161 resultados para Islam - Indonesia


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 The findings of this case study research showed that the use of Indonesian folktales in English translation along with its illustrations for teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in two primary schools in Solo Indonesia seemed to be applicable in developing students’ EFL basic skills and students’ recognition of local cultural knowledge simultaneously.


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The linguistic environment in Indonesia is extremely complex with some 700 local languages existing alongside the national language, bahasa Indonesia. The majority of Indonesians speak one of these local languages as their first language and begin formal study of the national language in school. This paper discusses some of the difficulties in creating a population that is fluent in the national language and considers the impact to those who are unable to master Indonesian to a degree that allows them to participate fully in the modern state. The role of teachers as models for language mastery is also considered in the context of their de facto role as language teachers, regardless of subject taught.


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The many local cultures of Indonesia are often thought of as being more family-oriented than is usual in western societies and taking a more communal approach to providing care for individuals who require it within the context of traditional family and social structures. While this situation does represent an idealized conceptualization of traditional values, the reality of modern life in Indonesia has often not supported the maintenance of such patterns. This paper investigates the dilemma faced by many Minangkabau families in caring for elderly relatives in modern Indonesia. Based on a large study of aging among members of this ethnic group, it describes the social forces that shape modernIndonesian life and their effects on traditional social structures with a focus on the impact of such change on the experience of older individuals. In the context of increasing life expectancy nationwide, care alternatives for the elderly are required as traditional structures either no longer exist or are increasingly inadequate to accommodate the needs of older people who often have significant health problems. This paper focuses on the way Minangkabau families are addressing the needs of older relatives and the changing experience of these elderly themselves relative to the culturally expected norm of the past.


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Multidisciplinary conservation initiatives are increasingly advocated as best practice for recovering endangered species. The Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis is the world's largest lizard, of prominent conservation value as an umbrella species for protection of south-east Indonesian ecosystems. Komodo dragons have faced multiple human-related threat processes in the past 30 years and are listed on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and considered Vulnerable according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. We report on a protection programme conducted from 2005 to 2012 in the Wae Wuul nature reserve, on the island of Flores, Indonesia. The Wae Wuul ranger post was completely rebuilt, and community awareness and involvement of local people in habitat-protection schemes were regularly and successfully implemented. Local rangers were trained in wildlife-monitoring techniques. Monitoring results indicated that Komodo dragon densities were lower in Wae Wuul than in the adjacent Komodo National Park; however, a relatively high level of genetic diversity was recorded for this population. Ungulate prey showed a relatively stable prey population density. Community-based initiatives and regular wildlife monitoring are crucial to ensure the persistence of Komodo dragons on Flores. The Wae Wuul protection programme is providing several sustainability indicators by which informed management plans can be designed for long-term conservation of Komodo dragons.


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For wild varanid populations, basic measures of reproductive ecology, such as distribution and selection of nest sites, are difficult to obtain. To date, nest distributions and nesting behavior for Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) have only been reported from Komodo National Park. Here we report the first record of V. komodoensis nesting activity and hatchling emergence on Ontoloe Island, off the north coast of Flores. This is a significant finding for it suggests that this relatively small but well protected island supports a viable population of V. komodoensis


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 This research explores the discourses embedded in the beliefs the teacher educators hold and practices of active learning in higher education in Aceh, Indonesia


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This paper identifies which immersion program activities are most important in developing cross-cultural skills, and identifies the cultural intelligence (CQ) factors that Master of Business Administration (MBA) students gain by their participation in a cultural immersion program. Twenty students were surveyed, and it was found that the most important immersion program activities to develop cross-cultural skills were “visits to Indonesian companies” and “cultural activities”, as opposed to lectures by academics/industry guest speakers or working in cross-cultural teams. Motivational CQ was found to be the highest scoring CQ factor, followed by behavioural, then metacognitive and finally cognitive CQ. Students may have developed less cognitive CQ competencies because they had less opportunity to learn about knowledge aspects of CQ and had more opportunity to put into practice their motivational and behavioural CQ through immersion program activities.


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Reform, by definition, is not a complete break with tradition, but a determination by scholars, activists, politicians and critical thinkers to re-claim the tenets of their faith. Muslim communities have historically displayed a tendency to preserve the status quo.By contrast, the individuals and movements in Islam and the Question of Reform are determined—often at great personal risk—to push aside existing political and social elites and the historically accepted interpretations of Islam and its place in society.The perspectives examined in this volume avoid superficial or apologetic examinations of Islam's political and social role. Instead, they meticulously scrutinise the religion's public role, often questioning the validity of dogmas that have acted as tools of empowerment for existing elites for centuries.


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This research highlights a teacher’s transformative thinking which has profound implications on how teachers conceptualise child play and learning, thus leads to a way of thinking about English as a foreign language (EFL) could better be supported through the use of play-based pedagogies, especially dramatic play in Indonesian context.


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This paper presents the philosophies and practices of ‘Laura’, a young English community liaison worker and former religious studies teacher who has recently converted to Islam. Drawing on data generated from a qualitative and predominantly interview‐based research project that investigated issues of pedagogy and social justice in English schools, the focus is on Laura’s efforts to support Muslim girls through an Islamic discussion group. The paper highlights how Laura draws on Islamic beliefs to support the girls’ questioning of patriarchal interpretations of Islam within their Pakistani immigrant community. The paper also provides insight, however, into some of the tensions and limitations of Laura’s liberatory approach in terms of her positioning as white, western, and middle‐class. Against this backdrop, a self‐reflexive approach that is sensitive to how ‘ethnic‐specific sociability’ shapes understandings and enactments of gender is advocated. Such an approach is presented as central in considering how spaces of gender justice might be mobilised within community environments where unprecedented levels of multi‐cultural fragmentation and diversity have amplified tensions and conflict between and amongst racial and religious groups.