25 resultados para MÚSICA POPULAR (BRASIL)

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Tropicalia concerns the attempt of understanding of Brazil and a national identity characterized by the transience of time and space, rhizomatic action, perpetual laceration of cultural boundaries and at the same time act synchronously to instances such as policy and the social. A word created by artist Hélio Oiticica and registered by him on the National Register of Trademarks and Patents, was later used to a name the eponymous song by Caetano Veloso and also in this fertile cultural impulse at the turn of the sixties to the seventies on last century, who had the intention to make creating new spaces and simultaneously rethink the spatial cuts of Brazilian culture, encouraging them to be much more than a myth of a paradise within a lush new look of a tropical truth.


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The present study aimed to understand how and to what extent the electronic forró, currently hegemonic in the music market in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, establishes and maintains relations of domination in the social contexts in which it is produced, transmitted and received. Based, in significant form-content, on the writings of the first generation of theorists of the so-called Frankfurt School (Critical Theory), particularly with Theodor W. Adorno, and systematically using the contributions of the Cultural Studies (from the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies of Birmingham) and of the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, this study aimed to perform, in the fertile intersection of these references, a critical possibility of interpretation of the electronic forró predominantly spread in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, aiming at a better apprehension of the so-called capital circuits/culture circuits , this study resulted from a qualitative investment of research, based on structured interviews with musicians, entrepreneurs of the sector and music consumers, as well as on the analysis of the themes contained in the official discography of the electronic forró band called Garota Safada (Shameless Girl). As a general empirical conclusion, it was possible to infer that far from the significant presence of domination or mere prevalence of oppositions, there is a relational pluralism of forms of domination and ways of resistances present in the production and consumption of electronic forró, regardless of gender, age, income, education or place of residence. However, the artifices of the cultural industry has been shown to be efficient: from large-scale businessmen to small producers enabled by the so-called open markets . The currentness of the concept of cultural industry is based on the idea that its products are offered systematically (the systematic insistence of everything to everyone) and on the notion that its production primarily meets the administrative criteria of control over the effects on the receiver (capacity of prescription of desires). Thus, the Adornian reflection on the pseudo-individualization leads to the inference that even in some of the most apparent ways of negotiation and/or refusal regarding the consumption of forró, certain behaviors of the cultural industry still prevail both in the very (re)interpretation of the forró and in the choice of other music genres also standardized, rationalized and massified. Therefore, despite the absence of cause-effect relation and the recognition of the popular capacity of re-elaboration and contestation of the media consumption, some world views prevailing in relation to the electronic forró establish or, at least, support some hegemonic ideologies, especially those concerning the life style, consumption and genre relations (fun by all means). Therefore, due the massification of certain songs, some ways of dissemination of values, beliefs and feelings are potentially experienced from the electronic forró. So, it is presumable that in the current advance of the process of semiformation (Halbbildung), the habitus of a part of the youth from the state of Rio Grande do Norte reinforces and is reinforced by the centrality of the trinomial fun, love and sex present in the songs, emphasized in some constructive practices of sense and in certain flows of social significance


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This work discusses the impacts of the globalization in the Brazilian northeast culture, specifically in the popular field. The background of theses reflections is the carnival festivities in Recife-PE. In this context, attempts to changes as well as resistance to them maintaining the cultural values and the popular manifestations take a new dimension, presenting different ways of being nordestino. The option for the context of the carnival festivities is due to its significance to the people of this place, particularly as it is a space in which people represent themselves. The work presents a version of the history of carnival in Recife, identifies some manifestations that comprise it, analyzes its changes and shows the process of valuing the local culture in the latest years of the 20th century. The research also reveals how the popular culture assumes a functional and dynamic character where the themes of the popular traditions are being reworked. This process allows not only the survival of the local culture, but also the resistance against the capitalist project to construct a global culture and its uniform character. Even though the carnival festivity has become a mega show, composing a market design, it is still a space to construct differences and see the other. Lastly, for the people of that region, it is a space of fighting for a place in the international panorama


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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In this work we defend the thesis that the movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s in Brazil, manifested itself into resistance to hegemonic thought, coming from the North, which reduced the popular individuals and their knowledge to the ignorant condition. The focus of our study lies on the resistance produced by these movements in the history of the Country. We used as theoretical reflective foundation the thinking of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and his thesis about the construction of rationalities focused in the fight against indolent reason and the deconstruction of the inferiority in the colonized plan. But the analysis also favors approaches of other authors in the proportion that deals with the action of social actors of culture and popular education movements that have marked their presence in the public space, whose views and interests were invented and reinvented constantly in the relacional game. From the point of empirical view, the research makes use of bibliographies and written documentary sources such as newspaper articles, speeches, statements, manifests and documents like these. The research intends to seek in the past the understanding of those Movements in an effort to enable the viewing of certain remnants of the past that have relevance as social and academic wealth of experience. From the popular and the local, movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s, they overcame the barriers of invisibility and raised Itself to the plan of the global history, when they began to become protagonists of their own history, until their dreams were buried by the 1964 tragedy.


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In this work we defend the thesis that the movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s in Brazil, manifested itself into resistance to hegemonic thought, coming from the North, which reduced the popular individuals and their knowledge to the ignorant condition. The focus of our study lies on the resistance produced by these movements in the history of the Country. We used as theoretical reflective foundation the thinking of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and his thesis about the construction of rationalities focused in the fight against indolent reason and the deconstruction of the inferiority in the colonized plan. But the analysis also favors approaches of other authors in the proportion that deals with the action of social actors of culture and popular education movements that have marked their presence in the public space, whose views and interests were invented and reinvented constantly in the relacional game. From the point of empirical view, the research makes use of bibliographies and written documentary sources such as newspaper articles, speeches, statements, manifests and documents like these. The research intends to seek in the past the understanding of those Movements in an effort to enable the viewing of certain remnants of the past that have relevance as social and academic wealth of experience. From the popular and the local, movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s, they overcame the barriers of invisibility and raised Itself to the plan of the global history, when they began to become protagonists of their own history, until their dreams were buried by the 1964 tragedy.


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The present work has for object the Jury under the democratic optics, looking for to demonstrate its democratic validation. The purpose of this work was to revisit the institution, in order to bring its importance while instrument of popular participation. The work presents, first, a systematic and chronological approach of the institution of the Jury and its evolution inside of Brazilian constitutional history, objectifying, with this, to approach the narrow entailing of the Jury with the constitutional postulates. After that, the constitutional principles of the Jury had been examined, looking for to establish the popular identity of the institution and its approach with the human rights system of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. More ahead, had been examined the direct participation of the society in the Jury, going deep the questions related with the election of the jurors and the jury nullification on the American Jury. Finally, had been dedicated the study of the current conjuncture of the Brazilian Jury, its problems and the possible solutions, beyond the study of the limitation's mechanisms in the constitutional principle of the popular supremacy and the reform's projects suggested for legislators and jurists. In this way, had been looked elaborate a constitutional construction of the Jury, defending its permanence in the Brasil law system, for being a fundamental guarantee to protect the freedom, moreover for being essential to validate the Democratic State of Right, for to be the materialization of the democratic principle. For opportune, it's necessary to allege that this work had been directed to the constitutional analysis of the Jury, its legitimacy and its democratic vocation, using themselves as ideological north the American Jury System and as philosophical base the social contract theory, understanding the Jury as an instrument of protection of the society front to the state supremacy and its hierarchy structure of the power


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A democracia tem representado ao longo da História o mais perfeito mecanismo político de convivência social, encontrando na soberania popular seu fundamento e legitimidade. De berço grego, instituiu-se sob princípios que radicavam o poder político no povo, exercido diretamente na ágora ateniense. O iluminismo dos séculos XVII e XVIII reacendeu o ideal democrático, encontrando no positivismo sua base teórica. O poder passou a ser exercido por via de representantes eleitos periodicamente. O locus da atividade política era o parlamento, ambiente fechado e refratário à participação popular, cingida, à época, ao voto do cidadão nos períodos eleitorais. O distanciamento entre governantes e governados gerou déficit de legitimidade no modelo liberal clássico, levando o constitucionalismo do século XX a abandonar o rigor formal positivista, para adotar uma nova hermenêutica, de base axiológica e centrada na participação direta do povo nas instâncias do poder. A Constituição Federal de 1988 compendiou a democracia participativa em seu texto, declarando no parágrafo único, de seu artigo 1º, que todo o poder emana do povo. Consagrou como base da soberania popular o sufrágio universal, o voto direto, secreto e de igual valor, além do plebiscito, do referendo e da iniciativa popular de leis. Garantiu ainda a ação popular como ferramenta de cidadania. A participação popular foi restringida com o advento da Lei nº 9.907/98, que impôs bloqueios processuais para seu exercício, gerando déficit de legitimidade no sistema representativo brasileiro. O propósito desse trabalho é demonstrar a necessidade de se estabelecer um novo espaço público na ordem constitucional do Brasil, de textura aberta e dialógica e de perspectiva emancipatória, que customize a participação do povo nas instâncias do poder, a partir da desburocratização dos instrumentos de soberania popular já existentes e da adoção de outros institutos democráticos semidireto, notadamente a iniciativa popular de emenda à Constituição, a revogação de mandato eletivo e o veto popular


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The following study proposes an analysis of the politic process which the brazilian constitutional justice faces, emphasizing the Supremo Tribunal Federal . For that purpose, we start by examining the intimate relationship between Politics and Law, in view of the most recent social systems theories, so that the political system is distinguished by the exclusiveness of using the physical force, intending to make coletive tying decisions, and the juridical system as a congruent generalization of the expectations towards the rules and principles, brought together under an interdependence by which both gather legitimacy and effectiveness. In this manner we can notice the political effects of the constitutional interpretation conducted by Judges as well as by other juridical professionals, because these ones decrease the overload of expectations which are pointed to the Judicature. Constitutional interpretation is democratized since the participative democracy arises and stablishes a permanent state of awareness around the exercise of power and favours the preservation of the pluralism (counter-majoritary principle) where we can find the origin of the democratic nature of constitutional courts, once, in most cases, their members are not elected by the people. After that, we analyse the historical posture of the Supremo Tribunal Federal as a constitutional court in Brazil, so we can realize the attempts to make it vulnerable to the appeals of governability and economical aims, agains which this court somehow has resisted, stressing its particularities. At the end, it s concluded that even the so-called acts of government, whose judiciary control is mostly repelled, are subjected to a constitutional analysis, last frontier to be explored by the Supremo Tribunal Federal in its role of exposing our republican Constitution


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This work exams the presence of music in the imaginary constitution of spaces, taking as study s object part of the musical production of the Armorial Movement, officially casted in 1970 in the city of Recife, Pernambuco. From that so called, by the Armorial s discourse, the essence of the brazilian northeastern popular art , the armorialists has intended to make an art that express an idea of northeasternity and brazility . Tries to demonstrate how the music has exerted a basic function of condensation and spreading of the armorial aesthetics, auditorily delimiting the territory of Brazilian Northeastern and, at the same time, trying to impose a sonority to it. This work still analyses the elaboration of what would be a proper soundscape of the Northeastern and how this elaboration passes trough the desire of crystallization of an idealized space, perpetual, escape line of the characteristic modernizing and postmodernizing experience of the twentieth century, product, in turn, of the anxiety of conservation of the Northeastern as a shelter to the traditions that has been evidenced by the construction of an visibility and, also, an audibility to the so called northeastern universe. It analyses, too, the way as works the confrontation between the idea of a so called northeastern soundscape - sonorous events set taken as typical from the rural space - and a sonorous archives series produced since 1920 with the regionalist discourse, showing how was elaborated an armorial music that has intended to represent the brazilian Northeastern. It evidences how, to the elaboration of armorial music, it was managed elements from the European musical culture so called scholar. It argues that the utilization of, to the manufacture of the armorial thinking and aesthetics, of a European mimical capital, so called that way by Stephen Greenblat, was consequence of the intellectual leadership of the Movement, centered in the writer Ariano Suassuna. It argues that Suassuna, followed by the musicians and the artists of the Movement, has searched to evidence a genetic linking between what he has considered the Brazilian true popular art and the medieval Iberian culture. For in such a way, the music was taken as a formation element of the social imaginary and directed to verify a relationship between the Northeastern idealized by the Armorial and the music produced by the Movement. This work has searched, therefore, through the analysis of the armorial music, to study the possible confluences between music and the space that has produced it to, by this analysis, to think the complicity between music and history


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To the extent that the expansion of cities is increasingly pushing and segregating the working class to outlying areas, devoid of services and infrastructure, the urban space is also important as a space in the class struggle, and in this direction, the this study aims to analyze the political organization of urban social movements and popular organizations existing in Natal-RN, nowadays, in their process of struggle for social rights, with emphasis on the right to the city. With this dimension, we appropriate the contributions of historical and dialectical materialism because we believe that this benchmark enables the understanding of the processes of collective organization and a critical perspective of totality, going beyond its immediate appearance. For production data conducted literature, documentary and field, through semi-structured interviews recorded with (the) mapped leaders of organizations in our survey, as well as advisory bodies to the movements studied. The results of the study allowed us to characterize the action of the political movements in urban Christmas struggle for recognition and guarantee of the right to the city and seize the advances and obstacles in the process of intervention of social movements and popular organizations existing in Natal, highlighting dilemmas and contradictions underlie the processes of organization and mobilization in the contemporary period. Thus, we conclude that the Natal territory, as in contemporary Brazil, the urban and political action movements that show the public scene and intertwine necessarily relate to historical trend that has been performing since the 1990s, when the country entered a period marked by a new bourgeois offensive


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This work has as a research subject of popular education policies of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in the years 1957 to 1964. It aims to identify and analyze popular education policies developed and implemented by the Municipality of Natal in these years. To get the historical data, we establish as a guiding reserch question the following: Which elaborated educational policies were implemented by the Municipality of Natal in the years 1957-1964? and took over as the method Evidential Paradigm as proposition in Pinheiro (2009). This is anchored in documentary sources of Educational Legislation at National, State and Municipal levels as well as in the newspapers Folha de Tarde and Jornal de Natal; in existing documents from the archives of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN), the Municipal Public Archives of Natal; iconographic sources; interviews and academic publications. In addition to these sources, we were inspired by the works of Aristotles (2011), Hobbes (2009), Freire (2011), Góes (1980), Germano (1989), Cortez (2005) and Galvão (2004). This research allowed us to understand that policies of popular education of Natal (RN) were based on a democratic educational practice, supported on three pillars, namely: participation and involvement of Natal population; construction and reconstruction of teaching practices in prioritizing their action programs to mass literacy and the training of lay teachers; and the democratization of culture. This historical process made Natal on educating city.


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Historically, man has empirically acquired knowledge about the therapeutic applications of extracted elements of the natural environment in which belonged. Such knowledge over time culminated in the formation of traditional health systems. Among its features, the use of bioactive plant species - medicinal plants - stands out for its efficiency and high popular acceptance. Despite its importance for public health, the population still has in the open-air fairs the main source for the acquisition of the species used. In these spaces, the trade generally occurs informally, under unfavorable conditions to the quality of the products and to the financial sustainability of the business. In this context, this study aimed to characterize the socioeconomic, cultural and sanitary aspects related to the trade of medicinal plants in municipalities of a semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte, and additionally, proposing a specific legislation to the activity. Socioeconomic data were collected through on-site interviews, guided by structured form. The observations about the hygienic and sanitary adequacy of physical facilities and practices employed at the point of sale /environment were conducted and recorded with the use of assessment tool developed for use in open markets. The adequacy of medicinal plants to consumption was determined by microbiological analysis. The activity was carried out by individuals who are aged between 21 and 81 years of age, low educational level and low-income, predominantly males. The data showed a tendency to extinction of the activity in all the districts studied. It was observed in all the fairs studied hygiene and sanitation inadequacies that characterized very high health risk, representing in this way, the high probability of Food Transmitted Diseases outbreaks Such conditions were reflected in the high percentage of inadequacy to the consumption of the analyzed medicinal plants samples, illustrating the potential health risk to consumers. To contribute to the correction of hygiene and sanitation inadequacies observed in the studied open-air fairs, educational interventions were made to the training of traders in Good Practices. As a complement, was drafted a specific legislation for the marketing of folk medicine's products in open-air fairs. Such actions, products and its developments will contribute significantly to improving the quality of products available to the population and the preservation of activity, potentially reducing the risks to public health.


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This research had as main aim to verify the motivational quality of music students at four public universities in the Northeast of Brazil, based on the Self-Determination Theory (SDT). This perspective was proposed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan (1985, 2000, 2008a, 2008b), and considers the qualitative aspects of motivation. It defends that the individuals have a natural tendency to self-regulation; it adopts the concept of internalizations through a continuum of self-determination conceived in the mini-theory of organismic integration. The research presents a descriptive, exploratory and correlational approach. To collect data, it was submitted a self-report questionnaire, based on the Academic Motivational Scale, translated and validated by Guimarães and Bzuneck (2008), which allow us to verify the motivation types according to a selfdeterminational continuum. According to this application, the instrument has shown evidence of satisfactory validity, with a good internal consistence and correlations from weak to moderate scale. The obtained data were collected from 380 music students, analyzed through a descriptive and inferential statistics, considering a few procedures: frequencies, averages, standard deviation, factorial analysis, internal consistence analysis through Cronbach Alpha, Pearson’s correlational analysis and variance analysis. The analyzed data show that high averages in the evaluation of self-determined motivation and low evaluation in demotivation and less autonomy motivation. Many students revealed strong intention to conclude the course. It was identified less autonomous motivation and more motivation among the students with intention to work in other areas, some of them concluded the final training process in Music Course, and say that they are in this course because they had no other option. We conclude that those graduated in Music Course, represented in this sample, show a good motivational quality. But after a few time there is a tendency in decreasing autonomous motivation because of some requirements of an academic course. In this sense, the courses must create strategies to maintain a self-determined behavior so that students can realize their autonomous motivation, identifying its importance, value and meaning along the Course.


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This work is the result of a master’s program research developed in the post graduation program in music at the Music School of the UFRN ( Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) under the orientation of Dr. Andre Luiz Muniz de Oliveira which aimed at making a reflexion about regency gestures and its implications about the objective and subjective elements of the performance connected to a number of regency tools concieved in accordance with the tradition of historic music. As a tool for gestual analysis we’ve used the Harold Farbermann PatternCube method. We’ve used videos from conductors Pierre Boulez e Valery Gergiev, both conducting Igor Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. In the analysis of the videos we’ve observed the technical use of the gestual aparatus instead of the use of musical gestures fundamented in Hatten. The research showed us the importance of the use of analitical tools in helping subsidise a direction in performance in regency.