107 resultados para Centro de Educação Superior a Distância do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
The considerable expansion of Distance Education registered in recent years in Brazil raises the importance of debate about how the implementation of this policy has been happening so that formulators and implementers make better informed decisions, maximizing results, identifying successes and overcoming bottlenecks. This study aims to evaluate the implementation process of Distance Education policy by Secretary of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. For this, we sought to use an evaluation proposal consistent with this policy, and came to the one developed by Sonia Draibe (2001), which suggests an analysis called anatomy of evaluation general process. To achieve the objectives, we made a qualitative research, case study type, using documentary research and semi-structured interviews with three groups of subjects who belong to the policy: managers, technicians and beneficiaries. It was concluded that: the implementation process needs a open contact channel between the management and technicians and beneficiaries; the lack of clarity in the dissemination of information between technicians produces noises that affects the outcomes; the absence of dissemination of internal and external actions contributes to the perpetuation of prejudice in relation to Distance Education; using selection criteria based on competence and merit contributes to form a team of skilled technicians to perform their function within the policy; an institution that do not enable technicians generates gaps that possibly will turn into policy implementation failures; all subjects involved in politics need internal evaluations to contribute to improvements in the implementation process, however, a gap is opened between the subjects if there is no socialization of results; the existence of an internal structure that manipulates financial resources and balances the budget from different maintainer programs is essencial; the consortium between IES and municipalities in presential support poles are bottlenecks in the process, since beneficiaries are exposed to inconsistency and lack of commitment of these local municipalities
This research presents a reflection on the dropout rates in higher education courses available through distance education in a context marked by deep changes in various spheres of society and by the uncontrolled growth of this educational method. For this, the object of analysis is related to the reality of students of Technology in Environmental Management offered by the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, through the distance education in presence support poles located in Mossoró (RN) and Martins (RN). In this field research development several strategies of data collection are used, such as participant observation of reality; analysis of documents related to distance education and to the classes in Technology in Environmental Management; questionnaires answered by students who dropped the course. The results of such research enable us to say that the dropout rates in distance higher education is mainly referred to the consequences of a combination of aspects involved in the course development, personal difficulties faced by students during the period they attend the lessons and elements inherent in the context in which the course and students are inserted. Nevertheless there are specific situations in which the student may drop the program due to the influence of a single aspect, whether it is inherent in the development of the course, a personal situation, or even a factor determined by the context in which the course or the student belongs to
This article aims to critically review the regulatory frameworks that guided the institutionalization of distance education (DE) course offerings in higher education institutions in Brazil, taking as a reference 50 (fifty) documents which were analyzed for the research titled Expansion of Higher Education pos-LDB 96. The need for systematization of DE, legitimated by this Act (LDB-96), proved to be part of the guidelines of international agencies as a strategy for expansion of higher education and that the first initiatives of the Brazilian government were associated with the use of technology in education. A contextualized analysis of regulatory frameworks showed, initially, the quantitative and massified explosion of DE, without the state having proper instruments for its effective regulation. From 2005, new regulatory acts and the creation of the Open University of Brazil seek to maintain this expansion without losing quality.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Environmental education started to be discussed since the intensification of the human activity, as a consequence of the industrial revolution. In Brazil, the proposal has gained attention due to the National Environmental Policy, which suggested inserting environmental education in all education levels and later as a crosscutting topic pervading the contents offered in all courses, according to the National Curricula Parameters. Faced with such a challenge, this work aimed to identify how environmental concerns is being considered in physical education licentiate courses at Rio Grande do Norte. For this purpose, we have adopted a descriptive method starting from interviews with coordinators of six institutions offering a physical education licentiate degree (UFRN, UNI-RN, UNIFACEX, FANEC, and UERN – Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros Campi), the application of a questionnaire with 30% of graduating students in the second half of 2015, and observations from the pedagogical projects and syllabi of the institutions that have provided such documents. Results have pointed out the acknowledgement of students and coordinators on the importance of addressing environmental concerns in physical education. However, coordinators and students contradict each other in all investigated institutions. According to the coordinators, environmental education effectively is in some courses of the curriculum as a mandatory requirement from the Brazilian National Ministry of Education. Nonetheless, in practice, most graduating students have no knowledge about environmental education in their courses, stating that they do not have training suited to meet these concerns. When requested to exemplify how they would deal with environmental education, a fragile education to address this topic in their future workspaces was revealed, showing uncritical activities. Despite the obligatoriness in the educational context already exists for decades and the importance of this topic revealed in the speeches of professionals, environmental education is still shy in physical education curricula and education courses, thereby showing the need of a curricular restructuration and a new understanding on this topic, as well as making it to be more present in the daily activities of the future teachers who should take it into consideration in their classes.
Environmental education started to be discussed since the intensification of the human activity, as a consequence of the industrial revolution. In Brazil, the proposal has gained attention due to the National Environmental Policy, which suggested inserting environmental education in all education levels and later as a crosscutting topic pervading the contents offered in all courses, according to the National Curricula Parameters. Faced with such a challenge, this work aimed to identify how environmental concerns is being considered in physical education licentiate courses at Rio Grande do Norte. For this purpose, we have adopted a descriptive method starting from interviews with coordinators of six institutions offering a physical education licentiate degree (UFRN, UNI-RN, UNIFACEX, FANEC, and UERN – Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros Campi), the application of a questionnaire with 30% of graduating students in the second half of 2015, and observations from the pedagogical projects and syllabi of the institutions that have provided such documents. Results have pointed out the acknowledgement of students and coordinators on the importance of addressing environmental concerns in physical education. However, coordinators and students contradict each other in all investigated institutions. According to the coordinators, environmental education effectively is in some courses of the curriculum as a mandatory requirement from the Brazilian National Ministry of Education. Nonetheless, in practice, most graduating students have no knowledge about environmental education in their courses, stating that they do not have training suited to meet these concerns. When requested to exemplify how they would deal with environmental education, a fragile education to address this topic in their future workspaces was revealed, showing uncritical activities. Despite the obligatoriness in the educational context already exists for decades and the importance of this topic revealed in the speeches of professionals, environmental education is still shy in physical education curricula and education courses, thereby showing the need of a curricular restructuration and a new understanding on this topic, as well as making it to be more present in the daily activities of the future teachers who should take it into consideration in their classes.
SILVA, Hiran Francisco Oliveira Lopes da. A juste estruturale educação superior no Brasil: princípios negados. 206 f., 2007. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal da Paraiba, João Pessoa, 2007.
We had as the problem of analysis in this research: what are the assumptions, principles and general content that based the Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (SINAES). We started from the hypothesis that the general content of SINAES is essentially based on the assumptions and principles of a control/regulatory perspective of evaluation and a summative epistemology, objectivist and quantitativist, constituted by members who prioritize testing and classification of courses and institutions based on market values. The overall goal was to make a political evaluation of SINAES and the specific objectives were: a) apply the concepts of politics evaluation and meta-evaluation, b) identify the role of international organizations in education reform in the 1990s and its impact on superior education in Brazil c) redeem the concept of evaluation, especially in the field of studies in education; and d) investigate the evaluation policies of Brazilian superior education leading to SINAES. As for the technical procedures for collecting and analyzing data, the research was made with bibliography and documents, considering that it was developed by bibliographic sources and official publications. It was developed by crossing sources: texts or documents remitted to others; it was also concentrated: on the role of international organizations in educational and State reforms (in the 1990s); on the policies of evaluation of the Brazilian superior education (1980s and 1990s); on the proposal of the Comissão Especial de Avaliação (CEA); on the Law No. 10.861/2004; on the documents of CONAES; on the Decree No. 5.773/2006, and the MEC Regulatory Ordinances No. 4/2008 and No. 12/2008. It did not stop in the so called purely technical aspects, but in the ideological field itself. The research found that international organizations, notably the World Bank, played a political, intellectual and financial role determinant to the field of education, a fact that reflects in the legal framework. It was also found that the politics of evaluation of the superior education is historically marked by conflict, represented by two distinct perspectives of different natures and emphases. On one hand, the focus is on control / regulation, favoring efficiency, productivity and competitiveness benchmarking and prioritizing the punctual performance and measurement. On the other, it seeks to transform academic perspective in primarily formative / emancipatory, in order to support more institutional improvement. It was concluded that the CEA presented a conception evaluation predominantly formative and emancipatory, which emphasized the idea of system, centered around the institution and repudiated the rankings practices. In the post-formulation period, however, some of its principles were fragmenting and, gradually, the institution was giving way to the courses and the Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (ENADE) grew in prominence. With the creation of the Conceito Preliminar de Cursos superiores (CPC) and of the Índice Geral de Cursos da Instituição de Educação Superior (IGC), it was redemeed the practice of evaluation as measurement and control, under the principles of efficiency and productivity. So, SINAES that seemed like a progressive evaluation method has assumed a setting that close resembles the Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC-Provão). Nevertheless, the survival of institutional formative evaluation, in the superior education evaluation policies, still an issue in dispute
The present study objective to construct to the Education‟s History of Centro de Educação Integrada Monsenhor Honório in Macau, in the state of the Rio Grande do Norte. By means of the examination of this Institution of education, we intend to analyze its educative practical in the Fifties years, that this was the first one to offer gymnasial course and, over all, for having formed doctors, engineers, teachers, bachelors and economists in the city and the region during five decades of functioning. For this we use the records as documentary sources available in the institution, in newspapers and in public and private archives in the capital and the interior, beyond interview with former-employees, former-pupils and people who had participated of its creation and, consequently, they had made and they are part of this history. The institution‟s history helped to us to comment the reading of Macau‟s education, propitiating us reflections about pedagogical practical, methods of teaching and school regiment, in the perspective to understand a past still so present and all process for which passed the education, in the context of the proper Macau‟s history. The search results lead us to evidence that the creation of this school, in 1956, represented a landmark in the education of this municipal district, contributing of decisive form in the formation of the macauenses
The overall objective of this research is to identify and analyze social representations of (the) teachers(the) Ranciere the Initial Training Program for Teachers in Office in Early Childhood Education - PROINFANTIL - UFRN/MEC on the teaching work, seeking to identify their constituent elements and understand the dynamics of your organization. We assume that these teachers work fundamentally, in the institutions of Early Childhood Education, with knowledge of common sense and related cultural inherent to be/do professor in the design of education guardian/giving handouts to ensure the physical integrity of children, causing a rift between the caring and educating. From this general objective, we elected as specific objectives: identify the social, economic and cultural backgrounds of these (the) teachers (sa); identify what is teaching work for them (the) as well as identify which the psychosocial implications driven by RS on teaching work that point to tensions between the training and the exercise teacher as activity profissional.Como theoretical foundation we opted for Social Representations Theory of Moscovici (2003), Jodelet (2001); Specificities of the teaching Work in Early Childhood Education: Kramer (2002; 2006); OliveiraFormosinho (2007); Zilma de Oliveira (2007), Teacher Training: Ramalho, Nunez and Galthier (2003) and Tardif and Lessard (2008), content Analysis: Bardin (2004). As methodological procedure, we chose the Central Nucleus theory, developed by Jean Claude Abric (2000). Contributed to the scope of this objective the 171 teachers (the) that concluded the Proinfantil NBs to participate of TALP with justifications. The corpus arising from evocations around the words suggested by Carlos Chagas Foundation: give classrooms, teacher, pupil and added the word Child Education, were subjected to a treatment with the aid of the EVOC software (2000), identifying the central nucleus. The results indicate the words more evoked and significant: Planning, child care, educating, and play. Indicating that for these (the) teachers (the) the teaching work in Early Childhood Education must have a systematic pedagogical to educate children. These words correspond to the specificity of being/doing teaching in Early Childhood Education. However, the data shows that it is a job with different characteristics of the teaching work in other stages of education
Este trabajo analizó el protagonismo de los Movimientos Sociales en el proceso de construcción y de aprobación del Plan Nacional de Educación (PNE 2014 - 2014) con énfasis en las metas para da Educación Universitaria. Las cuestiones que problematizan la investigación son: ¿En qué contexto histórico los Movimientos Sociales asumieron el acceso a la educación universitaria com o un derecho social? ¿Qué protagonistas se involucraron en el debate sobre la política de educación universitaria en el PNE (2014 - 2024)? ¿Qué confrontaciones y antagonismos están presentes allí? ¿Cuál es el papel de los Movimientos Sociales en la Conferenc ia Nacional de Educación (CONAE) y en el Foro Nacional de Educación (FNE)? Para contestarlas, articulamos la política educacional propuesta por el PNE con las reivindicaciones históricas de los Movimientos Sociales por el acceso a la educación como un dere cho social, evidenciando el proceso de construcción de las directrices, las metas y las estrategias en los contextos políticos de articulación, proposición y reivindicación en los que se produjo la actuación de los protagonistas para la elaboración y la ap robación de esta política, tanto cuanto los antagonismos identificados. Como aporte teórico/metodológico adoptamos como objeto de estudio empírico los procesos de construcción y aprobación del mencionado PNE dentro de los espacios de participación colectiv a, en la construcción de acuerdos y proposiciones como la Conferencia Nacional de Educación realizada en 2010 en Brasilia/DF, las conferencias municipales, intermunicipales y de los Estados, el Foro Nacional de Educación (FNE) y la Comisión Especial de la Cámara Federal que lo antecedieron. Para el análisis de los documentos y de los testimonios de los protagonistas de los Movimientos Sociales seleccionados como sujetos de la investigación, los guías teóricos y los fundamentos conceptuales fueron la sociolo gía de las ausencias, la sociologías de las emergencias y el procedimiento de traducción propuesto por Boaventura Santos ( 2005; 2006; 2007; 2010), en diálogo con otros guías teóricos, como las nociones de confrontación política y oportunidad política organ izadas por Sidney Tarrow (2009). Partiendo de esa base conceptual, privilegiamos la relación de los Movimientos Sociales con la agenda de la educación brasileña cuando direccionados al PNE, analizada en base a las contribuciones de Germano (2013; 2011; 200 8; 2007; 1982), Dourado (2011; 2010; 2006); Saviani (2014; 2010; 2009; 2007; 2004,), Gohn (2012; 2010; 1997; 1995), Dagnino (1994) y Scherer - Warren (1993), entre los autores que contribuyen con el carácter transdisciplinario de esta investigación. Las cont ribuciones de estos autores propician el entendimiento de la diversidad epistemológica encontrada en las experiencias llevadas adelante en los Movimientos Sociales mediante sus actuaciones en los diversos espacios sociales e institucionales, observando las conquistas obtenidas en la política educacional contenida en el PNE 2014 - 2024, así como la comprensión de la lucha por el reconocimiento social y sus conexiones con los temas emergentes presentes en el debate de la educación nacional. De este modo, el est udio indica elementos que posibilitaron la confirmación de la tesis de que la Política de Educación Universitaria aprobada en el PNE 2014 - 2024 (Ley nº 13.005/2014) representa las resonancias de las movilizaciones y reivindicaciones de los Movimientos Socia les por el acceso a la educación como un derecho social inalienable.
This study evaluates the cost effectiveness of municipalities in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the execution of spending in basic education carried out in 2011, as well as analyze the determinants of the inefficiency of the same. For this, we used two methodological approaches (i) stochastic frontier cost, and (ii) analyze data envelopment (DEA), which allows to identify the efficient frontier of the municipalities analyzed non-parametrically. Results show that municipalities under review achieved low efficiency rates in the stochastic frontier cost, while the DEA method they achieved higher rates where nineteen among them reached full efficiency. The results suggest that a significant portion of the Potiguar municipalities should review its administrative practices, especially the means of allocation of resources. In regard to determining the efficiency observed distinct results by the two methods.
SILVA, Hiran Francisco Oliveira Lopes da. A juste estruturale educação superior no Brasil: princípios negados. 206 f., 2007. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal da Paraiba, João Pessoa, 2007.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Cette dissertation a pour thème la formation de la police militaire, dans le contexte de l'insertion dans le nouveau programme scolaire national Matrix (MCN) institutionnalisée pour la formation à la securité publique au Ministère de La Justice (MJ) de La Secrétariat Nationale pour La Sécurité Publique, à partir de 2003. Ce normalisateur document devrait être utilisé comme un paramètre de l'organisation de divers organismes éducatifs dans le domaine de la sécurité nationale. Son institutionnalisation pose elle-même comme étant composé comme um ensemble politiques orientées à formation des professionnels de la sécurité publique qui est en cours de développement au Brésil depuis. En particulier, il a été trouvé dans locus, par le méthode de l observation participant à um cours de formation pour les soldats (CFSD) de La Police Militaire de Rio Grande do Norte (PMRN), en Octobre et Novembre 2007, Centre pour Formation et Perfectionner de PMRN ainsi que par le biais d entrentiens avec la police militaire (PM), changé de la formation, comme nous l avons mise en oeuvre de la l'insertion de la MCN, dans le contexte de l analyse de la violence dans la police militaire de Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Les résultats de l'étude montrent que, en général, le MCN est étant insérés dans CFSD partir de 2004, cette opération fait sentir graduellement dans le visage de certains résistence mennée par une sous-culture (militaires) qui se réinvente dans l'établissement officier de police, résistant aux nouvelles exigences sociales. En outre, il a été noté également que les deux mythes sont limitées à l'imagination, la police brésilienne: le militarisme exarcebé et le baccalauréat em droit, qui contribuent considérablement à la barrière dans la construction d'une police militaire plus identifié à l'activité professionnelle dédié à la sécurité publique, que de la sécurité nationale. L'élargissement de la compréhension de la violence, en particulier, la police militaire, le travail rend l'utilisation des références théoriques qui cherchent à embrasser la diversité et la spécificité qui guident le processus de formation pour les opérateurs de la sécurité publique, en particulier, en essayant de comprendre comment ils sont construits les références théoriques pour les formateurs et les stagiaires dans une relation dialectique et comment ce contexte mai influencer les attitudes conceptuelles, d'attitudes et de procédure dans l'exercice de la police militaire, que dans le contexte nouveau de l'Etat de droit démocratique, a réellement vécu en contradiction avec les fantômes du temps exception, réalisée pendant la dictature (1964-1985), non loin de l imaginaire social, et ni la police ni les militaires, une institution fortement stigmatisées depuis