36 resultados para Sistema de recuperação de informação
This thesis carries through an application of Analysis of Multicriterion Decision with use of the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the problematic one of taking of decision of the adoption of electronic collecting in the system of urban transport in the country, a subject that has been controversial. A modeling of criteria and alternatives is carried through and applied a questionnaire based on method AHP the excellent actors in the system of urban transport - Leading of the Managing Agency Public Municipal theatre of Urban Transports, Controller of Company of Bus, Controller of Labor union, Controller of Union of Companies, Communitarian Leader. The considered alternatives were: the maintenance of the current state with collectors, the implementation of electronic collection without collectors, and the implementation of electronic collection with collectors. The used criteria were: job, impact in the fare, control of the system, easiness of use, information. The study was carried through in the city of Natal, RN, where if the adoption of electronic collection argues and where this implementation in some bus lines between Natal and Parnamirim exists, city that integrates the region of the great Natal. The main results of the method evidence in a dimension, the viability of use of method AHP with questionnaire by means of validation of the judgments with analysis of variance beyond proper the normal mechanisms of analysis of consistency to the method, and in another one, the contribution of the analysis boarding multicriterion to become the judgments more clearly. The main results of the analysis help to show that although to models of criteria and distinct judgments of the actors, the method evidenced that it has inclination the adoption of the electronic collection on the current situation, even so with divergences between the maintenance or not of the collector. The research points to the possibility of accomplishment of the application of the AHP in successive rounds of judgments
Analisa a indexação dos documentos da Biblioteca Setorial de Química através de um estudo informétrico na ferramenta de busca do Sistema de Bibliotecas (SISBI) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Descreve um estudo informétrico realizado na ferramenta de busca do SISBI da UFRN, sendo feita direcionada para os documentos Biblioteca Setorial de Química. Enfoca a importância do estudo informétrico para analisar a recuperação da informação relacionada à indexação. Aborda a relação da informetria com a indexação e recuperação da informação com o intuito de que o profissional bibliotecário seja mais analítico e tenha uma compreensão maior do campo da ciência da informação. Utiliza de uma metodologia de consultas de assuntos pré-definidos, sendo feita uma filtragem de forma quantitativa com o objetivo de verificar se a indexação dos documentos está sendo satisfatória para a recuperação da informação na ferramenta de busca do SISBI. Constata a relevância dos documentos em cada busca sua precisão e revocação, mostrando que para haver uma boa recuperação da informação tem que a indexação seja feita de forma que não haja ambiguidade com outros termos, com isso mostra a importância de sempre ser feito um estudo informétrico com que verifique a recuperação da informação para que possa sempre haver uma melhora na mesma.
MEDEIROS, A. L.; VANTI, Nadia. Vannevar Bush e as matrizes discursivas de As we may think: por uma possível história da Ciência da Informação. Informação & sociedade:Estudos. João Pessoa, v. 21, p. 31-39, 2011
A pesquisa aborda o uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, que vem revolucionando as atividades e ocasionando muitas mudanças relacionadas ao acesso e uso de informações. O objetivo foi analisar o grau de utilização do conhecimento científico produzido pelos Programas de Pós-Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras, através da BDTD, pelos mestrandos dos referidos programas. Nos procedimentos metodológicos realizados, procurou-se inicialmente analisar o amplo espectro da população do corpus da pesquisa. Em razão da impossibilidade de trabalhar com os Programas de Pós-Graduação como um todo, optou-se por fazer um recorte, elegendo os cursos de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, vez que estes representam o principal segmento social de interesse da pesquisa. Foi utilizado o método de estudo de usuários, onde se optou por adotar o grupo, “estudos orientados aos usuários”, que identifica as necessidades e comportamento de acesso e uso da informação. Para coletar os dados, elaborou-se um questionário semi-estruturado com 25 questões, que versavam sobre o uso, dificuldades de acesso e recuperação da informação, bem como a satisfação na utilização dessa fonte informacional. Dentre os vários resultados obtidos, podemos destacar o fato de que a maioria dos mestrandos (71,8%) só teve contato com a BDTD somente no momento em que se encontrava cursando o mestrado e, somente 24,3%, tiveram contato durante a graduação. Estes resultados representam um problema, que pode afetar o bom desempenho do projeto BDTD, o qual consiste em disseminar e divulgar a produção científica dos Programas de Pós-Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras para a sua comunidade. Foi observado também, que os mestrandos oriundos do curso de Biblioteconomia tende a ter contato com a BDTD bem mais cedo do que mestrandos de outros cursos de graduação. A fim de minimizar o problema detectado, propõe-se uma divulgação mais eficaz na graduação através de dois procedimentos: Primeiro, o docente deve fazer uma divulgação mais eficaz da BDTD junto aos discentes de todos os cursos de graduação; segundo: deverá ser feita a divulgação na mídia eletrônica, através da inserção de ícones da BDTD, nos portais dos Departamentos dos Cursos de Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras. Acredita-se que com estes procedimentos seja possível aperfeiçoar o uso dessa fonte de informação científica.
Aborda o tratamento técnico informacional de discos sonoros na Biblioteca Especializada em Música Pe. Jaime Diniz, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Caracteriza os discos sonoros enquanto suporte informacional. Relata as dificuldades encontradas no processo de tratamento da informação musical em materiais especiais. Objetiva estabelecer diretrizes para a análise, representação e organização do acervo de discos sonoros. Utiliza a pesquisa bibliográfica em fontes impressas e eletrônicas para o suporte teórico, tendo como metodologia o estudo de caso. Conclui que as regras e padrões para o tratamento técnico da informação no campo da Biblioteconomia podem sofrer adaptações para melhor representar o conteúdo musical dos discos sonoros, considerando a necessidade do profissional da informação em aperfeiçoar seus conhecimentos em música.
MEDEIROS, Rildeci; MELO, Erica S. F.; NASCIMENTO, M. S. Hemeroteca digital temática: socialização da informação em cinema.In:SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS,15.,2008,São Paulo. Anais eletrônicos... São Paulo:CRUESP,2008. Disponível em: http://www.sbu.unicamp.br/snbu2008/anais/site/pdfs/3018.pdf
The Information Technology (IT) is increasing his applicability to business, both private and public companies. It is necessary the adequate use of the new technologies and get cooperation and technology acceptance of the system. People tend to resist to the changes, contributing so that the technology is rejected or even it is not recognized as promoting of the changes. This study is relevant and aim to evaluate the impacts of new technologies, considering their users as fundamental factors in the change process. The survey analyzed the advantages and the barriers of the system use in three federal special judicial of Rio Grande do Norte, with data collected in May of 2007, through the application of questionnaires to thirty eight users of the virtual system CRETA. The users' perception was evaluated, under the optics of five variables: efficiency, image, agility, ease of use and quality. Starting from the obtained results, it was evidenced that the implementation of the system felt accordingly the expected and it reached the objectives intended that were: the velocity and efficiency in the path of the lawsuits, larger productivity, resulting in a better quality of the final work introduced to the citizen and proportionate an improvement in the organizational image of the judiciary power
In recent decades the public sector comes under pressure in order to improve its performance. The use of Information Technology (IT) has been a tool increasingly used in reaching that goal. Thus, it has become an important issue in public organizations, particularly in institutions of higher education, determine which factors influence the acceptance and use of technology, impacting on the success of its implementation and the desired organizational results. The Technology Acceptance Model - TAM was used as the basis for this study and is based on the constructs perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However, when it comes to integrated management systems due to the complexity of its implementation,organizational factors were added to thus seek further explanation of the acceptance of such systems. Thus, added to the model five TAM constructs related to critical success factors in implementing ERP systems, they are: support of top management, communication, training, cooperation, and technological complexity (BUENO and SALMERON, 2008). Based on the foregoing, launches the following research problem: What factors influence the acceptance and use of SIE / module academic at the Federal University of Para, from the users' perception of teachers and technicians? The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of organizational factors, and behavioral antecedents of behavioral intention to use the SIE / module academic UFPA in the perspective of teachers and technical users. This is applied research, exploratory and descriptive, quantitative with the implementation of a survey, and data collection occurred through a structured questionnaire applied to a sample of 229 teachers and 30 technical and administrative staff. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling with the technique of partial least squares (PLS). Effected primarily to assess the measurement model, which were verified reliability, convergent and discriminant validity for all indicators and constructs. Then the structural model was analyzed using the bootstrap resampling technique like. In assessing statistical significance, all hypotheses were supported. The coefficient of determination (R ²) was high or average in five of the six endogenous variables, so the model explains 47.3% of the variation in behavioral intention. It is noteworthy that among the antecedents of behavioral intention (BI) analyzed in this study, perceived usefulness is the variable that has a greater effect on behavioral intention, followed by ease of use (PEU) and attitude (AT). Among the organizational aspects (critical success factors) studied technological complexity (TC) and training (ERT) were those with greatest effect on behavioral intention to use, although these effects were lower than those produced by behavioral factors (originating from TAM). It is pointed out further that the support of senior management (TMS) showed, among all variables, the least effect on the intention to use (BI) and was followed by communications (COM) and cooperation (CO), which exert a low effect on behavioral intention (BI). Therefore, as other studies on the TAM constructs were adequate for the present research. Thus, the study contributed towards proving evidence that the Technology Acceptance Model can be applied to predict the acceptance of integrated management systems, even in public. Keywords: Technology
The study aims to identify the factors that influence the behavior intention to adopt an academic Information System (SIE), in an environment of mandatory use, applied in the procurement process at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). For this, it was used a model of innovation adoption and technology acceptance (TAM), focused in attitudes and intentions regarding the behavior intention. The research was conducted a quantitative survey, through survey in a sample of 96 administrative staff of the researched institution. For data analysis, it was used structural equation modeling (SEM), using the partial least squares method (Partial Least Square PLS-PM). As to results, the constructs attitude and subjective norms were confirmed as strong predictors of behavioral intention in a pre-adoption stage. Despite the use of SIE is required, the perceived voluntariness also predicts the behavior intention. Regarding attitude, classical variables of TAM, like as ease of use and perceived usefulness, appear as the main influence of attitude towards the system. It is hoped that the results of this study may provide subsidies for more efficient management of the process of implementing systems and information technologies, particularly in public universities
The freedom of social communication referred to those freedoms exercised under of the media. The journalism is professional activity responsible for factual information, real, pluralistic and of the public interest, directed diffusely to social orientation. The right of the information, characterized as diffuse right or of fruition by uncertain and numerous holders, is subdivided in the right of the inform, inform yourself and right to be informed. The journalists, as occupants of a enlarged spectrum concerning of right of the inform, have responsibility for the information they disseminate, devoir that puts on the basis of the constitutional right to be informed. This duty is divided with journalistic companies, when them realized. In the research, examined the existence of constitutional guarantees the right to be informed. To answer the question, realized research to support bibliographical and documentary. The guaranty is a empirical preoccupation coated with legality, since lends itself effect concretize a right. Traced so a panel of guarantees of institutional imprint, substantive and procedural. Treating of the institutional guarantees the right to information, it would refer to true institutions (as the free press) and may begin subjective rights. In the case of substantial guarantees, we would have access to information, the confidentiality of the fonts and the incensurable feature of journalistic information. A guarantee peculiar would be constitution of bodies responsible for monitoring the quality of the vehicles of communication. Trace it also a panel strict of procedural safeguards, such as public civil action, the security s warrant, and the rights of petition and answer.
Although the records indicate the involvement of the City Christmas in the feeding system HiperDia, a survey conducted by the Health Ministry in 2004 found that the number of entries made in Natal was well below estimate. In order to understand the functioning of HiperDia, we performed this study to analyze the actions taken by the professionals involved in power system HiperDia in Natal / RN. The research has developed into a quantitative perspective, with the design of exploratory case study conducted in the health services that integrate the various levels of the organization who are directly involved with the process of system power HiperDia in Natal / RN , represented here by SMS, health districts and the Family Health Units in the period from August to October 2008.Study participants were 110 professionals, including nurses, physicians, operators, administrator and a coordinator. The survey results showed that feeding HiperDia in Natal was maintained mainly by health professionals and operators. Activities include carrying out the state registration, monitoring, and updating of data transfer routines. They report that the difficulties in the process of feeding data are related to the work of teams and / or lack of structure of the Program of Hypertension and Diabetes (HA and DM), the discontinuity of federal investments in improving the HiperDia and lack of training. We can see then that the process of feeding system on Christmas HiperDia therefore is developing the three levels (SMS, districts and health units), however is not matching the expectations established by MS, considering that the gaps the flow of information are undermining the end result of this process
The sharing of knowledge and integration of data is one of the biggest challenges in health and essential contribution to improve the quality of health care. Since the same person receives care in various health facilities throughout his/her live, that information is distributed in different information systems which run on platforms of heterogeneous hardware and software. This paper proposes a System of Health Information Based on Ontologies (SISOnt) for knowledge sharing and integration of data on health, which allows to infer new information from the heterogeneous databases and knowledge base. For this purpose it was created three ontologies represented by the patterns and concepts proposed by the Semantic Web. The first ontology provides a representation of the concepts of diseases Secretariat of Health Surveillance (SVS) and the others are related to the representation of the concepts of databases of Health Information Systems (SIS), specifically the Information System of Notification of Diseases (SINAN) and the Information System on Mortality (SIM)
Attacks to devices connected to networks are one of the main problems related to the confidentiality of sensitive data and the correct functioning of computer systems. In spite of the availability of tools and procedures that harden or prevent the occurrence of security incidents, network devices are successfully attacked using strategies applied in previous events. The lack of knowledge about scenarios in which these attacks occurred effectively contributes to the success of new attacks. The development of a tool that makes this kind of information available is, therefore, of great relevance. This work presents a support system to the management of corporate security for the storage, retrieval and help in constructing attack scenarios and related information. If an incident occurs in a corporation, an expert must access the system to store the specific attack scenario. This scenario, made available through controlled access, must be analyzed so that effective decisions or actions can be taken for similar cases. Besides the strategy used by the attacker, attack scenarios also exacerbate vulnerabilities in devices. The access to this kind of information contributes to an increased security level of a corporation's network devices and a decreased response time to occurring incidents
Among the numerous policy changes that the world has experienced in recent years, occupies a prominent place in the quest for greater transparency of public agencies. Transparency has been an important tool in the accountability of the State to promote greater participation of the society by providing information that was previously restricted knowledge of public agencies. Brazil, following this trend, promulgated in May 2012 the Access to Information Act that seeks to disclose the actions of the State at all levels, in all public administration agencies. On the same day of the enactment of the law is provided society with a site that is empowering citizens to make their requests for information to government agencies. The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, which at that time had no a tool to assist them in managing this demand. This project has the objective to describe, build and implement a solution to solve this problem using Design Science Research as methodology. As result, the solution built in this research became a new module of the institution s ERP became it capable to control the entire process, and will be helpful to others partners which use our system ERP
This work aims to study the influence of two additives, the monomer, acrylamide and its polymer, polyacrylamide, solubilized in microemulsion systems and applied on enhanced oil recovery. By the microemulsion system obtained, it was chosen points into the phase diagram, presenting these compositions: 25%, 30%, 35% C/T; 2% Fo (fixed for all points) e 73%, 68% e 63% Fa, respectively. However, the monomer and the polymer were solubilized in these microemulsion points with 0.1%; 0.5%; 1% e 2% of concentration, ordering to check the concentration influence at the physicochemical properties (surface tension and rheology) of the microemulsion. Through the salinity study, was possible to observe that the concentrations of 1% and 2% of polymer made the solution became blurred, accordingly, the study of surface tension and rheology only was made for the concentrations of 0.1% e 0.5% of monomer and polymer, respectively. By the surface tension study it was observed that how the concentration of active matter (C/T) was increasing the surface tension was amending for each system, with or without additives. In the rheology study, as it increases the concentration of active matter increases both the viscosity of the microemulsion system (SME) with no additive, as the SME with polymer (AD2). After the entire study, it was chosen the lower point of active matter (25% C/T; 2% Fo e 73% Fa), plus additives in concentrations of 0.1% and 0.5% to be used on enhanced oil recovery. Assays were made on sandstone from Botucatu Formation, where after the tests, it was concluded that among the studied points, the point who showed the best efficiency of advanced shift was the microemulsion system + 0.5% AD2, with a recovery of 28% of oil in place and a total of 96,49%, while the other solution with 0.5% of polymer presented the worst result, with 14.1% of oil in place and 67,39% of efficiency of total displacement