9 resultados para Mortgage-backed securities

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The right to housing is included in several international human rights instruments and in Brazilian legal system integrates the constitutional catalog of fundamental social rights (art. 6) and urban development policy (art. 182 and 183). Besides, it is for all federative governments its effectiveness by building programs and improvement of housing conditions and sanitation (art. 23, IX), which justifies the investment in urban planning and public policy of housing affordability because they are tools for achieving this right. Newer strategies in this area have been based on tax incentives, combined with the mortgage as a way to induce the construction of new housing units or reform those in a precarious situation. However, there is still a deficit households and environmental soundness, compounded with the formation of informal settlements. Consequently, we need constant reflections on the issue, in order to identify parameters that actually guide their housing policies in order to meet the constitutional social functions of the city and ensure well-begins of its citizens (art. 182). On the other hand, the intervention of the government in this segment can not only see the availability of the home itself, but also the quality of your extension or surroundings, observing aspects related to environmental sanitation, urban mobility, leisure and services essential health, education and social assistance. It appears that the smoothness and efficiency of a housing policy condition to the concept of adequate housing, in other words, structurally safe, comfortable and environmentally legally legitimate, viable from the extensive coordination with other public policies. Only to compliance with this guideline, it is possible to realize the right to housing in sustainable cities


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This study aims to understand the feelings of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) that experienced a change of shift at the bedside. The change of shift is one of the routines used by nursing in their work process and of great significance for the patient; therefore, deserves careful analysis in seeking to perfect themselves for the improvement of nursing care. It is a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. The collection of information was performed using semi-structured interview, in August and September of 2011, after authorization from the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, as opinion 290/2011. The analysis, based on interviews of patients, took the humanization as the thread of investigation backed by authors who deal on the subject and the theory of the gift of Marcel Mauss that sits on drug give-receive-return. The results indicate that the change of shift at the bedside but has not configured, the content of the speech of patients interviewed, as a moment that has generated fear and anxiety, could be deduced by the expression of silence, tears and other signs during interviews, how hard it is to live this experience. Nevertheless, despite this apparent tranquility, revealed uncertainty and apprehension face the speech of professional, during the visit at the bedside, particularly when referring to their health and their neighbors. On the other hand, the indifference to the participation of the patient at the time of the visit, expressing an attitude of merely technical nature, dehumanizes the act of taking care, the essence of nursing. And, for all the patients that we understand, about the visit to the bedside, as well as the ICU, we can infer that there is suffering for them. However, we understand your feelings and revelations seeking support in the theory of Mauss's gift: the patient receives the gift (care), and imbued with a feeling of gratitude, the rewards in the form of compliments and courtesies. Precisely for this reason, we need to sharpen our sensitivity to deal about the human condition in all its vulnerability.


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In Brazil, the mental health network proposed by the Psychiatric Reform inserts the intermediate and replacement services in the pursuit of alignment or resocialization of patients with mental and behavioral disorder in the community. Was adopted, among other services, the Center for Psychosocial Care, Home Therapy, Sheltered Home, Day Hospital and psychiatric beds in general hospital. In this context, the State of Rio Grande do Norte implanted the Day Hospital Dr. Elger Nunes (HDEN) in Natal / RN in 1996, linked to State Department of Public Health. At HDEN happened a multi and interdisciplinary therapeutic work, besides being the scene of disciplinary practices, and extension projects for graduate courses in Higher Education Institutions in the city. However, with the process of decentralization of local services, the hospital was terminated by an administrative state act in 2006, leaving damage to the activities provided to users, disciplinary practices and extension activities. From this breakdown, the objective was to narrate the trajectory of HDEN through a multidisciplinary team of professionals and teachers who used it as a field of disciplinary practices. It is characterized as a documental and qualitative, backed in the technique of thematic oral history, following the phases: authorization of the interviewee, interview recording, transcription, textualization and transcreation of the material obtained. We used documents, ordinances, general reports of activities, among others, plus interviews to fifteen employees who used this service, being thirteen part of the multidisciplinary team of professionals and two graduation professors of health care area, nursing and medicine. The stories collected were organized according to the technique chosen, respecting its steps. In preparing the body subjected to ALCESTE computer program, priority was given to the vital tone for the formation of categories and classes elected by the program, structured in three thematic areas. In the first axis, called Trajectory of HDEN, were recalled the beginning of its activities, the steps of that time, their activities, and its actors - users, families, professionals, and teaching practices. The second axis has dealt with the process of extinction of HDEN, rescuing the feelings of employees, the main reasons given at the time and immediate postextinction scenario. And the third axis revealed in an articulated form the situation of mental health in Natal / RN, listing to the challenges and prospects for the psychosocial care, starting from the trajectory of HDEN with emphasis on activities. Moreover, the trajectory of HDEN provides recognition of the historical basis outlined in the constitution of the network of substitute services present in the current scenario of psychosocial care in the city of Natal and in RN.


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This work presents the processes and the results of a research concerning the affectivity in children suffering from the Down´s Syndrome (DS). The relevance of the study is justified due to the need of the development of researches, in the area of psychological evaluation of people who suffers from Down´s Syndrome (DS), that are backed by the use of appropriate instruments for such purpose. The thematic discussed focuses the characteristics of the affectivity of children suffering from Down´s Syndrome. Affectivity, conceptually, is considered a wide phenomenon, including several aspects such as emotions, passions, anxiety, anguish, sadness, happiness and even the pleasure sensations and pain. The general objective of the study consisted of investigating the manifestation of the affectivity in children and young with Down´s Syndrome and the parents´ and educators´ perception concerning the expression of the affectivity in the behavior and in the social activities. The specific objectives were: to identify the parents' perceptions about the several manifestations of indicative behaviors of affectivity; to verify in the social atmosphere, outside home, through the teachers' perception, the several forms and intensities of the expression of the affectivity; and, to make possible the use of the technique of Zulliger (Z-test) in people with Down´s Syndrome. 70 (seventy) children and young with Down´s Syndrome participated in the research, in the age group from 04 to 26 years old, which are attended by Institutions of Paraíba and of Rio Grande do Norte. The instruments used were two questionnaires, applied with the parents and teachers, and the projective technique, Z-test, applied, individually, with the children and young with Down´s Syndrome. For analysis of the data of the questionnaires, the program Trideux-Mots was used, with the intention of selecting the main outstanding words for the parents and teachers concerning the expression of the children's affectivity and young with Down´s Syndrome. For so much, it was organized a database that was processed by that program and, soon after, interpreted through the Factorial Analysis by Correspondence (AFC), looking for to clear the modalities of presented answers in an organized way, through a graph. The data of the Z-test were analyzed, taking in consideration the need to characterize the aspects of the affectivity and the elaboration of specific norms for this sample type, through normalized scores. In agreement with the data presented by Tri-deux-Mots, it was observed that in the affective behavior and in the relationship with the other, home and in the school, the children and young with Down´s Syndrome they express your affectivity through positive and negative characteristics, in the same way that any other child that doesn't have to syndrome. The Z-test made possible initial elements to work with that population, however it is necessary that grow other researches with the intention of investigating the reason of the answers they present not the specific categories that you/they are related to the affectivity, since it was well-known the diversity of affective characteristics presented by the researched group


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This study aimed to evaluate patients who underwent placement of zygomatic implants technique by Stella & Warner, considering the survival of conventional and zygomatic implants, sinus health and level of patient satisfaction in relation to oral rehabilitation. We evaluated 28 patients where 14 had received conventional and zygomatic implants, being rehabilitated with implant-fixed dentures (group 1) and 14 were rehabilitated only with conventional implants and implant-fixed dentures (group 2). The study had four phases, represented by radiographic evaluation of implants (stage I), clinical evaluation (stage II), assessing the health of the maxillary sinus (stage III) and a questionnaire to measure satisfaction of rehabilitation with fixed prosthesis implant Total -backed (stage IV). Group 2 underwent only stage IV, while group 1 participated in all stages. Descriptive analysis and statistics were performed, using the t test for independent samples in the evaluation of phase IV. The results demonstrated that the technique of Stella & Warner proved effective, allowing a high survival rate of conventional implants and zygomatic (100%), considering a minimum follow-up of 15 months and maximum 53 months after prosthetic rehabilitation. There were no pathological changes in tissues periimplants conventional and zygomatic implants analyzed. Radiographic findings showed satisfactory levels bone implants in the oral rehabilitation with conventional zygomatic implants and a good positioning of the apex of the zygomatic implants over the zygomatic bone. The presence of the zygomatic implant did not cause sinus and the t test showed a satisfaction index lower in group 1 compared with group 2. The zygomatic implant placement technique by Stella & Warner proved to be a predictable technique with high survival rate in patients with atrophic jaws, necessitating long-term follow-up to confirm the initial findings of the study


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This work was developed in the extent of the Post Graduation Program in Social Service of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. It talks about the process of inclusion of the disabled people in the Job market in Mossoró-RN, bringing for the academic debate relevant thematic for the Brazilian society, for the profession of Social Service and similar areas and for the people with deficiency. It has the objective to apprehend the determiners that make possible the process of the disabled people's inclusion in the Job market in Mossoró, having as parameter the National Politics for the Integration of People Bearers of Deficiency. The critical theoretical perspective is backed in Marx's ideas for the understanding concerning the work, as well as in Pochamann, concerning the job market, regarding the exclusion/inclusion category is based in Martins, Yasbek and Sposati and on deficiency in the National Politics for the Integration of the Disabled People. The research is of qualitative nature and it took as subjects 26 (twenty-six) people, being 09 (nine) people with deficiency, inserted in the formal job and regulated market, and 17 (seventeen) managers of private companies and public institutions of the city of Mossoró-RN. For the collection of data we used techniques of nonsystemic observation, semi-structured interview and documental analysis. The results of the research mark that any modality of the human workforce used in the current context, they are functional to the capitalism and they move forward towards exploration, alienation and subordination of the work to the capital; the National Politics for the Integration of the People with Deficiency expresses and reproduces the contradictory dynamics of the class society, it reflects the neo liberal shades through the selectivity and of the articulation among the federated beings and organizations of the civil society for its operational system; there is a misproportion between the percentages of the quotas and the amount of people with deficiency inserted in the job market, just corresponding to a tiny numeric magnitude; the developed activities are of low social status and it is expressive the amount of workers that receives between one and two minimum wages. These data drive us to infer that the mentioned politics make possible, partly, the inclusion of the disabled people in the job market, though, such inclusion is executed in the selective or focused dimensions, marginal, precarious and unstable


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This Project was built to reflect about juvenile violence and the socio-educational´s range of community services provision. It is known that the juvenile violence is a phenomenon inserted on the capitalism system, backed on neo liberal project. Though, it is essential a historical analysis, showing the economical, political, social and cultural mechanisms which determine the juvenile violence personality. On this way, it is seek understand the elements that leads on work world changes, on the State and public politics sphere, that deepens social dissimilarities. On this propose, it is known that there is a relation among the violence, while one of many manifestations of social question on society and the macroestructuals´determinant that lead the teenager to a social rick situation. This research focused on a inquiry quail-quantitative, using the theoric-metodological procedures of observation, interview and documental quest techniques. The universe had been defined by the intentional sample of 22 interviewed on total, during August and October 2008, covering adolescents and their relatives, technical and the coordinator, which subsidized the Socio educational program of community services provision from Natal analysis of limits and their range. The results of this investigation indicate the necessity of development, with the teenagers authors of infringement acts, a care system that is grounded on a professional formation, respect on human rights and citizenship conquest, regarding that children and teenagers are designed as people on development, that have theirs rights and integral protection, being the State, society and family responsibility assure the integral development of them


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The health worker is seized in this research beyond the mere applicability of legal devices concerning the legislation of Labor, in order to be established correlations with activities alluding to the public power in the ambit of State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN). This dissertation is an cutting of analysis circumscribed in the research, "Accidents at work: law, citizenship and justice," of the Grupo de Estudos Seguridade Social e Trabalho (GESTO) of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The overall goal turned to apprehend and relate contradictory elements inherent compliance of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in the supermarket which showed the highest occurrence of legal violations recognized by the Labor Justice of RN in the period between 2006 and 2008 . The specific objectives turned to identify, from the condemnatory sentences, violations inherent in the protective direction of the OH & S legislation; analyze the relationship of health damages to workers at the supposed recognition of rights claimed in condemnatory sentences and correlate violations inherent in the legislation OSH impacts on the health of workers, from data contained in expert reports. The justification for perform the research backed up, among other factors, in the fact that class of activity has been presented as the most recurrent in condemnatory sentences, since it chose to focus the analysis on documentary evidence from the supermarket which showed greater expression in relation to violations of the OSH legislation. From a qualitative perspective, the methodological approach was based on content analysis of thirteen condemnatory sentences, handed down by the potiguar labor justice, and three expert reports from a large supermarket in the city of Natal/RN. Aftermaths are evidenced relating to the cyclical processes of reorganization of capital, demanding requirements for labor organizations whose strategies for survival include identifying mechanisms to extract as much of the work force. Structural determination and ideological context that puts into question the historical achievements of workers, for example the legal devices aimed at preventing workplace accidents, expressed in this research as relativized, showing limitations of reach, as was inferred the indemnities, by material and moral damages, arising from Work-Related Musculoskeletal Diseases (MSDs'S), recognized by the laborite judiciary


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The paper demonstrates how it is organized production chain of natural gas in Rio Grande do Norte and highlights some prospects for this sector. The study is backed by elements to understand the process of innovation as the driving force of capitalist dynamics as well as the features of the Brazilian economy in the years 1990 and 2000 that indicated the development of natural gas production in the energy matrix Brazil. It was found that the state has potiguar possibilities for structuring an energy based on elements from the region and with prospects of becoming self-sufficient in electricity, where natural gas has a share of participation in this segment. The automotive and industrial are the biggest consumers of this input. With emphasis on the textile industry. Signaling to a broad horizon of supply, this sector will depend on their investments in research and Deficient, and the policy adopted by government to develop the consumer market