5 resultados para Limites à negociação dos riscos contratuais
em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Las negociaciones del cambio climático no han arrojado resultados contundentes para afrontar la problemática que trata. El estudio de la institucionalidad establecida en el régimen, específicamente en el Protocolo de Kioto, para efectos de las negociaciones y de la lucha directa contra la problemática del cambio climático muestra señales de inoperancia. El GTE-PK no ha logrado concluir satisfactoriamente con su mandato y las negociaciones parecen estancadas por la falta de voluntad para negociar por parte de los grupos de negociación tanto de los Países Parte del Anexo I como de los No Anexo I. Lo anterior, no permite dar claridad sobre el futuro del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio. Sin embargo, su institucionalidad no ha sido del todo un fracaso ya que la Junta Ejecutiva del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (JE) ha logrado registrar una gran cantidad de proyectos MDL y ha permitido lograr importantes avances en transferencia de tecnología verde entre los países Parte. En este trabajo se analizarán las dinámicas de las negociaciones en el régimen del cambio climático y su injerencia en la institucionalidad establecida bajo el Protocolo de Kioto.
Background: The Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) have a impact on the respiratory system and the recommendations for mechanical ventilation of patients with IAH/ACS remain unclear. Our study characterize the influence of elevated intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on airway plateau pressure (PPLAT) and bladder pressure (PBLAD). Methods: Nine (n=9) deeply anesthetized swine were mechanically ventilated via tracheostomy: volume-controlled mode at tidal volume = 10 ml/kg, frequency=15, Inspiratory:Expiratory ratio=1:2 and PEEP of 1 and 10 cmH2O (PEEP1 and PEEP10, respectively). A tracheostomy tube was place in the peritoneal cavity and different levels of IAP were applied utilizing a CPAP system. Measurements were performed during both PEEP1 and PEEP10. Results: PBLAD increased as experimental IAP rose. Minimal underestimation of IAP by PBLAD was observed. Applying PEEP10 did not significantly affect the correlation between experimental IAP and PBLAD. PBLAD (in cmH2O) was reflected by changes in PPLAT regardless of the PEEP.
La Autonomía Universitaria, consagrada en el artículo 69 de la Constitución Política de Colombia, le otorga a las Universidades la facultad de poder regularse filosóficamente y de determinarse administrativamente. Es claro que el principio de la autonomía universitaria, se considera como uno de los pilares fundamentales del Estado de Derecho, ya que no se puede concebir un Estado, aparte de las ciencias del saber. Las Universidades, después de la expedición de nuestra actual Carta Política, han gozado de una independencia, lo cual las faculta para tomar decisiones tanto en el ámbito académico, en lo relativo a periodos, materias y notas, como en lo concerniente a su ámbito social, esto es elección y promoción de profesores, nombramiento de directivas y adopción del régimen de alumnos y docentes. Esta independencia por parte de las Universidades de cualquier poder público, no quiere decir que puedan adoptar decisiones arbitrarias, al contrario deben ser estas las primeras en acatar mandatos superiores, dado el papel preponderante que cumplen en la sociedad.
In trademark systems such as the Andean Community, a state authority verifiesthat the marks are distinctive, lawful and do not affect third parties, and after that,given their ownership. In this context, particular interest has sparked the possibilityof individuals by agreements or statements of co-existence, are who ensure that theirsigns meet the conditions for simultaneous registrations.Such agreements for the coexistence of marks are problematic if one thinks thatthe holders of interests that would be available also seem to matter to consumers,competitors and the market. Therefore, define the scope of contractual freedom inthe field of trademark law, whose rules are considered imperative, acquire practicaland theoretical importance because its realization i) recognizes the risks that maybe relevant to evaluating trade agreements and ii) contributes to debates on the roleof private autonomy in areas reserved for non-derogable norms. Thus, this researchputs the declarations of consent for the coexistence of registrations in Colombia, ina larger scope of the limits of freedom of contract.
This paper investigates a discrepancy concerning resilience. International institutions such as ISDR try to promote resilience as a notion useful for preventing disasters. And some searchers, mainly coming from ecology, such as Resilience Alliance group, found the notion relevant enough to promote it as a brand for their studies on disaster prevention. Yet, the second part of the paper will verify how other searchers are still not convinced by the relevance of the notion. Territorial managers are reluctant as well, in line with the poor number of policies trying to bring resilience to reality, be it in Columbia or in France. How can we make sense of this discrepancy? The paper will stress on various political, institutional and cultural conditionings hidden behind the notion. It will also enlighten the contradictions embedded within the notion, because resilience, as disaster, depends on the scales and the actors the analysis relies on first. Which resilience to whom and at what scale? These are critical questions that should be addressed in order to give sense to these contradictions. Resilience has no absolute meaning. However, it helps identifying trends towards future disasters. This is one of the main reasons why it may be found useful.