27 resultados para Reforma do Estado


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The State and Public Administration have gone through several reforms in search of a quick operation and the provision of services with quality. With the democratization of the country and the issue of the Constitution in 1988, further reform of the State and Public Administration, joined the government agenda in 1995 and included among its objectives, the principles of participation and social control. In view of this, it raises the Public Ombudsman in order to be a channel for the participation of users in the management of public affairs, social control, transparency of administrative actions, improving the quality of service and meeting the needs of the community. The aim of this study is to assess whether the Ombudsman of the State Department of Public Health to contribute to the period 2006-2008, for the improvement of specialized consulting services. The research is characterized as descriptive, qualitative approach. The collection technique used was the interview, conducted with 37 service users and two servants of the Ombudsman. The analysis was developed based on the perception of users and servers in the opinion of the Ombudsman. The most relevant results of the research showed that 41% of users search the Ombudsman because they believed that solve the problem presented. However, even with this level of public acceptance, the Ombudsman reached average index of resolvability of 53% in the period. In his role has not developed mechanisms for quality control of services, which is mentioned by 67% of users. It turned out the same fact in relation to popular participation, which is confirmed by 84% of users. For 24% of users, the problems raised were resolved, and of these, 56% believe that the Ombudsman has contributed to the positive outcome. As a result of the search results, it appears that the Ombudsman's SESPA / PA, is not fulfilling its role to ensuring the democratization of articipation in management, social control and has limited contribution to solving the problems of users and to improve the quality of services


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The rural settlements represent a mark in the expensive historical process of fight by the land in Brazil. At first offer basic terms of survival, through the access the land and of the fundamental supports for exploration. At the same time, have stimulated organization forms politicizes of the families who manage to work with the new challenges of the everyday. The moment that follows the land conquest, and therefore, the settlements construction while life and work project, it is crossed for objective and subjective demands, with highlight for options of agricultural production and strategies of collective action. Originally formed as representation instance legitimates of the families - front to the government and social actors - the settlers associations are private spaces for political sociability, that guided by principles participative, can lead the settlers the new conquests through indeed democratic experiences. The goal of this work is to comprehend the participation forms in the scope of these associations and the way as that translates in life best terms for the group, from the settlements experiences located in the Territories of the Citizenship Mato Grande and Açu-Mossoró, in Rio Grande do Norte's State. The theoretical conceptions that guide this analysis are concentrate on discussions about democracy and participation (Patermam, Putnam, Bodernave) and in the reflections about the rural world (Medeiros, Martins, Woodman e Woodman and Bergamansco). About methodological, different point of view strategies were developed: The direct observation, the application in locate of questionnaires to the families settlers and interviews semi-structured with the internal leaderships. With that could verify that the participation forms in the associations operate in two heartfelt: Of a side, they promote assimilation opportunities of democratic abilities accompanied of notions of social rights and redefinition of political standards; Of another, it offers indeed the possibility of the settlers lead, with relative autonomy, the political organization and her changes in direction to a way of life that wish to have in the settling


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The dissertation has by objective describe the administrative activity of regulation exercised by independent regulatory agencies, observing that this activity was already done before this structures creation, however, after a really deep administrative reform that had as objective built a Public Administration with more efficiency, it passed to be done with some own peculiarities of these new structures of regulation. The work gave especial attention to what concern the conflicts of normative competency that really often happen between ANP (Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis) and the legislatives organs of the Republic Federative of Brazil, because energetic area has unbelievable mater to any country, and the fact of some juridical norm be against the law and be accepted is very dangerous, it affronts the constitutional principle of the legality e may put in risk the democratic Estate of law, them, regulatory dogmatic must be scientifically knows, and developed, thought and especially there are so many doctrinaires divergences about regulation constitutionality. As a theorist point, the investigation got the Logical nocontradiction principle, according Hans Kelsen and Lourival Vilanova thought, doing a philosophical reflection about the system of positive law, in which there are many antinomies, or conflicts of norms, what include the conflicts of the administrative acts expedited by ANP and the legislation of the brazilian regulatory Estate. For a better understanding and exemplify some perplexities treated by the doctrinaire angle, this work did a lucubration about a possibility of a normative conflict between a ANP resolution and the municipal legislation in a specific case, also, brought several jurisprudences for the brazilians courts of justice, that confirm the empiric existence of normative conflicts among ANP s administrative norms and federal legislation. Finally, concludes observing that the regulation is not a legislative competency delegation to regulatory agencies, is just a new exercise of the administrative function, it is a technical specialization of the public administration, that using this know-how can acting with more efficiency, however the normative power of regulatory agencies must respect the empire of law, so in this terms, the dissertation suggests the ponderation of the constitutionals principles of efficiency and legality how form to harmonizing the democratic legitimate inherent to legal norm supremacy, with the perspective of an efficient economic and institutional development


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O objetivo do trabalho é propor um estudo sobre a relação do Programa Nacional de Crédito Fundiário - PNCF, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, e sua concentração fundiária. Ou seja, se o PNCF está sendo direcionado, para as microrregiões que apresentam maior índice de concentração, de acordo com o índice de Gini, e se as áreas adquiridas através do crédito fundiário estão emergindo nestas microrregiões. Para isto, o estudo levantou a hipótese de que o PNCF no estado do Rio Grande do Norte não está sendo conduzida, de modo a reduzir a concentração fundiária, dentre as microrregiões do estado. Ou seja, não existe correlação entre o índice de Gini, da concentração fundiária, e as áreas adquiridas através do programa. Além disso, o trabalho buscou realizar uma discussão da literatura sobre os programas de reforma agrária assistida pelo mercado. Apresentando os autores que são exaltadores do modelo e das suas potencialidades, atrelando as causas dos problemas levantados como sendo de ordem técnica e operacional, onde os principais autores desta linha são: Van Zyl, Kirsten & Binswanger, (1996), Deininger & Binswanger, (1999). Têm-se também a apresentação da posição dos autores adeptos as políticas fundiárias pautadas na dinâmica e liberação dos mercados de terras, mas que visam contribuir com estudos que permitam uma redução para o custo elevado e a sua incapacidade de abarcar a esfera social, em decorrência do pagamento á vista e a preço de mercado aos donos das terras, são eles: De Janvry & Sadoulet (2002), Gordillo (2002), Banerjee (1999), Jaramillo (1998) e Burki & Perry (1997). Todavia, apresentou-se a corrente de autores que ressalta a natureza socialmente agressiva da Reforma Agrária Assistida pelo Mercado (RAAM), sendo os seus principais contribuidores: El-Ghonemy (2001); Barros, Schwartzman & Sauer (2003); Borras Jr. (2006, 2003 e 2003a); Garoz et al. (2005); Sauer & Pereira (2006); Pereira (2005, 2006 e 2010); Sauer (2010); Lahiff, Borras Jr. & Kay (2007). Em sequência, o trabalho apresentou a transição e características dos programas de acesso à terra, no Brasil, a partir da década de 1990, bem como, alguns indicadores do PNCF, no Brasil e o estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Apresentou-se também os indicadores da concentração fundiária, no Brasil e no estado. Através dos dados do Censo Agropecuário de 2006 foi possível calcular o índice de Gini da distribuição fundiária nas microrregiões no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Com os dados fornecidos pela Secretaria de Estado de Assuntos Fundiários e de Apoio à Reforma Agrária - SEARA mostrou-se a distribuição das linhas de crédito do PNCF e as áreas adquiridas, entre os anos de 2006 e 2012. Por fim, o valor do coeficiente de correlação simples (r) igual a (0,2865), que com base no teste bilateral da distribuição de t de Student chegou-se no resultado para T calculado no valor de (1,2333), que ao ser comparado com o valor de T crítico igual a (2,898), com 17 graus de liberdade, a um nível de significância de 1%, pode aceitar a hipótese de partida, ou seja, que o PNCF não estava sendo direcionado para diminuir a concentração fundiária no estado


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The market-assisted land reform (RAAM) has been constituted as an alternative of agrarian reform funded by the Programa Nacional do Crédito Fundiário (PNCF). It is a policy of acquisition, distribution and use of Earth ideologically disseminated and funded by the World Bank in the context of productive insertion of landless workers. Accordingly, this study seeks to analyze the trajectory of rural settlements financed by this policy, seeking to understand what factors promote or limit the process of rural development of those settlements. To do so, take as a reference case study of the Assentamento da Fazenda Paz, in the municipality of Maxaranguape in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. From the methodological point of view, bibliographical and documentary research were used, in addition to visits to the settlement and semi-structured interviews with the settlers, trade union leaders, consultants and technicians linked to the project. Assuming the reports of respondents, initially constructs the hypothesis that informal and formal institutions present in the Assentamento da Fazenda Paz were unable to effectively coordinate the actions of the agents. The results obtained showed the existence of a very complex undertaking, with a total area of 607 hectares and 80 families settled, endowed with good quality water and irrigation infrastructure, with assets of approximately R$ 5 million reais. Experience experienced by the settlers understood the development of complex systems of production and marketing of fruits and vegetables, with an emphasis on the cultivation of papaya in an area of 45 hectares based on modern irrigation system and extensive use of technology. Collective management of production, marketing, revenue and costs stood out as a major challenge for the settlers and their representative organisations, i.e. the Community Association and the cooperative. From this observation it was possible to identify two moments on the trajectory of the project: the first, between 2007-2011, considered by respondents as successful, in which the integration of public policies and abundant input of revenue from the commercialization of the fruits da Paz, mainly through the sale of papaya and pineapple in national and international markets, allowed an average remuneration of R$ 800.00 reais to R$ 1,000 reais seated/monthIn addition to the production of vegetables and other types of products for sale and consumption; the second, from 2012, characterized as a failure, due to the discontinuity of the cultivation, production and marketing of fruits based on the collective bargaining model deployed. Important factors explain the discontinuity of the project, including the model of agriculture implemented, difficulties related to the management of production, marketing and finance the venture, in addition to the breach of trust between the Board of the cooperative and the associates and the distancing of the governmental organizations more directly responsible for the project. It is therefore concluded that we must to rethink rural development as a multidimensional phenomenon, requiring a broad engagement between State and society under the foundations of a territorial development contract


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The information tecnology (IT) has, over the years, gaining prominence as a strategic element and competitive edge in organizations, public or private. In the judiciary, with the implementation of actions related to Judiciário Eletrônico, information technology (IT), definitely earns its status as a strategic element and significantly raises the level of dependence of the organs of their services and products. Increasingly, the quality of services provided by IT has direct impact on the quality of services provided by the agency as a whole. The Ministério Público do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (MPRN) deployments shares of Electronic Government, along with an administrative reform, beyond these issues raised, caused a large increase in institutional demand for products and services provided by the Diretoria de Tecnologia da Informação (DTI), a sector responsible for the provision of IT services. Taking as starting point strategic goal set by MPRN to reach a 85% level of user satisfaction in four years, we seek to propose a method that assists in meeting the goal, respecting the capacity constraints of the IT sector. To achieve the proposed objective, we conducted a work in two distinct and complementary stages. In the first step we conducted a case study in MPRN, in which, through an internal and external diagnosis of DTI, accomplished by an action of internal consulting and one research of the user satisfaction, we seek to identify opportunities of change seeking to raise the quality perceived of the services provided by the DTI , from the viewpoint of their customers. The situational report, drawn from the data collected, fostered changes in DTI, which were then evaluated with the managers. In the second stage, with the results obtained in the initial process, empirical observation, evaluation of side projects of quality improvement in the sector, and validation with the managers, of the initial model, we developed an improved process, gazing beyond the identification of gaps in service a strategy for the selection of best management practices and deployment of these, in a incremental and adaptive way, allowing the application of the process in organs with little staff allocated to the provision of information technology services


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Insanity was victim of several arbitrary acts perpetrated on behalf of the science. Psychiatric reform constitues an important movement which has attempted to rescue dignity and humanity in the treatment of mental disorder patients. Some countries have advanced in the implement of substutive models that work on the construction of a new social place for madness. The model of attention to mental health in Brazil has also suffered extensive modifications due to the wearing out of the psychiatric hospital model. In Santos, a town in the State of Sao Paulo, we have found a landmark in the development of an anti internment politics, through the creation of a dail care service, including psychosocial assistance. It is in this context that it has been founded in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, the NAPS and CAPS ( Nucleus and Centres of Psychosocial Attention), municipal strategies that put into effect the law # 10.216/2001, which estabilishes the gradual extinction of psychiatric hospitals. This work has the purpose of carrying out a study about the historical process of psychiatric reform implantation in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, emphasizing the actors involved in process, their trajectory, achievements, improvements, and the movement s perspectives of achieving the ideal of reinstating mental disorder patients. In order to accomplish this purpose, it was necessary to understand the process occurred at the Municipal Secretary s Office for Health, since 1992, for it was the impelling experience towards the reflections about the psychiatric reform in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The instruments used for this work were documentary analysis, through reports, legislation and handbooks, as well as the staments of people involved in this process. Through the statements analysis, we attempted to estabilish the social actors identity, their perception, emphasizing congruences and incongruences concerning the history of psychiatric reform in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. It is also analyzed the contribution of Psychology in this process, which has become a protagonist in the struggle for the rights of mental disorder patients


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The public policies must have as their aimed the primordial at improving quality of life of families of a given population, however, its performance must be constantly monitored and evaluated scoped to ascertain whether these policies are reaching those goals. This work consisted in search of bibliographies and analysis that addressed the historical evolution of the debate on the subject of agrarian reform in Brazil as public policy and on the policy of technical assistance and rural extension, and collecting data in loco, in order to assess whether the actions implemented under this latter contribute to improvements in local development of settlements projects (PA) land reform in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), this given the constant presented criticisms regarding their effectiveness, considering that it is difficult to empirically differentiate settlements they received of those who did not receive the technical assistance services. In this way, was held the data collection for comparison of characteristics (social organization, relationship with the local environment, form of producing and evaluation of technical assistance services) of two settlements in RN, being one you have received the technical assistance services and another who has not had access to these services in the past five years, at least, to confirm whether those who had access to the above services presents best features of social organization and the relationship with the local environment, mainly, which was confirmed in the results obtained, which still demonstrated that no significant differences on the forma to produce and of commercialization in PA studied. It was also found that the problems faced by families settled in PA studied resemble those seen verified in many other Brazilian states, especially as to how to use natural resources in the areas of land reform and the instability of the availability of technical assistance services. Should be guaranteed at continuity and universality of technical assistance services to settlements, seeking a higher focus on productive issues, which provide the income necessary for families settled can have a better quality of life


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The world`s ecology crisis has in the capitalism way of production one of the possible causes. The unstopped search for the profits, into unlimited exploration of limited resources, made a huge transformation in human relationships with the nature, causing environment devastation, shortage of resources and species disappearance. Arises the necessity of question the society model that we are and which brings this crisis state, while we are impelled to search an alternative way. The ecosociallist praxis blows marxist principles with ecological matters, bringing important contributions regarding alternatives to capital/exploratory modus, advocating for a social fair society and environmentally sustainable. This way, by bibliographic review, we will research about this theory which have been growing in academic middles. In the same way, we will analyze the rural social movements paper in the construct of this reality. Throut the half estruture interviwes, bibliografic research and visities in the space of settlement called Moacir Lucena, that is today a exemple of rural resignification


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From the 1980s, with technological development, globalization, and in a context of increasingly urgent demands, there is an international movement to modernize the state structures. Being driven by the victory of conservative governments in Britain and the U.S., this speech reform comes only to Brazil in the 1990s, the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Thus, in view of the recent movement of states to implement this reform agenda in their structures this research was to identify the elements that made it possible to attempt to modernize the administrative structure of the state of Piauí in 2003, in view of the political and administrative career in which the state was entered. Seeking to clarify the problem studied here, through a case study carried out a descriptive and exploratory, using a technique of gathering data to document research and interviews semi-structured. As the lens of analysis for this study used the neo-historical and sociological institutionalism, through which it sought to identify the critical moment in which they gave the Administrative Reform of Piaui, the process of breaking with the political and administrative career that previously had being followed, and the isomorphic mechanisms that enabled this speech reform comes up to this state, mechanisms that allow the homogenization of the organizational field. In general it appears that the search for new patterns and new technologies for management by the states in Brazil is due to the context of fiscal crisis in which the states were entered, forcing them to seek alternative models of management . The process of diffusion of New Public Management agenda for the states became possible, among other factors, due to the new scenario in which was inserted into the Brazilian federal system in the second half of the 1990s, characterized by a greater articulation between the horizontalstates, where through the mechanisms of isomorphic institutional change was made possible by the absorption of the speech states reformer of the 1990s. However, due to the specificities of each region is given the experiences state unevenly. In the case of Piauí Administrative Reform only became possible due to the rearrangement of political forces in the state and the mechanisms of isomorphic institutional change, which allowed, in 2003, the state government to absorb the speech reformer


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It understands a study made concerning the main aspects of the Agrarian Reform and the Agricultural Nestings of the Rio Grande do Norte. For in such a way an inquiry became necessary initially on the origin of the Brazilian agrarian concentration passing for the donation of Sesmarias, Land Law, Statute of Land and Ith National Plan of the Agrarian Reformation, as well as of the Social Movements of fight for the land appeared since century XIX: Canudos, Contestado, Cangaço, Ligas Camponesas and MST. Drawing the fight for the land in the Rio Grande do Norte, we rescue the component elements of the first indications of the Agrarian Reform and formation of Agricultural Nestings in the State. In the attempt to unmask the current situation of the Settlements, we investigate some concerning aspects to the conditions of life of the seated ones, that it is marked by innumerable problems that go since the lack of water until the a precariousness of the infrastructure and presence of services, over all with relation to the education and health. For in such a way we work initially on the basis of diverse bibliographical readings, together data-collecting the official agencies and some directly involved entities with the Agrarian Reform in the RN. We utilized also the research of field in 27 Settlements of different Microregions of the State that consisted of the application of interviews together to the leaderships of these Settlements and application of forms with the seated families who resulted in a bigger knowledge concerning the reality of these areas that integrate the Politics of the Agrarian Reform