117 resultados para Consolidação


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Homosexuality has been gaining strength in Cinema from the late twentieth century, when there is a dissemination of freedoms around the peripheral or marginal sexualities. Based on this assumption, it was formulated in the dissertation work, an analysis of the relationship between Cinema and Sexuality in order to understand, describe, reflect and analyze possible changes around the performative behaviors of male homosexual from the introduction of them in film production, arising from the mass culture industry. These productions are located in three different decades. In this case, the Cinema has not only the reproductive character of realities, but also a producing agent and consolidating them. The methodology applied was discourse analysis of three film works, namely La Cage aux Folles (1978), In & Out (1997) and Boat Trip (2002). The image, research object of this work, is developed by a mass culture that will produce mass identities which is characterized by crystallization of clichés around the gay world


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La présente étude sur la modernisation économique qui s est opérée dans le Rio Grande do Norte, constitue un débat concernant les tentatives de faire aboutir un projet de développement industriel fondé sur l exploitation des matières premières locales telles que le sel, le calcaire, les eaux mères et le pétrole, entre les années 70 et 90 du XXe siècle. Elle cherche à montrer, à partir de l observation de l action planifiée de l État national et régional, soutenu par le capital international et par les groupes économiques et politiques locaux, comment on a tenté d implanter, dans des conjonctures économiques distinctes, une industrie d intrants de base moyennant la création de deux pôles de développement : le Pólo Químico Industrial (1974) et le Pólo Gás Sal (1996). Elle est centrée sur l analyse des actions orientées vers la concrétisation de ces pôles, et prendra pour objet les politiques de développement émanant de l État national, en particulier celles qui relevaient du II PND et qui visaient, au cours des années 70, à l implantation d une industrie décentralisée dans la région Nordeste ; les règles fixées par le Plano Nacional de Desestatizações, destinées à promouvoir les privatisations des entreprises publiques brésiliennes, lesquelles ont rendu possible la vente d Alcanorte au groupe industriel commandé par Fragoso Pires, et les politiques définies par l État national et régional, rassemblées sous le titre de « guerre fiscale » afin d attirer des capitaux internationaux susceptibles de rendre viable le Pólo Gás Sal. Il y est démontré que l État a coordonné un ensemble d actions dans les domaines de l infrastructure et des exonérations fiscales et financières, dans le but d accélérer la transition d une économie primaire et exportatrice vers une économie moderne, industrialisée. Et que le concours simultané de forces économiques et sociales particulièrement expressives le capital national et international, les élites locales n a pas suffi pour promouvoir la modernisation industrielle escomptée des secteurs chimique et pétrochimique. Parmi les différentes raisons qui ont contribué à un tel échec, on peut mentionner : l absence d une accumulation interne préalable de capital ; la dépendance de l économie locale par rapport à la technologie et au capital des groupes économiques internationaux ; l inconsistance des stratégies de développement relevant de la politique qui caractérisait la « guerre fiscale », et la fragilité de la représentation politique locale


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A dissertação avalia a efetividade do Programa de Desenvolvimento do Turismo na segunda fase (2005-2012) no município de Parnamirim/RN, busca-se verificar se este contribui para o desenvolvimento. Especificamente objetivou: a) Descrever as características e as ações do Programa de Desenvolvimento do Turismo no município de Parnamirim/RN; b) Identificar as percepções dos gestores públicos; da iniciativa privada e da sociedade civil a respeito da efetividade das ações do PRODETUR em Parnamirim e das repercussões do programa na qualidade de vida da população local; e c) Identificar as efetivações do PRODETUR na vida da população local que tenha participado de alguma ação do programa. Para tais pretensões, o percurso envolvendo a emergência e a consolidação do fenômeno turístico no seio da sociedade moderna, bem como o momento de intervenção do Estado no setor foi importante para verificar quais características estão imbuídas nas políticas públicas de turismo. Aliado a discussão do desenvolvimento para além do viés economicista, tendo as contribuições de Amartya Sen (desenvolvimento como liberdade) eixo norteador. Para a avaliação propriamente dita foram utilizadas as falas dos diversos atores locais envolvidos com o programa, compreendendo: gestão pública do turismo, iniciativa privada, sociedade civil e população local. Além de dados secundários coletados em instituições como IBGE e Secretaria Municipal/ Estadual de Turismo. Os resultados encontrados com a pesquisa nos mostraram que o PRODETUR II contribui com alguns elementos que podem cooperar para o desenvolvimento de Parnamirim/RN, pois este ocasiona efetivações significativas em cada bairro pesquisado. No entanto, é relevante observar que esses elementos estão aquém das reais possibilidades, uma vez que os resultados do programa poderiam ter sido mais substanciais. Neste sentido, ressaltamos que o fortalecimento da gestão pública e a mobilização da população local são elementos imprescindíveis para maior efetividade do PRODETUR nas próximas etapas


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Crisis in the capitalist system of production, contributes to appearance of social enterprises. In spite of, to believe these undertakings were to promote a true revolution that supply alternatives to consolidation of a socialist society, which it wasn t succeed. The cooperatives which was our object of study, get appearance in the middle of the capitalist system of production in a disorganized way, therefore, many of them Just get rich or they became true work machines and exploration of the human work. This study has like main objective: Do cooperatives have knowledge and/or they pratice rudments of the cooperativist moviment?. Get some conclusions, the cooperatives of work come promoting a decline of the rudments of the cooperativism and they don t have a knowledge about the rudments of the cooperativism and they don t pratice the same ones, instead of, the ccoperative of production comes promoting the appearance of the self-management idealism which they know the rudments of thecooperativism and they pratice the same ones


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This study approaches the topic of humanization in health that involves the set of policies implemented by the Ministry of Health in Brazil. Its aims are directed towards a reflection on the guiding theoretical and organizing axes of the National Humanization Policy (NHP) and their repercussions on municipal health policy of Natal, Brazil; an analysis of the results of the policy at the local level; knowledge of the views and experiences of the humanization agents in the daily work process and identification of the main challenges of the policy. The empirical field of investigation was the Family Health Strategy (FHS) of the city of Natal. The assumption of the study is that the FHS has produced local experiences with potentialities that must not be wasted, in which there are difficulties and discrepancies between the real and proposed model. The contradictions and challenges in the social and political context of Brazil in the early XXI century and their consequences in the field of health reflect anti-utilitarian aspects anchored strongly in the theoretical concepts of Boaventura de Sousa Santos about the sociology of privations and emergencies as well as of the work of translating. The predominantly qualitative approach collects some complementary quantitative data. The study procedures used were the following: bibliographic research; documental research; interviews; and direct observation. Interpretation of the information obtained was based on documental analysis and on the symbolic cartography of the social representations. Cartographic evidence suggests that practices still take place under dehumanizing conditions that compromise the quality of care given. However, there is a movement aimed at changing the work process that has been strengthening the link and widening the measures developed, incorporating new directions in diversity, integrality and solidarity. The map drawn shows a reality manifested by explicit intentions in a political agenda, by concrete solutions marked by an assortment of difficulties and expressed in the words of the agents and by latent clues identified in successful local experiences, posing many challenges for the consolidation of the proposed changes


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La llamada Iniciativa para la Integración de Infraestructura Regional Suramericana (IIRSA) es un acuerdo multinacional celebrado entre los 12 países de América del Sur desde el año 2000, materializado a través de 10 ejes de comercialización orientados a la construcción de varios proyectos de infraestructura, que incluye la construcción de una enorme red de energía, de comunicación y transporte. Estos proyectos han sido financiados principalmente por los organismos multilaterales (BID, CAF, FONPLATA) profundizando la dependencia económica y política de los países involucrados, en especial mediante el aumento de la deuda externa, las empresas transnacionales garantizarán la infraestructura necesaria para la explotación más acentuada de nuestros recursos naturales y de la mano de obra barata, asegurando el abastecimiento de sus mercados. En este sentido, el discurso de crecimiento económico regional creará los mecanismos necesarios para la reproducción ampliada del sistema capitalista, mediante la promoción de la liberalización de los mercados internacionales, tales como intenta los Estados Unidos a través del Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas. En realidad, es un Desarrollo Regional de los países del Norte, un plan estratégico de ordenamiento territorial construido por transnacionales y dictado por el imperialismo de Norteamérica. Bajo la dirección del gobierno de Brasil ha sido implementado sigilosamente, para que los jefes de Estado, sin nombrarlo, ejecuten sus planes de desarrollo como parte de esta tan evidente estrategia de saqueo, entusiasmados y convencidos de que serán generosamente recompensados. Proclaman e inauguran proyectos de infraestructura que las empresas multinacionales y transnacionales consideran indispensables para el saqueo de los recursos naturales que aún quedan, después de cinco siglos de explotación continua de América Latina. En este sentido, nuestra investigación se volvió hacia el análisis de lo sector energético de lo Eje Perú-Brasil-Bolivia, por considerarlo de suma importancia para el mantenimiento de la explotación y consolidación hegemónica de las corporaciones multinacionales en América Latina


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The present thesis aims to get to know and to analyze the elements which make up the poetical performance of the Fandango from Canguaretama confirming/corroborating an eminently theatrical model. It still highlights the producers´ history, its asset production and its insertion in community where we had contact with two other types of performances: the daily and the ritualistic. Such actions both combine and present different meanings and objectives, promoting distinct readings and experiences. Looking at these three ways of performances poetic, daily, and ritual enabled to go deeper in cultural aspects of the studied community and, thus, check over what is going on in these events, how they accord with and conceive a popular performance context. The research could substantiate the existence of a theatrical model whose performance by means of the voice and active presence of playful bodies, implied in getting to know the consolidation of a cultural patrimony which reveals us the past, but, especially, the present, its people and its place


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Trata-se de uma investigação que busca revelar convergências e divergências no processo de planificação da Política Pública de Saúde, com foco primordial na participação dos organismos de representação social na consolidação do Sistema Único (SUS), destacando a Conferência Nacional de Saúde CNS, instância que deve ter participação obrigatória na formulação de recomendações para essa política estatal. Considera que a planificação reúne elementos de concepção jurídica, técnica e política para a elaboração dos documentos intitulados Planos Nacionais de Saúde PNS. A partir de pesquisa qualitativa de base documental e argumentação com apoio de Cartografia Simbólica, põe em exame o processo de elaboração e o teor presente nos relatórios da 12ª (2003), 13ª (2007) e 14ª CNS (2011), alinhando seus eixos, diretrizes e prioridades nos correspondentes PNS nos quadriênios 2004-2007, 2008-2011 e 2012-2015. A escolha desses instrumentos, na temporalidade sugerida, tem por esteio o período em que a implantação do sistema de Planejamento do SUS PlanejaSUS, orienta normativa e tecnicamente a elaboração do PNS, tendo como uma de suas referências o que foi emanado das conferências. Propõe-se verificar as tensões existentes entre momentos distintos da definição das prioridades elencadas nas políticas públicas de saúde à luz das contribuições teóricas sobre a concepção do Estado, numa visão contemporânea associada à sua dinâmica de atuação vinculada ao modo de produção e acumulação capitalista; sobre a metodologia do Planejamento Estratégico com base na participação de atores diversos; e ainda, na análise sobre a expressão desse participacionismo na ótica dos processos democráticos representativos no SUS. Na confecção dos mapas cartográficos foi proposta a correlação entre os conteúdos dos Relatórios das 12ª a 14ª conferências de saúde com o que está expresso nas prioridades constantes nos Planos Nacionais de Saúde (2004 a 2007, 2008 a 2011 e 2012 a 2015), verificando-se aproximações e distanciamentos existentes entre o que expressa a sociedade e a política governamental. Conclui-se que, do exame crítico entre as diretrizes e prioridades contidas no acervo documental existente e sua metodologia de construção, com fundamento na argumentação do aporte teórico trabalhado, são verificadas tensões e harmonizações que revelam pontos convergentes e dissonantes das pactuações e consensos entre os atores sociais representantes dos segmentos, no qual critério da representatividade condiciona a defesa de opiniões, interesses e prioridades, de modo diverso para os que estão implicados nesse processo de planificação


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This thesis analyzes the political and electoral trajectory of the PFL in Rio Grande do Norte from its beginning in 1985 until his last electoral dispute in 2006, before the process of rebuilding occurred in 2007. The central argument of the thesis is that the PFL occupied side by side with the PMDB the central position in the dynamic of the state partisan politics. This was due to its ability to control the process of disputes for majority positions in the state, especially for Senate vacancies. The hypothesis that support the central argument are related to the trajectory of the formation of the party still under the military regime, where the group that took over the leadership of the party enjoyed privileged conditions for the consolidation of political and electoral power. Another factor associated with their performance was the force that was developed in the second-largest electoral college in the state, Mossoró. To these hypotheses we add the role Jose Agripino Maia who, leading without competitors within the party, concentrated a large power in making decisions in face of adverse contexts to ensure (his) conditions for success in majoritarian disputes


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The performance of the State in the economic area is only legitimized when to be given in virtue of the protection of the principles established constitutionally. Thus, the economic intervention of the State prioritizes the formation of a joust economic order and in this context, it fulfills to us to define, to the long one of this work, the contours of the intervention of the State in the economic domain in the presence of the Federal Constitution of the Republic of 05 of October of 1988, and, more specifically, in the petroliferous economic sector by means of the interventive contribution instituted after the Constitutional amendment 33/2001, with Law 10.336/2001. With the creation of this institute, in Brazil, emerged innumerable quarrels concerning its constitutional legitimacy, directing uncurling of the research to the study of the state intervention through this contribution and its constitutional limits, in the purpose to demonstrate the parameters for its institution and application. In this way, the interventive contribution in the fuel sector (CIDE-Combustíveis) shows itself as an intervention instrument on the economic domain, acting in way to finance the indirect performance of the State, specially in what concerns to the promotion of the principle of sustainable development principle. Therefore, CIDE-Combustíveis is an able instrument to concretizes the mentioned constitutional principle. Thus, the division of its incomes promotes the consolidation of the principle of the cooperative federalism. In this direction, from premises of the environmental tax law, this intends to demonstrate the utility and constitutionality of this exaction tax, primordially with regard to the realization of the basic right to the balanced environment


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This dissertation focus, as main objective, to address the issue of fundamental rights and political freedoms of the individuals, guaranteed by the Constitution of 1988, with emphasis of study in the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech, as well as in national related constitutional law institutions and its derivatives, and the connection with the historical and political affirmation of fundamental human rights and its importance for the construction, maintenance and consolidation of constitutional democracy in the Federative Republic of Brazil. This paper mainly deals with aspects of juspostive nature, focused mainly within its doctrinal aspect, making, for such, references both to the patrian doctrine and the foreign one, without forgetting the necessary jurisprudencial focus and analysis of the positive patrian planning with references to comparative law, in order to describe and analyze the emergence, evolution and dissemination of the institute, both in the major countries of the Western World and along the Brazilian constitutional history.


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The current research come from need to analyze possibilities to materialize human dignity principle during freedom curtail penalties fullfilment, abreast finding that internal and international regulations dictate this is the way to be tread by Brazilian penitentiary system, however, verily, indignity, assistance missing, overcrownding, crime, in the end, barbarie reigns. The work will analyze two strands in order to effective the mentioned principle: the state responsability optics, such in internal scope, as internationally, abreast historical omission in satisfy Constitution, international treaties and laws; and also indicating penal execution alternative methods adoption as a way, bringing to fore a case study - called "apaqueano" method. With such desideratum will bring, first of all, considerations about consolidation process of human dignity principle, its concept and essential content. Furthermore, will address historical and philosophical evolution of freedom curtail penalties. As it follows, will be done an approach about constitutional and underconstitutional legislation that disciplines penalties fullfiling in Brazil, analyzing their main aspects, emphasizing the possibility to charge Brazilian state for disregarding mentioned standards. Next, will also be started a critical analyzis about international regulations, which forbids diminishing or cruel penalties or treatments, approaching human rights international treaties and conventions ratified by Braziland their incorporation and effectiveness in local Law, emphasizing monitoring forms and country international charging possibility for disregarding international regulations. Lastly, will advance to the real possibility to materialize human dignity principle in penalties fullfiling, based in a case study verification - the APAC (Associação de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados) called method, analyzing the various theories about penalties grounding, with emphasis in their ressocializing function, as well as traditional penitentiary systems, and the theory adopted by vernacular order, in desideratum to contribute to improve national penitentiary system chaotic situation


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The dissertation, which is based on the deductive method, by using general concepts of the theory of the administrative participation in the administrative process, addresses the importance of strengthening administrative and procedural activities of citizen involvement in public administration for the administrative consolidation of democracy in Brazil. The emergence of Administrative Law has particular importance for the understanding of its institutions and, of course, for the different fields of public administration. The authoritarian profile of this area of law still exists as a clear recollection of their origin, mainly based on a relationship of superiority of the state over the individuals. Indeed, does not even modern constitutionalism could print a true democracy administrative, since the constitutions were not properly observed by the Government. Furthermore, only the process of constitutionalization of administrative law legal relations took a more democratic profile. That is, the creation of an environment of dialogue with civil society is a recent achievement of the Brazilian government. As the administrative process involves dilemmas and solutions of state action, because it is revealed the expression government, the strengthening of institutions and principles related to the administrative procedure is important for role in making a more participatory relationship between state and citizen. Thus, administrative participation can be considered not only a mechanism of control and legitimacy of state action, but also for improvement and reduction of administrative costs, as a requirement of the principle of efficiency. The objective of this investigation is to assert as the administrative legal relation, the administrative legality, the administrative jurisdiction, the processuality administrative, the consensuality administrative and administrative justice, together with administrative participation, can contribute to a more democratic role of the Public Administration and, therefore, more dialogic and consolidator of the fundamental rights of citizens. Therefore, we highlight the importance of the administrative process and administrative participation as mechanisms for improving public policy and thus as a means of reducing administrative costs mediate the state


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The demands brought by a society doomed to the constant production of global risks, which whose effects are not immediately noticed effects are not perceived immediately, claim from the Law a new Theory about the Risk, that would offer a broad environmental protection, at the same time it would still be compatible with the idea of economic efficiency, required by the Modern Industry. The expansion of the methods and technologies regarding the exploitation and production of oil causes the constant expansion of the exploitable boundaries, especially in ultra-deep waters with the Pre-salt layer, in Brazil, or the still incipient research about the polymetallic nodules and other mineral sources in international waters, like the Atlântico Sudoeste, by the Programme on Ocean Science in Relation do Non Living Resources (OSNLR), a global study performed in partnership with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, from UNESCO (IOC UNESCO) and also with the Division of Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea (UNDOALOS). Thus, we aim to analyze the correlation, and possible collisions between the right to a balanced environment and the free exercise of economic activity and the occurrence of environmental damages from the perspective of the exploitation activities of oil and other natural resources in international waters, specifically in the Area, from the constitutional principle of sustainable development and its legitimacy by the environmental international protection. Therefore, this study also aims to evaluate the legal framework for exploration and production of oil in international waters, particularly in the Area, and appraise how the constitutional instruments and mechanisms for environmental protection can impact on the international environmental protection system in order to ensure the present and future generations an ecologically balanced environment, laid down in Article 225 of the Brazilian Constitution, even with so many risks posed by the activities of exploitation and production of oil in international waters. In the meantime, we intend to also intend to investigate the possibility of future liability for environmental damage in order to ensure that constitutional principle and, consequently, and try to define the concept of environmental damage and its implications on the constitutional principle of environmental protection. Given all that was in summary, this work aims to contribute to the evolution of the new Theory of Environmental Risk, turning the law into something more than a punitive or corrective element in this society, but into a legal risk management, that may be triggered even before the consolidation of the damage


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This study analyzes the institucional environment and its changes around the carcinicultora activity in Rio Grande do Norte from the understanding of its trajectory and the macroinstitucional elements micron and that characterizes the activity in the period of 1999 the 2009. In the analysis of the occured institucional changes in the carcinicultura the Guaraíra Estuary is overcome as space reference, located in the eastern coast of the Rio Grande of the North. The analysis proposal has for base the adoption of the conceptual support of the innovative institucionalistas and neoshumpterianas theories, for understanding that these bring complementary and enriching elements that will allow an analysis, not static, but, dynamics of the carcinicultora activity. It was verified that the crisis brought up for the antidumping action, for the problems of the illnesses that had abated the shrimp, for the depreciation of the Real, among others it led to an overturn in the productive conjuncture of market and forced the alteration of the effective institutions. This institucional alteration, goes in the direction to search to take care of the new demands of the carcinicultura that was possible for the solidity of the institucional foundations constructed throughout the thirty previous years and the consequent consolidation of the composed institucional apparatus for rich a mix of organizations, not only for agencies of government, as well as for organizations with social representation