580, to assign, in saying of the proper author, written fast on its life and historical events, which could nor be remembered later , the term `assay' was enriched with other specifications, of form to enclose the one that if they call scientific assay today, academic assay, journalistic assay and other types of specific assays. These denominations have to see with the enrollment of the members of diverse of practices communities, in virtue of the multiplicity of activities carried through in these spheres. The conclusions the one that we arrive had been the following ones: 1. the discursive genre is not a pure entity, in virtue of the multiplicity of situations where the sorts if insert in the social actions; 2. the institutions define the configuration of one definitive genre, also its proper assignment, since for backwards of all discursive genre a voice exists to discipline - institutional voice, and in the case of the assays for analyzed us, the institutional voice if it presents, really, as a defining trace; 3. the journalistic assay, for its multiple symbolic representations, multiple subjects and for passing explicit or implicit opinions of its author, resembles it other genres, being able, therefore, to be inserted in a colony of opinionatives genres
A study about the polyphonic aspect of The Lusiads. An epic poem in Portuguese Language written by Luís de Camões, that narrates the adventure of the journey of Vasco da Gama in the discoverer of new shipping lanes for the Índias. Secondarily, tells the historics battles engaged during the process of foundation and consolidation of the Portuguese Empire. The object of the study are the diverse speeches that compose the poem s narration, aiming at to the possible aesthetic relation of the epic poetry of Camões with the novelistic prose developed in the modernity, starting with D. Quijote and consacrating it at polyphonic novels written by Dostoiévski. The sdudy focuses the singularity of Camões lies in the elaboration of a narrative structurally epic, but at the same time contains several deviating speeches. Such speeches emphasize the multiple planes and multiple voices (characteristics of novelistic prose) without, however, prejudice the interlinking logical-formal epos, resulting in the monological finish conventional of the epic gender. This feature characterizes The Lusiads as monological literary work, but also shows dialogism and plurilinguism, essentials to the polyphonic phenomenon. Another prominent aspect of the poetry of Camões is the relative procedure to the expressiveness of the characters. They are, in the majority, rhetorical creations, which assume, in the speech, human or myhtological characteristics. Stratagem that permits to the poet to emit a multiple faces of vision of the facts told. The analysis of the speeches supports-itself entirely in the polyphonic theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, shall be cited, accessory, viewpoints of others theoretical, as long if it is judged compatible with the theory adopted
The work presented here is the result of research on the issue of human rights in the face of conflicting issues such as the incorporation of international treaties, the sovereignty of states, globalization and multuculturalism. Specifically, we will investigate the origin of human rights, alongside his growing recognition, from the Revolutions until its completion in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The question, however, has become broader, when analyzed from the perspective of the internationalization of these rights as conditions and limits of democracy. Given the convergence on the reception of international treaties on human rights, we analyze a series of positions, including recent placements of the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Amendment n.45/2004. The study aims to review the classical concept of sovereignty, now within a new perspective based on the appearance of certain limitations of the state and a crisis in the face of the protection of human rights. We analyze the phenomenon of globalization in light of its complexity and its relation to sovereignty and human rights in pursuit of an expansion of democracy. The theme is consistent also with the line of contemporary constitutionalism, since their approach has a close connection with the issues of sovereignty and globalization, as well as a current relationship with the protection of human rights. The research aims to analyze the formation of a new society within a global vision of the constitutionalization of international law. It seeks to glimpse the invocacion model of foreign precedents and the possibility of dialogue betweem States as a way of protecting and enforcing the protection of human rights