16 resultados para Medição do desempenho

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Organizations are seeking new ideas, tools and methods aiming to improve management process and performance. On the other hand, system performance measurement needs to portray organizational changes and provide managers with a set of true and more appropriate information for the decision-making process. This work aims to propose a performance measurement system in the academic field regarding Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) in the oil and gas industry. The research performed a bibliographic review in a descriptive exploratory manner. A field research was conducted with an expert focus group in order to gather new indicators. As for the validation of these indicators, a survey with experienced professional was also realized. The research surveyed four segments in and outside of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil such as oil and gas project coordinators, staff at Academic Planning Offices, FUNPEC employees as well as coordinators from Petrobrás. The performance measuring system created from this study features three interrelated performance indicators pointed out as: process indicators, outcome indicators and global indicators. The proposal includes performance indicators that seek to establish more appropriate strategies for effective institution management. It might help policy making of university-industry interaction policies


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Performance measurement in highly competitive markets is a necessary measure for those who aim the top positions. The business performance measurement approach have reached relevant results in the literature, however, a different approach has recently appeared that broadened the perception of competition, where companies do not seek the competition among companies only, but also among supply chains. Brazilian Wind energy supply chain is living a structuring and expanding moment, with the major global players in the industry making investments in the country. This research aims to answer which are the key performance indicators that must be considered by the Brazilian wind energy sector companies, which are part in a broad perspective of supply chain competition. The research was executed in two steps: exploratory (literature review and a field research in the companies) and later a survey was conducted with the Brazilian Wind energy companies workers with the purpose to validate the performance indicators found in the exploratory step. The survey evaluated 40 performance indicators distributed among five major activities: Project prospection, building/execution, operation and maintenance, logistics and transverse processes, which summarize the performance of the entire supply chain, pointing the sinergy and the competitive level of the supply chain. The selected performance indicators reflect the high relevance of the costs dimension in the Brazilian energy companies performance, acting as a key performance indicator, is also indicates the limited performance management integration throughout the Brazilian wind energy supply chain


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The purpose of this paper is to identify how real estate companies from the city of Natal measure their organizational performance. Traditionally these companies measure their performance using financial measures; however, the technological improvement, the internationalization of the economy and the change in consumer behavior all demand better products and services, and other measuring models. Those changes motivate organizations to continually improve the quality of their products and services. In this way, these companies need to associate their financial results to their global performance. Therefore, it is necessary to have organizational performance models that associate financial and non-financial measures to the strategies of the companies. The research also tries to identify which performance indicators are used by these companies, as well as to test a model who questions: a) if there is any relationship between managers´ characteristics and performance measuring systems´ characteristics; b) if there is any relationship between the company s characteristics and the characteristics of the measuring system used to evaluate its organizational performance and c) finally to verify if there is a relationship between the characteristics of the measuring system and the company s performance. The information which served as a basis for the study was obtained through an empirical research, with questionnaires, answered by 66 (sixty six) companies from the city of Natal, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results show that none of the companies investigated use any of the performance measurement models proposed in the modern literature. However, they use on an isolated way some of the measures those models, including some measures from adopted in the Balanced Scorecard, as well as the benchmarking process, making comparisons with the performance of their competitors. The research also reveals that either bigger companies, companies with more experienced managers or with better performance show better performance measurement systems


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Organizations are seeking new ideas, tools and methods aiming to improve management process and performance. On the other hand, system performance measurement needs to portray organizational changes and provide managers with a set of true and more appropriate information for the decision-making process. This work aims to propose a performance measurement system in the academic field regarding Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) in the oil and gas industry. The research performed a bibliographic review in a descriptive exploratory manner. A field research was conducted with an expert focus group in order to gather new indicators. As for the validation of these indicators, a survey with experienced professional was also realized. The research surveyed four segments in and outside of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil such as oil and gas project coordinators, staff at Academic Planning Offices, FUNPEC employees as well as coordinators from Petrobrás. The performance measuring system created from this study features three interrelated performance indicators pointed out as: process indicators, outcome indicators and global indicators. The proposal includes performance indicators that seek to establish more appropriate strategies for effective institution management. It might help policy making of university-industry interaction policies


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The public sector performance has received much attention in the literature and due to that the purpose of this work is to develop a proposal for a model of performance measurement for a higher education institution unit. First, we performed a theoretical research on public organizations and private institutions of higher education, followed by a literature review on performance measurement and evaluation. This review presents some performance models that are quite frequent in the literature: Total Quality Management (Total Quality Management) - TQM and the PDCA cycle, SMART System, Balanced Scorecard and Môdef Ouanturn. In order to verify the possibility of implementing a performance measurement model for Higher Education Institutions, it was conducted a case study in a support unit of a University, located in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil. The study attempted to identify the key processes of the unit and proposed by the use of Quantum model in order to improve the management and operation of the same. The work aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in measurement and performance evaluation in higher education institutions that where still lacks scientific production of this subject compared to other areas. This study also identifies better practices and opportunities for improvement in processes to determine the expected performance indicators to aid a decision-making unit.


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This Master of Science Thesis deals with a study on applying the BSC Balanced Scorecard to assess the performance of Federal Institution for Technological Education Institution in Brazil, a government organizations non for profit. It s accomplished a literature review in order to understand the BSC and its application to non for profit organizations and as a main result it is proposed a BSC conceptual model with an inversion of the main BSC perspective from financial to customer/society. It is used the annual management report of thirteen Institutions and applied a Pearson correlation analysis in order to verify a cause-effect situation between indicators. The main findings suggest that the model teachers qualification in terms of degree earned, quantity of teachers in full time job, and rate of students by teacher in full time job having good pearson correlation with the results expected of quality, throughput, social and demand response. However, the student unit cost use as the sole financial indicator did not get any reasonable correlation with the results, as so the quality and quantity of books in the libraries. Although it suggests a need for improvement in the model, the general model adopted appears to be satisfactory as a starting point to a BSC-like performance measuring system to this kind of Institutions


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The methodology Balanced Scorecard (BSC) focuses on the major critical issues of modern organizations, whether with or without profit. The measurement of the effective performance of the latter is by evaluating the successful implementation of organizational strategy. The aim of this paper is to present the development of a system of performance measurement strategy for a nonprofit organization, whose object of study is the Associação de Apoio as Comunidades do Campo - AACC, in the context of the BSC methodology of Kaplan and Norton. The methodology of this case study is an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative, and diagnose the coherence of the Strategy Map in an organization, based strategic planning from 2010 to 2012. Initially conducted a literature review covering the main aspects of strategy maps and performance evaluation involving the translation of the BSC and strategy evaluation. The main results of the proposed approach refers to evaluation of overall scores for each dimension of the BSC methodology, financial, customer, internal processes, learning and growth. These results are able to help the organization evaluate and revise their strategy and, in general, to adopt management methods more accurately. Data collection is centered on interviews with semi-structured questionnaire. The findings highlight on balancing and alignment of strategic objectives, low causality map, strategic communication insufficient and fragmented. For interviewees organizational culture is the biggest impediment to structuring a management model based on indicators and strategic process should be initiated by non-financial indicators gradually. The performance indicators of the AACC/RN portray more meritocracy operational procedures of social projects in the context of the Strategic Map determined in a shortterm over the long term. However, there is evidence of improved performance management and strategic taken as a basis of planning as both the strategic map structured. Therefore, the nonprofits need to adopt a form of management that enables planning, setting objectives and targets that provide the continuity of its activities, and generating instruments that can measure the financial performance and non-financial, in order to develop strategic actions for growth and sustainability


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Telecommunication is one of the most dynamic and strategic areas in the world. Many technological innovations has modified the way information is exchanged. Information and knowledge are now shared in networks. Broadband Internet is the new way of sharing contents and information. This dissertation deals with performance indicators related to maintenance services of telecommunications networks and uses models of multivariate regression to estimate churn, which is the loss of customers to other companies. In a competitive environment, telecommunications companies have devised strategies to minimize the loss of customers. Loosing customers presents a higher cost than obtaining new ones. Corporations have plenty of data stored in a diversity of databases. Usually the data are not explored properly. This work uses the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) to establish rules and new models to explain how churn, as a dependent variable, are related to a diversity of service indicators, such as time to deploy the service (in hours), time to repair (in hours), and so on. Extraction of meaningful knowledge is, in many cases, a challenge. Models were tested and statistically analyzed. The work also shows results that allows the analysis and identification of which quality services indicators influence the churn. Actions are also proposed to solve, at least in part, this problem


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The changes that have taken place in the organizational environment in recent decades have led to new performance measurement systems being proposed, given the inadequacy of traditional models. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) emerged as an instrument to translate financial and non-financial assets into real values for all interested parties in the organization, allowing the introduction of strategies to achieve the desired goals. Research shows that most errors committed with the use of this method are related to the implementation process. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to analyze the process of building and implementing the BSC in an organization. This empirical exploratory study is based on the classic case study method, which enables the researcher to work with a set of evidence, including direct observation, interviews and document analysis. The results show that the use of BSC in the company investigated posed problems during the process of building and implementing the method. These problems were caused mainly by the lack of involvement on the part of upper management and the team s scant knowledge of Balanced Scorecard. One of the gains obtained from adopting the system was the introduction and/or consolidation of a culture of strategic planning and participative management. The continuous implementation phase was highlighted in the monitoring program, created by the organization in an attempt to reverse existing problems, using the BSC as a third generation strategic management system, which led to significant gains, better use of the system and stronger management practices


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This work deals with the cattle raising activity in Brasil, it´s importance for the stete of Rio Grande do Norte. A conceptual review is done regarding accounting information and considering it as an essencial input for economical and finantial decision making, related to the state cattle rainsing environment. It also aims to expose visions related to the role and the importance of Accounting as system that colects, treats and supplies managerial information. A brief historic of Accounting is done, emphasizing the Accounting Demonstration Structure and its use in the decision making process, as well as the contribution it has node for the cattle raising activity in Brazil. The research´s results show that accounting information is used partially in the finantial decision making process, and it is pointed out that the Inventory was the most relevant tool with 95,% of the cases, followed by the Income and Outlay reports with 85.0%,Production with 82,0% and Cost reports with 80,0%, the Demonstrative of the Cash Flow (DFC) with 82.5%, the Patrimonial Balance (PB) with 22.5%, and the Demonstrative of the Exercise Result (DER) with 20.0% of use. The research concludes that Accounting information is not throughly used in the economic and finantial decision making of the managers of cattle raising in the Rio Grande do Norte State, although, 95% of the sample consider then important. This may imply that there are diffilculties in measurement of the managerial decisions as well as the business whole


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This thesis deals with analyzing the contribution grade of the ISO 9000 quality system to the strategic performance of the Brazilian firms in the Chemistry sector, using the Balanced Scorecard system as reference. An exploratory research is developed to get technical information about these two management systems, with emphasis in their integration. After, a quantitative research is implemented using a questionnaire, to know and to obtain necessaries data for improving statistical estimations of the multiple relationships between the variables and the strategic performance for the universe of 352 Brazilians firms that make use of ISO 9000 as quality system. The size of the sample totalized 111 firms, which represent more than 31% of the selected universe. The main results show different visions of directors and managers about the significant variables that contribute for the strategic performance of the analyzed firms. The ISO 9000 system presents a big contribution to the strategic performance, when referred by the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard: learning and growth; internal process; customer and financial. Better performance was verified in the learning and growth perspective and reasonable performance was verified in the financial perspective


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The Oil Measurement Evaluation Laboratory (LAMP), located in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), has as main goal to evaluate flow and BS&W meters, where the simulation of a bigger number of operation variable in field, guarantees a less uncertain evaluation. The objective of this work is to purpose a heating system design and implementation, which will control the temperature safely and efficiently in order to evaluate and measure it. Temperature is one of the variables which influence the flow and BS&W accurate measurement, directly affecting the fluid viscosity and density in the experiment. To project the heating system it is of great importance to take the laboratory requirements, conditions and current restrictions into consideration. Three alternatives were evaluated: heat exchanger, internal resistance and external resistance. After the analyses are made in order to choose the best alternative for the heating system in the laboratory, control strategies were determined for it, PID control methods in combination with fuzzy logic were used. Results showed a better performance with fuzzy logic than with classic PID


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During a petroleum well production process, It is common the slmultaneous oil and water production, in proportion that can vary from 0% up to values close to 100% of water. Moreover, the production flows can vary a lot, depending on the charaeteristies of eaeh reservoir. Thus being, the meters used in field for the flow and BSW (water in the oil) measurement must work well in wide bands of operation. For the evaluation of the operation of these meters, in the different operation conditions, a Laboratory will be built in UFRN, that has for objective to evaluate in an automatic way the processes of flow and BSW petroleum measurement, considering different operation conditions. The good acting of these meters is fundamental for the accuracy of the measures of the volumes of production liquid and rude of petroleum. For the measurement of this production, the petroleum companies use meters that should indicate the values with tha largast possible accuracy and to respect a series of conditions and minimum requirements, estabelished by the united Entrance ANP/INMETRO 19106/2000. The laboratory of Evafuation of the Processes of Measurement of Flow and BSW to be built will possess an oil tank basically, a tank of water, besides a mixer, a tank auditor, a tank for separation and a tank of residues for discard of fluids, fundamental for the evaluation of the flow metars and BSW. The whole process will be automated through the use of a Programmable Logicat Controller (CLP) and of a supervisory system.This laboratory besides allowing the evaluation of flow meters and BSW used by petroleum companies, it will make possible the development of researches related to the automation. Besides, it will be a collaborating element to the development of the Computer Engineering and Automation Department, that it will propitiate the evolution of the faculty and discente, qualifying them for a job market in continuous growth. The present work describes the project of automation of the laboratory that will be built at of UFRN. The system will be automated using a Programmable Logical Controller and a supervisory system. The programming of PLC and the screens of the supervisory system were developed in this work


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In this work a pyrometer using the classic model of Kimball-Hobbs was developed, tested and calibrated. The solar radiation is verified through the temperature difference between the sensible elements covered by absorbing (black) and reflecting (white) pigmentations of the incoming radiation. The photoacoustic technique was used to optimize the choice of the pigments. Methodologies associated with linearity, thermo-variation, sensibility, response time and distance are also presented. To correctly classify the results, the international standard ISO 9060 as well as indicative parameters of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) are used. In addition a system of data acquisition of two channels with 12 bits, constructed during the this time, was used to measure the global solar radiation on the ground by the pyrometer and also by another pyrometer certified in the case of Keep & zonen. The results statistically show, through the hypothesis test presented here, that both equipments find population average with 95% of correctness


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Low voltage solar panels increase the reliability of solar panels due to reduction of in series associations the configurations of photovoltaic cells. The low voltage generation requires DCDC converters devices with high efficiency, enabling raise and regulate the output voltage. This study analyzes the performance of a photovoltaic panel of Solarex, MSX model 77, configured to generate an open circuit voltage of 10.5 V, with load voltage of 8.5 V, with short circuit current of 9 A and a power of 77 W. The solar panel was assembled in the isolated photovoltaic system configuration, with and without energy storage as an interface with a DCDC converter, Booster topology. The converter was designed and fabricated using SMD (Surface Mounted Devices) technology IC (integrated circuit) that regulates its output voltage at 14.2 V, with an efficiency of 87% and providing the load a maximum power of 20.88 W. The system was installed and instrumented for measurement and acquisition of the following data: luminosities, average global radiation (data of INPE Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais), solar panel and environment temperatures, solar panel and DC-DC converter output voltages, panel, inverter, and battery charge output currents. The photovoltaic system was initially tested in the laboratory (simulating its functioning in ideal conditions of operation) and then subjected to testing in real field conditions. The panel inclination angle was set at 5.5°, consistent with the latitude of Natal city. Factors such as climatic conditions (simultaneous variations of temperature, solar luminosities and ra diation on the panel), values of load resistance, lower limit of the maximum power required by the load (20.88 W) were predominant factors that panel does not operate with energy efficiency levels greater than 5 to 6%. The average converter efficiency designed in the field test reached 95%