85 resultados para Educação pública
El presente estudio tiene como tema principal el debate sobre la evaluación de la escuela, específicamente la evaluación de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la educación física en la escuela. Presenta las tendencias pedagógicas que influyeron en los modelos de valoración de la educación en general y específicamente determinados que el proceso de evaluación en la escuela de educación física. Analiza la evaluación en educación física de una experiencia de enseñanza en la escuela pública. Para ello, hemos desarrollado la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuáles son las posibilidades de evaluación en Educación Física, teniendo en cuenta su significado y sus implicaciones en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que experimentan los estudiantes? Ya que era un problema se guían la reflexión sobre nuestra práctica docente, hablamos de la evaluación en Educación Física de cinco cuestiones esenciales para nuestra consideración, a saber: ¿para qué evaluar (razones) para evaluar la (las dimensiones del contenido ), al evaluar (momentos) se evalúa (estrategias metodológicas), que evalúa (responsable de la evaluación)? En este sentido, este estudio tuvo como objetivo discutir el proceso de evaluación en Educación Física, al reflexionar sobre su significado y sus implicaciones pedagógicas en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la educación física, y guiado por el informe de una experiencia de aprendizaje experiencia en una clase de 6 º y 7 º grado de la escuela primaria Escuela Fernandes Arcelina Estado, ubicado en la ciudad de Macaíba / RN. Hemos encontrado en este estudio que es la evaluación de la escuela es un proceso complejo determinado por muchos factores sociales,. Jurídica, cultural, estructural, y que sea útil para repensar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y su propia práctica docente También creemos que nuestro estudio se revela como una evaluación metodológica de las posibilidades. En ella, que se encuentra es posible evaluar en Educación Física que estudia no sólo los resultados de aprendizaje de los contenidos técnicos, habilidades y destrezas motrices, sino que nos permite analizar el rendimiento de los estudiantes en otras dimensiones de la integridad humana, como la las actitudes (valores), los conceptos, los aspectos afectivos y sociales
To think about a school that is for everyone has been a challenge for many people connected to education worldwide demanding from researchers of each level of knowledge an association to such effort. The study presented on this paper unites itself to the voices, movements and researches of these scholars, seeking to contribute on building possibilities on which mathematics can be thought and worked on schools in order for every student to learn, whether they have some sort of deficiency, disorders, syndromes or not. This essay has the goal to investigate the possibilities of inclusive pedagogical practices mediated by math games with rules, developed and used throughout the Universal Design perspective; a qualitative research took place with a collaborative methodology that involved managers, teachers and students from a public school situated on the city of Natal/Brazil. On the investigation math games with rules were developed and made according to the Universal Design concept, starting from initial studies which articulated theoretical groundings to the reality of school and the teacher s conceptions. After that, classes using these tools were planned collectively which oriented inclusive pedagogical practices of classes from the 1st to the 4th year of elementary school. Throughout the process many instruments such as: tape recording, video footages, notes from the researcher; the teachers and the students were used for constant work evaluation and also to record the research data. In the end, the data indicated effective contributions of the mediated pedagogical practices by games with rules under the perspective of Universal Design for Inclusive Mathematics Education
This work is the result of a set of experiences and reflections on teaching in kindergarten and, in particular, the issues raised by first experiences as a teacher and how these issues were being gradually answered from the experience in a school . Guided by these experiences and studies of Oliveira-Formosinho (2002) on the training of kindergarten teachers in the school context, among others as: Barreto, Kuhlmann Jr. (1998), Vasconcelos et. al. (2000); Nóvoa (1992, 1995), Moita (1995), Freire (1996), Tardif (2002, 2009) Kramer (2005) and Hargreaves, Fullan (2000), built as study questions: what situations become in the context of professional training at an institution of early childhood education? Which subjects who took part? How involved? From this perspective the goal of our work is a: to investigate, from the perspective of teachers a public kindergarten, situations of professional interaction that become the context of teacher education. The research took the principles of qualitative approach and an intrinsic case study (STAKE, 1998), whose locus was a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education, so defined by their peculiarities for training faculty in the context of practice. We built the data with a group of nine teachers CMEI this by conducting a questionnaire, interviews and document analysis. Data analysis, guided by the principles of content analysis, allowed to note that beyond the initial training and personnel, the school context contributes to its fundamental training for teachers of kindergarten, whereas their specificities. We conclude by confirming that systematic and unsystematic in situations developed in the school routine, interaction with peers and other members of the school, the teachers take ownership of specific knowledge specific to teaching in kindergarten
This work detaches the importance of the continued formation of the educators in terms of the inclusive educational process, pointing as basic elements the continued formation of the educational professionals. In this direction, it points and it defends the dialogue in the perspective of David Bohm, with interfaces of the freireanas ideas, as a methodological resource of action that allows the organization of strategies of collective and effective pedagogical support in inclusive schools, in the same time articulates the continued formation of the professionals in education. Characterized as research in a dialogical action with collective participation and collaboration, it counted with the participation of 87 educators, between professors, pedagogical, managing coordinators and specialists of special education in two schools of the state and municipal public system of Natal/RN. The results had pointed with respect to the viability of the dialogue as articulated methodological tool of the continued formation in service, when providing the establishment of personal and professional relationship between the educators, favoring the discursive enjoyment of the lived experiences, allows the organization of strategies of collective and effective pedagogical support in the scholar environment. On the basis of these results, this work also points to some items to reflections as the reorganization of the Secretariats and the schools, in the direction to brighten up the fragmentation and the discontinuity of the pedagogical actions evidenced and to instigate a process of changes that has glimpsed the professional development of the educators through its continued formation in service and the improvement of the school in the way of the concretization of an education directed toward the acceptance, respect and attendance the diversity of its pupils, as detaches the official documents and the studies on the inclusive education
The present research to explorer the configurations that come being given to the autonomy of the school, since the decade of 1990. We investigate the implementation of the principle of the autonomy in the public system of education of the State of Pernambuco and, specifically, in four school units and this schools its in the quarters of Stubborn Brasilia Teimosa and Casa Amarela, both located in Recife. We try to know if the implementation of the autonomy of the school is circumscribed in the process of productive reorganization, it was evidenced that the inclusion of this principle in the educational politics - in the scopes national and state - obeyed the dynamics of retraction that, in the neoliberal context, the performance of the State in relation to the public education and the school characterizes, with consequence impact in the investigated schools. From the empirical inquiry it was identified to the occurrence of a movement realized for the social actors of the schools research in direction to the construction of the pertaining to school autonomy; this movement presenting some limits and fragilities. It was evidenced despite this movement varied of intensity in the measure where the social actors of the schools had developed levels of dinamics processes (in greater or minor degree) related with the diverse expressions of democratic management that can occur into the school, such as: elaboration of the Politician-Pedagogical Project, institution and functioning of the Pertaining to school Advice, etc. The set of the carried through analyses made possible that it concluded that, in the context neoliberal and delimited to the investigated time and space, the implementation of the autonomy of the school comes if giving in way to a complex movement of construction
Le présent étude analyse les effets de la politique de financement de l éducation de base, par les Fonds contables, Fundef et Fundeb, et sa proposition de valorisation de l enseignement, en considerant les dimensions de la carrière et de la rémunération des professeurs de l éducation publique de l état du Rio Grande do Norte, entre les années de 1996 et 2000. Pour comprendre les contraintes de l évaluation des politiques publiques, en cherchant aussi les contribution en Marx (1996) selon qui « le concret est concret » et que la dialétique du concret peut appuyer pour la tentative de capter le fenomène étudié. On a utilisé encore le référentiel bibliographique relatif au financement de l éducation et la valorisation de l enseignement à partir de la littérature reférente aux dimensions de l objet (Fundef et Fundeb) et (carrière et rémuneration). Dans la recherche documental, au-delà des législations, directrices nationales et locales pertinentes, se sont utilisés des donnés référents aux ressources, disponibles à la Finbra, Trésor National, SIOPE/RN, INEP/MEC, des informations du résumé de la feuille et feuille de payement du Secrétariat d État, de l Éducation et de la Culture (SEEC) et 289 bulletins de salaire de 21 professeurs. On a réalisé interview semi structurée avec une quantité de 9 professeurs, reférent à la carrière, et un questionaire appliqué à 12 professeurs relatif à la remuneration. On considère que sur les résultats reférents aux indicateurs éducationnel, dans la période Fundef il y a eu une réduction des inscriptions aux écoles de l état comme aussi aux fonctions des professeurs de l Enseignement Fondamental, et cela correspond à 37%. À partir de la vigence du Fondebe (2007 - 2010) ces indicateurs ont équalisé. Pendant toute la période, 1996 et 2010 il y a eu une augmentation des inscriptions de 119,03%, et aussi aux fonctions des professeurs de 77,44%. Par rapport aux informations de financement, on a constaté que, du minimum exigé (60%) sur l aplication des fonds à la rémuneration de l enseignant, on applique pour la période des deux fonds, plus que le minimum exigé, c est-à-dire de 83,29% à 98,89% des fonds. Les effets des fonds sur la carrière des 9 professeurs n ont pas été satisfactoires, si l on considère la promotion et la progression. Au cas de la promotion des 9 de ces professeurs, un seul a évolué son niveau (les titres) mais a, au même temps, rétroagit dans sa progression. Pour la progression des 9 professeurs, 8 d entre eux ont sa progression retardée, ce qui correspond à entre 2 et 5 classes, et ce qui provoque un préjudice qui varie entre 10% à 45% sur sa remunération. La différence d une classe à l autre correspond à 5% de son salaire. On évalue que les avantages financières contribuent pour la remunération avec un pourcentage plus élevé que son salaire, ce qui diminuent pendant lo Fundeb. Par rapport à la remunération un professeur de 24 ans de service avec formation, n arrive même pas à gagner 2 salaires minimums. Le professeur de 30 ans de service, maître, reçoit un salaire, en 2010, qui correspond a moins de 3 salaires minimums, c est-à-dire, une proportion de 2,82 et une remuneration qui correspond à un peu plus que 3 salaires minimums, c est-à-dire, une proportion de 3,66. L enseignement n est pas très favorisé si on le met face à d autres profession qui ont aussi l exigence de formation supérieure, ce qui provoque un effet négatif pour voir l enseignement comme profession. À propos des effets sur la rémuneration, on conclue qu il y a eu une amélioration mais encore insufisante, surtout si l on compare au Salaire Minimum annuel. On évalue que les fonds Fundef et Fundeb n ont pas été capables de promouvoir la valorisation de l enseignement dans le contexte de carrière et rémuneration. On observe quelques résultats négatif dans la politique de fonds, une fois qu il y aurait en avoir avec l incapacité de tel politique en promouvoir la dite valorisation de l enseignement, ce qui est une des causes, le financement avec des restriction budgétaire
L accès et la permanence des étudiants à l université sont très présents dans les débats actuels relatifs à l'enseignement supérieur. De nombreuses mesures sont prises dans les politiques d'accès dans le but de réduire les inégalités et d'encourager les étudiants ayant moins de chances d'entrer dans l'enseignement supérieur, comme les étudiants issus de l'enseignement public, qui ont encore un niveau inférieur à celui souhaité. Lorsque ces élèves réussissent à terminer leurs études secondaires, passer l'examen d'entrée et réussir leur entrée dans l'enseignement supérieur ils se considèrent comme « victorieux ». Cette étude (pour le Master de l UFRN), développée au sein du groupe de recherche de la formation et professionnalisation des enseignants (PPGed / UFRN), vise à étudier la trajectoire des élèves issus des écoles publiques qui accèdent à une université publique. Nous avons interviewé 12 étudiants, six de l'Université fédérale de Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) et 6 de l'Université d'État de Bahia (UNEB) inscrits à différents cours du premier cycle (Licence). Nous cherchons savoir comment s est déroulé leurs parcours au sein de l'Université, notamment en ce qui concerne la préparation aux examens d'entrée à l université (Vestibular) , la motivation du choix de cours, la première année à l'université, les habitudes d'étude, la relation avec l'apprentissage et les perspectives quant à l'avenir des élèves interrogés. Nous nous sommes référés aux travaux menés par Zago (2006), Ramalho (2003), Charlot (1997), Galland et Gruel (2009), Coulon (2008), Tinto (1993), Doray et l'équipe canadienne du CIRST (2009). L'entrée à l'université comporte un triple processus, institutionnel (formelles et informelles), intellectuel (composantes cognitives et académiques) et social (vie sociale au sein de l'université). L'étudiant entre à l'université et y trouve une nouvelle culture, de nouvelles connaissances et devra apprendre à être universitaire. Apprendre à surmonter le moment de l étrangeté et bien passer par le processus de l'apprentissage des règles, des codes de son nouveau statut et s accommoder de sa position d étudiant à l'université, arrive enfin, le temps d'affiliation, c'est à dire, le moment de l'admission où l'étudiant se sent comme un «vétéran», et qu il peut dire que les dangers de l'abandon sont passés et qu il pourra continuer son parcours avec succès. Cette étude vise à apporter des connaissances nouvelles sur les étudiants issus des écoles publiques, comme contribution au domaine des politiques d'accès et de permanence à l université et de soutien pédagogique au sein de cette institution
The present work is a survey of pedagogical practices of teachers who experience the daily school with students with Intellectual Disability (ID) in their classrooms, considered inclusive. The study was conducted in academic year 2010 in a municipal school in Natal-RN, aimed at investigating the pedagogical practices developed by the participating teachers as well as its view of the front of Intellectual Disabilities students who are inserted in the initial years of Elementary School. In methodological choice, considering the nature of the phenomenon, we chose the qualitative approach and the case study method. The observation and semi-structured interview were used as procedures, which contributed to a significant collection of data in an attempt to answer the objectives. The study subjects were selected by convenience and were formed into two teachers from Elementary School I, linked to the public educational system, which volunteered to collaborate in this research. The analysis of the observations and of the speeches made possible build pedagogical considerations on the action with students with Intellectual Disabilities in a regular school. The results point to a practice covered with a traditional pedagogy, with a few adjustments, although there is an initial process of change, what we observe in the classroom and captured in the words, because, at various times, we saw an interest in developing a pedagogy of Freire. One aspect that caught our attention refers to the formative action at school for these teachers. We found its incipiency, because this does not happen in a systematic way at school. Throughout the years investigated, the teachers had no access to any form of training neither to any form of specialized monitoring. We realize that there is still a concept of Intellectual Disability that makes difficult to "see" this student as a human being having learning opportunities. The aspects that interfere in the formation hinder the development of a pedagogical practice that meets the uniqueness of its customers and promotes a truly effective school inclusion, consistent with social rights proclaimed in this century. We believe in the irreversibility of the inclusive process initiated a few decades ago and that obstacles to the practice of teaching students with ID are visible and possible to overcome if they are turned into challenges for all those who compose the school, the municipal education system and those who build public policies for inclusive education
This work discusses about the teacher salary in the primary school after the creation of the Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e Valorização do Magistério (Fundef), in the public schools in Natal/RN, from 1996 to 2006. The salary is considered one of the politic dimensions of the valorization of teaching. We aim to analyze the implication of this fund to the teacher remuneration, with different levels of training, in the early career, comparing it to the annual minimum salary, during the same period. This study has a historic-critic approach, establishing the relationship between the elements into a particular context (valorization of teaching/ teacher salary) and the elements from general contexts (financing/ Fundef). Analyzing data of the teacher remuneration from municipal payroll and comparing them to the annual national minimum salary gave us the result that the teachers, in their early career, do not have remuneration with a satisfactory evolution. Teachers that finished high school received until three minimum salaries before the creation of Fundef (1996-1997), after that (in 1998) they received under two minimum salary. In addition to this, independently of the level of the teacher training, their remuneration is under three minimum salaries. Hence, we can infer that the politic of funds is distant from the ideal to valorize the professional of the municipal teaching
This dissertation examines the contributions of juvenile literature reading for the problematization of the emotional experiences and conflicts of children at infant education. Its importance consists in providing useful information for the pedagogic work orientated to literature reading at the initial series of basic education, in order to increase the teacher s ability to explore the literary text from its instigating and enriching nature in view of the child s emotional experiences and conflicts. It is methodologically based on the principles of the qualitative research, what characterizes it as a case study. The research focused a level V-infant education class with 28 students in 5-6 age group, at a public school of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). The used resources were: audio recording, field diary, and interviews. Seventeen classes were carried out and they consisted in reading sessions of classic and contemporaneous tales, fables, and legends which used different didactic strategies. These sessions were developed in accordance with the reading experience through scaffolding instructions as it was described by Graves & Graves. The theoretical references were the studies of Amarilha (1997/ 2006), Bettelheim (2004), Coelho (1987/2000), Damásio (2005), Del Nero (2003), Eco (1994/2006), Held (1980), Iser (1996), Jauss (2002), Stierle (2002), Wallon (2007), Telles (2006), Yunes (2003), and Zilberman (1987). The analyses showed that literary reading in class is a special environment for inclusion of the reader s subjectivity; as well as the inclusion of their emotional experiences and their conflicts within the story by way of helping children think and become suitable for dealing with their inner feelings. The literary reading is presented as an experiential and formative activity which helps children understand their emotions through a process of identification, exteriorization, and catharsis; what implies that the esthetic experience from the text makes possible the reader s self-knowledge and increases the perception of his inner feelings and objective reality so that this reader has emotional capital to deal with life difficulties. It is important to highlight that the discussions carried out in the class represented a field of sharing experiences through which each reader had the chance to present their experience of life to the others, including their sorrows and sufferings, in order to help them to develop best strategies to deal with the social environment
Leprosy is an ancient disease that still stands as a public health problem worldwide, especially in the considered developing countries. Of these, Brazil still has large areas of endemicity. The disease remains high among those younger than 15 years old. In this group, the national index achieves 0.6 every 10 000 inhabitants and reaches 2 in the North and Midwest of Brazil. Therefore, the plan of the Ministry of Health is to prioritize the fight against disease in critical areas, providing early diagnosis and timely treatment, especially for patients under 15 years old. This research aimed to: identify the knowledge of students from three schools of basic education in Parnamirim/RN about the risk of getting ill in leprosy; conduct them health education on this topic. An exploratory-descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative nature. Data collection consists of two steps: questionnaire and health education on leprosy. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (REC) of UFRN through the opinion nº 204/2009. Quantitative data obtained were organized, categorized, typed and submitted to the Microsoft Office - Excel for quantitative analysis with simple percentage. Qualitative data were subjected to a content analysis according to Bardin. The sample consisted of 164 students of basic education, most of which is: 1st year of high school, from 11 to 15 years, in the afternoon shift, female gender, skin color white and residents in the municipality of Parnamirim/RN. Still, each student living with four people curiously did not respond in relation to occupation of the father. But the same answered their mother as a housewife and a family income of one to less than four minimum wages. There have been significant results compared the performance of health education in leprosy. Initially, students possessed little knowledge about leprosy. Subsequent to health education, most knew the answer about the disease, transmission, cause, where to get help in case of suspicion of leprosy and the need for the people who lives with leprosy patients to also seek for help, the understanding about if it is treatable or not. Content analysis has established the following themes: axis I, what I do not know about leprosy: cure, fear and prejudice. Axis II, what I know about leprosy, we identified: cure, effectiveness of health education and social exclusion in the past. It is considered the scope of the proposed objectives by matching the effectiveness of health education on leprosy in basic education in Parnamirim/RN; emphasizes, therefore, the importance of understanding the knowledge of public school students. It is expected of them to detect early cases of leprosy in their communities; encourage adherence to treatment as quickly as possible; prevent disability; reduce the stigma surrounding the disease.
The aim of this work is to investigate the factors which influence people s participation in the enviromental decision, in Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, from the vision of the residents of that area, approaching the Plan of Control/Eradication of the African s Huge Snail (Achatina Fulica),with the jointly work of IBAMA and Municipal Town Hall of Parnamirim .The applied methodology consists of a research (Survey kind) including 395 interviews by people who live in that county, with minimum age of 18, within an universe of 124.690 residents. The choice of the county was due to a detection (made by IBAMA technicians and reported in a Technical Report) -which showed that the dangerous Snail is already spreading in 14 of 17 districts of the county-, as well as the support given by Parnamirim s Town Hall, with the implementation of the Plan Control/Eradication of the African s Huge Snail, widely known as Day C . The research tools used in that research consists of questionnaires with all sorts of questions. The results show us that most of the residents were feeling threatened by the presence of the animal as well as having had a little participation in the fight against the animal. It also shows us that residents believe that organizations (Town Hall, IBAMA and Local Community) involved are able to solve the problem and believe that the amounts which organization are supposed to take 89,4 %, 87,6% and 80,8%, in that order. As we check the results, we notice in 95%, the variety of threaten and frequency reunion and participation level
This ethnographical research-action is included in the Applied Linguistics area and its study object is related to literacy projects (KLEIMAN, 2000), since they bring a new sense to the literacy practices in school and emphasizes the agentive writing character and the role of the discursive genres in the formation of literacy agents who aim at the action and the social change. Considering the emancipatory potential that these didactic organizations have in the civic literacy of those who live in social risk and vulnerability situations our aim in this investigation is: to reflect about the role of the redefinition of the literacy school practices and investigate how the action of teachers and students as literacy agents occur. The specific aims are: to promote literacy events which encourage the writing practice for the action and social change; to comprehend how the identity construction of the literacy student-agent occurs by the reflection of its agency process in the literacy projects; to identify teaching strategies and procedures which enable the development of emancipatory language practices; to investigate the axiological values constructed by the learners in and about the writing work in literacy projects. Our discussion is based on the language conception supported by Bakhtin (BAKHTIN/VOLOSHINOV, 2000; BAKHTIN, 1990, 2003); in literacy studies (KLEIMAN, 1995; BAYNHAM, 1995; BARTON; HAMILTON; IVANIC, 2000, LAZERE, 2005); on critical studies which defend the idea that the texts are ideological instruments able to give power to the individuals (MCLAREN, 1988, 1991, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001; FREIRE, 1971, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1992, 1996, 2001a, 2001b, 2009; GIROUX, 1983, 1986, 1990, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2003; APPLE, 1989); on the social genre approach inspired by the New Rhetoric (BAZERMAN, 2005, 2006, 2007; MILLER, 1984, 2009). The data were generated between 2006 and 2010 in the Youth and Adult Education (YAE), in public schools in Natal-RN. The research permitted us to deduce, firstly, that the redefinition of the work with discursive genres provide the learner to read and write to act discursively in the social world, earning, thus, empowerment, autonomy and emancipation; secondly, that involving the students in literacy projects goes beyond didactic competence related to specificities and content domain. It is necessary that the teacher is certain about to whom, what, why and how to teach and that he/she gets a reflexive posture, becoming a learner as well; thirdly, that through the literacy practices which were developed, the collaborators of the research have constructed a more conscious and a more critical view in relation to the language and to the world where they live through the social-political writing and they have improved as interventive and politicized citizens
Este estudo busca esclarecer e discutir a reflexão de Hannah Arendt sobre a crise na educação no mundo contemporâneo enquanto crise político-filosófica da modernidade. Trata-se de explicitar de que forma o significado da educação está atrelado às condições de instituição, compartilhamento e conservação do mundo comum e humano. Com o intuito de reconstruir as análises da autora sobre os reflexos da crise político-filosófica da modernidade na esfera prépolítica da educação, esta pesquisa investiga de que modo o fim da tradição metafísica, o esfacelamento da autoridade, o obscurecimento da esfera pública e a moderna alienação do mundo promoveram uma profunda degradação das capacidades humanas de construir, conservar e compartilhar pela ação e pelo discurso um mundo que possa sobreviver e permanecer um lugar não mortal para seres que nascem e morrem. Palavras-chave: Hannah Arendt; Educação; Crise; Modernidade; Autoridade; Espaço Público.
The considerable expansion of Distance Education registered in recent years in Brazil raises the importance of debate about how the implementation of this policy has been happening so that formulators and implementers make better informed decisions, maximizing results, identifying successes and overcoming bottlenecks. This study aims to evaluate the implementation process of Distance Education policy by Secretary of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. For this, we sought to use an evaluation proposal consistent with this policy, and came to the one developed by Sonia Draibe (2001), which suggests an analysis called anatomy of evaluation general process. To achieve the objectives, we made a qualitative research, case study type, using documentary research and semi-structured interviews with three groups of subjects who belong to the policy: managers, technicians and beneficiaries. It was concluded that: the implementation process needs a open contact channel between the management and technicians and beneficiaries; the lack of clarity in the dissemination of information between technicians produces noises that affects the outcomes; the absence of dissemination of internal and external actions contributes to the perpetuation of prejudice in relation to Distance Education; using selection criteria based on competence and merit contributes to form a team of skilled technicians to perform their function within the policy; an institution that do not enable technicians generates gaps that possibly will turn into policy implementation failures; all subjects involved in politics need internal evaluations to contribute to improvements in the implementation process, however, a gap is opened between the subjects if there is no socialization of results; the existence of an internal structure that manipulates financial resources and balances the budget from different maintainer programs is essencial; the consortium between IES and municipalities in presential support poles are bottlenecks in the process, since beneficiaries are exposed to inconsistency and lack of commitment of these local municipalities