54 resultados para Convenção Batista Brasileira
Brazilian exportations come growing in a constant form in the last years, stimulated for the globalization and public politics directed toward the increase of the internal surplus. In this context the objective of this work was to investigate the perception of the shrimp exporting entrepreneurs of Rio Grande do Norte, with relation to the impact of the Brazilian environmental legislation in the companies competitiveness at the external market. From data collected from the controllers of the companies, it was used a survey methodology, with exploratory and descriptive character. The results found in this study indicate that the companies, in general way, understand that the environmental legal requirements do not confuse nor help in the search and conquest of new international markets. A little more of the half of the researched companies, does not see the legislation rigid as important factor of competitiveness. However a sufficiently significant percentage, already has a more strategical vision on the subject, or at least already it heard to speak on such possibility
This survey develops a study about the pro-environment behavior of a brazilian company of oil and gas sector, emphazing the Petróleo Brasileiro S/A PETROBRAS in its Unit of Business of Exploration and Production in the State of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará − UN-RNCE. The work s development adopt the bibliographic research methodology with the descriptive exploratory analisys, with the purpouse of identifying related points with the knowledge and the analysed enterprise s staff conduct, by the aplication of the interview with a instrument of data colecting with closed variable questions from answers that varies from o to 10.The answers allowed us to know the employees knowledge about the related aspects of environmental responsability, knowing also the involvement of the employees with the politics of environmental managment that has been implemented in the operating area of the company. The research led us to an important verification of the pro-environmental behavior of the people interviewed. The results depends of a wise acting, not only inside the company, but also outside, where the results of this acting will be more perceived for the society. Finally, we conclude that the company has a politics of management with a great importance, emphasinzing that the employees are been in constant training about their behavior resulting in satisfaction
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Deaf people have serious difficulties to access information. The support for sign languages is rarely addressed in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore, in scientific literature, there is a lack of works related to machine translation for sign languages in real-time and open-domain scenarios, such as TV. To minimize these problems, in this work, we propose a solution for automatic generation of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) video tracks into captioned digital multimedia contents. These tracks are generated from a real-time machine translation strategy, which performs the translation from a Brazilian Portuguese subtitle stream (e.g., a movie subtitle or a closed caption stream). Furthermore, the proposed solution is open-domain and has a set of mechanisms that exploit human computation to generate and maintain their linguistic constructions. Some implementations of the proposed solution were developed for digital TV, Web and Digital Cinema platforms, and a set of experiments with deaf users was developed to evaluate the main aspects of the solution. The results showed that the proposed solution is efficient and able to generate and embed LIBRAS tracks in real-time scenarios and is a practical and feasible alternative to reduce barriers of deaf to access information, especially when human interpreters are not available
Due to the large amount of television content, which emerged from the Digital TV, viewers are facing a new challenge, how to find interesting content intuitively and efficiently. The Personalized Electronic Programming Guides (pEPG) arise as an answer to this complex challenge. We propose TrendTV a layered architecture that allows the formation of social networks among viewers of Interactive Digital TV based on online microblogging. Associated with a pEPG, this social network allows the viewer to perform content filtering on a particular subject from the indications made by other viewers of his network. Allowing the viewer to create his own indications for a particular content when it is displayed, or to analyze the importance of a particular program online, based on these indications. This allows any user to perform filtering on content and generate or exchange information with other users in a flexible and transparent way, using several different devices (TVs, Smartphones, Tablets or PCs). Moreover, this architecture defines a mechanism to perform the automatic exchange of channels based on the best program that is showing at the moment, suggesting new components to be added to the middleware of the Brazilian Digital TV System (Ginga). The result is a constructed and dynamic database containing the classification of several TV programs as well as an application to automatically switch to the best channel of the moment
La présence de la Bible dans la poésie du Boca do Inferno est un fait certain pour ceux qui gardent une mémoire littéraire des compositions tênues comme sacrées par la perception religieuse. Ce travail de conclusion de Mestrado, qui a comme titre Dieu et le diable dans la poésie de Gregório de Matos, pour répondre à la question portant sur la façon dont le poète baihanais s approprie de l héritage biblique, développe le thème de la quête grégorienne des Écritures pour faire de la parodie au moment d élaborer sa poésie. Pour rendre effectif un tel travail, l étude fait recours surtout à la fortune critique-théorique construite dans les essais de Haroldo de Campos qui se consacrent à l oeuvre de Gregório de Matos et aux textes bibliques en tant qu héritage littéraire de haute valeur. Ce travail fait encore recours aux constatations sur l art-culture baroque formulées par Helmut Hatzfeld et par José Antonio Maravall, et à la théorie anthropaphagique de la formation de la culture brésilienne, établie par Oswald de Andrade, à fin de donner un support aux observations faites lors de la lecture de la poésie grégorienne. L anthropophagie biblique mise en rite par Gregório de Matos en tant que travail qui précède l ironie parodique repérable dans ses textes est un aspect de son oeuvre qui répond pour son caractère unique: récits de la Bible juive, la poésie de l Ecclésiaste et des passages des Évangiles font écho dans l oeuvre du poète brésilien.
Este trabajo busca demostrar cómo la figura intelectual de Caetano Veloso es importante en el escenario de la cultura brasileña, presentando el análisis de algunas canciones de su producción musical, desde el momento heroico del Tropicalismo hasta las composiciones más recientes. Busca también, resaltar lo que el cancionista refleja en sus ensayos, referente a temas esenciales para la interpretación de Brasil en cuanto a la constitución de su identidad cultural. El pensamiento del mestizo de Caetano Veloso se investiga en su proyecto de canciones, para evidenciar su intervención en el mundo de la cultura, posibilitando una discusión que refleja las relaciones significativas entre la literatura y la música, además de favorecer un diálogo evidente con otros discursos estéticos
Os rostos da pobreza brasileira: análise crítica dos discursos do governo federal, da Veja e da Cufa
Brazilian constitution says that all Brazilians have basic survival rights such as education, sanitation and food, but these basic rights are luxury for some. So, thinking about this, this paper aims to develop a critical analysis about the (re)production of the discourse on poverty, and consequently on the poor, given by the federal government, through the official website of the program Brazil Without Poverty (Brasil Sem Pobreza), the media, represented by Veja magazine, and by those who affirm to be representatives of the poor; like the Single Central Slums (Central Única das Favelas CUFA). Our aim is to present a critical reflection on the discourses about the poverty in the voices of the government, Veja magazine (media representative) and CUFA (poor representative) and their contribution to the development of the meanings of the theme in Brazilian society. In order to do so, we have identified categories based upon Bajoit (2006a) to classify which the author calls faces of poverty . We have used the Sociological and Communicational Discourse Approach (ASCD) as developed by Pedrosa (2012a, 2012b, 2012c), within the Critical Discourse Analysis as theoretical apparatus, and also the studies in which the ASCD is built upon such as Sociology for Social Change (BAJOIT, 2006), the Cultural Studies (HALL, 2005), and the Functional Systemic Linguistic, especially the Evaluating System (MARTHIN & WHITE, 2005, VIAN JR et al, 2011). Thus, the discourse on poverty or on fighting poverty, extracted from news, chronicles and other genres of the mentioned vehicles, are taken as object of study to understand identities that are created and renewed on poverty and on the Brazilian poor, as their dependence on the government and civil society, their exploitation by the economy, and even the media that sometimes features them as delinquent
O presente estudo traz uma reflexão sobre os discursos culturais afro-brasileiros e o lugar ocupado pela poesia em meio a uma sociedade racista. A pesquisa tem como propósito fazer um estudo da poesia de Oliveira Silveira (1968, 1970, 1977, 1981, 1987). Leva-se em consideração a relação da produção poética de Oliveira com as propostas do movimento da Negritude e o diálogo lúcido que o mesmo estabelece com poetas vinculados ao referido movimento e como Silveira sugere dentro da literatura a negritude como uma forma de intersecção na poesia brasileira. A proposta aqui apresentada observa também o hibridismo na poética de Oliveira Silveira ao se enfatizar um olhar sobre uma escrita comovida pelo traço do entre-lugar do discurso. Analisa-se a caracterização de uma literatura gerada pelo tom de denúncia ao desconstruir historicamente o que há muito tempo se estabelece como democracia racial . Em cumplicidade com a poesia regional do Rio Grande do Sul, a poesia de Oliveira vem permeada pela diversidade de ritmos que traduzem o legado da cultura negra mundo afora. Essa pesquisa sustenta-se nos estudos de Eduardo de Assis Duarte (2005, 2011) e Kabengelê Munanga (2008, 2009) sobre Negritude e Identidade na literatura afro-brasileira, que se caracteriza como um movimento de consciência pela reconstrução ou mesmo revisão histórica do que foi apagado no calabouço dos navios negreiros. As leituras de Eduardo de Assis Duarte fomentam novos questionamentos, põem em dúvida a existência de uma identidade essencialista. Aponta-se nessa travessia para uma pluralidade de identidades, construídas por inúmeros grupos culturais na encruzilhada dos diversos momentos históricos. Analisam-se, portanto, a partir da crítica que Stuart Hall (2011) faz ao considerar as ideias de diásporas, as fronteiras das margens no universo da pós-colonização. Por fim, há uma encruzilhada ao se pensar a partir de Kabengelê Munanga, o discurso da negritude e da identidade negra nas relações sociais e culturais afrodescendentes
This treatise analyzes the identitary setting called Veneza Brasileira (Brazilian Venice) which is subscribed to the discoursive materialization related to the imagetic setting (literary and mediatic) produced about the city of Recife. The main investigation of this research is to examine the way how the identitary setting called Veneza Brasileira has been constructed in the imagetic setting practices about the city of Recife in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This study is subscribed to the Applied Linguistics and considers the theoretical perspectives that come from the Cultural Studies which investigation basis is focused on authors such as: Hall (2006); Bauman (1999; 2001;2005); Silva (2000); and Castells (2000) related to the discussion over identity, as well as the discussion over Urban Studies presented in Santos (1997; 1999); Ferrara (1998); and Pesavento (2001). Moreover it is also based on the theoretical basis found in Foucault (2004; 2006; 2007). Furthermore theoretical-methodological approaches rely on the French Discourse Analysis (DA) found in Orlandi (2001); Gregolin (2007); and Courtine (2006). On being so, this treatise aims to: analyze the meaning effects over the production of the identitary setting, especially the so-called Veneza Brasileira, in the imagetic setting discoursive practices (Poems, Post Cards and Touristic Guides) which are produced over the urban setting of the city of Recife. This research is characterized by being qualitative and interpretative and the theoretical analytical approaches contributed to the reading of both poetic and iconic images presented in the excerpts of poems from the nineteenth century and early twentieth century in: Manuel Bandeira s poems, Carlos Pena Filho s poems, and João Cabral de Melo Neto s poems which were produced in the early and late twentieth century. Moreover, this study observed some photographic images in Post Cards and Touristic Guides related to the visiting of historical sites in Recife. One could conclude that the imagetic setting discourse about Recife produced different identitary effects over the so-called Veneza Brasileira along these three centuries: in the nineteenth century, the poetry constructed the utopia city along with the meaning effect of identitary unit; as for the twentieth century, one observed an oscillation between a utopia/heteroutopia city meaning effect of both united and fragmented identity, the latter one is prevalent. As for the twenty-first century, the media reconstructed over again the utopia city, and consequently, produced meaning effect of identitary unit. These same meaning effects of identity either corroborate or contradict to/with the concepts of the postmodernism over identity along these three centuries. In other words, considering the imagetic setting, this oscillation occurs in the proportion of one finds an (ex) inclusion of social agents that construct these same identities.
The exponential figure of Gregório de Matos e Guerra has been subject of many theoretical discussions through the years, since his apparition in a public place, in the 19th century, and even more, during the 20th century, when he was salvaged by the modernist vanguard. As a result, there are yet two antagonist points of view linked to Gregório de Matos, on one side, there some researchers who defend him, on the other, some of them attack him. The first ones say this poet from Bahia was the first literary voice in Brazil, from the Baroque basis, while the last ones say he is a merely plagiarist of the Spanish poets from the 17th century, without a real contribution to the development of Brazilian Literature. With this in mind, this thesis follows the perspective this poet is an anthropophagus-baroque, devouring cultures, with an active participation in the process of our cultural and literary identity. For that reason, it was made a literature review about the biography of this poet trying to break romantic descriptions, emphasizing some scientific facts that can contribute to present the baroque profile of this poet. In this sense, it was discussed the History of Literature focused on this creole poet, mainly based on the historians point of view about the Gregorian poetry in the formation of Brazilian Literature scenery. In the defense of the hypothesis that Gregório de Matos was our first anthropophagus, this work aims to analyze how his poetry reveals the intrinsic characteristics of Baroque and Anthropophagy, focusing its carnivalesque aspect, showing to the world, with a satiric tone, the idiosyncrasies of human life. In this way, analyzing this corpus in Spanish is the strength of this thesis because, besides it is previously unpublished, it contributes to the comprehension of the anthropophagy as a theoretical mechanism that explains the process of formation of our cultural literary identity. Then, we have Augusto de Campos (1968; 1978; 1984; 1986; 1988), Haroldo de Campos (1976; 2010a; 2010b; 2011), Severo Sarduy ([1988?]), Oswald de Andrade (1945; 1978; 2006), Mikhail Bakhtin (2010), Octavio Paz (1979), Segismundo Spina (1980; 1995; 2008), Afrânio Coutinho (1986a; 1986b; 1994), Affonso Ávila (1994; 1997; 2004; 2008), among others, to constitute this theoretical scenery. The Gregorian poetry, in this way, have contributed to the formation of baroque-anthropophagic scenery in Brazilian boundaries, with a special attention to the transition of time, because he is not only from the 17th century, established by the historiography, but his work is present nowadays due to the contemporaneously of his themes, centered to the eternal doubts of baroque man
Unfortunately, the Brazilian politics has been characterized by lack of ethics. In a few exceptions, our representatives often behave in the exercise of power as if they were there to care for their own interests and not public affairs. Despite the dissatisfaction that the situation seems to trigger to society, the electorate does not get to transform their anger into effective gesture in order to withdraw from the public setting people who can not fulfill their mandate at the polls. Instead, the re-election of bad politicians has become commonplace fact. In this study, we proposed to discuss the matter in light of traditional philosophical theories, by selecting exponents of ethical thought from the Ancient Period to the Modern. We put special emphasis on behalf of amorality in Florentine thinker's ideas, to Machiavelli s political doctrine.
The strength of respiratory muscle are frequently assessed by maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure, however, the maneuvers to assess PImax and PEmax are difficult for many patients. The sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP) is a simple and noninvasive technique use to assess inspiratory muscles strength. Reference values have been previous established for SNIP in adults but no previous studies have provided reference values for SNIP in adult Brazilian population. The main objective of this study were propose reference values of SNIP for Brazilian population through establishment of relationship between anthropometric measurements, physical activity profile and SNIP and at the same time compare the values obtained with reference values previously published. We studied 117 subjects (59 male and 58 female) distributed in different age grouped 20-80 years old. The results showed on significant positive relationship between SNIP and height and negative correlation with age (p<0.05). In the multiple linear regression analysis only age continued to have an independent predictive role for the two dependent variables that correlated with SNIP. The values of SNIP found in Brazilian population were higher when compared with predict values of previous studies. The results of this study provide reference equations of SNIP for health Brazilian population from 20 to 80 years old
Introdução: The scales of cognitive screening are important tools for early detection of dementia, creating the possibility of developing measures to slow this process and assist in the management of the disease. Objective: To validate the Leganés Cognitive Test (Prueba Cognitive de Leganés) (PCL) for cognitive screening in low educated elderly Brazilians. Methods: The study sample was composed of 59 elderly residents from the city of Santa Cruz, Brazil with low schooling levels. Reliability was analyzed with a 2-day interval between assessments, and concurrent validity was assessed using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Results: According to the PCL, the prevalence of dementia was 11.8%. The scale items showed a moderate to strong correlation between domains (p <0.01), and inter-rater reliability exhibited ICC = 0.81, 95% CI (0.72-0.88). Factor analysis resulted in two factors: memory and orientation. Interscale agreement was considered poor (k = - 0.02), supporting the hypothesis of an educational impact on final MMSE scores. Conclusion: The results suggest that PCL has acceptable levels of reliability for use in low educated elderly Brazilians
Objectives: to translate and assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian short-form of the Mobility Assessment Tool (MAT-sf) in Brazilians community elderly. Methds: the 12 items MAT-sf went through the process of translation and back translation into Portuguese of the Brazil, considering the semantic and cultural adaptation. In a sample of 150 aged 65-74 years living in the community, the instrument's psychometric properties were evaluated by analysis of convergent and construct validity and test-retest reliability. The main outcomes measures used for validation included in the battery of tests of physical ability, self-repor measures of functional limitations, health, depression, cognitive and sex. The test-retest reliability of the instrument was assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), 40 subjects were reassessed after an interval of 14 days of assessment. Results: the concurrent validity for the MAT-sf was evidenced by significant correlations with SPPB (r = 0,53), number of functional limitations (r = -0,62) and depressive symptoms (r = -0,45). The construct validity of the instrument was measured by gradual and significant increase of the MAT-sf scores with high levels of physical performance and with positive self-reported health, also found that MAT-sf scores were statistically differents according to sex. The variation in MAT-sf scores (R2 = 0,41) was explained by SPPB, number of limitations for activities of daily life and depressive symptoms. High values for test-retest reliability was evidencend by ICC = 0,94, 95% CI = 0,90 0,97. Conclusions: the Brazilian version of the short-form of the Mobility Assessment Tool has values of validity and reliability to ensure its use in elderly populations living in communities