233 resultados para Ciudades amigables


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The objective of the present article is to illustrate the social interstice (Las Jarretaderas) existing between the municipalities Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. The researched community is an outstanding case-study providing an in-depth analysis of a number of social process mostly related to the chiapaneca migration. The text is divided into two sections. The first one deals with the urbanization process of the metropolitan area of Puerto Vallarta. The second and longer section defines the concept of social interstice and explains how the researched locality falls under under that previously-defined concept according to the processes analyzed.


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This paper investigates a discrepancy concerning resilience. International institutions such as ISDR try to promote resilience as a notion useful for preventing disasters. And some searchers, mainly coming from ecology, such as Resilience Alliance group, found the notion relevant enough to promote it as a brand for their studies on disaster prevention. Yet, the second part of the paper will verify how other searchers are still not convinced by the relevance of the notion. Territorial managers are reluctant as well, in line with the poor number of policies trying to bring resilience to reality, be it in Columbia or in France. How can we make sense of this discrepancy? The paper will stress on various political, institutional and cultural conditionings hidden behind the notion. It will also enlighten the contradictions embedded within the notion, because resilience, as disaster, depends on the scales and the actors the analysis relies on first. Which resilience to whom and at what scale? These are critical questions that should be addressed in order to give sense to these contradictions. Resilience has no absolute meaning. However, it helps identifying trends towards future disasters. This is one of the main reasons why it may be found useful.


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The growth and expansion of cities during the last century can’t be seen without taking into account the important role they have assumed in the transport infrastructure. In Bogota have passed trough streetcar, buses and automóviles was deciding for the city, because all this periods marked a drastic change in growth morphology. This article studies the planning of Mass Transit System –MTS– Transmilenio and its interaction with the urban structure, in light of the current city planning framework. It also specifies the behavior of land use in the construction of the system first phase. One of the most important findings of this study is that there is no articulation between land and transport use system, despite the decisions taken in the ordering model. Similarly, local and intermediate planning exhibits Peak articulation.The existing infrastructure of the MTS reiterates the tendency to concentrate the accessibility in one place: the center has the largest accessibility whereas periphery fails to overcome its limitations of accessibility. While the city continued with this trend the existence of a coordinated planning system for Bogota and the ability to meet expectations of planning model is questionable, however it is something that depends not only on MTS.


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La revitalización de áreas urbanas en desuso, muchas veces bajo sospecha de contaminación, tiene un gran potencial no solo para la renovación urbana, sino también para aumentar la cohesión social en las ciudades latinoamericanas y fomentar activamente el desarrollo urbano sostenible. A  pesar de ello, es una estrategia que ha recibido poca atención en la mayoría de países de Centro y Sur América, pero ya muestra en Europa resultados alentadores. El proyecto Integration lleva  tres años trabajando con seis ciudades latinoamericanas –incluida Bogotá–, en cooperación con  Stuttgart, Alemania, y está financiado por la Comisión Europea bajo su programa URB-AL III,  para poner a prueba la viabilidad de introducir estas prácticas. Este artículo resume las lecciones hasta ahora aprendidas en los proyectos piloto, y hace seis recomendaciones puntuales basadas en  estas experiencias, a través la revisión de los modelos guía de desarrollo urbano, los campos de acción y los proyectos de revitalización ya concluidos.


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La preocupación feminista por la ciudad surge del cuestionamiento a la distribución desigual de los espacios, a la asignación diferencial de las esferas doméstica y pública, afi rmando que es en el escenario de las ciudades donde se configura la vida cotidiana, se desarrollan procesos sociales y es allí donde la movilidad y las actividades de las mujeres responden a estereotipos “femeninos”, influenciados por una perspectiva masculina tanto de la planifi cación como de la cultura dominante. La ciudadanía se origina en las ciudades, sin embargo estas contienen patrones de desigualdad de género, la división tajante de lo público y lo privado asociado a lo femenino y masculino en las urbes, la estructura espacial que difi culta el uso y acceso a los benefi cios de la ciudad, la falta de áreas verdes e infraestructura o la inseguridad, afecta con mayor profundidad a las mujeres. Por ello, el reclamo por el derecho a la ciudad en las prácticas organizativas de mujeres urbanas populares, muestran las incongruencias, carencias y debilidades de la concepción tradicional de la ciudadanía. En este trabajo presento estas contradicciones a nivel teórico y empírico, pues entre confl ictos y negociaciones, libertades y restricciones, las mujeres cotidianamente habitan y rehabitan la ciudad, en espacios privilegiados para el ejercicio democrático. Estos temas serán refl exionados en este artículo, donde nuevos y viejos problemas implicados en el debate, serán analizados a la luz de un conjunto de evidencias empíricas de trabajo de campo en barrios urbanos populares de la ciudad de Concepción, en Chile.


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The urban growth in Latino American cities, in a neoliberal context, has led to several population groups to having no possibilities to the access to urban land. Informal and irregular urban settlements increase, requiring attention from local governments, with actions and strategies in order to achieve both the regularization of such situation and further prevention. In the city of Córdoba different informal and irregular operations have taken place promoted by different actors. Furthermore, policies focused on regularization which have been promoted, have few intervention mechanisms, a fact that becomes critical, especially for the urban problems it causes. The main aim of this article is to present a classification over different modes of urban land acquirement taking place out of both urban and civil legislations. Afterwards, different informal settlement typologies are described, as well as the policies focused on them, together with their respective effects and impacts.


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This article is the result of a work of research conducted on the peri-urban interface of Popayan to detect its potential, restrictions and pathologies regarding the urbanization process. The Crucero Puelenje village, taken as a case study, is located in the south of the town center and it is recognized as one of the agricultural pantries of the city.The territory reading was focused on the macro-landscape as a result of the relationship between social groups and their physical and natural environment. Hence, this research process articulated technical and participatory methodologies that allowed determining the socio-cultural, environmental, physical-spatial, economic and political-administrative particularities of the territory with respect to urbanization and local development. Thus, the participatory component with the Crucero Puelenje community, both in the participatory workshops and in the census, gave feedback to the technical component considered as the guiding thread.This research found knowledge applicable to spatial planning and regional development from the study of the socio-environmental and territorial transformations impact caused by the urban sprawl of Popayán, and at the same time, it offered the Crucero Puelenje community the possibility of interpreting its territory and gaining insights about its planning.


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The study of the growth of large cities, in the urban periphery or the peri-urban areas specifically, it relates to environmental degradation due to urbanization, if it is estimated that since 2008 more than half of the world population living in urban areas, this sector is affected as it presents overcrowding, segregation and deterioration of physical conditions, which will impact on the social aspects within localities. This great urban growth has usually developed with the lack of environmental planning.So it is necessary to include urban development, guidelines towards environmental conservation and rehabilitation of the territory. The future of cities will depend largely on the actions taken now. As urban development inevitably requires planning urban settlements through sustainable development so as to provide alternative technologies, based on the reality of Latin American countries.In the peripheral area of the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara, is taken as a case study of the town of La Venta del Astillero, which by its nature allows access and functionality to develop a set of criteria and indicators to urban sustainability, which can take as a model for other communities in the urban periphery.


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In the Venezuela cities, and particularly in Maracaibo, the dynamics has caused the deterioration, transformation, or desappearence of architectural works of cultural interest. In order to rescue the urban and architectural image that has characterized the city of Maracaibo in the last 50 years, a case-study approach was used in the analysis of the main artery called Avenida las Delicias.


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The fundamental diseconomy in the large metropolitan areas is the significant and sustained increase in travel time incurred by its inhabitants daily. Since a portion of the energy consumed in the daily mobility does not necessarily translate into individual and collective wealth, entropic systems have a feature which, as discussed for the case of Bogotá, does not have metropolitan institutions with the ability to redirect.


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Editorial. Por Thierry LulleCiudad y resiliencia: una cuestión al estilo de Escher. Por Andrea Lampis


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En Maracaibo (Venezuela), como en otras ciudades del pais, aproximadamente desde la decada de los años ochenta se ha acentuado un fenomeno transformador de la arquitectura y la forma habitual del crecimiento urbano. El fenomeno en referencia es la inseguridad social.


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This paper presents an approach to the relationship between land use planning and socioeconomic residential segregation, from the location of social housing in Medellin, Colombia, during the period 2006-2011. The first part introduces the land use regulations regarding the location of social housing, identifying ambiguities in the current spatial plan. Next, we present the intersection of  regulatory information and the location of the projects that were under construction during the  study period, highlighting the need to consider the location as an important characteristic of social housing and residential segregation as a phenomenon that must be recognized and worked on land  use planning in our cities.