36 resultados para Ordem de palavras

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This research continues the current debate about the role of the images and the words in the architectural design persuasion, where we emphasize the increasing valuation of written documents (FORTY, 2004; MARKUS; CAMERON, 2002), the seduction for the graphical representation (DURAND, 2003) and the rhetorical effects of the graphical and textual resources (TOSTRUP, 1999). Based on these quarrels, we look for verify in the graduate final projects the relation between the design texts and images. From the PROJEDATA, database of the PROJETAR research group (UFRN), we selected the final projects of two brazilians universities, UFRN and USP, that in a first analysis, they had shown as ideal types of two distinct design presentation models, respectively: texts and drawings in separated documents, or combined in an only support. Based on Markus explanation about the function and the content of the texts, on the Durand perspective with regard to graphical representation uses and on Tostrup point of view concerning the rhetorical potential of texts and drawings, we analyze, in a set of 25 projects, how the students relate the textual and imagetical speeches. For this, we related the focus of each speech, in order to verify the possible coherence between both. We conclude that in the model of USP final project the coherence between the texts and the drawings is clearer than in the model adopted in UFRN


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The aim of this study was to learn about the social representations of the care provided by the Family Health Program (FHP) in the city of Natal, Brazil and determine how these representations guide the daily actions of doctors, dentists, nurses, nurse s assistants and oral health assistants during the work process. In this sense, we used the theoreticalmethodological approach to the Theory of Social Representations. For data collection, we used the following instruments: a two-part questionnaire, where the first part recorded sociodemographic data and the second part was adapted to the free word association technique (FWAT), which was applied to 90 professionals belonging to 18 FHP units. Interviews were also used as collection instruments. These were based on inductive stimuli and on direct observations of 30 of these professionals. After a superficial reading of the material, we constructed a corpus from which ten categories emerged. To analyze FWAT we used lexicographic analysis, combining frequency and the mean order of responses. The interviews and sociodemographic variables were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive statistical analysis, respectively. The study showed that the central nucleus of the social representation in question is composed of the elements attention, receptivity and love, revealing that the subjects have different understandings of the FHP care process and that the knowledge accumulated in this respect is supported by an approximate vision of the meaning of care. However, traditional elements with trivializing connotations about care predominate, which compromises the development of strategies to overcome traditional practices. In the set of analyses, we were able to capture the invariance of a contradiction: on one hand, professionals know and affirm the importance of providing care for FHP patients; on the other, the experience of daily practice translates into the negation of this concept. In this contradictory context, professionals build gradual and successive syntheses that allow them to act and affirm themselves by associating information from their academic formation, structured knowledge acquired in other experiences, values and symbols of their daily routine. Thus, they shape and reshape themselves, according to what is concretely and specifically required, at the same time both plural and multiple. The composition of the central nucleus indicates that any measure that intends to modify attitudes that is, the daily actions of FHP professionals with respect to care must take into account and give priority to the debate about the redefining of the semantic fields of the central nucleus (love/attention/receptivity and humanization), especially those of love and attention


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The aim of this study is to understand the perceptions of pregnant women, mothers and health professional about preeclampsia and the relation between professional and patient. A qualitative approach was chosen, together with semi-structured interviews, participative observation and Test of Free Association of Words (TFAW). The data were collected in February and June 2007 at Maternidade-Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC), Natal, RN, Brazil with 61 pregnant women and 87 professionals, 20 of each group were interviewed. An interpretative and understanding perspective was used similar to that of Gadamer s hermeneutics and with the construction of themes and empirical categories. The pregnant women showed fear preeclampsia and its consequences, and to know very little about the subject and also a desire to know more. The changes that occurred with the illness were more related to the emotional order than to the healthy lifestyle they have adopted. Some lack of preparation of the basic units was observed, in order to meet and guide the pregnant women to the reference unit. Professionals knew the customers characteristics, about their fear and about their little knowledge on this illness. Nevertheless, they did not include them in the treatment. It was observed the absence of conversation over the illness between professionals and patients and also the inability of the former to deal with emotional issues. A new way of looking into the preeclampsia assistance is necessary. A way that focuses on the collective construction of intervention and approach strategies; one which includes subjective aspects in an hermeneutic perspective of health


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Although several studies, have shown differences in cognitive performance between men and women, it not yet known whether these differences occur in tasks involving free association of words (WA). Studies across the sleep-wake cycle (SWC) suggest that rapid eye movement sleep (REM) favors semantic flexibility, in comparison with pre-sleep waking (Pre-WK), slow-wave sleep (SWS) and post-sleep waking (Post-WK). The present work has two aims: (1) to evaluate the semantic distances of word pairs produced by AP, comparing men and women, (2) to evaluate semantic distance in word pairs produced by free association across the SWC in young adults of both sexes. To achieve aim (1), we applied a task of WA in 68 adult volunteers during waking (52 women and 16 men). The WA task consisted of writing the first word that came to mind after viewing another word offered as a stimulus (root Word). To achieve aim (2), we performed polysomnography to identify specific stages of the SWC. The experimental subjects were then awakened (if they were asleep) and were immediately given a WA task. The task was administered to 2 groups of 10 subjects each (G1 and G2). G1 subjects were stimulated with the same set of root words after waking from various states of SWC, while G2 subjects received sets of different root words at each state of the SWC. In the absence of a Portuguese corpus suitable for the measurement of semantic distances, the words collected in our experiments were translated to English, and semantically quantified within a systematic and representative corpus of that language (Wordnet). This procedure removed the polysemies typical of Portuguese, but preserved the semantic macrostructure common to both languages. During waking, we found that semantic distances are significantly lower in WA produced by women, in comparison with the distances observed in men. Through the SWC, there were no statistically significant differences in G1. In G2 women, we detected a significant increase of semantic distances upon being awakened from SWS. In contrast, G2 men showed a significant increase in semantic distances upon being awakened from REM. The results of the first experiment are consistent with the notion that women have a more concrete reasoning than men. The results of the second experiment indicate that men awakened from REM present more flexibility in word association than when being awakened from other states. In contrast, women showed more flexible word association after being awakened from SWS, in compared with other states. The results indicate that the cognitive flexibility attributed to different states of the SWC shows gender dependency


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This research proposes a study about the interpretative techniques application that are compatible with the national legal system under the principles for Sustainable Development characterized in Brazilian Constitution. It verifies the actual possibility of reconciliation between national development and environment protection, with reflections under the water legal protection. It was proposed, therefore, to point subsidies for jurisdictional decisions involving development and the environmental goods, protected as constitutionally guaranteed principles. It was assumed that, both development and environment protection represents basic rights that are eventually placed in conflict situations, considering the many legitimate economic activities within the Brazilian State. A representative case analysis was elected within the current national scene, detailing the judicial and political conflict involving the Transboundery water Project from the São Francisco River Basin to another Northeastern river basin in Brazil. The implementation of several constitutional principles with elements from legal hermeneutics provides subsidies for the legal analysis about the conflict between development and environmental protection. It was assumed that the main discussion item about rights due to development today is the institutions influence and their results, among them the rules, laws and interpretative elements for the constitutional text objectivity, as the institutions credibility and the Supreme Courts interpretations. The use of interpretative resources for specific conflict situations about constitutional principles by Superior Courts, on the search, would bring a contributory factor for decision safety, related to sustainable development principles, elimination of inequalities and regional protecting for the environment. Specific aspects of Law No. 9.433/97 that introduced the National Water Resources Policy were examined, with its instruments, in order to specifically contextualize aspects of the Brazilian water resources management politics


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The man, being subject and object of their changes, has passed by many process to find a better life way. Since your existence, he finds to live in groups for make easy your life and make concrete yours desires. All by history, when the individual´s rights was establishment, collectives and lonely way, contribute for evaluate the relationship between individuals and they own, and them and state, which has a duty to those, positive or negative, depending on the case. The circle of fundamentals rights has been sustainable development and the concept of growth economy associated to the environment protection. This association reflect a apparent conflict between values very distinct, but the constitutional interpretation can be reunite both of them and make it live in harmony; values of environmental order and economical order can be exist together, as long as the state contribute to this. On the city, where the most of relationships happening, the urban plan appear how a effective way of sustainable development, finding the harmony between the growth economy and environment protection. To effective the socials functions of the city (inhabit, circulate, work and entertainment) and the citizen´s life quality, the city is the scenery that show how the urban plan, across established previously legal instruments, like the governmental public politics, to effective the right to development, right of third generation. The director plan how effective tool for local needs - obligation defined by Citizen Statute that contribute for the program linked defined by the urban plan. The state´s intervention on the private sector of citizen, and the restriction on their rights are be justified by the collective´s rights and their quality of life. So, in front the urban scenery has been the plan to make social functions of city, the healthy way of life, which is the sustainable development


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The economic regional integration is a phenomenon observed in numerous occasions inside the global economic reality. Watchful to that phenomenon, the 1988 s Brazilian constitutional order establish in its 4th article, single paragraph, the commitment to seek for the Latin- American integration, as a Fundamental Principle to the Brazilian Federative Republic. Regarding the mentioned constitutional disposition s realization, the Brazilian State celebrated, specially, the 1980 s Montevideo Treaty, creating the Latin-American Integration Association, and the 1991 s Asuncion Treaty, performing the duty to establish a common market, in sub regional level, with Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, called Mercado Comum do Sul. However, due to an addiction to a wrong comprehension of State s Sovereignty Principle, the Constitution imposes to the international rules an incorporation process, without providing any privilege to those ones regarding the integration constitutional disposition s realization, whether original or derived. The Brazilian s Supreme Court, as matter of fact, affirmed that it is not possible, facing the actual constitutional order, to grant any character of preference. Also in the controversies solution mechanism, responsible for the law s execution in case of its noncompliance, where found malfunctions, most notably the system s open character and its excessive procedural flexibility, in addiction to restricting the access of individuals. It follows from these findings, then, the lack of legal certainty provided by the Mercosul s legal system, considering its effects both international and within the Brazilian state. Among the possible solutions to reduce or eliminate the problem are using the practice of the so-called executive agreements in the Mercosul s original rules incorporation to the Brazilian state, the creation of a Mercosul s court of law and/or a constitutional reform


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In the Brazilian legal context, conflict resolution is studied and analyzed over a majority jurisdictional view, which is one of the reasons of litigation culture that creates a jurisdictional resolution hopeness. The practical impact of such reality is the loss of quality in the public service of the judicial function, moved, as a rule, by the overcrowdings, slowness of legal procedures and the relegation of peaceful resolution methods to peripheral plan. However, the Federal Constitution of 1988, following the Ordinary Law constitutionalization phenomenon provides specific guidance about the values towards the litigation resolution. The study, therefore, aims to approach the constitutionalization of conflict resolution in order to identify, through scientific and spiritual interpretation in conjunction with the systematic paradigm, what are these values, as well as operation and legal representation and practice of these measurements. In this sense, the thesis is to study the initial point of the analysis of conflict theories and explanations about the culture of litigation matched with concepts of creation and interpretation, constitutionalization, access to justice and social pacification public policies. It is used for this purpose, the logical-deductive method with the aid of the dialectic immanent in Law


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This work pursues to analyze the sanctions of restrictive nature, which are characterized by impeding the business of the contributor in debt. Such sanctions known as political sanctions, are truly understood as an indirect way of tax enforcement, liable to cause problems to the private entity in curtailing, the initiative freedom, opposing the Article 5°, item XIII and Article 170, single paragraph of CF/88. As the State gets the several means to assure the economic order effective performance, it is up to the State to restrain the economic power abuse that objects to the marketing domination, to the ending of competition, and arbitrary increasing of profits (CF Article 173, § 4ª.) Therefore, it depends on the state, besides maintaining the economic order, to ensure a fair distribution of tax burden and act under the command of the Democratic State of Law principles. In order to make the tax collection effective, specific in some cases, the administrative fiscal agent uses coercive, excessive, and institutional, in imposing sanctions which causes constraint, maculating the contributor s essential rights, that matters of the necessity to force the tax credit ending. The principle of the free initiative and free competition, which are intended to be analyzed in this study, comes from a constitutional context and it will be reviewed in its systematic relations and with another rules, in order to evidence, at the end, the occurrence of an intervention towards the economic order when the State makes do of political sanctions as a tool for the tax credit effectiveness, infringing the Tax and Constitutional principles


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A conformação do desenvolvimento propugnado pela Constituição Federal de 1988 como objetivo fundamental da república, certamente perpassa pela racionalização das questões energéticas e pela diversificação da matriz nacional enquanto estratégia de aprovisionamento. O desenvolvimento energético em toda a sua complexidade deve ser alicerçado não em uma relação de contraposição à sustentabilidade, mas cooperativismo normativo e de projetos sociais que objetivam a melhorias para a população nestes dois seguimentos. O advento das energias renováveis nesse contexto se consolida como uma alternativa viável, apesar do tratamento dado pela Lei Maior ao tema ter sido apenas com relação à geração em pequena escala. A interpretação sistemática dos postulados da ordem econômica e as exigências da sociedade estimulam o aproveitamento dos potenciais renováveis em escala comercial e regional, além do fortalecimento nos segmentos de autoprodução e produção independente. Dentre as energias tratadas como prioritárias neste contexto, a eólica revela-se como carecedora de aprofundamento das estruturas dogmáticas de sua positivação, que envolve um vasto manancial de regras pulverizadas na regulação econômica do setor elétrico e no controle ambiental. Esta textura submete os empreendimentos elioelétricos aos instrumentos da política nacional do meio ambiente e às determinações do poder concedente dos serviços de energia elétrica, responsável pela pormenorização da geração, transmissão, distribuição e comercialização de energia, independentemente da fonte primária utilizada no processo de transformação. Tratar destas questões com o compromisso na formulação de raciocínios críticos e propositivos, especialmente acerca de temas como a liberdade energética e controle de mercado, é imperioso para superar juridicamente as limitações presentes inclusive no discurso da delimitação de marcos normativos adequados. Havendo vantagens ambientais, tecnológicas e comerciais na exploração da energia cinética do vento como propulsora do desenvolvimento no modelo civilizatório estabelecido, cumpre também ao Estado dar a sua contribuição setorial na forma de incentivos, desburocratização e aprimoramento do modelo concorrencial. O estudo adota os métodos histórico-evolutivo, dialético e sistêmico de abordagem, encarando as hipóteses formuladas no aspecto das consequências multilaterais que as soluções encontradas apontam, exigindo que a estabilização de expectativas sociais por parte do ordenamento jurídico não ignorem o sentido material cognitivamente aberto do desenvolvimento. Hodiernamente, a perspectiva de desenvolvimento energético alia tendências econômicas e tecnológicas em favor das fontes alternativas mais eficientes, revelando a energia eólica como uma representante adequada em termos pragmáticos de normatização e preservação ambiental


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The study aims to investigate the limits of state intervention via induction on Economic Order, especially in cases regarding tax equality, through the analysis of their effects on economic development and on free competition from the perspective of economic efficiency and the Constitution. Thus, the work seeks to demonstrate that the achievement of equality in taxation is important in that it strengthens the economic relations in terms of efficiency, protects competition and fosters economic development to reduce regional and social inequalities and other constitutional desiderata. A dissertation is characterized by interdisciplinarity and was divided into two parts. The first is to discuss the legal meaning of equality from the doctrinal analysis of the principle and the relationship between equality and justice in the economic sense without rejecting its philosophical content. It is noteworthy that hermeneutics and the philosophy of language are useful tools for achieving equality in presenting the pragmatic methodologies applicable to the subject in terms of corrective justice. Based on these general assumptions, is going to study the tax equality and their characteristics, the corollary of the ability to pay and its relation to the economic capacity and the issue of progressivity in taxation as an ideal of distributive justice. The second part concerns the legal foundations of Economic Order and its relation to extrafiscality as a means of economic regulation in order to investigate the efficiency of this induction in order to promote economic development, free competition and tax equality itself to reduce inequalities and distributing wealth. Within this context, we investigated the scope of the constitutional principles of economic order, free enterprise and free competition, and favored differential treatment for small and medium enterprises, the issue of regional development for the reduction of regional and social inequalities, the problem the "fiscal war" and finally the efficiency from the perspective of Economic Analysis of Law


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In the middle of modern social changes produced by globalization and capitalism, several markets have changed. States have left the direct coordination of these markets (chiefly public utility sector in the form of monopolies), introducing regulation in order to promote competition. These changes have affected natural gas industry by promoting competition as a key factor to the development and the increase of firms in this market. The regulatory reform of natural gas industry ocurred in EUA and Europe Union and it has produced its first results. In Brazilian context, Constitutional Amendment nbr. 09 and Federal Law nbr. 9.478/97 ( Petroleum Law ) opened the natural gas market to a broad range of private economic agents and they finished the monopoly over the industry before managed by Petrobras. The new regulatory framework of Brazilian natural gas industry has designed competition as a central element to the new form of managment of business and contractual relationships of this industry. Among the regulatory instruments, open access regulation in natural gas pipelines is directed to promote competition. The questions arised about its implementation in Brazilian context are studied in the present work, in which it is discussed the constitutional rules and principles are to be applied to the open access regulation within the theme of statal regulation of economy present in constitutional economic order


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Given the great diversity of fishes, the Order Tetraodontiformes stands to show genetic and morphological characteristics enough singular. The fishes of this order have a compact DNA which favors molecular studies, as well as comparisons with more basal species. Model of genome evolution, there are still many gaps in knowledge about their chromosomal patterns and how evolutionary rearrangements influence the marked variation in DNA content of this order. In view of this, we present cytogenetic analyzes of the species Acanthostracion quadricornis (Ostraciidae), A. polygonius (Ostraciidae) Melichthys niger (Balistidae) Cantherhines macrocerus (Monacanthidae) and C. pullus (Monacanthidae), Lagocephalus laevigatus, Colomesus psittacus and Canthigaster figueiredoi (Tetraodontidae), to contribute with cytogenetic data for this group. The analysis was performed by C-banding, Ag-RONs, coloring with base-specific fluorochromes DAPI-CMA3, restriction enzymes AluI, EcoRI, TaqI, PstI and HinfI and in situ hybridization with probes for ribosomal DNA 18S and 5S. The heterochromatic ultrastructure of A. quadricornis and A. polygonius revealed a outstanding heterochromatin content, which may indicate that the accumulation or loss of extensive heterochromatin content could be responsible for large variations in genomic content displayed in different Tetraodontiformes families. The species Cantherhines macrocerus, C. pullus (Monacanthidae) and Melichthys niger (Balistidae) shows a huge karyotypic similarity both numerically and structural. L. laevigatus showed similar cytogenetic features (2n = 44 and single RONs) to the species of the genus Takifugu, which reinforces the idea of their phylogenetic relationships. C. psittacus presented the highest diploid number described for the family (2n = 56) and large amount of HC, features that related with its sister family Diodontidae. Cytogenetic analysis in C. figueiredoi revealed heterochromatic polymorphisms, RONs multiple and Bs chromosomes. These events are rare in marine fishes, and are possibly associated with the strong restructuring and genomic reduction that this family has been suffered. These features, plus the morphological and molecular data suggests that these species share the same ancestral branch, with a possible monophyletic origin. In this study, new contributions to the knowledge of evolutionary patterns facing by Tetraodontiformes are provided and discussed under cytotaxonomyc, genomic and evolutionary perspectives.


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The object of the present dissertation is to analyze the behavior of the public finances of the districts of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), taking as reference a period fundamentally previous to the implementation of the Fiscal Responsibility Law LRF, comparatively to the first years, immediately after the advent of the mentioned institutional milestone. The central hypothesis of this study proposes that, from the institutions' viewpoint, the LRF sets securely consistent rules, in the orchestration of the behavior of the municipal revenues and expenses. These regulations, on the other hand, might be effective and reach the districts of the RN indiscriminately, apart from stabilizing tendencies and which are sustainable in the long run. In spite of this, the indicators calculated reveal that the districts researched show, during all the period under analysis, a diminished capacity of self-tax collection , and consequently, a high participation of the intergovernmental transfers in the composition of the current revenues. This behavior indicates that the goal of strengthening the municipal public finances, forecast in the LRF, tends to be only partially accomplished, due to the fiscal decentralism. The analysis and interpretation of the data are conducted from the literature of institutionalist orientation and in descriptive statistical tools applied to the municipal strata of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Further on, it's used the econometrical method Pooled OLS, which demands the elimination of the municipal strata in order to allow the use of the model, in the attempt to strengthen and/or ratify the results of the research. Finally, the evidence reached in the dissertation show that the LRF brings better conditions to the potiguar municipal public finances, predominantly to the economically stronger districts; whereas the less dynamic municipal entities show rather divergent evidence, that is, their economies seem to be more oriented to a more pronounced state participation; therefore, it generates in the state of RN a certain antithesis in the results reached in the dissertation