868 resultados para Mossoro(RN)
The integrated management of municipal solid waste in Brazil is held legally responsible by the city council administration. This is done since the year 2010 with the publication of the National Solid Waste Policy term. According to the policy and law, each city must encourage the implementation of selective collection and the participation of waste picker´s entities aiming social inclusion. However, these actions haven’t yet reached its legal aims. These workers are considered regarding collection actions but are stripped of certain basic labor rights not in conformation with the Decent Work concept. This type of work, according to International Labour Organization, must be seen as work that is properly paid for and must be done regarding conditions of freedom, equity, security and able to provide workers with a dignified life conditions. Thus, this work aims to investigate the implementation process regarding the Solid Waste National Policy in Natal-Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil. This is done considering socio-productive insertion of recyclable material collectors. The research is substantiated by a qualitative approach as well as documental and bibliographical research. A field research considering the cooperatives as well “in locco" observation and semi-structured interviews were carried out between the time span of 2013 and 2014. In order to investigate decent daily working conditions the research emphasized municipal management actions in Natal towards social inclusion that aim to reflect on the progress and difficulties experimented. It is seen that even when these cooperatives receive government support there are still important struggles that need to be overcome. The worker´s tasks are risky, the work environment in not safe or is adequate in terms of health issues. There is the stigma of it being considered an occupational task, the low individual income distancing the activity regarding parameters of the Green Employment and Decent Work concept. On the other hand, the survey showed potential as the relentless pursuit on behalf of the cooperatives that still search better work condition improvement.
The current conception of health deals with several influential factors, having education among them. Intersectoral organization is essential for Young and adult healthcare services. In this context the Healthcare in School Program was created which foresees a continuous articulation between health and education aiding the effectuation of the Healthcare Single System. The objective of this research is analyze the Healthcare in School Program (HSP) in Natal city in Rio Grande do Norte State taking into consideration the Intersectoriality of actions from the standpoint of the management. The chosen method was the case study, with qualitative approach. The sample was of the intentional kind including all components of the Natal city Intersectorial work group, composed by representatives of the Municipal Education Bureau, the State Education Bureau and Healthcare Municipal Bureau. The collecting data technique was the semi-structured interview. The data analysis was performed through the analysis of contents technique. For Data Show the following analysis categories were considered: Meaning of Intersectoriality; Actions Planning; Permanent and ongoing training for autonomy regarding to Healthcare Promotion; Difficulties and Potentials for actions operationalization. The outcomes allow us to indentify in Natal HSP intersectoral practices not developed yet. The manager professionals of Healthcare and Education do not get to acknowledge the power of Intersectoriality yet. The lack of commitment of some professionals stands out, planning is performed in a sectorial basis and without active participation of learners and community, there is duties accumulation and discouragement group, structural inadequacy and difficulty on the ongoing of the program actions. Despite the existing fragmentation, the program has contributed to the professional qualification and development of education actions regarding to healthcare along with learners. Therefore we conclude that healthcare, education and society have lots of challenges to face in order to consolidate Intersectoriality and the Healthcare in School Program and the and the implementation of the guidelines of the Healthcare Single System in Natal city in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.
In the midst of growing preservationist awareness, regarding methods of architectural intervention of buildings with a recognized heritage value, there are numerous approaches on how the original heritage value can be protected. However, can these intervention projects be differentiated? Is it possible to identify how they differ (if in fact they do) from an architectural project not related to preservation? Although there are numerous theoretical studies regarding methods utilized in architectonical projects, there appear to be a lack of studies focused on an architectural intervention exclusively focused on areas or edifications that have a recognized heritage value, thereby requiring a reflection on which methodological procedures in an architectonical project serve the purpose of the preservation of the historical aspects. This discussion is of even greater importance because, at the national level, some recent discussions on this type of architectural design seem arbitrary and lack methodological rigor. Therefore, this research attempts to focus equally on the theoretical-methodological practices of preservation as well as the architectural project methods. In an attempt to address these aspects, the focus of this research centers on the case studies of the intervention projects of the maritime passenger terminal of Natal (Terminal Marítimo de Passageriros de Natal), the old government hall (Palacio do Governo - EDTAM) and the old central hotel (Hotel Central) which are situated in the area known as the historic downtown of the city of Natal, within the federal heritage protection polygon. The analyses of these is intended to identify what methodological procedures were recorded in the final product (in the graphical representation of the architectural design and other documents) delivered to IPHAN / RN, the body responsible for review and approval of these architectural projects, noting whether such procedures appear, in some way, in the final product, and if an understanding of the complexity of preservation is evident. The analyses of these projects corroborate the hypothesis that there are unique characteristics, which must be addressed in the intervention project for preservation when compared to new project design. The main characteristic to be addressed is related to the very nature of the project. It is inherent in the dialectical relationship between the need to preserve (the identified heritage values) and the need to modernize (making adaptations to contemporary life). This relationship, denominated in this dissertation as "radical restraint", must, or at least should, guide the actions in the project as well as the technical analyses of the preservationist organization. However, this radical restriction appears more evident in the guidelines put forth by legislators than in the decisions of designers. These legislators require the presentation of documents, aimed at identifying and contextualizing intervention (Ordinance No. 420 of December 22, 2010), that grant (or should grant) assistance in the decision making process. It was evident in the analyses of these documents that there existed a disconnect between the documents produced and the decisions made in the project. This fact can be seen in the total absence of dialogue about theoretical-methodological preservationist principles, which, in our view, is an essential element of the methodological procedures of the intervention project needed to guide the legislative and project design discussions.
La Escuela Secundaria es la etapa final de la Educación Básica y su objetivo es profundizar los conocimientos adquiridos anteriormente, con vistas tanto a la continuidad de los estudios por parte de los alumnos como también a su formación profesional. Considerando el carácter excluyente y elitista de la Escuela Secundaria brasileña, solo recientemente las matrículas de los estudiantes sordos comienzan a ampliarse, y los profesores se deparan con el desafío de lidiar con ese tipo de discente en aulas regulares. Tanto la política de educación especial, desde una perspectiva inclusiva, como la Ley nº 10.436/2002 – reglamentada por el Decreto nº 5.626/2005 – posibilitaron un gran salto para la educación de los sordos en el país. La primera, por la defensa de una escuela atenta a las peculiaridades y demandas de sus discentes; la segunda, por reconocer la Lengua de Señas Brasileña como medio de comunicación y expresión legítimo de la comunidad de sordos y por indicar medidas que garanticen el derecho al acceso y al éxito escolar de la población sorda dentro de la escuela. Amparado en esas discusiones, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el proceso de escolaridad de alumnos sordos de una Escuela Secundaria pública y estatal del municipio de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Se realizó un estudio de caso de tipo cualitativo. Los sujetos fueron tres discentes sordos que estaban terminando la Escuela Secundaria, una profesora de Portugués y dos intérpretes de Lengua de Señas Brasileña. Como procedimiento de investigación, se utilizaron entrevistas (grabadas en audio y video), observaciones y análisis de documentos. La participación de los sujetos sordos demandó cuidados éticos adicionales, tales como la traducción del Término de Consentimiento Libre y Aclarado y del guion de la entrevista a la Lengua de Señas Brasileña. Los resultados apuntan que el acceso y la permanencia en la escuela secundaria fueron garantizados, no obstante había poca participación en las clases y el aprendizaje de los contenidos escolares estaba comprometido. Había traductores/intérpretes de Lengua de Señas Brasileña, los cuales, sin embargo, solo iniciaron sus actividades tres meses después del comienzo del periodo lectivo. La profesora y los intérpretes no mantuvieron interacciones que facilitasen el aprendizaje o la participación de los estudiantes, quienes se encontraban siempre juntos y en un lugar determinado del aula, sin mayores interacciones con sus pares normo-oyentes. Los discentes sordos estaban terminando la Escuela Secundaria con edades superiores a 17-18 años, los cuales revelaron no tener perspectivas de continuidad en sus estudios o de inserción en el mercado laboral. Se concluye que la escolaridad de los alumnos sordos en la escuela investigada apunta a la necesidad de una reorganización curricular que atienda a las especificidades lingüísticas y sociales de esos estudiantes.
This thesis aims to investigate the space of radio reporting and production conditions in radio newscasts in commercial stations operating in modulated frequency (FM) in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Through preliminary empirical observation, it was observed that this journalistic style (radio reportage) is hardly present in the schedule of local commercial radio stations, with a lack of in-depth news coverage. The research is based on the content broadcast in four daily radio news programs transmitted by commercial stations. It raises the hypothesis that the crisis that cuts across journalistic companies could be justified by the lack of financial funding in in-depth news reporting. The starting point for the case study (Yin, 2005) was a bibliographical research, for building a theoretical model of reference for the studied style, based on Prado (1989), Bespalhok (2006), Meditsch (2007), Lopes (2013) and Ferraretto (2014). The methodology also included listening to content broadcast during a week in the four analyzed news programs, participant observation and interviews with professionals who produce these programs. There were eight events with similar characteristics to radio reporting, all broadcast in just one of the analyzed programs. According to the interviewees, the format is rarely used because it would generate high businesses costs, which are prohibitively high for the stations. The research also inferred that besides the lack of entrepreneurial vision, there is accommodation of the professionals who could produce news stories even with little structure available. Finally, this work points out the need to invest more on local radio journalism to improve the quality of the information provided on commercial broadcasters in Natal and the training of journalism students to use radio's potential to maximum use.
In this work are presented the results of research on the variation of vertical plasma drift from the F layer that commonly occurs during the period close to the going down of the sun (between 21UT - 22UT), and consisting of an increase in the F layer in time of day and a drop at night on the cities of Natal / RN (The 33.7º, 5.6º S), Fortaleza / CE (38.45º O, 3.9º S) and Cachoeira Paulista / SP (45.0ºO, 22.7º S ). Thus, data was used (ionograms) virtual height t ( h' ) as a function of the frequency F for the layer of the ionosphere. These data were collected through ionossonda type CADI (Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde) to the cities of Natal and Fortaleza, and the Digisonde DPS to the town of Cachoeira Paulista. They considered only the data available 2000 maximum solar year. With the virtual height ( h' ) data reduced in the frequencies of 6MHz and 5MHz, the next step was to calculate. The results showed that the variability of the vertical drift rate F ionospheric layer periods of magnetic storms is related both to the penetration of the electric fields as the disturbance dynamo electric fields.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los saberes y las perspectivas docentes en torno al currículum de una escuela pública rural de Enseñanza Fundamental del Río Grande do Norte considerando, sobre todo, los debates sobre la Educación en el Campo en Souza (2006, 2007), Arroyo, Caldart y Molina (2004) y Fernandes (2002, 2004). La propuesta surge como alternativa para la elaboración de proposiciones curriculares para mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza en esas escuelas, según las características específicas de la educación escolar en contexto rural, en la expectativa de que esta sea un elemento para el desarrollo local y global de las comunidades rurales. La fundamentación teórica para responder a la investigación, se respalda en las consideraciones sobre los saberes docentes teniendo en cuenta las lecturas de Gauthier (1998), Tardif (2011), Pimenta (2009), Paulo Freire (1996), Nóvoa (2007, 2008) y las referencias sobre el currículum crítico y postcrítico discutidas en Giroux (1997), Silva (1999), Moreira (2008), Moreira y Candau (2003, 2010), Sacristán (2000) e Sacristán e Gómez (1998). La referencia empírica se constituye de una escuela pública de una comunidad rural en el municipio de São José de Mipibu-RN. Los sujetos sociales de la investigación son cuatro profesores(as) que trabajan en los años iniciales de la Enseñanza Fundamental. Se recurrió a la investigación etnográfica fundamentada en los estudios de Lüdke y André (1986), Sandín Estebán (2010) y Gil (2007), una vez que el análisis del cotidiano escolar, bajo el mirar etnográfico, a través de los procedimientos de la observación participante y de la entrevista semiestructurada, permite el contacto directo del investigador con el ambiente en estudio, registra el no documentado, y percibe la institución escolar como espacio cultural, caracterizando varios grados de acomodación, contestación y resistencia inmersos en una pluralidad de lenguajes y objetivos conflictivos. Las observaciones hechas en la clase y las enseñanzas de los profesores y profesoras permiten comprender que los saberes y perspectivas docentes, a partir de las experiencias del profesorado, lanzan expectativas socioprofesionales sobre la docencia e intensifican el papel fundamental del docente en la construcción de los saberes, de las prácticas y concepciones del mundo rural, de la escuela rural y de la función social de esta. Los hallazgos de la investigación con los profesores sobre el contexto rural apuntan para la necesidad en problematizar verdades socialmente construidas, bajo la orientación de una racionalidad que reconozca el espacio rural como productor de la existencia. A partir de los análisis construidos, se pudo reconocer la necesidad de una política de formación conceptual específica para el profesorado de las escuelas rurales, anclada en el concepto históricocultural del rural. También se reitera la urgencia permanente y continuada en revisar los procesos de formación, vividos en la escuela, que contemplen las peculiaridades de la enseñanza rural, en una visión contrahegemónica del urbanocentrismo, a partir de un análisis crítico sobre el marco legal de la Educación del Campo.
O presente trabalho consiste em etnografia realizada na comunidade quilombola de Moita Verde, Parnamirim (RN). Pensada a partir do processo de emergência étnica, tendo como campo de analise o espaço doméstico para pensar a relação entre as mulheres e as distintas arenas políticas, das relações entre famílias, com o entorno e agentes de Estado. Em especial, o envolvimento das mulheres com a criação de porcos vinculada a um sistema que se relaciona com outros saberes do sítio que vão para além da dimensão técnica, levando em consideração os saberes e práticas do grupo. Além disso, este saber, associado com outros saberes políticos, em contexto de relações étnico-raciais, pode ser usado dos debates sobre identidade e especificidade de direitos.
This study it is an ethnography on the process of the tourist coast area of São Miguel do Gostoso, whose origin is made from a village of traditional fishermen located on the northeast coast of Rio Grande do Norte. From the late 90s, there were the first initiatives that transformed São Miguel do Gostoso in one of the state's major tourist destinations. The municipality is promoted within the national and international tourism scene through the sun and beach tourism - whose object of consumption is the natural landscape - and sports tourism - which exploited element is the "natural" geographic location (in the continent curve) of municipality that provides winds considered ideal for the practice of “Kitesurfing “ and Windsurfing. From this context, this ethnography had as a theme the social changes promoted by the tourism process in place here addressed, taking into account the perceptions produced by the actors involved in this social net. In this qualitative research, I endeavored to me in the methodological use of ethnographic techniques - bibliographic and field research, participant observation, open and structured interviews recorded by recording and field notes and photographic record. I also made use of theoretical tools and methodology inherent in ciberetnografia when analyzing the blogs and websites of intermediaries and institutions linked to local tourism.
O tema deste estudo visa pesquisar o papel e atuação das Organizações Não Governamentais - ONGs, terceiro setor do turismo, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte - RN, identificando a atuação e participação no turismo, para, assim, elencar suas contribuições e benefícios para as populações locais, para o usuário dos serviços e para o incremento da economia no Estado. Analisando as que atuam no turismo do Rio Grande do Norte, procurou-se identificar suas contribuições, características e estruturas, descrever as suas formas de atuação e os respectivos resultados e influências. Buscou-se verificar se a organização atua na área de turismo e local adequado para o desenvolvimento das atividades turísticas nos seus projetos, na gestão administrativa e operacional. Para tal, utilizamos a teoria do livro “Análise Estrutural do Turismo” (Beni), bem como o Modelo Referencial do Sistema de Turismo (SISTUR). Avaliando se o tempo em que essa instituição atua na área propiciará às pessoas, de acordo com seus perfis, assimilarem conhecimento como gestoras no processo dos projetos. Observamos como funciona a Gestão de ONGs, a fim de identificarmos se as ONGs trabalham adequadamente as funções gerenciais. Se há envolvimento da organização nos projetos e nas suas fases de processo, assim como, sua importância e dificuldades encontradas na relação estabelecida entre as ONGs e a sociedade. A partir disso, poderemos identificar o envolvimento da comunidade que se beneficia.
This study aimed to evaluate the microclimate changes surrounding the wind farm Macau Pilot / RN, present in the municipality of the same name. To achieve this goal made use of remote sensing techniques using Landsat - 5 TM and 7 ETM +, from which made it possible evaluation of temperature changes on the surface, this around the park in periods prior to its implementation, to the today. For evaluation of the temperature data that has been generated by applying a template was performed its correlation with field data collection and evaluated the degree of correlation, in order to confirm the validity of the data acquired by satellite. Also held was a characterization of the climate of the region based on the data of this climatological station in Macau. Once collected this data made possible the evaluation of climate change policy in the study region. After validation of the temperature models, an analysis of the generated temperature histograms was performed visually could not identify any significant change. However when analyzing the temperature data at a higher level of detail, a data pattern of behavior was detected for both periods evaluated, yet could not see a distinction between the periods of pre-operation of the park, and post-operation . From this result was levantas hypotheses to explain the behavior of the data, the first of which is the presence of moisture in the soil, and the second to the soil composition. In order to validate the hypotheses were applied PDI techniques, involving a combination of different RGB bands of Landsat 5 and the implementation of Reason bands procedure that might show the elements present on the soil surface.
This study aims to investigate the process of implementation of Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola, PNBE, and the reader's training on Childhood Education level in Natal. The promotion of literary reading is the opportunity of inclusion in a world that is connected to citizenship, to human rights and social justice, because the reading is the way which gives meaning to the life and, therefore, it is a right for everybody. The study is characterized as a qualitative research with evaluative approach. The methodological procedure that constitutes this corpus took place in three stages: the first one was about the analysis of laws and documents of national public policies for the reading promotion; questionnaires were applied by Managing Committee - Natal/RN to CMEIs and the available websites from MEC that provide distribution of the acquis; in the second stage, we adopted the semi-structured interview as a methodological procedure elaborated with open questions that focus on the program management and to the acquis of PNBE; and in the third step we visited the 21 centers of childhood education in Natal for interviewing and to do the exploratory observation in places of reading. The Informant actors in this research are: the advisors of SME - Natal and FNDE, managers and teachers in Municipal Childhood Education Centers who totalize 30 informants. This theoretical and methodological framework follows the studies of Amarilha (1993; 1994; 2002; 2006; 2010; 2012), Bardin (2001), Bogdan; Biklen (1994), Castro (2007; 2008; 2012), Demo (2000; 2006; 2008), Fischer (2006), Moreira; Caleffe (2008), Paiva (2008; 2012), Secchi (2010; 2012), Soares (2003; 2008) and Zilberman (2001; 2003; 2008). The analysis indicates that decentralization strategy which is adopted in public management model will transfer responsibilities and assumption of the PNBE, exempting the actors to planning actions ensuring the efficiency and efficacy implementation on reading policy to national and municipal levels. The qualified acquis that is distributed by MEC reaches every Childhood Education center and does not depend on teacher's desire or it action, only a few of them know about it and they do not have information about the PNBE, neither receive specific training in order to articulate it to the practice of reading with children from Childhood Education. The reading project implemented by private education system in Natal overlaps the PNBE, making it invisible. The reading places that are available for that schooling stage are summarized to the reading corners. In some CMEI, books remain stored in boxes or they are locked in the closet, out of use to the teachers and students. Thus, care for the acquisition, selecting acquis, and a preoccupation to the supply of the reading and books for this education level are lost into volumes of closed boxes, teachers are jettisoned to this process and children do not have any enchantment to the reading or books. In this context, this paper draws attention to how much we should still investigate in order to understanding the perspectives, stresses and challenges from public policies for the reading promotion in our country. We hope that the research will help to improve the management model of the PNBE, ensuring the reading democratization and therefore the reader's training in early Childhood Education.
This study aims to investigate the process of implementation of Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola, PNBE, and the reader's training on Childhood Education level in Natal. The promotion of literary reading is the opportunity of inclusion in a world that is connected to citizenship, to human rights and social justice, because the reading is the way which gives meaning to the life and, therefore, it is a right for everybody. The study is characterized as a qualitative research with evaluative approach. The methodological procedure that constitutes this corpus took place in three stages: the first one was about the analysis of laws and documents of national public policies for the reading promotion; questionnaires were applied by Managing Committee - Natal/RN to CMEIs and the available websites from MEC that provide distribution of the acquis; in the second stage, we adopted the semi-structured interview as a methodological procedure elaborated with open questions that focus on the program management and to the acquis of PNBE; and in the third step we visited the 21 centers of childhood education in Natal for interviewing and to do the exploratory observation in places of reading. The Informant actors in this research are: the advisors of SME - Natal and FNDE, managers and teachers in Municipal Childhood Education Centers who totalize 30 informants. This theoretical and methodological framework follows the studies of Amarilha (1993; 1994; 2002; 2006; 2010; 2012), Bardin (2001), Bogdan; Biklen (1994), Castro (2007; 2008; 2012), Demo (2000; 2006; 2008), Fischer (2006), Moreira; Caleffe (2008), Paiva (2008; 2012), Secchi (2010; 2012), Soares (2003; 2008) and Zilberman (2001; 2003; 2008). The analysis indicates that decentralization strategy which is adopted in public management model will transfer responsibilities and assumption of the PNBE, exempting the actors to planning actions ensuring the efficiency and efficacy implementation on reading policy to national and municipal levels. The qualified acquis that is distributed by MEC reaches every Childhood Education center and does not depend on teacher's desire or it action, only a few of them know about it and they do not have information about the PNBE, neither receive specific training in order to articulate it to the practice of reading with children from Childhood Education. The reading project implemented by private education system in Natal overlaps the PNBE, making it invisible. The reading places that are available for that schooling stage are summarized to the reading corners. In some CMEI, books remain stored in boxes or they are locked in the closet, out of use to the teachers and students. Thus, care for the acquisition, selecting acquis, and a preoccupation to the supply of the reading and books for this education level are lost into volumes of closed boxes, teachers are jettisoned to this process and children do not have any enchantment to the reading or books. In this context, this paper draws attention to how much we should still investigate in order to understanding the perspectives, stresses and challenges from public policies for the reading promotion in our country. We hope that the research will help to improve the management model of the PNBE, ensuring the reading democratization and therefore the reader's training in early Childhood Education.
In the context of current capitalist society, marked by the logic that restricts the human person their status as workforce, in order to generate profits, old age is often treated as an underprivileged life stage. This reality becomes more intense considering the sharp aging process that affects brazilian society is accompanied by the country's entry into a globalized world and tensioned by the dictates of capital. Thus, despite the increasing development of policies to strengthen the guarantee of elderly rights, it is necessary to establish effective strategies of these measures to ensure a higher quality of life to these subjects. Therefore, it is necessary to develop studies that problematize the issue of the elderly, which represent a growing portion of the population, and hence have more visible demands, including in health. With the increase in the elderly population in Brazil it is possible to realize the country is going through a demographic transition and epidemiological changes that contribute to change the landscape of health care of the elderly, especially the hospitalization. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the multiple aspects of ensuring the rights of elderly patients admitted to the State Hospital Dr. Ruy Pereira dos Santos (HRPS), located in Natal / RN, whose most patients are elderly. Specifically sought to understand the aging process, its social consequences and the vulnerability to which it is exposed, especially during the disease situation; understand the process of construction of the Brazilian public health and their actions for older people; learn the expressions of citizenship formation in Brazil with regard to policies for older people; and investigate the design of health professionals about the guarantee of the right of hospitalized elderly. Starting from an integrated coordinated theoretical and practical possibilities, a qualitative research and literature character, documentary and field was held. For this, there were four semi-structured interviews with health research locus Hospital professionals - namely, two social workers, a doctor and a nurse - as well as life stories with the hospitalized elderly patients, one in each deck the said Hospital, totaling three. The results pointed to the difficulty of health policy become effective as law and stressed one historical scenario violation of the rights of elderly hospitalized patients, which persists due to the precarious situation and the difficulty of effective implementation of the Unified Health System (SUS ) and other public policies to that end.
Through participant observation, held in the administrative region east of Natal / RN, this research aimed to understand about the daily life of men and women living on the streets in the city. How they relate to the space where they live? In this relationship, which uses and survival strategies triggered by this social segment? These were some of the questions that guided this research, in order to highlight the specificities of this way of life and the possible consequences that such a situation could reverberate. In this sense, there was an effort to keep up with people on the streets, their itineraries and seize their narratives. Along the search path - which took place intermittently between the years 2011-2015 - attended spaces of occupation and traffic of this population group in the street, as well as insert me and got involved in events, forums, seminars, meetings and subject of joints on the streets as a political movement (MNPR / RN). They are considered in this study as people on the street to those who occupy the street as their main space of survival and ordering of daily life: in the streets sleep, feed themselves, meet the physiological and hygienic needs, and is where draw sustenance. The street is taken in this research in its broadest sense, including all possible places relatively protected from the cold, rain and exposure to violence, thus includes both open and public spaces: as squares and parks; but also closed and private places: hostels, abandoned warehouses, prisons, etc. It was observed that in none of these spaces guys on the street are established in a fixed manner, in contrast, they experience the roaming, which in part is due to urban systems - which tends to stigmatize them and delete them places - and the very need to survive, because while living in the street differentiated practices are triggered, and these differ from the dominant mode of sedentary life.