81 resultados para Tilite Premium


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Segundo Sampaio (2002), os modelos intertemporais de equilíbrio começaram a ter a sua eficácia na determinação do retorno dos ativos questionada após a publicação do artigo de Mehra e Prescott em 1985. Tendo como objeto de análise os dados observados no mercado norte-americano, os autores não foram capazes de reproduzir a média histórica do prêmio do retorno das ações em relação ao retorno dos títulos públicos de curto prazo através de parâmetros comportamentais dentro de intervalos considerados plausíveis. Através das evidências, os autores, então, puderam verificar a necessidade de coeficientes exageradamente altos de aversão ao risco para equiparação do prêmio de risco histórico médio das ações norte-americanas, enigma que ficou conhecido como equity premium puzzle (EPP). Foi possível também a constatação de outro paradoxo: a necessidade de taxas de desconto intertemporais negativas para obtenção da média histórica da taxa de juros, o risk-free rate puzzle (RFP). Este trabalho tem como objetivo adaptar os dados do modelo proposto por Mehra e Prescott (2003) ao mercado brasileiro e notar se os puzzles apresentados anteriormente estão presentes. Testa-se o CCAPM com dados brasileiros entre 1995:1 e 2013:4 adotando preferências do tipo utilidade esperada e através da hipótese de log-normalidade conjunta dos retornos. Utiliza-se o método de calibração para avaliar se há EPP no Brasil. Em linha com alguns trabalhos prévios da literatura nacional, como Cysne (2006) e Soriano (2002) que mostraram a existência do puzzle nos períodos de 1992:1-2004:2 e 1980:1-1998:4, respectivamente, conclui-se que o modelo usado por Mehra e Prescott (2003) não é capaz de gerar o prêmio de risco observado na economia brasileira. Sampaio (2002), Bonomo e Domingues (2002) e Issler e Piqueira (2002), ao contrário, não encontram evidências da existência de um EPP brasileiro.


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This paper examines the extent of rent-sharing in Brazil, between 1988 and 1995, combining two different data sets: annual industrial surveys (pIA) and annual household surveys (PNADs). The aim is to use the trade liberalization policies that took place in Brazil in the early 1990s as a "natural experiment" to examine the impact ofproduct market rents on wages. We first estimate inter-industry wage differentials in Brazil, using the household surveys, afier controlling for various observable workers' characteristics. In a reduced form fixed effects equation, these controlled inter-industry differentials are seen to depend on the industries' rate of effective tariff. We also find that LSDV estimates of the effect of value-added per worker (computed using the industrial surveys) on the wage differentials are positive, but somewhat small. However, we find that instrumenting the valued-added with the effective tariffs more than doubles the estimated rent-sharing coefficient. The paper concludes that rent-sharing is prevalent in the Brazilian manufacturing sector, and this mechanism transferred part of the productivity gains due to trade liberalization to manufacturing workers in the form ofhigher (controlled) wage premium.


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Although the existence of spinoff equity gains is well documented, their source remains controversial. Arnong many potential causes, the literature suggests that spinoff equity gains could arise from expected tax benefits, expected takeover premia, operating performance improvement or from refocusing benefits. This paper investigates the link between spinoff announcement and post completion equity gains and post spinoff operating performance changes, takeover activity and refocusing benefits. The results indicate that spinoff announcement retums reflect anticipated takeover premiums as well as expected operating performance gains and refocusing benefits unrelated to operating performance. However, only the parent's operating performance gains are anticipated at the spinoff announcement. We find that post spinoff equity gains are driven mostly by operating performance changes for both parents and spun off subsidiaries. Takeover activity and unrelatedness of business lines between parent and subsidiary expIain littIe of post spinoff equity gains. OveralI, the data suggests that spinoffs equity gains mostly reflect anticipated real economic gains in terms of improved operating performance, and to a lesser extent takeover premium and refocusing benefit.


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We develop a model in which managers choose whether or not to reveal their “vision” for the future of their companies. Visionary managers are valuable because they generate incentives for workers to develop profitable innovations for the firm. However, managerial vision is not necessarily credible. After workers have invested in developing ideas, there is no a priori reason for a manager to keep her earlier promises when new contingencies arise and make it profitable to change the firm’s strategic direction. We show that credible managerial vision will arise in equilibrium when managers have career concerns. In order to credibly implement their visions, managers issue public “mission statements” to motivate workers. Mission statements are not legally binding contracts and their value comes solely from their effects on managerial opportunities outside the firm. Among the new implications of the model, we show that managerial vision is more likely to be credible in industries in which managerial turnover is high and in which the managerial skill premium is high. Differently from the related literature that take managerial biases as exogenous, we show not only that biases increase workers’ incentives, but also that the need to provide incentives to workers increases managers’ incentives to become credible visionaries.


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Each day close to 20,000 people become infected with the HIV virus worldwide; a large portion of whom are infected through unprotected sex with sex workers. While condoms are an effective defense against the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, large numbers of sex workers are not using them with their clients. We argue that some sex workers are willing to take the risk because clients are willing to pay more to avoid using condoms. Using a panel data set from Mexico, we estimate that sex workers received a 23 percent premium for unprotected sex from clients who requested not to use a condom. However, this premium jumped to 46 percent if the sex worker was considered very attractive. These results suggest that the current policies aimed at educating sex workers about risk, empowering them and improving their access to condoms need to be complemented with interventions aimed at teaching clients about the “joy of safe sex” thereby increasing the demand for using condoms.


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In da Costa et al. (2006) we have shown how a same pricing kernel can account for the excess returns of the S&:P500 over the US short term bond and of the uncovered over the covered trading of foreign government bonds. In this paper we estimate and test the overidentifying restrictiom; of Euler equations associated with "ix different versions of the Consumption Capital Asset Pricing I\Iodel. Our main finding is that the same (however often unreasonable) values for the parameters are estimated for ali models in both nmrkets. In most cases, the rejections or otherwise of overidentifying restrictions occurs for the two markets, suggesting that success and failure stories for the equity premium repeat themselves in foreign exchange markets. Our results corroborate the findings in da Costa et al. (2006) that indicate a strong similarity between the behavior of excess returns in the two markets when modeled as risk premiums, providing empirical grounds to believe that the proposed preference-based solutions to puzzles in domestic financiaI markets can certainly shed light on the Forward Premium Puzzle.


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The present study has the objective of understanding the influence of line extensions on the image of vodka brands. The research was performed by organizing various focus groups with vodka consumers in São Paulo. These focus groups allowed exploring and analyzing how the last line extensions of vodka brands have modified the image the consumers had of the brand. Three hypotheses were distinguished as an outcome of the research: (1) The influence of a line extension on brand image depends heavily on the initial image the consumers have of the brand. For a vodka brand with an average or bad image, launching a line extension with a perceived average or bad quality does not modify the brand image. On the contrary, for a vodka brand with a positive initial brand image, launching a line extension with perceived high quality led to a positive change in the brand image. (2) For vodka brands, a vertical line extension recognized as having high authenticity provokes a transfer of attributes from the extended product to the brand. (3) Among Keller’s (1993) dimensions of brand image, non-product related attributes and especially packaging are the one that are the most influenced by line extensions of vodka brands.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo entender os hábitos de consumo das mulheres da nova classe trabalhadora para conhecer as aspirações, motivações e desejos que influenciam suas decisões de compra, e para identificar qual o significado, para elas, dos produtos característicos do “novo luxo”. A problemática deste trabalho envolve o entendimento do comportamento de consumo da ‘nova classe trabalhadora’ (Souza, 2012), e tem por objetivo compreender os novos hábitos de consumo dessa classe, no que tange ao consumo de bens constitutivos do chamado ‘novo luxo’ (Silverstein & Fiske, 2008). Os resultados desta pesquisa trarão entendimento às ressignificações de produtos de novo luxo para a nova classe trabalhadora, conhecimento sobre as preferências e prioridades dessa classe, e compreensão sobre o valor simbólico do consumo desse tipo de produto. No primeiro capítulo, foi abordado o comportamento do consumidor, mostrando a importância do estudo do comportamento de consumo para as estratégias mercadológicas, além de explorar a influência da cultura na tomada de decisão dos consumidores; o segundo capítulo abordou os conceitos de habitus, capital simbólico e cultural, em que são exploradas as questões relacionadas a valores, atitudes e hábitos, e a importância destes na expressão do indivíduo na sociedade e na formação de sua identidade; no terceiro capítulo, discutiu-se o conceito de classe social, trabalhando com as principais divergências encontradas nas premissas utilizadas por cada autor para identificar suas características distintivas, mencionando os principais argumentos relacionados aos conceitos de ‘nova classe média’ (Neri, 2011) e de ‘nova classe trabalhadora’ (Souza, 2012); por fim, o quarto capítulo tratou do fenômeno do trading-up (Silverstein & Fiske, 2008), que demonstra que o consumidor tem optado por produtos considerados de novo luxo, mesmo que paguem valores superiores para obtê-los. O produto de novo luxo é definido pelos autores como um produto premium, que apresenta melhorias e características superiores em relação a produtos similares, porém com preços mais acessíveis se comparados aos de luxo tradicional. A metodologia escolhida para este trabalho foi a pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório-descritivo, considerando uma amostragem não probabilística, usando a seleção por julgamento. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que, de fato, o fenômeno do trading-up está presente no dia-a-dia das mulheres da nova classe trabalhadora, ao priorizarem determinados itens que julgam importantes para o seu conforto, bem-estar, e melhoria na qualidade de vida.


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This paper proposes a new novel to calculate tail risks incorporating risk-neutral information without dependence on options data. Proceeding via a non parametric approach we derive a stochastic discount factor that correctly price a chosen panel of stocks returns. With the assumption that states probabilities are homogeneous we back out the risk neutral distribution and calculate five primitive tail risk measures, all extracted from this risk neutral probability. The final measure is than set as the first principal component of the preliminary measures. Using six Fama-French size and book to market portfolios to calculate our tail risk, we find that it has significant predictive power when forecasting market returns one month ahead, aggregate U.S. consumption and GDP one quarter ahead and also macroeconomic activity indexes. Conditional Fama-Macbeth two-pass cross-sectional regressions reveal that our factor present a positive risk premium when controlling for traditional factors.


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This study aims to contribute on the forecasting literature in stock return for emerging markets. We use Autometrics to select relevant predictors among macroeconomic, microeconomic and technical variables. We develop predictive models for the Brazilian market premium, measured as the excess return over Selic interest rate, Itaú SA, Itaú-Unibanco and Bradesco stock returns. We nd that for the market premium, an ADL with error correction is able to outperform the benchmarks in terms of economic performance. For individual stock returns, there is a trade o between statistical properties and out-of-sample performance of the model.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar pela perspectiva da regulação descentralizada a criação dos segmentos de listagem do mercado de valores mobiliários administrado pela Bovespa. O objetivo de analisar a criação dos segmentos de listagem inclui a descrição do fenômeno para apontar fatores que levaram as companhias e controladores a alterarem seus comportamentos e a construção de um argumento normativo formulado a partir do reconhecimento desses fatores. No debate sobre regulação da Governança Corporativa, o conceito de regulação normalmente assume uma definição centrada no Estado. Grande parte da análise da criação dos segmentos de listagem do mercado administrado pela Bovespa seguiu essa perspectiva. A criação dos segmentos de listagem, então, foi classificada como um fenômeno autorregulatório, privado e de mercado. Dessa análise seguiu a formulação de um argumento normativo, o qual prescreveu o uso da autorregulação a atores que visassem estabelecer regras específicas de Governança Corporativa. Contudo, a perspectiva da regulação descentralizada questionou o pressuposto da centralidade do Estado no conceito de regulação. A perspectiva da regulação descentralizada sustentou que não só atores estatais estão cada vez mais envolvidos com atores não estatais em complexas colaborações e delegações para o exercício da regulação, como também sustentou que atores não estatais exercem regulação, incluindo, a formulação, monitoramento e enforcement de regras. Para lidar com essa complexidade dos fenômenos empíricos regulatórios, Julia Black, baseando-se na teoria dos sistemas e na literatura de Governança, formulou o conceito de regulação descentralizada. Pelo conceito de regulação descentralizada, a regulação é exercida por uma rede de atores interdependentes, estatais e não estatais, que utilizam mecanismos legais e extralegais para o exercício do poder e do controle. Diante disso, adotando esse conceito de regulação descentralizada de Julia Black, o presente trabalho pretendeu descrever a criação dos segmentos de listagem e formular um argumento normativo baseado nessa descrição. Como resultado da pesquisa realizada, foi possível concluir que a criação dos segmentos de listagem não se restringiu às partes que celebraram o Contrato de Participação, mas envolveu diversos atores, estatais e não estatais, os quais tinham uma relação de interdependência entre si e compartilharam diversos mecanismos no exercício da regulação. Com isso, não se pode resumir os fatores que fizeram com que companhias e controladores alterassem seus comportamentos e adotassem algumas regras de Governança Corporativa à voluntariedade e ao aspecto autorregulatório. Desta análise segue que, se é possível apontar para um argumento normativo do caso da criação dos segmentos de listagem, o argumento normativo não é a prescrição da autorregulação, mas sim a prescrição do uso do poder regulatório fragmentado entre diversos atores, estatais e não estatais.


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The dissertation goal is to quantify the tail risk premium embedded into hedge funds' returns. Tail risk is the probability of extreme large losses. Although it is a rare event, asset pricing theory suggests that investors demand compensation for holding assets sensitive to extreme market downturns. By de nition, such events have a small likelihood to be represented in the sample, what poses a challenge to estimate the e ects of tail risk by means of traditional approaches such as VaR. The results show that it is not su cient to account for the tail risk stemming from equities markets. Active portfolio management employed by hedge funds demand a speci c measure to estimate and control tail risk. Our proposed factor lls that void inasmuch it presents explanatory power both over the time series as well as the cross-section of funds' returns.


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This study aims to contribute on the forecasting literature in stock return for emerging markets. We use Autometrics to select relevant predictors among macroeconomic, microeconomic and technical variables. We develop predictive models for the Brazilian market premium, measured as the excess return over Selic interest rate, Itaú SA, Itaú-Unibanco and Bradesco stock returns. We find that for the market premium, an ADL with error correction is able to outperform the benchmarks in terms of economic performance. For individual stock returns, there is a trade o between statistical properties and out-of-sample performance of the model.


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A Diretoria de Análises de Políticas Públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-DAPP) inaugurou nesta segunda-feira uma parceria inédita com o jornal Valor Econômico. O site do jornal disponibiliza desde a semana passada a ferramenta Mosaico Orçamentário, desenvolvida pela DAPP no ano passado, que oferece uma visualização interativa dos gastos do governo. O Mosaico está disponível também no Valor PRO, serviço premium para assinantes do jornal. A parceria se estende para uma coluna com publicação mensal assinada pelo Diretor da FGV/DAPP, Marco Aurélio Ruediger.


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Brazilian public policy entered in the so-called new social federalism through its conditional cash transfers. States and municipalities can operate together through the nationwide platform of the Bolsa Familia Program (BFP), complementing federal actions with local innovations. The state and the city of Rio de Janeiro have created programs named, respectively, Renda Melhor (RM) and Família Carioca (FC). These programs make use of the operational structure of the BFP, which facilitates locating beneficiaries, issuing cards, synchronizing payment dates and access passwords and introducing new conditionalities. The payment system of the two programs complements the estimated permanent household income up to the poverty line established, giving more to those who have less. Similar income complementation system was subsequently adopted in the BFP and the Chilean Ingreso Ético Familiar, which also follow the principle of estimation of income used in the FC and in the RM. Instead of using the declared income, the value of the Rio cash transfers are set using the extensive collection of information obtained from the Single Registry of Social Programs (Cadastro Único): physical configuration of housing, access to public services, education and work conditions for all family members, presence of vulnerable groups, disabilities, pregnant or lactating women, children and benefits from other official transfers such as the BFP. With this multitude of assets and limitations, the permanent income of each individual is estimated. The basic benefit is defined by the poverty gap and priority is given to the poorest. These subnational programs use international benchmarks as a neutral ground between different government levels and mandates. Their poverty line is the highest of the first millennium goal of the United Nations (UN): US$ 2 per person per day adjusted for the cost of living. The other poverty line of the UN, US$ 1.25, was implicitly adopted as the national extreme poverty line in 2011. The exchange of methodologies between federal entities has happened both ways. The FC began with the 575,000 individuals living in the city of Rio de Janeiro who were on the payroll of the BFP. Its system of impact evaluation benefited from bi-monthly standardized examinations. In the educational conditionalities, the two programs reward students' progress, a potential advantage for those who most need to advance. The municipal program requires greater school attendance than that of the BFP and the presence of students’ parents at the bimonthly meetings held on Saturdays. Students must achieve a grade of 8 or improve at least 20% in each exam to receive a bi-monthly premium of R$50. In early childhood, priority is given to the poor children in the program Single Administrative Register (CadÚnico) to enroll in kindergarten, preschools and complementary activities. The state program reaches more than one million people with a payment system similar to the municipal one. Moreover, it innovates in that it transfers awards given to high school students to savings accounts. The prize increases and is paid to the student, who can withdraw up to 30% annually. The total can reach R$3,800 per low-income student. The State and the city rewarded already education professionals according to student performance, now completing the chain of demand incentives on poor students and their parents. Increased performance is higher among beneficiaries and the presence of their guardians at meetings is twice compared to non beneficiaries; The Houston program, also focuses on aligning the incentives to teachers, parents and students. In general, the plan is to explore strategic complementarities, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The objective is to stimulate, through targets and incentives, synergies between social actors (teachers, parents, students), between areas (education, assistance, work) and different levels of government. The cited programs sum their efforts and divide labor so as to multiply interactions and make a difference in the lives of the poor.