79 resultados para Aprendizagem Questionários


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O presente trabalho analisa a Trajetria do Processo de Aprendizagem Organizacional no Banco do Brasil, desde o treinamento tradicional at a aplicao do modelo de Universidade Corporativa. Neste contexto, pretendese verificar se os impactos das mudanas causaram rupturas com as prticas do treinamento e proporcionar um referencial de anlise voltado gesto do conhecimento, enquanto estratgia de vantagem competitiva.


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Este trabalho investigou a implementao de Estratgias de Internacionalizao de Empresas instaladas na Regio de Curitiba com o objetivo de descobrir como diferentes empresas aumentam seu envolvimento fora de sua base. Para responder a esta questo, considerou-se a literatura sobre Estratgia Empresarial, Processos de Internacionalizao de Empresas e Aprendizagem Organizacional, de fonna a construir hiptese orientadora para a pesquisa. Investigou-se a existncia de Processos de Aprendizagem Organizacional sustentando o Processo de Internacionalizao das Empresas. A pesquisa de campo utilizou o mtodo qualitativo, observacional, tendo a entrevista como ferramenta, identificando as trajetrias de internacionalizao das empresas. Em cada uma destas, buscou projetos cujas taxas de crescimento do seu comprometimento com o ambiente externo fossem altas. Explorou as solues adotadas para as dificuldades geradas pelas incertezas encontradas na implementao desses projetos, com o objetivo de verificar a presena de Processos de Aprendizagem Organizacional. Como resultado da investigao em sete empresas diferentes, com estratgias diferentes, em diferentes estgios de internacionalizao, com projetos de naturezas diversas, este estudo concluiu pela existncia de um fenmeno comum: em cem por cento das empresas pesquisadas, as altas taxas de crescimento de seu envolvimento fora de suas bases, foram sustentados por uma acentuada dinmica de Aprendizagem Organizacional. Esta constatao resgata os conceitos da Universidade de Uppsala e introduz a abordagem sistmica da Aprendizagem Organizacional no estudo do Processo de Internacionalizao de Empresas, proporcionando explicao para as Born Global e para a internacionalizao atravs dos network.


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This work is focused on the explanation of the relation between the learning processes, the accumulation of technological competence and the competitive performance. The present study is based on the case of the steelmaking plant of Companhia Siderrgica Nacional, located in Volta Redonda city, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, during the period of 1997 and 2001. The framework of this thesis is based on Figueiredo (2001), that shares the learning process in external and internal acquisition of knowledge, and the conversion of this knowledge from people to organization through socialization (transfer of tacit knowledge) or codification (transfer of knowledge by written documents). This framework considers the key features of the learning process: the variety, the intensity, the working and the interaction. The results suggest that the steelmaking of CSN achieved the pre intermediate level (level 4) of technological competence to the technological functions of production process and equipment, and the intermediate level (level 5) to the function product. The accomplishment of these levels of competence was due to the acquisition and conversion of new knowledge. It was observed that the key features had an evolution during the period considered in the study. The results allowed to show that the accumulation of technological competence had a positive influence over the competitive performance of the steelmaking unit of CSN.


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o crescimento da Internet, que vem ocorrendo desde 1994, tem transformado diversos segmentos de mercado, inclusive o educacional. Este estudo se prope a avaliar as mudanas ocorridas no ensino de graduao da PUe-Rio com a utilizao da Internet. O aspecto acadmico das mudanas abordado com o objetivo de identificar as transformaes nas relaes entre alunos e professores ocorridas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O mtodo utilizado para levantar as informaes junto pue-Rio foi a aplicao de questionários para professores, alunos e tcnicos que viabilizaram a anlise das percepes destes atores sobre o tema. Para cada grupo de agentes: docentes, discentes e tcnicos foi elaborado um questionrio diferente. Os resultados indicaram que a Internet trouxe beneficios ao processo educacional, a principal vantagem identificada nesta pesquisa foi a melhoria na comunicao entre professores e alunos. Apesar dos beneficios e de apoiar algumas iniciativas, a PUe-Rio ainda no apresenta como poltica a divulgao e o incentivo a utilizao desta tecnologia.


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A acirrada competio econmica e a profunda revoluo tecnolgica impem s organizaes contemporneas mudanas significativas na organizao da produo. Nesse contexto configuram-se algumas contradies. Por um lado exalta-se a importncia da participao do trabalhador como fator decisivo na construo de vantagens competitivas, uma vez que o sucesso da organizao tem como um dos principais requisitos a implantao de modelos de funcionamento que contemplem atividades geradoras de conhecimento novo, disseminem-no amplamente a toda organizao e, rapidamente, incorporem-no a novas tecnologias e produtos. Por outro lado, tambm na busca de maiores graus de competitividade, prticas de flexibilizao das relaes de trabalho vm sendo adotadas como forma de diminuio dos custos de produo, atravs da reduo das formas de proteo da relao de trabalho. No Brasil, a ao flexibilizante j vem ocorrendo desde 1965 e encontra-se hoje em tramitao no Congresso Nacional o Projeto de Lei 5483/2001 que, alterando o art. 618 da Consolidao das Leis do Trabalho, pretende a prevalncia do negociado sobre o legislado. Neste sentido, o objetivo da pesquisa verificar os efeitos da flexibilizao das relaes de trabalho na qualidade de vida no trabalho, no que se refere, especificamente, gesto do conhecimento e s necessidades sociais do trabalhador quanto aos seus benefcios diretos e espontneos. Configura-se como um estudo de campo com foco nas organizaes, a partir dos representantes da rea de gesto de pessoas e nos trabalhadores das indstrias, com mais de quinhentos funcionrios, instaladas na Regio Metropolitana de Curitiba. O mtodo utilizado para tratamento dos dados possibilita mensurao de variveis qualitativas e o estabelecimento da comparabilidade entre os trabalhadores sujeitos s prticas de flexibilizao e os demais trabalhadores. Os dados coletados por meio de questionários revelaram que a flexibilizao das relaes de trabalho faz parte integrante do novo perfil das organizaes e que h hoje uma tendncia de implemento com a abertura legal. Os efeitos causados por essa ao sobre a qualidade de vida no trabalho revelam-se predatrios, na medida em que os trabalhadores com contratos de trabalho flexibilizados encontram-se em posio de desvantagem no acesso aprendizagem dentro das organizaes e, tambm, na satisfao de suas necessidades sociais. Na anlise comparativa entre as duas categorias de trabalhadores, foi possvel verificar diferenas significativas no que diz respeito aos indicadores de participao no processo produtivo atravs da freqncia mdia de solues apresentadas e incorporadas, da participao nos processos de aquisio do conhecimento, no acesso a benefcios diretos e espontneos e na satisfao com o ambiente de trabalho. Essas constataes permitem concluir que as organizaes, quando na busca de maior competitividade, incorrem em equvocos medida em que desconsideram a qualidade de vida no trabalho, especificamente no que diz respeito gesto do conhecimento e satisfao das necessidades sociais como fatores maximizantes do desenvolvimento econmico e de incremento da produo.


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Over the last 40 years there has been a profusion of studies about the ccumulation of technological capacities in firms from developing economies. However, there remain few studies that examine, on a combined basis, the relationship among: the trajectories of technological capacities accumulation; the underlying learning mechanisms; and, the implications of organizational factors for these two variables. Still scarcer are the studies that examine the relationship among these variables along time and based on a comparative case study. This dissertation examines the relationship among the trajectory of accumulation of innovative capacities in complex project management, the learning mechanisms underlying these technological capacities and the intra-organizational factors that influence these learning echanisms. That set of relationships is examined through a comparative and a long-term (1988-2008) case study in a capital goods firm (for the pulp and paper industry) and a pulp mill in Brazil. Based on first-hand quantitative and qualitative empiric evidence, gathered through extensive field research, this dissertation found: 1. Both firms accumulated innovative capacity in project management at the international frontier level (Level 6). However, there was variability between the firms in terms of the nature and speed of accumulation of those capacities. It was also observed that, at this level of innovation, the innovative capacities of both firms are not confined to their organizational boundaries, but they are distributed beyond their boundaries. 2. So that these companies could accumulate those levels of innovative capacities it was necessary to manage several learning mechanisms: leveraging of external knowledge and its internalization in terms of internal apacities of the firm. In other words, as the companies accumulated more innovative levels of capacities for project management, it was necessary to manage different cycles of technological learning. 3. Further, the relationship between the ccumulation of technological capacities and learning was affected positively by intra-organizational factors, such as 'authority disposition', 'mutability of work roles' and 'intensity of internal crises', and negatively by the factor 'singularity of goals'. This dissertation revealed divergent results between firms in two of the four factors studied. These results contribute to advance our understanding of the complexity and variability involved in the process of accumulation of innovative capacities in firms from developing economies. This highlights the growing importance of the organizational and the human resource dimensions of innovation and technological capacity as the company approaches the international frontier. The results suggest to managers that: (i) the good performance in project management in the two firms studied did not occur simply as a result of the pulp and paper Brazilian industry growth, rather as a result of the deliberate construction and accumulation of the capacities through an intensive and coordinated cyclical process of technological learning, (ii) to develop innovative capabilities in project management, besides looking for learning mechanisms they should also look at the organizational factors that influence the learning mechanisms directly, (iii) performance of pulp mills projects is better when projects are implemented together with technology suppliers than when performed only by the mill. This dissertation concludes that capital goods firms have been having a fundamental role for the innovative capabilities accumulation in project management of pulp mills in Brazil (and vice-versa) for a long time. This contradicts some authors' propositions that affirm that: a) equipment suppliers for the pulp and paper industry have been creating little, if any, development of processes or engineering projects in Brazil; b) firms in the pulp and paper industry have little capacity for machinery and equipments projects only taking place in few technological activities, being internal or external to the firm. Finally, some studies are proposed for future research.


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One of principal goals of this work was to investigate the reasons for the growth of Corporate University in Brazil, therefore, it is concluded that the capacitation is geared towards the improvement of the performance of the organizations business; the dissemination of common values in the organization includes customers, suppliers and society; The investment in the trademark of the company uses the network of people committed to the organization; and the development of the innovations culture and the growth within the organization. The other main objective of this study was to identify the perception of the official in relation to the University Petrobras in training and development of the individual and its consequent increase in value. For this, 5 testimonies were collected and a field research was made with the application of a closed questionnaire considering a sample of 43 respondents, which are allocated among the states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The research shows that 88 % of the respondents approve the conduction of teaching/learning and consequent enhancement of human potential, in line with the strategic goals of the Company, promoted by Petrobrs Corporate University. Finally, it is concluded that the Corporative University is an institution of education and training of companies that provide several learning alternatives, aligned to organizational strategies, to promote the development not only of their staff, but also of other members of the value chain of the company, as customers, suppliers and partners.


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This resume focus the connection between the learning process and the technological competences evolution. It is based on business case of a plastic injection company named Multibras da Amazonia S/A, that manufacture plastic parts to electro- electronic industry assemblers, the study used the company evolution from 1983 to 2000. Its conclusion allowed to demonstrate, how the theories developed by Figueiredo (2001) can be used to describe the technological competences and the learning process, and on it's scale from 1 to 6 the Multibras case has reached the level 5. Based on the business case, the study confirmed how the technological competences learning process and accumulation is linked to an organizational knowledge. Using the theory basis, but applied to an industry case, different from all the previous studies, this resume shows that it's necessary to have a continuous, organized and integrated effort to generate and develop the knowledge evolution inside the company to make possible the technological competences accumulation on a fast and effective track.


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This dissertation enfoca the relationship between technological competences accumulation and the learning underlying processes. This relationship is examined in the company AGCO Comrcio and Indstria Ltda, during the period of 1970 to 2000. It is of a company metal-mechanics, agricultural machines manufacturer. In other words, the dissertation examines the processes technological learning implications for aA technological competences accumulation in the company in study. The dissertation enfoca the competences accumulation for three technological functions: processes and organization, products and equipments. The learning processes are examined to the light of four characteristic: variety, intensity, operation and interaction, from the structure existing analysis use in the literature. Based on study of individual case, this study found that the technological competences ways to accumulation in the studied company are associates to the several processes used to acquire technological knowledge and converts him in organizacional. Ademais, the simple incidence of these processes in the company didn't guarantee in the company a positive implication for the technological competences accumulation. The company accumulated level middleman-superior technological competence (level 6) to accomplish production and function products function processes and organization activities, and intermediary level (level 5) to accomplish function equipments activities. In haves to characteristic key, the learning processes introduce an oscillation differentiated along time: the variety oscillated of moderated the several; the intensity of intermittent the continuous; the operation of bad the good; and the interaction of weak the strong. Through the existing structure use in the literature, however applied to a previous studies different industry, this dissertation suggests that must there be an organized , continuous effort and integrated for the knowledge generation and sowing in every company in order to the technological training accumulation be accelerated in the company.


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This dissertation is concerned with the implications of the learning processes for the technological capability accumulation at the firm level. This relationship was examined in Kvaerner Pulping over the period from 1980 to 2000. The firm is located in Curitiba/PR and supplies equipment and complete plants (capital goods) for pulp mills. In other words, based on an individual case study, this dissertation examines how the learning processes influence the building and accumulation of technological capability. The accumulation of technological capabilities is crucial for the survival and the competitive performance of the firms. An analytical framework already available in the literature was used to describe the paths (way and speed) of technological capability accumulation in the firm studied. However, the framework was adapted specifically for the capital goods industry for the pulp & paper sector. The paths of technological capability accumulation are analysed for three different technological functions: engineering activities and project management, operational processes and practices and process equipment. The learning mechanisms were examined in the light of four key features: variety, intensity, functioning and interaction. During the 1980s and 1990s the firm accumulated different levels of technological capability in the technological functions studied. It was only when the firm started to coordinate systematically the efforts to acquire and convert the knowledge from the individual to the organizational level, at the mid 1990s, that the accumulation of technological capability was accelerated. By the end of this decade the firm was able to accumulate innovative capabilities in all the functions analysed. Similarly to previous studies that investigated other types of firms, the conclusion of this dissertation suggests that the way and rate by which the firm accumulates technological capability can be explained by the learning process and its key features over time.


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Esta dissertao estuda o relacionamento entre a acumulao de competncias tecnolgicas e os processos subjacentes de aprendizagem. O estudo desse relacionamento foi examinado na fbrica de eletrnica de consumo Sharp do Brasil S/A, situada na cidade de Manaus, durante o perodo de 1972 a 2000. A acumulao e sustentao de competncias tecnolgicas so desenvolvidas atravs de processos de aprendizagem nas organizaes. Os processos de aprendizagem esto relacionados diretamente taxa de acumulao de competncias tecnolgicas das organizaes. A dissertao, utilizando a estrutura de anlise existente na literatura, examina os processos de aprendizagem luz de quatro caractersticas: variedade, intensidade, funcionamento e interao. A acumulao de competncias analisada a partir de duas funes tecnolgicas: processo/organizao e produtos. Ao longo do periodo analisado, a empresa acumulou diferentes nveis de competncias tecnolgicas e com velocidades variadas nas funes estudadas. Na dcada de 80, a empresa atravs de uma melhor coordenao de esforos, passou a adquirir e converter conhecimentos individuais em conhecimentos organizacionais, acelerando o crescimento da taxa de competncias tecnolgicas acumuladas. Ainda no final da dcada 80, a empresa foi capaz de acumular competncias inovadoras nas duas funes estudadas. A acumulao de competncias tecnolgicas um aspecto importante a competitividades e sobrevivncia das organizaes. No entanto, somente a acumulao de competncias tecnolgicas no garante o bom desempenho e a sobrevivncia da organizao. A empresa estudada, apesar da acumulao de elevados nveis de competncias tecnolgicas ao longo do periodo, enfrenta uma grande crise financeira. A concluso desta dissertao sugere que a taxa de acumulao de competncias tecnolgicas pode ser explicada pela capacidade da empresa em socializar e codificar a aprendizagem individual, adquiridas por processos externos e internos de aprendizagem aplicados de forma contnua e organizada, convertendo em aprendizagem organizacional.


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This academic work describes the interfirm technological learning processes behavior at a thermo plant throughout the years 2001 till 2007. Its former ownership structure was composed by two foreigners companies. This structure was changed by the acquisition of the company control by a Brazilian state owned company on April 2006. The company is a Natural Gas Fired Power Plant placed at Maca City, at Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil generating electric power right to National Integrated System (SIN). The goal of this research is verify how the technological knowledge had been acquired by the firm and how it had been spread out throughout the organization before and after the change of the ownership structure. The taxonomy applied to determining of ownership structure take in account three parameters: type, specific characteristic and the ownership structure itself. Technological Learning Interfirm Processes have been examined from a model of systemic approach that establishes four key characteristics: variety, intensity, functioning and interaction. During 2001 until 2006, till the change of owner structure, the firm developed its own learning processes in its own operational routines. The main learning processes have been identified from empirical evidences. It has been adopted the cut line at year of 2006 for the comparison among the technological learning processes behavior, when the change of ownership structure took place. The data capture occurred within April and August 2007 covering since 2001. Verified the behavior of these learning processes before and after the ownership structure changed from private property to state owned property. The conclusion of this case study suggests that interfirm processes of technological learning identified by the research had their dynamical behavior promptly affected by a change from private to ownerstate ownership structure, exposing the company to a poor performance in its industry, due to the lack of 51% of the technological intrafirm learning processes and reduction of the acquisition of new technical knowledge and its conversion throughout the organization.


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The increase of the global competitiveness of the global alliances of the economic blocks, generates an increasing stream of information that makes with that the companies are always the seek of new developments. The climate of changes generates concern with what it must be assimilated by organization, and things that dont serve the definitive company. The organizational environment of the companies is taken by uncertainty. The organizational culture becomes itself very important for the organization, therefore it judges what the company can use in the relation with its environment, and what does not serve to its organizational structure. Together with the culture is necessary that itself a learning environment, leading thus culture. The work considered here studies the organizational culture of a company making relation with the organizational Learning, and helps to clarify the profile of a culture that propitiates the organizational learning. This work analyzes the Isabelas S/A organizational culture, making relation with the organizational learning. Of this form, look it self to describe and to identify the culture of the searched company, studying its difficulties and advantages, making relation with the deep learning. The company is characterized, the situation problem and the subject of study. In the theoretical referential was made an analysis of the culture, its formation until the types of culture, applying itself after a model of organizational learning. A model for the study of the culture is applied, where self is characterized, tipology of the culture, and applied a model for the study of the learning. The results of the considered study, answer the research problem, where they are analysed with the application of the diagnostic research of the searched company. This discloses an organization with a strong culture, however flexible to assimilate changes. It has a harmony between the values that generate the culture and that they are characterized, spreading out thus an environment that propitiates organizational learning, a culture that generates learning.


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This dissertation is concerned with the implications of the learning process on the technological capabilities accumulation. This relationship was examined at the Electrolux do Brasil S/A Guabirotuba Unity in Curitiba/PR, over the period of 1980 to 2000. The Brazilian factory products White Goods destined to the Brazilian market as well as to exportation. The Swedish group Electrolux, to which the Brazilian factory belongs to, produces and sell goods to more then 150 countries. Regardless their importance, studies on the accumulation of technological capabilities and the underlying learning process are still scarce in Brazil, especially those focusing on the eletrodomestics products, and more specifically on the refrigerators and freezers industry. Based on a case study in the Electrolux do Brasil S/A, from 1980 to 2000, this investigation examined the influence of the learning process in the paths of the technological capabilities accumulation in the firm. The learning processes were analyzed in the light of the analytical framework proposed by Figueiredo (2001). This framework consists in four key features: variety, intensity, functioning and interaction. The technological capabilities accumulation were studied considering two technological functions: Process and Production Organization Activities and Products Activities. The evidences to classify and describe the paths of technological capabilities accumulation as well as to analyse the learning were mainly qualitative. This investigation joins other previous studies, in which there was noticed that the learning process have great involvement on technical changes, playing a relevant role on the technological capabilities of a company. Based on the investigation done and on the practical utilization of the analytical structure proposed by Figueiredo (2001), we infer that the way and the speed of technological capabilities accumulation are related to how the various learning processes were used by the company. One implied that, in levels from one to six, the studied company cumulated capabilities to level (5). Regarding technological competence, it approached industrialized countries firms, which present level (6), advanced.


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A Aprendizagem Organizacional vista sob a perspectiva da Cognio Institucional da antroploga Mary Douglas. Pesquisa emprica exploratria do perfil cosmolgico e cognitivo de administradores em cursos de especializao em administrao. Aplicao de Mary Douglas, Robert E. Quinn e Charles Hamden- Turner.