191 resultados para ASTROFÍSICA ESTELAR


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There is nowadays a growing demand for located cooling and stabilization in optical and electronic devices, haul of portable systems of cooling that they allow a larger independence in several activities. The modules of thermoelectrical cooling are bombs of heat that use efect Peltier, that consists of the production of a temperature gradient when an electric current is applied to a thermoelectrical pair formed by two diferent drivers. That efect is part of a class of thermoelectrical efcts that it is typical of junctions among electric drivers. The modules are manufactured with semiconductors. The used is the bismuth telluride Bi2Te3, arranged in a periodic sequence. In this sense the idea appeared of doing an analysis of a system that obeys the sequence of Fibonacci. The sequence of Fibonacci has connections with the golden proportion, could be found in the reproductive study of the bees, in the behavior of the light and of the atoms, as well as in the growth of plants and in the study of galaxies, among many other applications. An apparatus unidimensional was set up with the objective of investigating the thermal behavior of a module that obeys it a rule of growth of the type Fibonacci. The results demonstrate that the modules that possess periodic arrangement are more eficient


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We study the optical-phonon spectra in periodic and quasiperiodic (Fibonacci type) superlattices made up from III-V nitride materials (GaN and AlN) intercalated by a dielectric material (silica - SiO2). Due to the misalignments between the silica and the GaN, AlN layers that can lead to threading dislocation of densities as high as 1010 cm−1, and a significant lattice mismatch (_ 14%), the phonon dynamics is described by a coupled elastic and electromagnetic equations beyond the continuum dielectric model, stressing the importance of the piezoelectric polarization field in a strained condition. We use a transfer-matrix treatment to simplify the algebra, which would be otherwise quite complicated, allowing a neat analytical expressions for the phonon dispersion relation. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis of the localization and magnitude of the allowed band widths in the optical phonon s spectra, as well as their scale law are presented and discussed


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Recent astronomical observations (involving supernovae type Ia, cosmic background radiation anisotropy and galaxy clusters probes) have provided strong evidence that the observed universe is described by an accelerating, flat model whose space-time properties can be represented by the FriedmannRobertsonWalker (FRW) metric. However, the nature of the substance or mechanism behind the current cosmic acceleration remains unknown and its determination constitutes a challenging problem for modern cosmology. In the general relativistic description, an accelerat ing regime is usually obtained by assuming the existence of an exotic energy component endowed with negative pressure, called dark energy, which is usually represented by a cosmological constant ¤ associated to the vacuum energy density. All observational data available so far are in good agreement with the concordance cosmic ¤CDM model. Nevertheless, such models are plagued with several problems thereby inspiring many authors to propose alternative candidates in the relativistic context. In this thesis, a new kind of accelerating flat model with no dark energy and fully dominated by cold dark matter (CDM) is proposed. The number of CDM particles is not conserved and the present accelerating stage is a consequence of the negative pressure describing the irreversible process of gravitational particle creation. In order to have a transition from a decelerating to an accelerating regime at low redshifts, the matter creation rate proposed here depends on 2 parameters (y and ߯): the first one identifies a constant term of the order of H0 and the second one describes a time variation proportional to he Hubble parameter H(t). In this scenario, H0 does not need to be small in order to solve the age problem and the transition happens even if there is no matter creation during the radiation and part of the matter dominated phase (when the ß term is negligible). Like in flat ACDM scenarios, the dimming of distant type Ia supernovae can be fitted with just one free parameter, and the coincidence problem plaguing the models driven by the cosmological constant. ACDM is absent. The limits endowed with with the existence of the quasar APM 08279+5255, located at z = 3:91 and with an estimated ages between 2 and 3 Gyr are also investigated. In the simplest case (ß = 0), the model is compatible with the existence of the quasar for y > 0:56 whether the age of the quasar is 2.0 Gyr. For 3 Gyr the limit derived is y > 0:72. New limits for the formation redshift of the quasar are also established


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Existem vários métodos de simulação para calcular as propriedades críticas de sistemas; neste trabalho utilizamos a dinâmica de tempos curtos, com o intuito de testar a eficiência desta técnica aplicando-a ao modelo de Ising com diluição de sítios. A Dinâmica de tempos curtos em combinação com o método de Monte Carlos verificou que mesmo longe do equilíbrio termodinâmico o sistema já se mostra insensível aos detalhes microscópicos das interações locais e portanto, o seu comportamento universal pode ser estudado ainda no regime de não-equilíbrio, evitando-se o problema do alentecimento crítico ( critical slowing down ) a que sistema em equilíbrio fica submetido quando está na temperatura crítica. O trabalho de Huse e Janssen mostrou um comportamento universal e uma lei de escala nos sistemas críticos fora do equilíbrio e identificou a existência de um novo expoente crítico dinâmico θ, associado ao comportamento anômalo da magnetização. Fazemos uima breve revisão das transições de fase e fenômeno críticos. Descrevemos o modelo de Ising, a técnica de Monte Carlo e por final, a dinâmica de tempos curtos. Aplicamos a dinâmica de tempos curtos para o modelo de Insing ferromagnéticos em uma rede quadrada com diluição de sítios. Calculamos o expoente dinâmicos θ e z, onde verificamos que existe quebra de classe de universilidade com relação às diferentes concentrações de sítios (p=0.70,0.75,0.80,0.85,0.90,0.95,1.00). calculamos também os expoentes estáticos β e v, onde encontramos pequenas variações com a desordem. Finalmente, apresentamos nossas conclusões e possíveis extensões deste trabalho


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We have used ab initio calculations to investigate the electronic structure of SiGe based nanocrystals (NC s). This work is divided in three parts. In the first one, we focus the excitonic properties of Si(core)/Ge(shell) and Ge(core)/Si(shell) nanocrystals. We also estimate the changes induced by the effect of strain the electronic structure. We show that Ge/Si (Si/Ge) NC s exhibits type II confinement in the conduction (valence) band. The estimated potential barriers for electrons and holes are 0.16 eV (0.34 eV) and 0.64 eV (0.62 eV) for Si/Ge (Ge/Si) NC s. In contradiction to the expected long recombination lifetimes in type II systems, we found that the recombination lifetime of Ge/Si NC s (τR = 13.39μs) is more than one order of magnitude faster than in Si/Ge NC s (τR = 191.84μs). In the second part, we investigate alloyed Si1−xGex NC s in which Ge atoms are randomly positioned. We show that the optical gaps and electron-hole binding energies decrease linearly with x, while the exciton exchange energy increases with x due to the increase of the spatial extent of the electron and hole wave functions. This also increases the electron-hole wave functions overlap, leading to recombination lifetimes that are very sensitive to the Ge content. Finally, we investigate the radiative transitions in Pand B-doped Si nanocrystals. Our NC sizes range between 1.4 and 1.8 nm of diameters. Using a three-levels model, we show that the radiative lifetimes and oscillator strengths of the transitions between the conduction and the impurity bands, as well as the transitions between the impurity and the valence bands are strongly affected by the impurity position. On the other hand, the direct conduction-to-valence band decay is practically unchanged due to the presence of the impurity


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In this work we investigate the stochastic behavior of a large class of systems with variable damping which are described by a time-dependent Lagrangian. Our stochastic approach is based on the Langevin treatment describing the motion of a classical Brownian particle of mass m. Two situations of physical interest are considered. In the first one, we discuss in detail an application of the standard Langevin treatment (white noise) for the variable damping system. In the second one, a more general viewpoint is adopted by assuming a given expression to the so-called collored noise. For both cases, the basic diffententiaql equations are analytically solved and al the quantities physically relevant are explicitly determined. The results depend on an arbitrary q parameter measuring how the behavior of the system departs from the standard brownian particle with constant viscosity. Several types of sthocastic behavior (superdiffusive and subdiffusive) are obteinded when the free pamameter varies continuosly. However, all the results of the conventional Langevin approach with constant damping are recovered in the limit q = 1


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In this work is presented a new method for the determination of the orbital period (Porb) of eclipsing binary systems based on the wavelet technique. This method is applied on 18 eclipsing binary systems detected by the CoRoT (Convection Rotation and planetary transits) satellite. The periods obtained by wavelet were compared with those obtained by the conventional methods: box Fitting (EEBLS) for detached and semi-detached eclipsing binaries; and polynomial methods (ANOVA) for contact binary systems. Comparing the phase diagrams obtained by the different techniques the wavelet method determine better Porb compared with EEBLS. In the case of contact binary systems the wavelet method shows most of the times better results than the ANOVA method but when the number of data per orbital cicle is small ANOVA gives more accurate results. Thus, the wavelet technique seems to be a great tool for the analysis of data with the quality and precision given by CoRoT and the incoming photometric missions.


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In the first part of this work our concern was to investigate the thermal effects in organic crystals using the theory of the polarons. To analyse such effect, we used the Fröhlich s Hamiltonian, that describes the dynamics of the polarons, using a treatment based on the quantum mechanics, to elucidate the electron-phonon interaction. Many are the forms to analyzing the polaronic phenomenon. However, the measure of the dielectric function can supply important information about the small polarons hopping process. Besides, the dielectric function measures the answer to an applied external electric field, and it is an important tool for the understanding of the many-body effects in the normal state of a polaronic system. We calculate the dielectric function and its dependence on temperature using the Hartree-Fock decoupling method. The dieletric function s dependence on the temperature is depicted by through a 3D graph. We also analyzed the so called Arrhenius resistivity, as a functionof the temperature, which is an important tool to characterize the conductivity of an organic molecule. In the second part we analyzed two perovskita type crystalline oxides, namely the cadmium silicate triclinic (CdSiO3) and the calcium plumbate orthorhombic (CaPbO3), respectively. These materials are normally denominated ABO3 and they have been especially investigated for displaying ferroelectric, piezoelectric, dielectrics, semiconductors and superconductors properties. We found our results through ab initio method within the functional density theory (DFT) in the GGA-PBE and LDA-CAPZ approximations. After the geometry optimization for the two structure using the in two approximations, we found the structure parameters and compared them with the experimental data. We still determined further the angles of connection for the two analyzed cases. Soon after the convergence of the energy, we determined their band structures, fundamental information to characterize the nature of the material, as well as their dielectrics functions, optical absorption, partial density of states and effective masses of electrons and holes


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In this work we study the phase transitions of the ferromagnetic three-color Ashkin-Teller Model in the hierarquical lattice generated by the Wheatstone bridge using real space renormalization group approach. With such technique we obtain the phase diagram and its critical points with respective critical exponents v. This model presents four phases: ferromagnetic, paramagnetic and two intermediates. Nine critical points were found, three of which are of Ising model type, three are of four states Potts model type, one is of eight states Potts model type and the last two which do not correspond to any Potts model with integer number of states. iv


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The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Low Energy Electron Diffaction (LEED) technique in the Laboratory of Magnetic Nanostructures and Semiconductors of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil. During this work experimental apparatus were implemented for a complete LEED set-up. A new vacuum system was also set up. This was composed of a mechanical pump, turbomolecular pump and ionic pump for ultra-high vacuum and their respective pressure measurement sensors (Pirani gauge for low vacuum measures and the wide range gauge -WRG); ion cannon maintenance, which is basically mini-sputtering, whose function is sample cleaning; and set-up, maintenance and handling of the quadrupole mass spectrometer, whose main purpose is to investigate gas contamination inside the ultra-high vacuum chamber. It should be pointed out that the main contribution of this Master's thesis was the set-up of the sample heating system; that is, a new sample holder. In addition to the function of sample holder and heater, it was necessary to implement the function of sustaining the ultra-high vacuum environment. This set of actions is essential for the complete functioning of the LEED technique


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We present a nestedness index that measures the nestedness pattern of bipartite networks, a problem that arises in theoretical ecology. Our measure is derived using the sum of distances of the occupied elements in the adjacency matrix of the network. This index quantifies directly the deviation of a given matrix from the nested pattern. In the most simple case the distance of the matrix element ai,j is di,j = i+j, the Manhattan distance. A generic distance is obtained as di,j = (i¬ + j¬)1/¬. The nestedness índex is defined by = 1 − where is the temperature of the matrix. We construct the temperature index using two benchmarks: the distance of the complete nested matrix that corresponds to zero temperature and the distance of the average random matrix that is defined as temperature one. We discuss an important feature of the problem: matrix occupancy. We address this question using a metric index ¬ that adjusts for matrix occupancy


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Double radio sources have been studied since the discovery of extragalactic radio sources in the decade of 1930. Since then, several numerical studies and analytical models have been proposed seeking a better understanding of the physical phenomena that determines the origin and evolution of such objects. In this thesis, we intended to study the evolution problem of the double radio sources in two fronts: in the ¯rst we have developed an analytical self-similar model that represents a generalization of most models found in the literature and solve some existent problems related to the jet head evolution. We deal with this problem using samples of hot spot sizes to ¯nd a power law relation between the jet head dimension and the source length. Using our model, we were able to draw the evolution curves of the double sources in a PD diagram for both compact sources (GPS and CSS) and extended sources of the 3CR catalogue. We have alson developed a computation tool that allows us to generate synthetic radio maps of the double sources. The objective is to determine the principal physical parameters of those objects by comparing synthetic and observed radio maps. In the second front, we used numeric simulations to study the interaction of the extra- galactic jets with the environment. We simulated situations where the jet propagates in a medium with high density contrast gas clouds capable to block the jet forward motion, forming the distorted structures observed in the morphology of real sources. We have also analyzed the situation in which the jet changes its propagation direction due to a change of the source main axis, creating the X-shaped sources. The comparison between our simulations and the real double radio sources, enable us to determine the values of the main physical parameters responsible for the distortions observed in those objects


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In this work we deposit via non-reactive magnetron sputtering of radio-frequency nanofilmes of nitreto of aluminum(AlN). The nanofilms aluminum nitride are semiconductors materials with high thermal conductivity, high melting point, piezoelectricity and wide band gap (6, 2 eV) with hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure, belonging to the group of new materials called III-V nitrides in which together with the gallium nitride and indium nitride have attracted much interest because they have physical and chemical properties relevant to new technological applications, mainly in microelectronic and optoelectronic devices. Three groups were deposited with thicknesses nanofilms time dependent on two substrates (glass and silicon) at a temperature of 25 ° C. The nanofilms AlN were characterized using three techniques, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM), examined the morphology of these. Through the analysis of X-rays get the thickness of each sample with its corresponding deposition rate. The analysis of X-rays also revealed that nanofilms are not crystalline, showing the amorphous character of the samples. The results obtained by the technique, atomic force microscopy (AFM) agree with those obtained using the technique of X-rays. Characterization by Raman spectroscopy revealed the existence of active modes characteristic of AlN in the samples


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We present a study of nanostructured magnetic multilayer systems in order to syn- thesize and analyze the properties of periodic and quasiperiodic structures. This work evolved from the deployment and improvement of the sputtering technique in our labora- tories, through development of a methodology to synthesize single crystal ultrathin Fe (100) films, to the final goal of growing periodic and quasiperiodic Fe/Cr multilayers and investi- gating bilinear and biquadratic exchange coupling between ferromagnetic layer dependence for each generation. Initially we systematically studied the related effects between deposition parameters and the magnetic properties of ultrathin Fe films, grown by DC magnetron sput- tering on MgO(100) substrates. We modified deposition temperature and film thickness, in order to improve production and reproduction of nanostructured monocrystalline Fe films. For this set of samples we measured MOKE, FMR, AFM and XPS, with the aim of investi- gating their magnocrystalline and structural properties. From the magnetic viewpoint, the MOKE and FMR results showed an increase in magnetocrystalline anisotropy due to in- creased temperature. AFM measurements provided information about thickness and surface roughness, whereas XPS results were used to analyze film purity. The best set of parame- ters was used in the next stage: investigation of the structural effect on magnetic multilayer properties. In this stage multilayers composed of interspersed Fe and Cr films are deposited, following the Fibonacci periodic and quasiperiodic growth sequence on MgO (100) substrates. The behavior of MOKE and FMR curves exhibit bilinear and biquadratic exchange coupling between the ferromagnetic layers. By computationally adjusting magnetization curves, it was possible to determine the nature and intensity of the interaction between adjacent Fe layers. After finding the global minimum of magnetic energy, we used the equilibrium an- gles to obtain magnetization and magnetoresistance curves. The results observed over the course of this study demonstrate the efficiency and versatility of the sputtering technique in the synthesis of ultrathin films and high-quality multilayers. This allows the deposition of magnetic nanostructures with well-defined magnetization and magnetoresistance parameters and possible technological applications


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This study will show the capability of the reactive/nonreactive sputtering (dc/rf) technique at low power for the growth of nanometric thin films from magnetic materials (FeN) and widegap semiconductors (AlN), as well as the technological application of the Peltier effect using commercial modules of bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3). Of great technological interest to the high-density magnetic recording industry, the FeN system represents one of the most important magnetic achievements; however, diversity of the phases formed makes it difficult to control its magnetic properties during production of devices. We investigated the variation in these properties using ferromagnetic resonance, MOKE and atomic force microscopy (AFM), as a function of nitrogen concentration in the reactive gas mixture. Aluminum nitride, a component of widegap semiconductors and of considerable interest to the electronic and optoelectronic industry, was grown on nanometric thin film for the first time, with good structural quality by non-reactive rf sputtering of a pure AlN target at low power (≈ 50W). Another finding in this study is that a long deposition time for this material may lead to film contamination by materials adsorbed into deposition chamber walls. Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis shows that the presence of magnetic contaminants from previous depositions results in grown AlN semiconductor films exhibiting magnetoresistance with high resistivity. The Peltier effect applied to commercially available compact refrigeration cells, which are efficient for cooling small volumes, was used to manufacture a technologically innovative refrigerated mini wine cooler, for which a patent was duly registered