23 resultados para power-law tori,analytic models,AGN,gas dynamics,stability


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An experimental study has been conducted to investigate the behavior of continuous flight auger (cfa) bored piles and metalic driven H-section piles under lateral loading in cohesionless soils. The piles were tested in two different areas at the same site. Both areas consisted of a 3-m thick compacted superficial fill of pure fine sand, underlain by layers of naturally occurring pure fine-thick sand. Fills are differentiated by the relative densities which were compressed, 45% e 70%, respectively. Each area received one identical pair of cfa piles and two identical pairs of H-piles. A static lateral loading test was performed in each pair of piles. In this work, the pile load test results are reported and interpreted. The horizontal coefficient of subgrade reaction was determined from the results of the loading tests and compared with values determined by correlations based on penetration resistance index of SPT tests (NSPT). p-y formulations describing the static behavior of the piles were applied to the problem under evaluation. Back Analyses were made through theoretical and experimental p-y curves for obtaining input parameters for the analytic models, among which the coefficient of horizontal reaction. The soil pile system horizontal loading at rupture was determined by the theoretical methods and the results were compared with the experimental results, checking its validity


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The static and cyclic assays are common to test materials in structures.. For cycling assays to assess the fatigue behavior of the material and thereby obtain the S-N curves and these are used to construct the diagrams of living constant. However, these diagrams, when constructed with small amounts of S-N curves underestimate or overestimate the actual behavior of the composite, there is increasing need for more testing to obtain more accurate results. Therewith, , a way of reducing costs is the statistical analysis of the fatigue behavior. The aim of this research was evaluate the probabilistic fatigue behavior of composite materials. The research was conducted in three parts. The first part consists of associating the equation of probability Weilbull equations commonly used in modeling of composite materials S-N curve, namely the exponential equation and power law and their generalizations. The second part was used the results obtained by the equation which best represents the S-N curves of probability and trained a network to the modular 5% failure. In the third part, we carried out a comparative study of the results obtained using the nonlinear model by parts (PNL) with the results of a modular network architecture (MN) in the analysis of fatigue behavior. For this we used a database of ten materials obtained from the literature to assess the ability of generalization of the modular network as well as its robustness. From the results it was found that the power law of probability generalized probabilistic behavior better represents the fatigue and composites that although the generalization ability of the MN that was not robust training with 5% failure rate, but for values mean the MN showed more accurate results than the PNL model


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The complex behavior of a wide variety of phenomena that are of interest to physicists, chemists, and engineers has been quantitatively characterized by using the ideas of fractal and multifractal distributions, which correspond in a unique way to the geometrical shape and dynamical properties of the systems under study. In this thesis we present the Space of Fractals and the methods of Hausdorff-Besicovitch, box-counting and Scaling to calculate the fractal dimension of a set. In this Thesis we investigate also percolation phenomena in multifractal objects that are built in a simple way. The central object of our analysis is a multifractal object that we call Qmf . In these objects the multifractality comes directly from the geometric tiling. We identify some differences between percolation in the proposed multifractals and in a regular lattice. There are basically two sources of these differences. The first is related to the coordination number, c, which changes along the multifractal. The second comes from the way the weight of each cell in the multifractal affects the percolation cluster. We use many samples of finite size lattices and draw the histogram of percolating lattices against site occupation probability p. Depending on a parameter, ρ, characterizing the multifractal and the lattice size, L, the histogram can have two peaks. We observe that the probability of occupation at the percolation threshold, pc, for the multifractal is lower than that for the square lattice. We compute the fractal dimension of the percolating cluster and the critical exponent β. Despite the topological differences, we find that the percolation in a multifractal support is in the same universality class as standard percolation. The area and the number of neighbors of the blocks of Qmf show a non-trivial behavior. A general view of the object Qmf shows an anisotropy. The value of pc is a function of ρ which is related to its anisotropy. We investigate the relation between pc and the average number of neighbors of the blocks as well as the anisotropy of Qmf. In this Thesis we study likewise the distribution of shortest paths in percolation systems at the percolation threshold in two dimensions (2D). We study paths from one given point to multiple other points. In oil recovery terminology, the given single point can be mapped to an injection well (injector) and the multiple other points to production wells (producers). In the previously standard case of one injection well and one production well separated by Euclidean distance r, the distribution of shortest paths l, P(l|r), shows a power-law behavior with exponent gl = 2.14 in 2D. Here we analyze the situation of one injector and an array A of producers. Symmetric arrays of producers lead to one peak in the distribution P(l|A), the probability that the shortest path between the injector and any of the producers is l, while the asymmetric configurations lead to several peaks in the distribution. We analyze configurations in which the injector is outside and inside the set of producers. The peak in P(l|A) for the symmetric arrays decays faster than for the standard case. For very long paths all the studied arrays exhibit a power-law behavior with exponent g ∼= gl.


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In this work we present a theoretical study about the properties of magnetic polaritons in superlattices arranged in a periodic and quasiperiodic fashíons. In the periodic superlattice, in order to describe the behavior of the bulk and surface modes an effective medium approach, was used that simplify enormously the algebra involved. The quasi-periodic superlattice was described by a suitable theoretical model based on a transfer-matrix treatment, to derive the polariton's dispersion relation, using Maxwell's equations (including effect of retardation). Here, we find a fractal spectra characterized by a power law for the distribution of the energy bandwidths. The localization and scaling behavior of the quasiperiodic structure were studied for a geometry where the wave vector and the external applied magnetic field are in the same plane (Voigt geometry). Numerical results are presented for the ferromagnet Fe and for the metamagnets FeBr2 and FeCl2


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In this work we elaborate and discuss a Complex Network model which presents connectivity scale free probability distribution (power-law degree distribution). In order to do that, we modify the rule of the preferential attachment of the Bianconi-Barabasi model, including a factor which represents the similarity of the sites. The term that corresponds to this similarity is called the affinity, and is obtained by the modulus of the difference between the fitness (or quality) of the sites. This variation in the preferential attachment generates very interesting results, by instance the time evolution of the connectivity, which follows a power-law distribution ki / ( t t0 )fi, where fi indicates the rate to the site gain connections. Certainly this depends on the affinity with other sites. Besides, we will show by numerical simulations results for the average path length and for the clustering coefficient


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Dark matter is a fundamental ingredient of the modern Cosmology. It is necessary in order to explain the process of structures formation in the Universe, rotation curves of galaxies and the mass discrepancy in clusters of galaxies. However, although many efforts, in both aspects, theoretical and experimental, have been made, the nature of dark matter is still unknown and the only convincing evidence for its existence is gravitational. This rises doubts about its existence and, in turn, opens the possibility that the Einstein’s gravity needs to be modified at some scale. We study, in this work, the possibility that the Eddington-Born-Infeld (EBI) modified gravity provides en alternative explanation for the mass discrepancy in clusters of galaxies. For this purpose we derive the modified Einstein field equations and find their solutions to a spherical system of identical and collisionless point particles. Then, we took into account the collisionless relativistic Boltzmann equation and using some approximations and assumptions for weak gravitational field, we derived the generalized virial theorem in the framework of EBI gravity. In order to compare the predictions of EBI gravity with astrophysical observations we estimated the order of magnitude of the geometric mass, showing that it is compatible with present observations. Finally, considering a power law for the density of galaxies in the cluster, we derived expressions for the radial velocity dispersion of the galaxies, which can be used for testing some features of the EBI gravity.


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Dark matter is a fundamental ingredient of the modern Cosmology. It is necessary in order to explain the process of structures formation in the Universe, rotation curves of galaxies and the mass discrepancy in clusters of galaxies. However, although many efforts, in both aspects, theoretical and experimental, have been made, the nature of dark matter is still unknown and the only convincing evidence for its existence is gravitational. This rises doubts about its existence and, in turn, opens the possibility that the Einstein’s gravity needs to be modified at some scale. We study, in this work, the possibility that the Eddington-Born-Infeld (EBI) modified gravity provides en alternative explanation for the mass discrepancy in clusters of galaxies. For this purpose we derive the modified Einstein field equations and find their solutions to a spherical system of identical and collisionless point particles. Then, we took into account the collisionless relativistic Boltzmann equation and using some approximations and assumptions for weak gravitational field, we derived the generalized virial theorem in the framework of EBI gravity. In order to compare the predictions of EBI gravity with astrophysical observations we estimated the order of magnitude of the geometric mass, showing that it is compatible with present observations. Finally, considering a power law for the density of galaxies in the cluster, we derived expressions for the radial velocity dispersion of the galaxies, which can be used for testing some features of the EBI gravity.


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This work presents an analysis of the control law based on an indirect hybrid scheme using neural network, initially proposed for O. Adetona, S. Sathanathan and L. H. Keel. Implementations of this control law, for a level plant of second order, was resulted an oscillatory behavior, even if the neural identifier has converged. Such results had motivated the investigation of the applicability of that law. Starting from that, had been made stability mathematical analysis and several implementations, with simulated plants and with real plants, for analyze the problem. The analysis has been showed the law was designed being despised some components of dynamic of the plant to be controlled. Thus, for plants that these components have a significant influence in its dynamic, the law tends to fail