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Model-oriented strategies have been used to facilitate products customization in the software products lines (SPL) context and to generate the source code of these derived products through variability management. Most of these strategies use an UML (Unified Modeling Language)-based model specification. Despite its wide application, the UML-based model specification has some limitations such as the fact that it is essentially graphic, presents deficiencies regarding the precise description of the system architecture semantic representation, and generates a large model, thus hampering the visualization and comprehension of the system elements. In contrast, architecture description languages (ADLs) provide graphic and textual support for the structural representation of architectural elements, their constraints and interactions. This thesis introduces ArchSPL-MDD, a model-driven strategy in which models are specified and configured by using the LightPL-ACME ADL. Such strategy is associated to a generic process with systematic activities that enable to automatically generate customized source code from the product model. ArchSPLMDD strategy integrates aspect-oriented software development (AOSD), modeldriven development (MDD) and SPL, thus enabling the explicit modeling as well as the modularization of variabilities and crosscutting concerns. The process is instantiated by the ArchSPL-MDD tool, which supports the specification of domain models (the focus of the development) in LightPL-ACME. The ArchSPL-MDD uses the Ginga Digital TV middleware as case study. In order to evaluate the efficiency, applicability, expressiveness, and complexity of the ArchSPL-MDD strategy, a controlled experiment was carried out in order to evaluate and compare the ArchSPL-MDD tool with the GingaForAll tool, which instantiates the process that is part of the GingaForAll UML-based strategy. Both tools were used for configuring the products of Ginga SPL and generating the product source code
The camera motion estimation represents one of the fundamental problems in Computer Vision and it may be solved by several methods. Preemptive RANSAC is one of them, which in spite of its robustness and speed possesses a lack of flexibility related to the requirements of applications and hardware platforms using it. In this work, we propose an improvement to the structure of Preemptive RANSAC in order to overcome such limitations and make it feasible to execute on devices with heterogeneous resources (specially low budget systems) under tighter time and accuracy constraints. We derived a function called BRUMA from Preemptive RANSAC, which is able to generalize several preemption schemes, allowing previously fixed parameters (block size and elimination factor) to be changed according the applications constraints. We also propose the Generalized Preemptive RANSAC method, which allows to determine the maximum number of hipotheses an algorithm may generate. The experiments performed show the superiority of our method in the expected scenarios. Moreover, additional experiments show that the multimethod hypotheses generation achieved more robust results related to the variability in the set of evaluated motion directions
The distribution of petroleum products through pipeline networks is an important problem that arises in production planning of refineries. It consists in determining what will be done in each production stage given a time horizon, concerning the distribution of products from source nodes to demand nodes, passing through intermediate nodes. Constraints concerning storage limits, delivering time, sources availability, limits on sending or receiving, among others, have to be satisfied. This problem can be viewed as a biobjective problem that aims at minimizing the time needed to for transporting the set of packages through the network and the successive transmission of different products in the same pipe is called fragmentation. This work are developed three algorithms that are applied to this problem: the first algorithm is discrete and is based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), with local search procedures and path-relinking proposed as velocity operators, the second and the third algorithms deal of two versions based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). The proposed algorithms are compared to other approaches for the same problem, in terms of the solution quality and computational time spent, so that the efficiency of the developed methods can be evaluated
The process for choosing the best components to build systems has become increasingly complex. It becomes more critical if it was need to consider many combinations of components in the context of an architectural configuration. These circumstances occur, mainly, when we have to deal with systems involving critical requirements, such as the timing constraints in distributed multimedia systems, the network bandwidth in mobile applications or even the reliability in real-time systems. This work proposes a process of dynamic selection of architectural configurations based on non-functional requirements criteria of the system, which can be used during a dynamic adaptation. This proposal uses the MAUT theory (Multi-Attribute Utility Theory) for decision making from a finite set of possibilities, which involve multiple criteria to be analyzed. Additionally, it was proposed a metamodel which can be used to describe the application s requirements in terms of the non-functional requirements criteria and their expected values, to express them in order to make the selection of the desired configuration. As a proof of concept, it was implemented a module that performs the dynamic choice of configurations, the MoSAC. This module was implemented using a component-based development approach (CBD), performing a selection of architectural configurations based on the proposed selection process involving multiple criteria. This work also presents a case study where an application was developed in the context of Digital TV to evaluate the time spent on the module to return a valid configuration to be used in a middleware with autoadaptative features, the middleware AdaptTV
Many challenges have been imposed on the middleware to support applications for digital TV because of the heterogeneity and resource constraints of execution platforms. In this scenario, the middleware must be highly configurable so that it can be customized to meet the requirements of applications and underlying platforms. This work aims to present the GingaForAll, a software product line developed for the Ginga - the middleware of the Brazilian Digital TV (SBTVD). GingaForAll adds the concepts of software product line, aspect orientation and model-driven development to allow: (i) the specification of the common characteristics and variables of the middleware, (ii) the modularization of crosscutting concerns - both mandatory and concepts variables - through aspects, (iii) the expression of concepts as a set of models that increase the level of abstraction and enables management of various software artifacts in terms of configurable models. This work presents the architecture of the software product line that implements such a tool and architecture that supports automatic customization of middleware. The work also presents a tool that implements the process of generating products GingaForAll
The development of smart card applications requires a high level of reliability. Formal methods provide means for this reliability to be achieved. The BSmart method and tool contribute to the development of smart card applications with the support of the B method, generating Java Card code from B specifications. For the development with BSmart to be effectively rigorous without overloading the user it is important to have a library of reusable components built in B. The goal of KitSmart is to provide this support. A first research about the composition of this library was a graduation work from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, made by Thiago Dutra in 2006. This first version of the kit resulted in a specification of Java Card primitive types byte, short and boolean in B and the creation of reusable components for application development. This work provides an improvement of KitSmart with the addition of API Java Card specification made in B and a guide for the creation of new components. The API Java Card in B, besides being available to be used for development of applications, is also useful as a documentation of each API class. The reusable components correspond to modules to manipulate specific structures, such as date and time. These structures are not available for B or Java Card. These components for Java Card are generated from specifications formally verified in B. The guide contains quick reference on how to specify some structures and how some situations were adapted from object-orientation to the B Method. This work was evaluated through a case study made through the BSmart tool, that makes use of the KitSmart library. In this case study, it is possible to see the contribution of the components in a B specification. This kit should be useful for B method users and Java Card application developers
A remoção de inconsistências em um projeto é menos custosa quando realizadas nas etapas iniciais da sua concepção. A utilização de Métodos Formais melhora a compreensão dos sistemas além de possuir diversas técnicas, como a especificação e verificação formal, para identificar essas inconsistências nas etapas iniciais de um projeto. Porém, a transformação de uma especificação formal para uma linguagem de programação é uma tarefa não trivial. Quando feita manualmente, é uma tarefa passível da inserção de erros. O uso de ferramentas que auxiliem esta etapa pode proporcionar grandes benefícios ao produto final a ser desenvolvido. Este trabalho propõe a extensão de uma ferramenta cujo foco é a tradução automática de especificações em CSPm para Handel-C. CSP é uma linguagem de descrição formal adequada para trabalhar com sistemas concorrentes. Handel-C é uma linguagem de programação cujo resultado pode ser compilado diretamente para FPGA's. A extensão consiste no aumento no número de operadores CSPm aceitos pela ferramenta, permitindo ao usuário definir processos locais, renomear canais e utilizar guarda booleana em escolhas externas. Além disto, propomos também a implementação de um protocolo de comunicação que elimina algumas restrições da composição paralela de processos na tradução para Handel-C, permitindo que a comunicação entre múltiplos processos possa ser mapeada de maneira consistente e que a mesma somente ocorra quando for autorizada.
Removing inconsistencies in a project is a less expensive activity when done in the early steps of design. The use of formal methods improves the understanding of systems. They have various techniques such as formal specification and verification to identify these problems in the initial stages of a project. However, the transformation from a formal specification into a programming language is a non-trivial task and error prone, specially when done manually. The aid of tools at this stage can bring great benefits to the final product to be developed. This paper proposes the extension of a tool whose focus is the automatic translation of specifications written in CSPM into Handel-C. CSP is a formal description language suitable for concurrent systems, and CSPM is the notation used in tools support. Handel-C is a programming language whose result can be compiled directly into FPGA s. Our extension increases the number of CSPM operators accepted by the tool, allowing the user to define local processes, to rename channels in a process and to use Boolean guards on external choices. In addition, we also propose the implementation of a communication protocol that eliminates some restrictions on parallel composition of processes in the translation into Handel-C, allowing communication in a same channel between multiple processes to be mapped in a consistent manner and that improper communication in a channel does not ocurr in the generated code, ie, communications that are not allowed in the system specification
The increasing complexity of integrated circuits has boosted the development of communications architectures like Networks-on-Chip (NoCs), as an architecture; alternative for interconnection of Systems-on-Chip (SoC). Networks-on-Chip complain for component reuse, parallelism and scalability, enhancing reusability in projects of dedicated applications. In the literature, lots of proposals have been made, suggesting different configurations for networks-on-chip architectures. Among all networks-on-chip considered, the architecture of IPNoSys is a non conventional one, since it allows the execution of operations, while the communication process is performed. This study aims to evaluate the execution of data-flow based applications on IPNoSys, focusing on their adaptation against the design constraints. Data-flow based applications are characterized by the flowing of continuous stream of data, on which operations are executed. We expect that these type of applications can be improved when running on IPNoSys, because they have a programming model similar to the execution model of this network. By observing the behavior of these applications when running on IPNoSys, were performed changes in the execution model of the network IPNoSys, allowing the implementation of an instruction level parallelism. For these purposes, analysis of the implementations of dataflow applications were performed and compared
Nonogram is a logical puzzle whose associated decision problem is NP-complete. It has applications in pattern recognition problems and data compression, among others. The puzzle consists in determining an assignment of colors to pixels distributed in a N M matrix that satisfies line and column constraints. A Nonogram is encoded by a vector whose elements specify the number of pixels in each row and column of a figure without specifying their coordinates. This work presents exact and heuristic approaches to solve Nonograms. The depth first search was one of the chosen exact approaches because it is a typical example of brute search algorithm that is easy to implement. Another implemented exact approach was based on the Las Vegas algorithm, so that we intend to investigate whether the randomness introduce by the Las Vegas-based algorithm would be an advantage over the depth first search. The Nonogram is also transformed into a Constraint Satisfaction Problem. Three heuristics approaches are proposed: a Tabu Search and two memetic algorithms. A new function to calculate the objective function is proposed. The approaches are applied on 234 instances, the size of the instances ranging from 5 x 5 to 100 x 100 size, and including logical and random Nonograms
The component-based development of systems revolutionized the software development process, facilitating the maintenance, providing more confiability and reuse. Nevertheless, even with all the advantages of the development of components, their composition is an important concern. The verification through informal tests is not enough to achieve a safe composition, because they are not based on formal semantic models with which we are able to describe precisally a system s behaviour. In this context, formal methods provide ways to accurately specify systems through mathematical notations providing, among other benefits, more safety. The formal method CSP enables the specification of concurrent systems and verification of properties intrinsic to them, as well as the refinement among different models. Some approaches apply constraints using CSP, to check the behavior of composition between components, assisting in the verification of those components in advance. Hence, aiming to assist this process, considering that the software market increasingly requires more automation, reducing work and providing agility in business, this work presents a tool that automatizes the verification of composition among components, in which all complexity of formal language is kept hidden from users. Thus, through a simple interface, the tool BST (BRIC-Tool-Suport) helps to create and compose components, predicting, in advance, undesirable behaviors in the system, such as deadlocks
Mainstream programming languages provide built-in exception handling mechanisms to support robust and maintainable implementation of exception handling in software systems. Most of these modern languages, such as C#, Ruby, Python and many others, are often claimed to have more appropriated exception handling mechanisms. They reduce programming constraints on exception handling to favor agile changes in the source code. These languages provide what we call maintenance-driven exception handling mechanisms. It is expected that the adoption of these mechanisms improve software maintainability without hindering software robustness. However, there is still little empirical knowledge about the impact that adopting these mechanisms have on software robustness. This work addresses this gap by conducting an empirical study aimed at understanding the relationship between changes in C# programs and their robustness. In particular, we evaluated how changes in the normal and exceptional code were related to exception handling faults. We applied a change impact analysis and a control flow analysis in 100 versions of 16 C# programs. The results showed that: (i) most of the problems hindering software robustness in those programs are caused by changes in the normal code, (ii) many potential faults were introduced even when improving exception handling in C# code, and (iii) faults are often facilitated by the maintenance-driven flexibility of the exception handling mechanism. Moreover, we present a series of change scenarios that decrease the program robustness
This study presents an investigation about customer profitability in the hotel industry. It exposes the hotel industry´s history and its managerial environment, besides its importance to the society and economy, considering the increasement of the hotel industry. It realizes a literature survey about the customer profitability, emphasizing the informations that are necessary to measurement. In order to perceive the hotel reality, a questionnaire was applied in some hotels classified as middle and great size. It has covered five Brasilian Northeast states. The objective of the research is to investigate the existence of an individual measurement to the customer profitability, through the hotel´s information systems. The results reveal that 81,6% of the sampled hotels do not evaluate the individual profitability obtained with the customers , while 18,4% do it. Although, 85,8% recognize the importance of the electronic system that supplies this information for decisions. Finally, it concludes that the informations about individual customer profitability may provide a good opportunity to the hotel maximize your customer relationships
The concern with issues related to consumer protection has emerged in North America and then spread throughout the world. In Brazil, consumer‟s rights and interests only gained greater importance after their consolidation in the Constitution of 1988 and the enactment of the 8078/90 Law (Consumer‟s Protection and Defense Code), which established the consumerist microsystem. The understanding of the legal relationship of consumption concept is necessarily connected to knowledge of the elements that compose it. Among these, we can find the consumer and the provider (subjective elements), the product or service (objective elements), and the consumer‟s condition as final receiver of the consumption object (finalistic element). In order to elucidate the configuration of consumer protection before advertising communication, this work will analyze the advertising through the prism of consumerist laws, conceptualizing it and presenting a differentiation of it in relation to practices such as marketing, offer and commercial communication as well as examining its several kinds of manifestation, focusing mainly the ones categorized as misleading or unfair advertising. All kinds of advertising communication against the consumerist microsystem are subject to judicial control exercised by the State. Besides individual protection possibilities, this state-owned control can be collectively exercised as a result of the utilization of public civil action and popular action. Some specific categories of advertising (smoking products, alcoholic beverages, pesticides, medicines and therapies) are still subject to a set of particular restraints provided by the 9294/96 Law, which enables the performance of a special control in relation to them. In addition to state control, there is also a system of advertising communication self-regulation, which develops itself through the actions of the National Council of Advertising Self-Regulation that are based mainly on the laws established by the Brazilian Code of Advertising Self-Regulation and its annexes. However, this system of advertising self-regulation still has some deficiencies that hinder its effectiveness
The monitoring of Earth dam makes use of visual inspection and instrumentation to identify and characterize the deterioration that compromises the security of earth dams and associated structures. The visual inspection is subjective and can lead to misinterpretation or omission of important information and, some problems are detected too late. The instrumentation are efficient but certain technical or operational issues can cause restrictions. Thereby, visual inspections and instrumentation can lead to a lack of information. Geophysics offers consolidated, low-cost methods that are non-invasive, non-destructive and low cost. They have a strong potential and can be used assisting instrumentation. In the case that a visual inspection and strumentation does not provide all the necessary information, geophysical methods would provide more complete and relevant information. In order to test these theories, geophysical acquisitions were performed using Georadar (GPR), Electric resistivity, Seismic refraction, and Refraction Microtremor (ReMi) on the dike of the dam in Sant Llorenç de Montgai, located in the province of Lleida, 145 km from Barcelona, Catalonia. The results confirmed that the geophysical methods used each responded satisfactorily to the conditions of the earth dike, the anomalies present and the geological features found, such as alluvium and carbonate and evaporite rocks. It has also been confirmed that these methods, when used in an integrated manner, are able to reduce the ambiguities in individual interpretations. They facilitate improved imaging of the interior dikes and of major geological features, thus inspecting the massif and its foundation. Consequently, the results obtained in this study demonstrated that these geophysical methods are sufficiently effective for inspecting earth dams and they are an important tool in the instrumentation and visual inspection of the security of the dams