87 resultados para Atos declarativos


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This paper has as its main focus the relation between the infringement act and the adolescents families social economical problematic, who obey the social educational deprivation of freedom at CEDUC in the district of Pitimbu RN, establishing in the theme Children and Adolescents, with the objective of showing how these families breed in the social economical and cultural political aspect. It also seizes who those adolescents are and their family members in their social aspect and as those families face their daily activities. The focus on the social matter, family, adolescent, infringement act, exclusion, inclusion formed the analysis categories which made myths and reality possible, taking into consideration the infringement act in our society. The data collection showed that those families conditions of life are of poverty. Families originated from low social classes, 62.5 % coming from the countryside and living with a daily income ranging from R$ 0,31 to R$ 8,31. Their level of education is low; there is lack of human and citizenship rights and no professional qualification whatsoever. It questions the degrading social exclusion suffered by millions of Brazilian people due to social, political and infringement economical problems. Has this favored the infringement practice? How to confirm the families lack of competence having the social vulnerability? Are the Public Political Institutions really performing the way they should? Are they really carrying out their role as they should? We have noticed that from then on, the necessity of understanding the exclusion/inclusion suffered not only in an imprecise and empty way, but understood as processes of integrative exclusion or ways of delinquency, where the excluding is not only the only one who has lack of material care but the one who is seen or recognized as a person, is not being treated as one. The effort of this paper provided an approach to our object, and the seizing of a close relation between the infringement act and the exclusion process or inclusion suffered, which are submitted to families of those adolescents who deprive of freedom


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This Project was built to reflect about juvenile violence and the socio-educational´s range of community services provision. It is known that the juvenile violence is a phenomenon inserted on the capitalism system, backed on neo liberal project. Though, it is essential a historical analysis, showing the economical, political, social and cultural mechanisms which determine the juvenile violence personality. On this way, it is seek understand the elements that leads on work world changes, on the State and public politics sphere, that deepens social dissimilarities. On this propose, it is known that there is a relation among the violence, while one of many manifestations of social question on society and the macroestructuals´determinant that lead the teenager to a social rick situation. This research focused on a inquiry quail-quantitative, using the theoric-metodological procedures of observation, interview and documental quest techniques. The universe had been defined by the intentional sample of 22 interviewed on total, during August and October 2008, covering adolescents and their relatives, technical and the coordinator, which subsidized the Socio educational program of community services provision from Natal analysis of limits and their range. The results of this investigation indicate the necessity of development, with the teenagers authors of infringement acts, a care system that is grounded on a professional formation, respect on human rights and citizenship conquest, regarding that children and teenagers are designed as people on development, that have theirs rights and integral protection, being the State, society and family responsibility assure the integral development of them


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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It analyses the approach given by health professionals (social workers, nurses and doctors) against woman violence at the Medical Unities of Felipe Camarão and Quintas of the City of Natal and searches to identify if the domestic violence is (in)visible at the Public Health Assistance System attendance. and It refers to the grandiosity of this violence and its consequences to the women health, recognizing it as a public health problem. To the comprehension of the relationship between violent acts against women and their health serious damages, exposes the battle history of the feminist movements and the brazilian women, demonstrating the visibility acquired by theses conquests of the questions related to the women and how the gender study becomes the central category to (re) think the social relations involving women and men, specially, the violent relationships between them. It analyses, mainly, those practiced by the husbands, partners, boyfriends or lovers. It refers, at the end, about the public politics of violence combat adopted at police stations at health centers, showing the difficulties to establish the legislation that exists to combat the violence suffered by the women that look for assistance at the health unities. It intends, with this way, to give more visibility to the domestic questions at the marital relations and ask attention from the public power and health professionals between them, the social worker to the (in) visibility of this problems at the attendances practiced


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This work deals with the problematic of the determinations that contribute to become the adolescents involved with law. Thus, in this research, the social exclusion is apprehended as one of the most important determining to understand this problematic, once we defend that it is part of the trajectory of this adolescent's life since its birth as a punishment that starts before they becoming envolved in act's that break the law. It is still questioned the discussion of the reduction of the penal age, viewed aa a proposal that will contribute to perpetuate the repression. The objectives of the research were: analyze the problematic of adolescents in conflict with law, where social exclusion is seen here as a main category. The research also aims to understand the situation towards social exclusion and that this public is undertaken in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, more specifically in Natal. This is dane through analysis of the profile of adolescents that are submitted to the treatment at Centro Integrate de Atendimento ao Adolescente Acusado de Ato Infracional - CIAD in 2005. This is dane on arder to identify of the State's and society's actions towards this issue, how it has prevailed in analyzing if there is punishing or social protection. The research also contributed with discussion towards the non penal reduction of for underage minors. The approach realized if of qualiquantitative nature. The research was realized with 190 male adolescent subjects, age ranging from 12 to 21 that were interns at CIAD in the year of 2005. The research shows that their fundamental rights (education, health, amongst others) are disrespected on a daily basis by the State. The State prioritizes economic issues, making social inequality more profound. The main argument is that this problematic has its main oring in the social exclusion and it is imposed to the adolescents as a punishment before thes have been involved with the law going on top of the social protection. When the adolescent goes from being the victim to executioner, the Statute of Children and Adolescents is questioned by many sectors that defend the reduction of penal minority as a solution to reduce the country's violence. Thus, it was aimed here to discuss arguments that point to non exclusion, discrimination and repression. It is proposed that the State should assume children and adolescents as a priority, implementing what the statute establishes as well as assures related to the fruition of denied rights as a way to prevent their future involvement with violence


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The objective of this work was about fixing the free will paradigm as negative evaluation of political rights which presents a new classification dde such rights, producing species: a) conditions of eligibility autonomous (free will), b) eligibility requirements heteronomous (will third party) and c) ineligibility (court decisions / administrative). This morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended, making a hermeneutic analysis of art. 14, § 9 of the Constitution, considering the justification of the views of the voting Minister Carlos Ayres Brito Appeal in Ordinary No 1069/2006 of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (where Eurico Miranda). Are fixed concepts of morality and life history from the perspective of the moral act freely and consciously. Has resulted in the identification of the moral virtues of honesty and integrity, which are voluntary acts as a reference to morality and integrity respectively. Justifies the morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended. who depend exclusively on the willingness of the candidate. It is noteworthy that the conditions for eligibility as a factual finding does not violate the law and does not allow punitive sanctions or setting a deadline in case of refusal to register the application. Attributed to political parties to take responsibility in their statutes moral criteria for the nomination convention in pre candidates, giving an ethical dimension. Analyzes the law under the Clean Record of morality and life history of the candidate and the possible impact on the electoral context


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El tema elegido para este estudio la materia disertación sobre la viabilidad de la Tesorería a buscar refugio a la corte anuló la decisión administrativa firme, dictada en lugar del procedimiento administrativo, fiscal, cuando tal decisión no es favorable a la Administración Pública Fiscal, o favorable para el contribuyente . El cálculo de la cuota a pagar se debe a las actividades administrativas relacionadas jurisdicción de la Administración Pública de la finca conocida como la evaluación de impuestos. En este sentido, la puesta en marcha, analizados desde la perspectiva del derecho administrativo, puede calificarse de acto jurídico administrativo. Para la constitución de la puesta en marcha es posible realizar tres pasos: a) un acto en la preparación para el tema de los impuestos - la revisión y evaluación, b) el acto administrativo de la liquidación del impuesto en sí o la aplicación de sanciones administrativas, el procedimiento c) el impuesto administrativo. Realizó la inspección y la investigación se ha iniciado para formalizar el acto administrativo del propio lanzamiento. Después de la puesta en marcha, con el homenaje que se está abierto a los contribuyentes dentro de la composición del tributo rechazo en libertad, que ofrecerá desafío para lanzar. Este paso es iniciar el "procedimiento administrativo tributario." La etapa procesal se caracteriza por ser un procedimiento de investigación o control de la legalidad de los actos administrativos en los que el contribuyente para mostrar su descontento con el lanzamiento de lo ya realizado. La evolución de los actos que lleva a cuestiones de procedimiento de especial importancia para esta tesis es que la decisión final sobre el procedimiento administrativo de impuestos o el control de la legalidad del acto administrativo de la liberación. Idea que se debe tener es que la decisión final es poner fin a fin o destino del impuesto procedimiento administrativo. Aquí están las preguntas de la tesis doctoral, por ejemplo, usted puede cancelar la corte real hacienda de la decisión administrativa dictada por el Consejo Administrativo de Apelación Reder, cuando decisum que conduzca a la privada? ¿Cuáles son los efectos de la decisión final? Con fuerza de cosa juzgada o impedimento administrativo? Se opone a la revisión por el poder judicial? La decisión administrativa es un acto administrativo? Puede ser cancelada o revocada por el Poder Judicial? Dada la divergencia en la doctrina y la jurisprudencia trata de resolver el problema que lo llevan a la solución definitiva al respecto. El autor llega a la conclusión de la imposibilidad, por regla general, y la oportunidad, como excepción a la Tesorería para solicitar la anulación del impuesto de la decisión administrativa final ante el Poder Judicial


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Cet article traite de la possibilité de proposer le Trésor à la justice pour annuler une décision administrative définitive sur les questions fiscales. Il s'agit d'un sujet qui s'oppose au principe de la vérité matérielle - qui doit prévaloir en cas d'impôt - avec une certitude morale représentée par la chose jugée administrative. Commence par le processus administratif d'impôt comme une garantie constitutionnelle du contribuable, insérée dans le panorama d une compétence adoptée dans la législation brésilienne en tant que pilier de l'Etat de droit démocratique. Met l'accent sur la position du Trésor avant l'autorité de la chose jugée administrative, ce qui démontre la fragilité de La décision finale sur les questions fiscales. Décrit les effets de la révision (ou de l'annulation) dês actes administratifs, en particulier la libération de l'impôt et de la décision administrative qui vise à le confirmer. Enfin, nous discuterons de la composition et la légitimité du contentieux administratif, en conclusion, avec le soutien de la prévalence d'un fait important dans le cãs d'impôt, est non seulement possible, mais le Trésor devrait examiner leurs propres actions si nécessaire


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O livro didático é um complexo objeto cultural, haja vista ser ao mesmo tempo elemento de intermediação nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, produto comercializado que contém o conhecimento para a formação do aluno e objeto de compra, pelo Governo Federal, para ser distribuído para escolas em todo o Brasil. Configura-se, assim, como um produto cultural composto, híbrido, que se encontra no “cruzamento da cultura, da pedagogia, da produção editorial e da sociedade”. (STRAY,1993, p.77-78). Outrossim, o livro didático, tradicionalmente, é “um dos lugares formais do conhecimento escolar, pelo menos daquele saber julgado necessário à formação da sociedade e dos seus indivíduos” (MEDEIROS, 2006, p.34) e a materialização do seu uso pelo professor encontra-se interconectada pelas representações e conceitos construídos nas múltiplas transições na história de vida docente, tendo em vista que a práxis humana constrói-se numa perspectiva retroativa (do presente para o passado), numa hermenêutica social dos atos individuais. É nesse contexto que se situou a pesquisa, entendida como uma possibilidade de contribuição significativa ao debate da educação geográfica, ao propor a compreensão das concepções construídas nas múltiplas transições na narrativa de vida do docente com o livro didático de Geografia. A pesquisa se definiu como um estudo qualitativo, ancorado nas entrevistas narrativas, o qual abrangeu um levantamento de dados sobre as Histórias de vida de professores/professoras dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da rede pública, no intuito de recorrermos às suas memórias escolares, acadêmica (formação inicial) e profissional para situarmos no espaço-tempo as suas concepções sobre o livro didático de Geografia. O livro didático de Geografia foi a área de interesse escolhida, sendo problematizada a partir do seguinte questionamento: quais as concepções atribuídas pelos professores do Ensino Fundamental aos livros didáticos de Geografia? As ideias dos professores expressas nas entrevistas narrativas da nossa pesquisa confirmam a conjuntura de indefinição e superficialidade teóricometodológica sobre o livro didático de Geografia, cujas concepções ficaram restritas aos seus aspectos descritivos, evidenciando a ausência de atribuições de significados pertinentes a uma reelaboração teórica do narrar produzido, como também, de questionamentos dos princípios organizadores das concepções sistematizadas. Desse modo, as ideias apontadas pelos professores em foco, restringiram-se à enumeração dos aspectos característicos do fenômeno em questão – o livro didático de Geografia – na sua superficialidade, isto é, não expressaram elementos que possibilitassem ver as concepções numa perspectiva macro, destacando-se mais as explicações das partes e das percepções isoladas, do que níveis mais abrangentes de generalidade do referido objeto de estudo. Enfatizamos, por fim, a necessária continuidade da pesquisa, e consequentemente, desse processo permanente de reflexão sobre as concepções do livro didático de Geografia, sendo mister explicitar, portanto, a razão histórica que as norteiam para que se possa buscar uma prática docente mais crítica e propositiva.


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Among the species of freshwater shrimp being cultivated, Macrobrachium rosenbergii stands out. Knowledge about the behavior of this species and the influence of certain factors on its development can help optimize management practices and minimize the likely impacts shrimp farming has on the environment and the animals themselves. The objective of this study was to characterize the species' behavior during early stages of development under different stocking densities over a 24-hour cycle. Ten day old postlarvae were transferred from the Jundiaí School of Agriculture (EAJ - Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí) in Macaíba (RN), Brazil to the Shrimp Behavior Laboratory (LSPR - Laboratório de Estudos do Comportamento do Camarão) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), where they were weighed and measured. Eight aquaria with constant temperature, aeration and filtration, and subjected to a12 h light/12 h dark cycle were used for each experiment. Each aquarium also contained two shelters made of bricks and the water quality was monitored weekly. Behavioral observations were made at two densities: 25 individuals/m-² and 40 individuals/m-². The methods for recording behaviors were: behavioral sampling – enter and leave the shelter, exploring on the substrate, exploring in the water column, move away, attack, pursuit and cannibalism; scan sampling - inactivity, feeding, exploration, digging, swimming, cleaning and staying in the shelter. Observations were made during a 15 minute period/per aquarium at a frequency of 4 times daily, for 4 days/week, and over 4 weeks. Food was provided 2 times/day for each aquarium population, immediately before the 1st and 3rd observation periods. Our results demonstrate that at high density, there is an increased frequency of agonistic behavior; during the light phase, there is a greater frequency of behaviors that result in less exposure (inactivity, cleaning and staying in the shelter); during the dark phase, there is an increased frequency of behaviors that result in greater exposure (feeding, exploration, swimming and digging); at times of feed offer, there is an increased frequency of leaving the shelter, moving away, pursuit, feeding, exploration and swimming. At low density, the animals showed a lower frequency of agonistic behaviors, greater weight gain and higher growth rates, which indicates that this is a more favorable growing environment for cultivation and when applied, can generate better living conditions, favor survival rates and increase management success


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User embracement has been proposed as a tool that contributes to humanize the nursing, to increase the users’ access to the services, to ensure the resolvability of claims, to organize the services and promote the strengthening of the links between them and the health professionals. In the city of Recife, this practice has been fomented by the municipal government and its implementation is guided by normative acts, with evaluation matrices and proposition of goals, based on a model created by the public administration. This study intended to analyze the relation between the prescribed user embracement and the real one and their interferences with the relations of reciprocity between workers and users in the health units of basic attention in Recife. Four units of the Family Health Strategy at the Sanitary District IV of the city of Recife – PE were taken as an investigation field. The investigation had a qualitative character, so, Interviews were performed involving professionals and users whose speeches were recorded by the voice digital mode and literally transcript. The obtained speeches were analyzed mostly through the Discourse of the Collective Subject methodological approach, being also used, but on a smaller scale, the technique of thematic analysis, in the dialogic way, with theoretical contributions and official documents related to the theme. The results pointed that in most of the health units the professionals execute the proposed protocols and consider that these have a positive influence for the working process in user embracement, however, factors such as the excessive demand, the physical structure of the units, little resolvability of the reference network, singularities of the units, among others, have appeared, hampering the accomplishment of the prescribed, creating, thus, a negative influence on the working process of the user embracement. The reciprocal relations have also suffered the influences of these factors, which made difficult, therefore, the circulation of gift. Meanwhile, other factors such as access, resolvability, sheltering attitude and responsabilization, potentiated the reciprocal exchange between professionals and users. The findings demand the prescriptive acts and the reciprocal relations of the user embracement to be directly influenced by the singularities present in each community, by the human variabilities and by factors connected to the structure and working process, so it shall be operated with caution in order to provide a real user embracement with quality


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The thesis has as its goal the discussion over the pleasure as an intellectual and personal subject for Max Weber. The main references are The Sociology of Religion, Science as a Vocation and Politics as a Vocation, Bureaucracy, The sense of "Axiological Neutrality" in Social and Economic Sciences. Many authors were researched for information about his life, with a highlight to the biography written by his wife Marianne Weber, for its great number of excerpts from letters and informal conversations. The subject "pleasure" was developed by taking into consideration the complexity of this phenomenon which happens in an ambivalent and multiple ways. In order to do that, we started from the paradigm of the complexity according to Edgar Morin's view, Georges Bataille's discussions on erotism and the antinomic comprehension of Lepegneur and Onfray, who define pleasure as a phenomenon with ambiguities, and the historical references of Peter Gay, Nobert Elias, Wolf Lepenies. In Max Weber, pleasure presents, also, this ambiguity, as his scientific approach is registering the absence of pleasure for the rise of a protestant ethic and, besides that, to support with a process of disenchantment of the world which leads us to a meaningless life. Weber goes through great changes in the last years of his life. In this period he includes in his comments the subjects "erotism" and "arts" with the possibility of escaping from modem everyday routine that affects the individual's existential freedom. However, his ambiguous position about these possibilities take him to consider that a situation o f personal confrontation, considered heroical, once, in his opinion, each one accepts the consequences o f their acts and builds their values to give a meaning to their own existence. The pleasure in Weber is, above ali aspects, intellectual and existential: side by side with the routine, bureaucracy and disenchantment ofthe world was the possibility of charisma, vocation and passion. However, always he related these characteristics to the discomfort that the modem world presented to men, he, as a scientist, was ethical. This is the main argument ofthis thesis


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The results of the research systematized on this analysis sought apprehend the linkage of the socio-educational service network, destined to adolescents who comply with socioeducational measure of confinement, in the region of the Seridó of the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, especially in the city of Caicó, central town of this region. The achievement of this study was stimulated by the interest in unraveling the contradictory reality imposed by neoliberal State, sparing the guarantee of rights, especially to these teens, who are seen as authors of violations and are stigmatized by capitalist society. The research was carried in the period July-September 2013, under critical perspective, using the documental analysis and the observational techniques and interviews with professionals of the Educational Center (CEDUC), of the Unified Health System (SUS), of the Social Policies of Social Assistance, and of the State Department of Education, which should make the service network that gravitates around the National System of Socio-educational Services (SINASE). The Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA) and SINASE define that the application of socioeducational measures cannot occur isolated of the public policies, becoming indispensable the linkages of the system with the social policies of social assistance, education and health. However, it was observed that the neoliberal logic of the capitalist State has developed broken, disconnected, focal and superficial social policies, who fail give effect to the rights acquired beyond the legal sphere. In this perspective, it is possible affirm that the everyday of the Brazilian poor teens is marked by the action of the State, which aims to control those who disturb the order of capital, who threaten the production, the market, the consume and the private property. This way, actions are promoted criminalizing poverty and imprint a legal action over this expression of the social issue to the detriment of social policies that meet the real needs of adolescents. Face of this reality, it becomes necessary to put on the agenda of the here and now to fight for rights, aiming at a broad public debate involving professionals, researchers and social movements in support of the viability of rights, which aims to support reflections and to strengthen ways to confront this social problem. With the approximations of this study, it was learned that the struggle for rights is a fight for another project of society, beyond what is laid.


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The Environmental Education is a plural and diversified knowledge field, composed by a group of social agents of specific State, government and civil society sectors, with different world views and theoretical matrices that exercised and influenced its genealogy and constitutive dynamic. The Environmental Education – while specific knowledge field – has been produced, systematized and diffused in Brazil in the last decades by official State organisms, through public policies, as well as by social movements of popular education, and constitutes a large and historical movement about the environmental question, that was worldwide projected in the 1960 decade (the environmentalist movement). Concerning the creation of public policies and specific programs to the Environmental Education, in the scope of the governmental initiative, the approval of the National Policy of Environmental Education, by means of the Law n. 9.795/99 – together with its regulatory decree, the Decree nº 4.281 – represents the consolidation of a inclusion process of the environmental dimension in the educational field. These normative acts, beyond charging the public power with the incumbency to define public policies that incorporate the environmental dimension and to promote the Environmental Education in all education levels, also charge the educational institution with the duty of promoting this component in an integrated and articulated way with the educational programs that such institutions develop. In this context, it is aimed to identify and analyze under the light of the dialectical and historical materialism, the practices and concepts developed under the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), with regard to its institutional policy on Environmental Education, relating it to establishing the Pnea. The analysis by means specific legislation on the subject and institutional documents UFRN. The research showed that, in general, the National Environmental Education Policy has limits to its effectiveness given the absence of specific funding for this purpose and the little government involvement in that the Brazilian State assumes, by through effective policies, the material conditions of financing actions with respect to this field of education. The fragmented and disjointed way the analyzed actions are developed constitutes a limit to the challenge for the UFRN implement, consistently and objectively, an Environmental Education policy, which can be monitored and evaluated as an effective public policy, both landmarks major goal of own Pnea as the demands of development whose agenda a critical environmental perspective.


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This investigation aims at identifying, describing, analyzing and interpreting how textbooks on Portuguese Language approach, beginning with the linguistic material, the effects of sense in texts that predominately employ injunctives. The corpus of this study is comprised of six collections of textbooks on Portuguese Language, which are part of the National Program Guide for Textbooks (PNLD) from 2010, adopted by the public schools in the city of Natal and the object of study for the Read/Tell Project of the Educational Observatory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Textbooks from the 4th and 5th grades, Elementary School, were analyzed – 12 copies total. For the analysis, we selected 16 writing proposals of injunctive texts. Our study is based on theoretical discussions by Adam (2001a, 2001b) with regard to the genre of: inciting to action. In addition, we consider the work of Koch and Fávero (1987), Koch and Elias (2009), Marcuschi (2003, 2008) Pery-Woodly (2001), Rodrigues (2013), Travaglia (1992, 2007) and Rosa (2007). With respect to discussions on textbooks, we refer to Choppin (2004, 2009), Batista (2003, 2009), Rojo e Batista (2005), and with regard to Portuguese Language textbooks specifically, we consider Soares (1998, 2001, 2004) and Bunzen and Rojo (2005). The proposals for writing in injunctive texts, in the collections analyzed, are tips/recommendations, instructions on making toys and/or games, travel itineraries and cooking recipes, such that 69% of them appear in the 4 th grade textbooks and only 31% appear in the 5th grade textbooks. With respect to the linguistic elements responsible for the construction of directive speech acts and the effects on sense produced by them, the data shows that 50% of the writing proposals do not exploit linguistic categories that implicate the effects on sense using injunctives, or rather, there is no work done dealing with linguistic analysis, while 33% mention the imperative mode and 17% investigate infinitive verbs. In this dissertation, the textual plans of incitation to act genres were studied and in them the linguistic materiality that vehicles injunction. This study might contribute to the improvement of Portuguese language teaching in what concerns the articulation of grammatical studies to textual sequences/types, mainly in the case of Portuguese language textbooks for the 4th and 5th grades of Elementary School.