14 resultados para Produtores no mercado de habitação

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The formulation of public policies, particularly those relating to social housing – SH -, follow a dialectical process of construction, which are involved in the figures of the State and tha Market.The combination of the State and Market remains in constant tension and struggle for power, which provides beyond products (policies, programs and projects), periods of crises and disruptions that can give rise to new institutional arrangements. It is possible to verify a change in the relationship between the State and the Market in the formulation of public policies of SH financing, justified by the context of the Brazilian economy growth, especially after 2003, year that began the first Lula Federal Government , and through the international financial crisis (in 2008). Thus, the State and the Real Estate Market has been undergoing a process of redefinition of their interrelations, articulating new arrangements, new scales of action and new logics of financial valorization of urban space. This peculiarity demanded the rapid thinning of speech and the proposals in the reformulation of housing policies, with the primary result within the pre-existing Growth Acceleration Program – PAC -, the release of My House , My Life – PMCMV -, established by Law 1.977 of the year 2009. Given the above, this research has as study object the relationship between financing public policies of SH, promoted by the State, and behavior of Formal Housing Market. It is believed that the established roles for each agent in the new housing finance model introduced with the PMCMV, have been adapted according to the needs of each location to make this a workable policy. It remains to identify the nature of these adaptations, in other words, what has changed in the performance of each agent involved in this process. Knowing that private capital remains where there is more chance of profit, we tend to believe that most of the adjustments were made on scale of State action. The recommendation of easing urban legislation taken by PMCMV points to how the State has been making these changes in activity to implement the production of social housing by this program. We conclude that in the change for PMCMV, the direct relationship for construction and housing projects financing began to be made between the Caixa Econômica Federal bank and the builders. The city was liberated from the direct interlocutor role between all actors involved in the production of SH and could concentrate on negotiating with the parties, focused on the effectiveness of SH public policies proposed by PMCMV. This ability and willingness for dialogue and negotiation of municipal government (represented by their managers), undoubtedly, represents a key factor for rapprochement between State and Real Estate Market in the City of Parnamirim.


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O presente trabalho intitulado Uma viagem insólita: de um território pesqueiro a um paraíso turístico tem como objetivo buscar compreender e interpretar as mudanças socioespaciais que ocorreram na Praia da Pipa/RN, decorrentes da expansão da atividade turística e seus reflexos no território, no período compreendido entre os anos de 1970 e os dias atuais, recorrendo-se a fontes bibliográficas, entrevistas e observações in loco, além de levantamento de dados secundários, cartográficos e fotográficos. Reporta à nova territorialidade que emergiu com a expansão da atividade turística para o litoral norte-rio-grandense, atraída pela praia e pelo sol, que fez convergir para essa área, produtores e consumidores não apenas locais, mas também regionais, nacionais e internacionais. Do ponto de vista social, a população nativa vem sendo expropriada de seus espaços, da sua cultura, das suas tradições e, até mesmo, do mercado de trabalho, o que vem provocando um processo de desterritorialização e o surgimento de novas territorialidades marcadas pela atividade turística. A expansão da atividade turística em Pipa/RN, a partir de 1970, tem provocado um processo de construção de um novo território o território turístico que se reflete dialeticamente através do surgimento de um novo cenário socioespacial constituído de formas e imagens expressas materialmente no lugar


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The `Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir - OODC` (Public Concession of Building Rights), instrument instituted by The City Statute in 2001, has as main objective the recovery of urban property, seeking for a fair distribution the urbanization benefits. The possibility of usage of the OODC instrument is linked to the maximum utilization coefficient, determined to specific areas in accordance to existing infrastructure conditions, further taking into account the formal real estate market, expansion axis and crowding. Being an instrument which establishes values to be paid for a better use of land, it maintains a narrow relation to the real estate, incentivizing or discouraging the crowding in specific areas. The present study investigates the relationship between the criteria for the making of the Public Concession of Building Rights instrument and the dynamics of the formal real estate market. It takes as empiric universe Parnamirim (RN), part of the Natal Metropolitan Area (RN), focusing on the application of the OODC in the period of 2008-2010. It seeks to better understand the necessary basis for the formulation of the instrument, about how it works and its relation to the formal real estate market. It aims to depict the formal real estate market by presenting the production of urban space in Parnamirim in terms of intensity and nature of the real estate, furthermore identifying the licensed properties through the application of the municipality instrument. For the conclusion, it is discussed the criteria for the formation of OODC, its relationship to the dynamics of the formal real estate market and its influencing possibilities in the processes of usage and occupation of land in the context of urban planning


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As an example of what happened in Brazil in the 90s, it s noticed in Natal a new system of cooperative housing production which is done by advancing the users resources selffinancing. This system comes as an alternative for the real state market performance since the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH), in 1986. Self-financed housing cooperatives play an important social role by contributing to own housing acquisition by low-income population, without, however, becoming a mechanism of social interest housing production. It is important to consider that Brazil registers a housing deficit of 6.6 million housing units (IBGE 2000/Census), which, compared to 1991, shows an increment of 21.7% to a growth rate of 2.2% a year. This deficit figure has been deepening, mainly with the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH). The self-financed cooperative housing production broadens around the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) and remains as an alternative to the lack of financing in the housing / real state market. In general, the aim of this work is to analyze the role of self-financing housing cooperatives on the housing production in the RMN, in order to identify their role in the real state market, in the own housing promotion and in the housing policy. The Universe of this study is performance of four housing cooperatives - CHAF-RN, COOPHAB-RN, MULTHCOOP e CNH - that work through self-financing. It is considered here an amount of 38 undertakings launched between 1993 and 2002, including 8143 housing units. The methodology adopted consists of bibliographic, documental and field research. As a result, actions like brokerage, marketing, speculation, and the criteria to define places for undertakings and final products, show how close they are to the housing market production. As a matter of fact, this short distance explains why the self-financed cooperative production for social interest housing is still limited. This reinforces the theory that it is necessary to define and implement a subsidized housing policy to serve the low-income Brazilian population


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This study presents research regarding affordable housing and their effects on the spatial reconfiguration of Natal/ RN, aiming to identify the specificities of the informality of urban land. This study aims to understand how informal housing market operates housing provision for the population located in popular informal settlements, through buying and selling market and rental market of residential properties irregular / illegal. This understanding will be through the neighborhood of Mãe Luisa, Special Area of Social Interest (SASI), located between neighborhoods with a population of high purchasing power and inserted into the tourist shaft of seaside of town. The characterization of informal housing market in Mãe Luiza, from buyers, sellers and renters, will help to understand how these informal transactions operate on SASI and housing provision for public policy development and implementation of housing programs and land regularization for low-income population, adequate to dynamic and reality of housing of informal areas


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This dissertation analyses the Brazilian housing policy of today s, focusing on the programmes in the socalled Social Interest Housing Subsystem in order to discuss to what extent the government has been able to grant housing constitutional rights in the country. The discussion is about housing policy and the principles in the country s Constitution regarding the role of housing as a social right, a right that must be granted by the state. This refers to land rent theory to understand the relationship between capital and property and the reasons why, under capitalism, housing becomes a commodity in the market. Then, it discusses the national housing policy, which emphasizes land ownership through financing, that is, via market, a process that excludes all low income population. In the conclusion, it is clear that, although government programmes cover extensively at least potentially the national territory as well as social group, subsidized housing programmes cannot be implemented in the city due to land prices because subsidy is too low. In this way, the law that grants housing rights to all Brazilian citizens is violated


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This work exposed desired to investigate the function of evolution of closed allotment, of market of the earth and of forms of extraction of the lace of earth, in the processes capitalist production of urban space in Nova Parnamirim, community of Parnamirim/RN. This tendentious urbanization were marked for an expressive increase of number of horizontal and vertical closed residences joint ownership concerning at social groups more privileged financial position. Go after, set off, a temporal investigation, based in the forms of appropriation of space in the middle intermediate by action of the several producers agent of capitalist capital. This way, make necessary understand the past of local structure earth, in order that to make possible analyze the beginning of the process. Not enough, appealed the publics institutions as immobile notary s office and secretary municipal for to collect the more important information, and in the field through of application of formulary together the population of ward, in order that of examine the motivation of residential establishment inside. Make this, confirmed that the actual spatial organization of ward of Nova Parnamirim started of two allotments: the Vale do Pitimbú Park and Eucaliptos Park, both divided in several little allotments. Before of begin the ward, allotments reproduced set off from that native has been consigned during the 80, 90 decade s and begin the actual century, resigning a complicated urban structure earth, dynamized by exploration of a promising residential area. Leashed of this, confirmed the installation of logic of segregation and auto-segregation conducted by an immobile market which exclude the poor class and absorb rich class, motivate by perspective of obtaining of urban lace of earth by immobile promoter. However, perceived that the growth this market was promoted by migration of groups of capital, interior of state and others regions of country. Not distant, horizontal and vertical closed residences represent production forms of a new form of residence, corresponding the pattern architectonic as socioeconomics, strengthened by ideal of security, quality of life, necessity of reclusion and of proximity of Natal. Is in the capital which this individual found possibilities of attend satisfactory minimum of yours necessity in relation a consumption of bens and specialized and specifics services. Before this qualitative perceive that the social and spacial differential of Nova Parnamirim was the responsible by soil and habitation valorization of ward, that reinforce the promotion of segregation and of auto-segregation, and consequently, of capitalist reproduction of urban space


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El Agreste Potiguar es el territorio de Rio Grande do Norte en que más se produce yuca. La formación de ese territorio asociase a la ganadería y al cultivo de algodón y de cultivos de autoconsumo, de entre los cuales, la yuca. En lo concerniente, específicamente al cultivo de la yuca, esa planta siempre ha sido sumamente importante para la subsistencia de los agrestinos , sobre todo, de los pobres. Hasta la década de 1980, la yuca era cultivada en pequeñas parcelas de tierra y era destinada a la fabricación de harina, que juntamente con el frijol, era la base de la alimentación de los trabajadores agrestinos. Además, era bastante útil para la producción de ración para el ganado. A partir de esa década, la actividad mandioquera (cultivo de la yuca con la transformación de ésta en harina y en otros derivados) desencadenada en el Agreste Potiguar empieza a pasar por un proceso de modernización, siendo implementadas transformaciones técnicas y en las relaciones de trabajo, bajo la lógica capitalista. Dentro de esa lógica, el cultivo de la yuca pasa a ser hecho con el uso de máquinas y de abonos químicos; la transformación en harina es actualmente realizada en manufacturas y en industrias de harina, que vienen siendo, cada vez más, marcadas por instrumentos técnicos movidos a electricidad, disminuyendo la necesidad de mano de obra; y la yuca no es más cultivada por los productores con el objetivo primordial de garantizar su subsistencia, pero sí con el de atender a la demanda por materia prima de las manufacturas y de las industrias de harina. De este modo, el objetivo del trabajo es comprender la dinámica de la actividad mandioquera en el Agreste Potiguar, considerando el uso pasado y actual del territorio, la modernización de esa actividad y su contribución al desarrollo del territorio en cuestión. Como procedimientos metodológicos, adoptamos la realización de investigaciones bibliográficas, empíricas (entrevistas y conversaciones) y el análisis de datos secundarios. Finalmente, sabiéndose que el proceso de modernización estudiado sigue la lógica capitalista, concluimos el trabajo afirmando que la modernización de la actividad mandioquera no viene contribuyendo al desarrollo territorial del Agreste Potiguar.


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The housing market in Mossoró Rio Grande do Norte (RN) - Brazil have expanded at present moment, causing important changes in the economy and altering the configuration of urban space in the city. However, the effects of this process adversely affect the poor population of the city, creating a series of social problems. This process becomes still more contradictory with the presence of the Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida Program My House My Life (PMCMV). Although this program has to a central purpose (at least in theory) of solve part of the problem of housing scarcity in the country, in the practice its closely links to the logic of capital, stimulates the housing market, cooperating to increased speculation, contributing thus for the more expensive valor of urban land and buildings, putting up as an impediment to the poor population to access to homeownership and decent housing. In this perspective, this paper investigates the nature of the current process of expanding of housing market, animated largely by funds from the PMCMV, and its implications on the social and spatial dynamics of Mossoró, focusing especially the deepening of urban crisis and the contradictions of urban space in this city


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Climate and environmental conditions allowed Brazil to become one of the largest producers of tropical fruits in the world. The São Francisco Valley, over the years, has emerged as the main fruit-producing region of the country, especially mangos and grapes. The mango, which is produced in this region, has reached a good international position, especially in European and American markets. However, the domestic price has absorbed more and more the impact of fluctuations in the international market expectations affecting the production and marketing of producers. The objective of the study is to analyze the transmission ratio of export prices of the mango, with the American market prices and the European Union in the period from 2003 to 2013. It is intended also to analyze the factors affecting the fluctuations of exports Brazilian mango for the main import markets. To achieve the proposed objectives, we used, in the methodology, the autoregressive vector model, in order to find the price transmission mechanism and the mechanisms of impacts through the impulse response function. We also used, the Constant Market Share model, in order to observe the importance of the effects competitiveness, destination, and growth in world trade on the changes of Brazilian mango exports in the period. The data used were obtained from the database of the Ministry of Development and Foreign Trade - MIDIC and FAOSTAT (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Among the results, it was found that the Brazilian domestic prices are influenced by the US market price, and that price shocks promoted this market can impact on the growth of the internal prices for several months. It was noted also that the competitiveness effect accounted for the largest portion of the effective growth of Brazilian exports, in other word, the country has improved its competitiveness among the other exporting countries.


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O presente trabalho intitulado Uma viagem insólita: de um território pesqueiro a um paraíso turístico tem como objetivo buscar compreender e interpretar as mudanças socioespaciais que ocorreram na Praia da Pipa/RN, decorrentes da expansão da atividade turística e seus reflexos no território, no período compreendido entre os anos de 1970 e os dias atuais, recorrendo-se a fontes bibliográficas, entrevistas e observações in loco, além de levantamento de dados secundários, cartográficos e fotográficos. Reporta à nova territorialidade que emergiu com a expansão da atividade turística para o litoral norte-rio-grandense, atraída pela praia e pelo sol, que fez convergir para essa área, produtores e consumidores não apenas locais, mas também regionais, nacionais e internacionais. Do ponto de vista social, a população nativa vem sendo expropriada de seus espaços, da sua cultura, das suas tradições e, até mesmo, do mercado de trabalho, o que vem provocando um processo de desterritorialização e o surgimento de novas territorialidades marcadas pela atividade turística. A expansão da atividade turística em Pipa/RN, a partir de 1970, tem provocado um processo de construção de um novo território o território turístico que se reflete dialeticamente através do surgimento de um novo cenário socioespacial constituído de formas e imagens expressas materialmente no lugar


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The `Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir - OODC` (Public Concession of Building Rights), instrument instituted by The City Statute in 2001, has as main objective the recovery of urban property, seeking for a fair distribution the urbanization benefits. The possibility of usage of the OODC instrument is linked to the maximum utilization coefficient, determined to specific areas in accordance to existing infrastructure conditions, further taking into account the formal real estate market, expansion axis and crowding. Being an instrument which establishes values to be paid for a better use of land, it maintains a narrow relation to the real estate, incentivizing or discouraging the crowding in specific areas. The present study investigates the relationship between the criteria for the making of the Public Concession of Building Rights instrument and the dynamics of the formal real estate market. It takes as empiric universe Parnamirim (RN), part of the Natal Metropolitan Area (RN), focusing on the application of the OODC in the period of 2008-2010. It seeks to better understand the necessary basis for the formulation of the instrument, about how it works and its relation to the formal real estate market. It aims to depict the formal real estate market by presenting the production of urban space in Parnamirim in terms of intensity and nature of the real estate, furthermore identifying the licensed properties through the application of the municipality instrument. For the conclusion, it is discussed the criteria for the formation of OODC, its relationship to the dynamics of the formal real estate market and its influencing possibilities in the processes of usage and occupation of land in the context of urban planning


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As an example of what happened in Brazil in the 90s, it s noticed in Natal a new system of cooperative housing production which is done by advancing the users resources selffinancing. This system comes as an alternative for the real state market performance since the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH), in 1986. Self-financed housing cooperatives play an important social role by contributing to own housing acquisition by low-income population, without, however, becoming a mechanism of social interest housing production. It is important to consider that Brazil registers a housing deficit of 6.6 million housing units (IBGE 2000/Census), which, compared to 1991, shows an increment of 21.7% to a growth rate of 2.2% a year. This deficit figure has been deepening, mainly with the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH). The self-financed cooperative housing production broadens around the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) and remains as an alternative to the lack of financing in the housing / real state market. In general, the aim of this work is to analyze the role of self-financing housing cooperatives on the housing production in the RMN, in order to identify their role in the real state market, in the own housing promotion and in the housing policy. The Universe of this study is performance of four housing cooperatives - CHAF-RN, COOPHAB-RN, MULTHCOOP e CNH - that work through self-financing. It is considered here an amount of 38 undertakings launched between 1993 and 2002, including 8143 housing units. The methodology adopted consists of bibliographic, documental and field research. As a result, actions like brokerage, marketing, speculation, and the criteria to define places for undertakings and final products, show how close they are to the housing market production. As a matter of fact, this short distance explains why the self-financed cooperative production for social interest housing is still limited. This reinforces the theory that it is necessary to define and implement a subsidized housing policy to serve the low-income Brazilian population


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This study presents research regarding affordable housing and their effects on the spatial reconfiguration of Natal/ RN, aiming to identify the specificities of the informality of urban land. This study aims to understand how informal housing market operates housing provision for the population located in popular informal settlements, through buying and selling market and rental market of residential properties irregular / illegal. This understanding will be through the neighborhood of Mãe Luisa, Special Area of Social Interest (SASI), located between neighborhoods with a population of high purchasing power and inserted into the tourist shaft of seaside of town. The characterization of informal housing market in Mãe Luiza, from buyers, sellers and renters, will help to understand how these informal transactions operate on SASI and housing provision for public policy development and implementation of housing programs and land regularization for low-income population, adequate to dynamic and reality of housing of informal areas