57 resultados para Emotional Crisis


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In the formative research scheme, the author built a psychological scale, with the purpose of analyzing psychological characteristics of the School of Psychology students. The instrument showed a high reliability coefficient (α=0,86), the exploratory factorial analysis found five variables which allowed to predict some aspects of sex and career level through a logistic regression; the ALSCAL showed two emotional dimensions. The author recommends to improve the instrument and to continue its application in the School. It is also necessary to develop qualitative research to acquire new data about the topic of the research.


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In an essay on anger, the ancient philosopher Seneca warns of the futility of harboring negative emotions given the imminence of death—the ultimate human equalizer. Ancient philosophers like Seneca believed that emotions are based on cognitions (beliefs) and are therefore modifiable through spiritual exercises. Modern research shows that the emotional and cognitive aspects of human psychology are malleable (nurture), but also require gene expression (nature). A parallel between individual behavior and socio-political forces suggests a framework for the current environmental crisis— another human equalizer. Two critical questions are suggested: Is the amassed experience of the last few centuries sufficient to lead to corrective measures that would avoid environmental degradation? Or would a catastrophic event with significant longterm environmental degradation have to occur before corrective measures reach consensus at the socio-political level? 


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Through meditation, people become aware of what happens in the body and mind, accepting the present experiences as they are and getting a better understanding of the true nature of things. Meditation practices and its inclusion as an intervention technique, have generated great interest in identifying the brain mechanisms through which these practices operate. Different studies suggest that the practice of meditation is associated with the use of different neural networks as well as changes in brain structure and function, represented in higher concentration of gray matter structures at the hippocampus, the right anterior insula, orbital frontal cortex (OFC) and greater involvement of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). These and other unrelated studies, shows the multiple implications of the regular practice of mindfulness in the structures and functions of the brain and its relation to certain observable and subjective states in people who practice it. Such evidence enabling the inclusion of mindfulness in psychological therapy where multiple applications have been developed to prove its effectiveness in treating affective and emotional problems, crisis management, social skills, verbal creativity, addiction and craving management, family and caregivers stress of dementia patients and others. However, neuropsychological rehabilitation has no formal proposals for intervention from these findings. The aim of this paper is to propose use of Mindfulness in neuropsychological rehabilitation process, taking the positions and theory of A.R. Luria.


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The perceptive accuracy of university students was compared between men and women, from sciences and humanities courses, to recognize emotional facial expressions. emotional expressions have had increased interest in several areas involved with human interaction, reflecting the importance of perceptive skills in human expression of emotions for the effectiveness of communication. Two tests were taken: one was a quick exposure (0.5 s) of 12 faces with an emotional expression, followed by a neutral face. subjects had to tell if happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust or surprise was flashed, and each emotion was shown twice, at random. on the second test 15 faces with the combination of two emotional expressions were shown without a time limit, and the subject had to name one of the emotions of the previous list. in this study, women perceived sad expressions better while men realized more happy faces. there was no significant difference in other emotions detection like anger, fear, surprise, disgust. Students of humanities and sciences areas of both sexes, when compared, had similar capacities to perceive emotional expressions


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This document is intended to be read by the Colombian Ministry of Social Protection (former MoH) and includes some recommendations that could be implemented on the aim to increase allocative efficiency, thus improving macroeconomic performance of the Colombian Health System (CHS). It will be conducted as follows: first it will briefly review the background and actual context of the CHS, after this, will mention some related issues that justify a policy intervention on strategic purchasing to promote long run sustainability and hopefully the future attainment of major goals such as universal coverage and quality improvement. After prioritizing the main financial threats to the system, based on findings from literature review from countries that have successfully implemented similar policies, this paper will make some policy recommendations on regards especially to inpatient health care services in Colombia.


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Se demuestra que las tasas de interés deben estar limitadas por la tasa de crecimiento del capital productivo, y que las consecuencias del desbordamiento del interés en un contexto de desmonetización de las economías es el principal factor de recesión, desempleo y malestar social generalizado de las naciones. Este fenómeno se analiza en el marco de economía global donde el endeudamiento y las tasas de interés son los principales mecanismos de expansión del capital financiero que avanza implacablemente en un esquema de reformas que asegura dicha expansión y garantizan su reproducción parasitaria generando crisis a expensas del desarrollo sostenible con paz y equidad de las naciones.


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Reseña del libro: Economía y Crisis Internacional Impacto en la República Argentina de Mario Damill, Roberto Frenkel, Daniel García Delgado, Juan Carlos Herrera, Jorge Remes Lenicov y Dante Sica. Director de la obra: Ignacio Chojo Ortiz. Buenos Aires: Edicon, Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 2010.


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In the public agenda in Latin America recall has gained of importance since the controversies generated by the votes in Venezuela (2004) and Bolivia (2008) in order to recall Presidents Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales, respectively (both attempts failed). However, it is on the local level where this institution got activated  most frequently and where it could be responsible for major political changes. In  this article, we analyze the introduction, use and consequences of the recall on  the local level in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. We briefly  discuss recall in the light of the current debate on representative democracy and its adoption as a mechanism of direct democracy (MDD) from ‘bottom-up’, initiated  by the citizens. Furthermore, we describe the context under which MDDs have proliferated in various places of the world. More specifically, we then continue  to explore where and in which context in Latin America recall was promoted  as an element of participatory democracy. Finally, we com  up with tentative conclusions about the potential and risks involved with this particular mechanism of direct democracy.


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This article attempts to assess the implications and the own character of the crisis of representation in Mexico. Once the topic framed and the long-term dynamics of Mexican political elites presented, this paper will attempt to understand why, despite the pluralization of the party system, there remain many questions about the truly democratic nature of the Mexican political system.


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El conflicto armado1 colombiano, se ha caracterizado por su duración y por ser uno de los pocos conflictos que se ha manejado internamente por más de cuarenta años. Desafortunadamente, el fortalecimiento desmedido de los grupos terroristas en los últimos años financiados, por dineros provenientes del secuestro, la extorsión y el narcotráfico, entre otros y las constantes violaciones a los DDHH e infracciones al DIH que se manifiestan en ataques indiscriminados a poblaciones; infraestructura vial, energética y eléctrica; amenazas de muerte, toma de secuestrados, desplazamientos forzados y desapariciones; entre otros métodos de terrorismo indiscriminado, han hecho que la Fuerza Pública colombiana2, en pro de la seguridad y el bienestar de sus habitantes, deba reaccionar a las agresiones del terrorismo, tal como hace mención el capítulo primero.


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Cómo un país latinoamericano, que prometía ser económica y socialmente exitoso y que había logrado colocarse dentro del grupo de las naciones desarrolladas del mundo, se derrumbó a pesar de contar con el apoyo del FMI


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El tema de la vivienda en los últimos años, con sus múltiples componentes, comenzando por el UPAC, se convirtió en la pesadilla más tormentosa para los colombianos, sin importar su condición social: muchos empresarios quebraron en la construcción


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En las Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo se proporcionan cuidados altamente especializados al paciente. Sin embargo en la práctica, en la mayoría de los casos se olvida y no se tiene en cuenta, la posibilidad de afrontamiento de crisis


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Establecer el régimen de responsabilidad de los administradores para lo cual se deben tener en cuenta las normas generales sobre responsabilidad mandato y representación sociedades etc e indagar si hay normas específicas en la legislación colombiana


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conjunto de propuestas específicas para salir de la crisis y para mejorar ese concepto de representatividad