130 resultados para Condução nervosa


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The research investigates the differences among Brazilian metropolitan regions, in what concerns to the composition of their productive and occupational structures. This investigation aims to allow the observation of the differentiated stages of metropolitan development, in comparing the spaces among themselves and in measuring the intensity of the differences. This work intends to subsidize the analysis of the private and public firms location choices, and on the other hand, to point out the necessities of public intervention aiming regional development. The analysis is accomplished with the help of differentiation regional indexes, calculated from information aggregated in special tabulations, in order to accomplish the specifics objectives of this research.


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The objectives of this research were to identify and to determine the mam elements presents in actions developed by the company classified as corporate social responsibility as well as the company's speech and relation with their employees1 in Fumas' productive units. In the base theoretician-empiricist, were analyzed the aspects concerning to the social management considering the postindustrial societal model, as to the social responsibility and the moral siege aspect present in the internaI company' s relations. The method that characterizes this research is the case study of a mixing economy company considered as prominence in the industrial scene of the country, from the verification of its organizational climate. The data had been gotten by direct comment and by semistructuralized interviews, carried through with workers belonging to diverse hierarchic organization's studied leveIs, involved with social practices and their organization, having relationship to the employees. The analysis was description-qualitative formo The collected data disclose to the existence of accords and dissonances between the social responsibility practical, the moral siege and the speech presented by this company. The main objective of the study was to extend the agreement concerning to the social responsibility, as well as the moral siege practiced by the company, having as reference their integrant's perceptions, considering both the current economic and social rationalities that establish a new mo dei of relationship between State, companies under its protection and the civil society.


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This study analyses the bids¿ dispersion in fixed income government securities auctions issued by the National Treasury of Brazil. We try to estimate the bids¿ variance based on factors that may forecast its movement. We hope to help the security issuer by offering more data before the auction. The basic idea is to relate the market uncertainty with the primary auction of government securities. Results indicates the importance of uncertainty on the bidding decisions. It shows also the need for a liquid secondary market to the selling of long-term fixed income securities.


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A proposta realizada nesta Dissertação de evidenciar participação do Instituto Superior de Administração Economia do Mercosul da Fundação Getulio Vargas, no desenvolvimento empresarial regional do Paraná. Seis anos, desde sua criação no Estado, em 1996, período de tempo focalizado descrito mediante as diversas evidências coletadas no Estudo de Caso. Os focos da contextualização do trabalho são os processos de inserção atuação do Instituto na comunidade paranaense, com ênfase no meio empresarial. estudo aponta as iniciativas empreendimentos integrantes de sua memória institucional. Como categorias de análise no estudo, foram caracterizados na literatura, em seus conceitos principais, explicitados na prática do ISAE, os eixos de Internacionalização, Articulação Promoção Institucional, Customização Regionalizada Empreendedorismo Inovação, cujas ações possibilitaram conhecimento, aceitação, reconhecimento sentido de pertencimento do ISAE pela comunidade, também inserção atuação da própria comunidade, com ênfase no meio empresarial, no cotidiano do Instituto. papel de refletor da marca FGV como integrador dos produtos de suas diversas Unidades proporcionou quebra de resistências iniciais de uma cultura avessa influências estranhas. investigação empírica realizada no Estudo de Caso.com os alunos, egressos lideranças da comunidade evidencia ressalta, nos resultados obtidos, valorização do espírito inovador, credibilidade confiança, bem como modernidade e o respeito que Instituição conquistou em sua trajetória. As conclusões do estudo realizado demonstram que forma de condução que ISAE, como uma instituição de modelo organizacional descentralizado, vem implementando atende supera as expectativas que levaram sua criação.


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o presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto produzido sobre os trabalhadores das organizações através da implantação de sistemas integrados de gestão (ERP), como instrumento apoiador da flexibilização organizacional. O estudo abrangeu empresas do ramo industrial que implantaram o sistema ERP da empresa SAP AG, através de questioná- rios e entrevistas realizadas diretamente com os trabalhadores envolvidos. Os principais impactos para os trabalhadores foram: aumento na pressão sobre trabalho, exigência por maior capacitação, redução do nível de supervisão. aumento na qualidade, velocidade e complexidade do trabalho e redução quadro de pessoal. O nível de participação dos trabalhadores foi diversificado mas muito baixo quanto: ao treinamento. ao fluxo de informação ao longo do projeto, à possibilidade de sugerir melhorias e de influir na condução do projeto. Os objetivos planejados com a implantação foram alcançados e os trabalhadores estão satisfeitos com o sistema enquanto novo instrumento de trabalho. A baixa possibilidade de sugerir melhorias ao longo do projeto, aliado com o bom índice de aceitação das sugestões quando elas ocorreram, confirmam a hipótese de que o potencial social das organizações não foi suficientemente considerado inibindo melhorias para as empresas. A redução de pessoal, o baixo nível de participação do trabalhador em passos importantes do projeto e o baixo nível de abertura para sugestões de melhoria apuradas nesse estudo, confirmam a tendência de intensificação do uso da mão-de-obra e do conhecimento do trabalhador em detrimento de sua emancipação como agente ativo e participante da gestão, restringindo assim a efetiva flexibilização organizacional.


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Day after day, even small companies and multinationals brands need to compete in a worldwide market. All kind of global strategies have to involve production and regional market knowledge. Still being essential for company have a complete view of it market and it right position to gain competitive advantage. In a global market, get possible for the companies be in touch with last generation technologies and equipment's and all kind of research. Companies like that should develop products focused in customer's desire, even those extremely strict. Specifically in our country, as hard as we could think, the companies have access to credit lines, to the fiscal incentives offered by the states that alliance with the market potential are making possible the appearance of a lot companies and the growth of the companies already existent. However, these resources alone don't produce results to the company if it doesn't possess an internal organization able to assimilate the new market situation. The companies have to be able to apply the maximum resources offered by new technologies and understand how a communications facility means solution for many internal problems. In short terms, technology, financial resources, research and knowledge are available, however, the human resources might be prepared and developed in order to become the whole knowledge in profits. According 'JURAN' and his Total Quality Control philosophy the human resources playing fundamental role in the process, and in my opinion a company is something like a ship where all must be prepared to hold the rudder. I will develop a basic job looking for productivity and company's development through the people's involvement, focused in process of motivation, creativity and staff valorization. I believe that there no good production process without those requirements. Based on real case of a automotive parts and foundry company, located in Bento Gonçalves - RS, this work will look for to organize it mainly in its Industrial Division, adopting in participate administration where, through a information system and personnel involvement we will seek all favorable conditions to politics and strategies in get the growth of company.


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The concept of market orientation appeared in the beginning of the year 1990 as one of the main marketing developments, getting prominence, at the end of the decade, in the strategy area as well. However due to universalization presuppositions and due to the statistical positivism, this concept seems to be limited for an organization type that still receives from researchers' little attention: nationalized companies. These companies origin is linked to the privatization processes, which happened throughout the years after 1990 in Brazil. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this thesis recognizes the main marketing and strategy debates; however it points for neglectful dimensions in both areas, necessary for a broader OPM concept understanding. With the objective of a broader understanding of the OPM concept, this thesis searches for the alignment of the OPM concept with the strategy as social practice conceptions as a framework for the conduction of a case study on nationalized companies belonging to the telecommunication sectors. The exploratory character of the study reveals important subjects that can help the development of the OPM concept in a broader way for future researches as: the government influence over markets, market culture development in nationalized companies and different market concepts existence.


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One of principal goals of this work was to investigate the reasons for the growth of Corporate University in Brazil, therefore, it is concluded that the capacitation is geared towards the improvement of the performance of the organization¿s business; the dissemination of common values in the organization includes customers, suppliers and society; The investment in the trademark of the company uses the network of people committed to the organization; and the development of the innovation¿s culture and the growth within the organization. The other main objective of this study was to identify the perception of the official in relation to the University Petrobras in training and development of the individual and its consequent increase in value. For this, 5 testimonies were collected and a field research was made with the application of a closed questionnaire considering a sample of 43 respondents, which are allocated among the states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The research shows that 88 % of the respondents approve the conduction of teaching/learning and consequent enhancement of human potential, in line with the strategic goals of the Company, promoted by Petrobrás Corporate University. Finally, it is concluded that the Corporative University is an institution of education and training of companies that provide several learning alternatives, aligned to organizational strategies, to promote the development not only of their staff, but also of other members of the value chain of the company, as customers, suppliers and partners.


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The Internet has taken the world by storm. It has eliminated the barriers of technology, and unlocked the doors to electronic commerce and the 'Virtual Economy'. It has given us a glimpse into the future of 'Business' itself, and it has created a bewildering variety of choices in our personal and professional lives. It has taken on a life of its own, and we are all frantically trying to keep up. Many overwhelmed companies are asking questions like: 'What should our Internet Strategy be?' Or 'How do we put our business on the Internet like everybody else is doing?' or 'How do we use this thing to make money without spending any?'. These questions may seem reasonable on the surface, but they miss the point because they focus on the technologies rather than the core issues of conducting day-to-day business. The Internet can indeed offer fast returns in marketing reach, speed, director consumer sales and so on, and many companies are using it to good advantage, but the highest and best use of any such technology is to support, enhance and even re-invent the fundamentals of general business practice. When the initial excitement is over, and companies gain experience and confidence with the new business models, this larger view will begin to assert itself. Companies will then start to position their 'Internet Strategies' in context of where the business world itself is going over time, and how they can prepare for what is to come. Until now, the business world has been very fragmented, its collective progress limited (in part) by the inability to communicate within and between companies. Now that the technical remedy seems to be at hand and standards are beginning to emerge, we are starting to see a trend toward consolidation, cooperation, and economic synergy. Companies are improving their internal business processes with Intranets, and Electronic Commerce initiatives have sprung up using EDI, the World Wide Web, E-Mail, secure credit card payments and other tools. Companies are using the Internet to talk to each other and to sell their goods and services to the end consumer. Like Berlin, the walls are coming down because they have to. Electronic 'Communities of Common Interest' are beginning to surface, with the goal of supporting and aligning similar industries (such as Government, Insurance, Transportation and Health care) or similar business functions (such as Purchasing, Payments, and Human Resources). As these communities grow and mature, their initial scope will broaden and their spheres of influence will expand. They will begin to overlap into other communities, creating a synergistic effect and reshaping the conduct of business. The business world will undergo a gradual evolution toward globalization, driven by economic imperatives and natural selection in the marketplace, and facilitated by Electronic Commerce and Internet technologies. The business world 'beyond 2000' will have a substantially different look and feel than that which we see today.


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This paper is a follow up of the study of the evolution of the public policies for education, especially in the areas of improvement in the science and mathematics program, whose main purpose is to qualify teachers is these disciplines. The evaluation of strategies adopted by the Department of education for the implementation and development of the program in the states, which, on a decentralized bases and through its administrative structure is responsible for contracting higher Education Institutions in charge of preparatory courses. It discusses the enforcement of such a strategy and analyses the combined efforts between the federal sphere, represented by the coordination of preparatory courses for Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the Departments of Education, Science and Technology of the states, Research Spowsoring Foundations and the Federal Universities, breaking with some governmental traditions. It analyses the greater degree of interaction between the curriculum for public schools and the developments achieved in the many fields of knowledge. It is based on parameters in the proposals disposed by the law of the methods and fundamentals education, methods of curriculum, and national teaching standards, as well as studies carried out in the states that demand the biggest quantity of qualifying projects, trough analyses that are focused on the problems regarding science teaching in the Brazil and the format adopted in the implementation of the program.


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The necessity to be efficient and effective has long shifted from the private to the public sector. New philosophies have appeared with the aim to supply better performance in both private and public organisms. One of those theories is Quality. It stresses that people who are part of an organisation must realise that they are customers and suppliers within a workflow. The aim of this study was to identify to what extent quality theory can be found in bureaucratic management. The hypothesis was that, despite of the Federal Justice in Amazonas State ─ JF-AM ─ being a bureaucratic organisation, quality parameters are present in the tasks conduction and practice execution. This study was descriptive and explicative. It was a case with bibliographical and field research. As for the means, this research was limited due to both a reduced bibliographical archive pertaining to the comparison between bureaucratic and quality theories, and the uncertainty about the veracity from the questionnaires answers to be answered by members of the sample organisation, the JF-AM. Another limitation factor was the fact that the sample organisation is under the federal judiciary power which excluded views from a State and municipal orbit and from other areas of public power, such as the legislative and the executive. Therefore it seems interesting to gather from this locus another view of quality, mainly as reforms to the judiciary system are in question, which lent a special meaning to this research. The final conclusion was that quality parameters were found in the bureaucratic sample organisation.


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The necessity to be efficient and effective has long shifted from the private to the public sector. New philosophies have appeared with the aim to supply better performance in both private and public organisms. One of those theories is Quality. It stresses that people who are part of an organisation must realise that they are customers and suppliers within a workflow. The aim of this study was to identify to what extent quality theory can be found in bureaucratic management. The hypothesis was that, despite of the Federal Justice in Amazonas State ─ JF-AM ─ being a bureaucratic organisation, quality parameters are present in the tasks conduction and practice execution. This study was descriptive and explicative. It was a case with bibliographical and field research. As for the means, this research was limited due to both a reduced bibliographical archive pertaining to the comparison between bureaucratic and quality theories, and the uncertainty about the veracity from the questionnaires answers to be answered by members of the sample organisation, the JF-AM. Another limitation factor was the fact that the sample organisation is under the federal judiciary power which excluded views from a State and municipal orbit and from other areas of public power, such as the legislative and the executive. Therefore it seems interesting to gather from this locus another view of quality, mainly as reforms to the judiciary system are in question, which lent a special meaning to this research. The final conclusion was that quality parameters were found in the bureaucratic sample organisation.


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o presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto produzido sobre os trabalhadores das organizações através da implantação de sistemas integrados de gestão (ERP) , como instrumento apoiador da flexibilização organizacional. O estudo abrangeu empresas do ramo de serviços que implantaram o sistema ERP da empresa SAP AG, através de questionários e entrevistas realizadas diretamente com os trabalhadores envolvidos. Os principais impactos para os trabalhadores foram: aumento na pressão sobre trabalho, exigência por maior capacitação, redução do nível de supervisão, aumento na qualidade, velocidade e complexidade do trabalho e redução quadro de pessoal. O nível de participação dos trabalhadores foi diversificado mas muito baixo quanto: ao treinamento, ao fluxo de informação ao longo do projeto, à possibilidade de sugerir melhorias e de influir na condução do projeto. Os objetivos planejados com a implantação foram alcançados e os trabalhadores estão satisfeitos com o sistema enquanto novo instrumento de trabalho. A baixa possibilidade de sugerir melhorias ao longo do projeto, aliado com o bom índice de aceitação das sugestões quando elas ocorreram, confirmam a hipótese de que o potencial social das organizações não foi suficientemente considerado inibindo melhorias para as empresas. A redução de pessoal, o baixo nível de participação do trabalhador em passos importantes do projeto e o baixo nível de abertura para sugestões de melhoria apuradas nesse estudo, confirmam a tendência de intensificação do uso da mão-de-obra e do conhecimento do trabalhador em detrimento de sua emancipação como agente ativo e participante da gestão, restringindo assim a efetiva flexibilização organizacional.


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o objetivo desta pesquisa foi a identificação e a determinação dos principais elementos presentes no desenvolvimento de ações de responsabilidade social e programas de marketing social em unidades industriais de duas empresas, da iniciativa privada, localizadas em Curitiba: Bosch e Inepar. Na base teóricoempírica, foram analisados os aspectos referentes à gestão social sob o paradigma da Sociedade Pós-Industrial, à responsabilidade social e ao marketing social. Especificamente nestes dois últimos temas foi aprofundada a análise de suas bases de formação e a evolução de seus conceitos, bem como suas diferentes interpretações, tratamentos, usos e motivações para a efetivação de programas de cunho social. O método que caracteriza esta pesquisa é o de dois estudos de caso distintos. Os dados foram obtidos mediante pesquisa bibliográfica, análise de documentos internos e peças de comunicação externas, observação direta e por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com os dirigentes e funcionários das organizações estudadas, envolvidos na condução e organização de práticas sociais. A análise foi efetuada de forma descritivo-qualitativa. Os dados coletados revelaram a existência de consonâncias e dissonâncias entre a prática da responsabilidade social e do marketing social e o discurso apresentado pelas empresas. O objetivo maior do estudo foi ampliar o entendimento acerca da responsabilidade social e do marketing social praticado pela iniciativa privada, tendo como referência a visão de seus integrantes, dentro das atuais racionalidades econômica e social que estabelecem um novo modelo de relacionamento entre Estado, empresas e sociedade civil.


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O trabalho analisa a evolução da política monetária desde a implementação do regime de metas de inflação no período de 1999 a 2009 com o intuito de avaliar se há diferenças na condução de política monetária entre as gestões Armínio Fraga e Henrique Meirelles. Um modelo de equilíbrio geral novo-keynesiano baseado em expectativas racionais é utilizado para modelar a economia brasileira e deriva-se uma regra de Taylor para encontrar a condição suficiente para a convergência da inflação. O processo de analise empírica consiste em estimar um modelo de vetores auto-regressivos, cujos parâmetros variam ao longo do tempo assim como as inovações na matriz de variância-covariância. Para tanto, será utilizado um algoritmo de simulação de Monte Carlo. Os resultados empíricos mostram que (i) não há diferenças significativas na condução de política monetária durante as gestões Armínio Fraga e Henrique Meirelles; (ii) A partir de 2003, a taxa de juros permaneceu acima da necessária para a convergência da inflação de acordo com a condição de estabilidade; e (iii) a gestão Armínio Fraga agiu de acordo com a regra de estabilização na crise de 2002, porém a inflação permaneceu acima da meta por causa da magnitude choques exógenos.