15 resultados para Pronaf
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The present work deals with study on the National Program of Reinforcement of Familiar Agriculture, Group B, referring it offers of agricultural credit the agriculturists who possess familiar prescription until R$ 2,000, 00, and its impact in the agricultural occupation of the city of Ceará-Mirim. From theoretical referencial regarding the agricultural occupation, it collects of data, application of questionnaires between the beneficiaries of PRONAF B and interviews with the involved actors, it was made possible ascertainment of the hypothesis of that the program in this modality of credit, is capable to provide only to the maintenance or diversification of the occupation in the familiar unit and not it generation of remunerated occupation not familiar. This research disclosed to the diverse possibilities of use of the credit and its impact in the agricultural occupation, exactly when it is deviated for other purposes not waked up next to the financial institution, generating impacts not waited, however positive. When destined to the waked up end, still new forms appear of way occupation to complement it the deriving familiar prescription of the main activity. Unable to discard the rise even though very small and informal, non-family gainful occupation. The knowledge is added of that exactly ahead of the easinesses of access to the social base of the program, many familiar agriculturists still find difficulties in the approval of the which had credit, on the other hand, the requirements of the financial institutions
Since minetics The economics and political promotion along the necessity of flexibility in states actions admited actors partipction and social controlo on process of construction in local development. The Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento à Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) by this framework consists suprass the specific points about contry world in order to embrace territorial dimension of development, focalizing actions that estimulate co-operative pratices among local agents. This work proposal intends to identify advances and regression of PRONAF Infra-estrutura (Framework) by one territorial pact organization considering its administration about mechamisms on advantage conmflicts between distinct actor and their ables to atimulates a construction of new relationships between governors and population. Undderstanding PRONAF action like a process that come from its instrumental proportion surpass looking for substantial elements constructionm on intervention of local development considering administration mechamisms in São Paulo do Potengi (RN) city-council-starting by Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Rural as well changes of institutional arrangement with território da Borborema erection. Throngh documental studies, bibliography researches and interviews we indenttfy an articulante power of Territorial pact partnerships like one of these political process and its sector character as their limits
This work has for objective to analyze the perception of benefited of Pronaf B Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar, in relation to the results that are presented concerning this program. For this, it is presented hypothesis of that the familiar agriculturists, fit in the norms of credit of Pronaf B, have a peculiar perception on the end item of this program, produced from inherent characteristics to the agricultural reality where they live. Ahead of this, I broke myself of estimated of that the searched familiar agriculturists are more socially vulnerable to the inaqualities the agricultural areas. For this research, they had been used, mainly, theoretical reflections of studious of the campesinato, familiar agriculture and of researchers of the impacts of Pronaf B in the agricultural way. The empirical data of the research had been gotten, through the application of questionnaires with the benefited ones and interviews with the mediators of this program in the two searched cities, Apodi and Antônio Martins, in the Rio Grande do Norte, who proportionally withholds the biggest contract number of Pronaf B in the state. The conclusion of the research ratifies the initial hypothesis of that the perception on the results of Pronaf B for benefited its is peculiar, and points stops beyond the economic results, such as: the rise of auto-esteem; the rescue of the citizenship feeling and as impact in autoconsumo of the families of the agriculturists benefited for Pronaf B
The research DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC POLICY: AN EVALUATION OF PRONAF IN THE SETTLEMENTS AGRARIAN REFORM OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the National Program for Strengthening Family enhancerelement od development in rural settlements od Rio Grande do Norte. The methodological approach consisted of the completion of desk research and literature on development issues, policies, and rural credit and field research through semi- structured interviews with managers and technicians who work with the program and conducting focus with farmers settles who accessed the PRONAF the period from 2000 to 2006. The survey results confirm the central hypothesis of this work, that acces to PRONAF A is not causing efetivations relevant in the lives of farm workers settlers in Rio Grande do Norte. In the setllements where efetivations these occur, they are short of what the program intends to carry out and rely on a set of conditionalities that are beyond the operational frameworks of the same. Such questions point to the need to revise the program in order to estabilish adjustments that in practice the approach of the proposed objectives. For this purpose it is necessary to invest in factor that contribute to the program has a positive effect not only to increase income, but to contribute to the autonomy of the resettled farmers, expanding its capabilities and increased the power of choise with respect to life who wish to take
Broadly anchored on Institutionalist literature this dissertation seeks to answer: Why rural credit granted to farming families in Rio Grande do Norte, Pronaf group B, has shown positive results in some territories while in others the same results are insatisfactory? Considering formal rules are the same, then why such results are so distinguished? This research supports the fact that these results are a direct consequence of the quality of institutions defined as longstanding social rules established and built in social interactions. For institutions one understands; organizational structures, formal and non-formal rules, social trust, thinking behaviors and its evolution as well as routines. Using Pronaf Rural Credit as a background this study measures and compares results obtained in the rural areas of Seridó, Sertão do Apodi, Mato Grande, Assú-Mossoró, Trairi, Potengi and Alto Oeste. The dimensions of measurement considered were: economics, social and guarantee of transparency. The study considers a sample of 402 Group B farming families. It also elaborates a socio-economic profile of these families in the considered areas and underlines the main causes for defaulted loans, difficulties to improve family income and results of access to Pronaf B credit line, as well as it proposes solutions to surpass obstacles to improve the efficiency of this credit line
Family farming has been considered as the new axis of rural development in the country, the focus of several public policies, especially the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture - PRONAF and Food Purchase Program - PAA. PRONAF was created with the aim of providing credit to farmers, while the PAA to support family farmers through the purchase of its production. In this context, the objective of this study is to analyze the correspondence of these two public policies for family farming, in the Territories of Citizenship of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 2008 to 2010. In the methodology, the analysis was performed by comparing the distributions of the two programs in the territories of citizenship status. There were also statistical tests of differences in proportions, and Spearman correlations, and estimated a logit regression model, in order to measure the probability of a farmer participating in the PAA is associated with one of the modes of PRONAF. The data used were obtained from the National and Supply - CONAB at the Institute of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension - EMATER, and the Ministry of Agrarian Development - MDA. Among the key findings was noted that policies were associated with a direct, but low in the districts of the Territories of Citizenship. And that, in the years 2008 and 2009, only in the territories of Mato Grande, Alto Oeste and Seridó, the actions of PAA and PRONAF had direct and significant correlations. It was found that in most of the territories, policies are performed randomly, ie that both have no correlation to each other. The estimates of the logit model showed that the chance of a family farmer, the PAA participant, receive credits PRONAF A, is higher in the territory of Mato Grande, and would have a chance to fall in PRONAF B in all areas surveyed. Moreover, farmers in the territories of the Assu-Mossoró, Sertão of Apodi, Seridó and Alto Oeste, participating in the PAA would be more likely to receive credits PRONAF C, reflecting thus the family farm more consolidated these territories
To investigate the possibilities and limits of mechanisms of participativa management in the scope of the Pronaf - National Program of Fortalecimento of Familiar Agriculture, and the corresponding effectiveness of its actions in the construction of alternatives of sustainable agricultural development in the Coast North of the State of the Great River of the North, more specifically, in the composed Subzona de Touros for the cities of Bulls, White Well, Pureness, Is Miguel of the Gostoso and Taipu. To carry through this analysis they had been carried through Research of Field with the objective to reconstitute the trajectory of the CMDRS, to trace the profile of the citizens that compose each one of the five advice, its expectations, interests and the level of participation of the local population
This Doctoral Dissertation deals with the evaluation of impacts, through the Case Study on deviations or redirects present in contracts Pronaf B, at Governador Mangabeira - BA , from 2011 to 2013. From the questioning about the expected impacts not contribute to the effectiveness of the program ? It was possible the measurement of the hypothesis that the effectiveness of unexpected impacts stems from the logic of family farming, unique socio-economic conditions of individuals and family units. The methodology is structured in the theoretical framework regarding the impact assessment and family farming, data collection, questionnaires among redirected contracting credit in PRONAF B and interviews with institutional actors involved . The results confirmed the existence of a logic family farm, able to take own decisions their mode of reproduction of life. As for the impact assessment, we added the importance of the unexpected in the evaluation of public policy impacts , while study of effectiveness with the beneficiaries and the significant contribution of their views.
MATOS FILHO, João. A descentralização das Políticas de desenvolvimento rural - uma análise da experiência do Rio Grande do Norte. 2002. 259f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Econômicas)– Instituto de Economia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2002.
This work aims to study the institucional environment for the implementation of financing policies directed to familiar agriculture. The central hypothesis is that, although all changes occured in the credit norms, in order to reduce the existing obstacles for the access of outsiders, the same institucional arrangement remains which gave support to the modernization - crystallizer of strengthening structures of this exclusion. The most relevant pressuposition is that the poor agriculturists are the most displayed to the institucional limitations. The concepts of institucional arrangements and environments used in this work had been constructed with support of the institucional school, contemplating itself the economic dimension, the organizational sociology and political science. In the relation of the institucional changes with the state performance, the theorist reading was important that reflect on the relative autonomy of the State and studious of the Brazilian State. The empirical part consisted of a research which had been applied questionnaires with benefited and non-benefited agriculturists with PRONAF B, in thirteen cities of Rio Grande do Norte. In each city, interviews with four of its main mediators had been carried out. The research results had ratified the hypothesis of the work of that the conception of the public policies does not take in account the institution role in the behavior and the choices of the individual and collective agents, inferring itself that this policy, as others, lacks of mediation that exceed the rationality of legal landmarks
Analyzes the development experience in the Territories of Mato Grande and Sertão do Apodi in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, evaluating the actions of the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture, specifically the line of infrastructure (PRONAF-INFRA), and the National Program for Sustainable Development of Rural Territories (PRONAT) in these territories. Summarizes the various rural development approaches and takes the theoretical assumptions of territorial development, the concept of constructed territory and market-plan territory, further the cycle model to analyze public policies selected these experiences. Thus, we propose to test the hypothesis that most of the actions implemented would lead to the formation of market-plan territories, in other words, perceived only as a platform for the presentation of projects. The literature and documents, combined with case studies, interviews and direct observation of the meetings of committees, showed that, despite two boards are under the same laws, rules and formal regulations, have clear differences when considering the theory and concepts that were used as reference. The Apodi s territory is closer to a constructed space thus the search for a broader agenda, more autonomous and more appropriate to the reality experienced by local actors. On other hand the Territory of Mato Grande had the characteristics of a market-plan territory more present. As the result, the territory of Sertão do Apodi accesses not only as part of a greater number of policies and funding sources, ensuring a greater and more diverse investment volume than the territory of Mato Grande. Despite these differences, studies have shown that territorial boards surveyed are still far from becoming the main forum for managing the development from conception planning socially constructed. Showed, finally, that territorial development strategy is relevant, but requires a long walk and a deep and continuous learning process to be successfully implemented in rural areas of Northeast Brazil
The objective of the present work is to verify the effects of Rural Social welfare in the family agriculture of the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN. The study based on available bibliography on the theme, in secondary data and in a rising amostral accomplished in three municipal districts (Encanto, São Miguel and Riacho de Santana) of the microrregião. The universe of the study was the establishments of the family agriculture appeared in the Agricultural Census of 2006, in those municipal districts. The unit of considered analysis was the rural family, with the interviews being applied close to the farmers' families with and without retired rural. The sample was of 94 present families in the family establishments. The results demonstrate that the Rural Precaution reaches a significant covering degree in the rural area of the researched municipal districts, with an average of 1,57 beneficiaries for home in the families with retired. The data of the research attest that the family agriculture in the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN it has few favorable conditions for his/her development, once, besides the shortage of lands and of the climatic factor of the area, the returned public politics the family farmers' totality - like PRONAF and PAA -, it has been unable to give effective answers for the improvement of the life conditions in the rural way, have seen the minimum amount of families reached by those politics, be in function of the drawing or of the atmosphere where they are done. In this context, he/she stands out the importance of the Rural Precaution that, in function of the application of the constitutional devices that you/they guaranteed his/her universalization, it has been the only relevant public politics that, in fact, it has been reaching her/it all their beneficiary potentials. Given the general situation of the family agriculture of the microrregião and of the specific characteristics of the researched family establishments, the hypothesis was corroborated that the rural retirement doesn't contribute directly to the increase / making possible of the family agriculture. In spite of 57,4% of the families with retired have declared to use resources of the retirement in the costing of the rural activity carried out by the family, the annual medium value of the expense just located around 7,02% of the annual value of the retirements gained by the families in the year of 2010. Data the low levels in that the social reproduction of the great majority of the family establishments of the microrregião, the maintenance of the families is operated represents the main destiny of the resources precautions. It was also confirmed the hypothesis that the Rural Precaution constitutes the main monetary contribution of the families with retired. For more than 93% of the families with retired, the retirements doing 50% or more of the total of the family monetary income, and in the composition of the rural income of the families with retired and pensioners, the originating from income the rural retirements are equal to 65,24% of the total of the annual income obtained by the families. It is ended, because, that the rural precaution, given to the adversities for the development of the family agriculture, of the operational inefficacy of the public politics and of the few opportunities of generation of existent income in the local savings, it is the main responsible for the reduction of the poverty and, consequently, for the improvements of the conditions of life of the families of and with seniors in the rural way of the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN
The objectives of this research were characterizing the dairy goat production systems and model it using linear program. On the first step of this research, the model was developed using data from farms that was affiliated in the ACCOMIG/Caprileite, used a similar dairy goat production systems and have a partnership program with Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais . The data of research were from a structured questionnaire applied with farmers and monitoring of production systems during a guided visit on their farms. The results permitted identify that all farms were classified as a small and have a intensive production system. The average herd size had 63.75 dairy goats on lactation; it permits a production of 153, 38 kg of goat milk per day. It was observed that existing more than one channel of commercialization for the goat milk and their derivative products. The data obtained, on the first step of this research, was used to develop a linear program model. It was evaluated in two goat production systems, called P1 and P2. The results showed that the P1 system, with an annual birth and lactation during approximately 300 days was the best alternative for business. These results were compared with a mixed (beef and dairy) goat system in the semiarid region, which indicated merged with both systems. Therefore, to achieve profits and sustainability of the system, in all simulations it was necessary a minimum limit of funding of U.S. $ 10,000.00; this value permit earning of U.S. $ 792.00 per month and pay the investment within 5 years
The Acquisition Food Program (Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos – PAA) is one of the governmental public politics proposed, in the year of 2003, that has the focus in the family-run farm in Brazil. This Program has as objectives: commercialize the familyrun farm products, bought by the government agencies; to encourage production, and promoting actions that improve quality food of people facing starving risk. This Program has been working, to some extent, as complement to the Program of family-run farm Enhancement (PRONAF). The present study has as its focus to analyse the social territorials changes observed in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, as a result of the PAA implementation. In this sense, it was promoted a discussion between territory and rules. I this work, public politics are understood as rules. This procedure was important in order to understand how the rules have influenced territorial changes, creating new social and territorial relations. In the research process was used scientific and institutional texts on the subject. It was applied a quiz with 97 PAA’s supplying farmers, and interviews were done with the Program managers in Federal (MDA), State (CONAB and EMATER) and municipal (local office of EMATER and Departments of Agriculture) levels. Social public politics were also analyzed with the aim of understand the context where PAA is situated in relation with the public politics directed to familyrun farm as a whole since 1980, within new Brazilian democratization process. With the information collected in the field, plus the secondary data, maps, charts, tables and cartograms were made. With all of this, a socio-economical profile of the family-run farm in the Rio Grande do Norte was traced, as well as the included in this research. Before this picture, we concluded that PAA indeed represents a forward in public politics directed to family-run farm. However, in spite of the importance of the Program for the family-run farmers to come of age, but in order to the rural and family-run farm reality in the Rio Grande do Norte come to present meaningful changes much still remain to be done.
MATOS FILHO, João. A descentralização das Políticas de desenvolvimento rural - uma análise da experiência do Rio Grande do Norte. 2002. 259f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Econômicas)– Instituto de Economia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2002.