26 resultados para cause related marketing

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää Roosanauha kampanjan tuotteiden ostoon liittyvää aikeen muodostumista kuluttajilla. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää onko aikeen muodostumisessa eroja uuden pinkin värin tai lahjoitus ominaisuuden osalta. Tutkimus toteutettiin sähköisenä kyselynä, jota analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin, lähinnä korrelaatioiden avulla. Tutkimus ei saavuttanut toivottua päämääräänsä lähinnä huonoksi jääneen vastausten kokonaismäärän vuoksi.Joitakin suuntaa antavia tuloksia pystyttiin kuitenkin tunnistamaan. Tuloksissa oli viitteitä lahjoitusominaisuuden tärkeydestä kuluttajille sekä vaaleanpunaiseen väriin positiivisesti asennoitumisesta. Kampanjan jatkoa ajatellen markkinoijien on syytä huomata tuloksissa ilmennyt värin tärkeä rooli sekä lahjoitusominaisuudelle painottunut sosiaalisten normien vahvuus.


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Työn tavoitteena oli saada selville ketkä ovat uuden tuotteen, eli kotihissin asiakkaat. Mitkä ovat tuotteen mahdollisuudet Suomen markkinoilla ja onko markkinoilla odotettavissa kasvua, sekä miten tähän mahdolliseen kasvuun päästäisiin käsiksi. Kotihissin ominaisuudet vaikuttavat siihen, että se on tarkoitettu asennettavaksi yksityisiin pientaloihin. Uuden tuotteen ansiosta KONE voi liittää nykyiseen vahvaan toimialaansa, eli kerrostaloihin, uuden aluevaltauksen; Pientalot. Tämä 'laajentuminen' tuo mukanaan kuluttajamarkkinoiden haasteet. Markkinatilanteen selvittämiseen käyttin jo olemassa olevaa tietoa hyväkseni; sanomalehdistä markkinatutkimuksiin. Asiakasryhmät kartoitin tutustumalla messutapahtumissa saatuihin kontakteihin. Päätutkimusmenetelmänä käytin haastatteluja. Niihin osallistui kaikkiaan 14 vastaajaa. He vasatsivat kysymyksiin ostomotiiveista ja tuotteesta. Eräs haastattelujen tärkeimmistä teemoista liittyi yhteydenpito- ja jakelukanaviin, joista 12 vastaajaa antoivat mielipiteitään. Työni tulokset viittaavat siihen, että markkinatilanne näyttää positiiviselta KONEen kannalta. Tutkimuksesta sain selville kotihissin asiakassegmentit ja myös miten nämä potentiaaliset asiakkaat saadaan tehokkaimmin tavoitettua.


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Diplomityö liittyy Accenturen projektiin, jossa kehitettiin asiakkaalle CMS Web-portaali, jonka tarkoitus on tarjota mekanismi tuote- ja kampanjainformaation luontiin ja hallintaan sekä hallita niihin liittyviä budjettiprosesseja yrityksen Intranetissä. Työn tavoitteena on kuvata CMS-portaalin kehitysprosessia ja koota projektin aikana saadut opit ja parannusehdotukset. Tavoitteena on myös esittää ideoita havaittujen ongelmien ehkäisemiseksi tulevissa projekteissa. Portaalin kehitysprojektinsuurimmat haasteet liittyivät tietojärjestelmien kehitysympäristöihin, portaali- ja sisällönhallintapuolen yhdistämiseen sekä tiimikehitykseen. Kun portaaliprojekti tehdään asiakkaan tiloissa, ei täyttä kontrollia kehitysympäristöistä voi saada. Jos kehitysympäristöjen kanssa on ongelmia, niistä on syytä kommunikoida selkeästi ja ammattimaisesti asiakkaan kehitysympäristöistä vastaavalle taholle. Yhteistyö ja hyvät henkilökohtaiset suhteet asiakkaan kanssaovat tärkeitä. Jos portaalin sisällönhallintatarpeet eivät ole erittäin rajoittuneet, on suositeltavaa käyttää erillistä sisällönhallintaohjelmistoa portaalin sisällön hallitsemiseksi. Pienemmillekin projekteille tämä mahdollistaa paremmat laajennusmahdollisuudet. Portaali- ja sisällönhallintapuolenyhdistäminen kannattaa tehdä ohjelmistojen tarjoajien ohjeiden mukaan ja yleisiä menettelytapoja noudattaen. Yleisillä menettelytavoilla tarkoitetaan portaalinja sisällönhallinnan yhdistämisessä sitä, että portaali vastaanottaa sisältöä sisällönhallintajärjestelmältä, mutta kaikki sisällön muokkaustoimenpiteet tehdään sisällönhallintajärjestelmän käyttöliittymän kautta. Jos mukautettuja menettelytapoja on käytettävä, näiden kehittämiselle on varattava niiden vaatima aika. Tällöin Web-palveluiden käyttöä kannattaa harkita, koska Web-palvelut auttavat ohjelmistojen yhdistämisessä etenkin, kun yhdistäminen tehdään mukautetusti. Kun portaali tehdään käyttäen tiimikehitystyötä, on käytettävä myös versionhallintajärjestelmää, jolla estetään päällekkäisten muutosten mahdollisuus. Kehitysprosessin yhdenmukaistamiseksi on erittäin suositeltavaa tehdä yleinen kehitysohjedokumentti. Lisäksi on huolehdittava siitä, että kaikki kehittäjät noudattavat yleisiä kehitysohjeita, jotta yhdenmukaisuuden mukanaan tuomat edut saavutetaan mahdollisimman hyvin.


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Alkyl ketene dimers (AKD) are effective and highly hydrophobic sizing agents for the internal sizing of alkaline papers, but in some cases they may form deposits on paper machines and copiers. In addition, alkenyl succinic anhydrides (ASA)- based sizing agents are highly reactive, producing on-machine sizing, but under uncontrolled wet end conditions the hydrolysis of ASA may cause problems. This thesis aims at developing an improved ketene dimer based sizing agent that would have a lower deposit formation tendency on paper machines and copiers than a traditional type of AKD. The aim is also to improve the ink jet printability of a AKD sized paper. The sizing characteristics ofketene dimers have been compared to those of ASA. A lower tendency of ketene dimer deposit formation was shown in paper machine trials and in printability tests when branched fatty acids were used in the manufacture of a ketene dimer basedsizing agent. Fitting the melting and solidification temperature of a ketene dimer size to the process temperature of a paper machine or a copier contributes to machine cleanliness. A lower hydrophobicity of the paper sized with branched ketene dimer compared to the paper sized with traditional AKD was discovered. However, the ink jet print quality could be improved by the use of a branched ketene dimer. The branched ketene dimer helps in balancing the paper hydrophobicity for both black and color printing. The use of a high amount of protective colloidin the emulsification was considered to be useful for the sizing performance ofthe liquid type of sizing agents. Similar findings were indicated for both the branched ketene dimer and ASA.


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Tämä pro gradu tutkielma esittää markkinointistrategian digitaaliselle matkapuhelinpalvelulle penetroiduttaessa uusille markkinoille. MegaFon on uuden sukupolven mobiilioperaattori, jolla on lukuisia teknlogiaan perustuvia etuisuuksia puolellaan. Markkinointistrategian perusteena asiakkaat on määritelty, paikallistettu ja analysoitu. Tämän lisäksi, palvelun positiointi, hinnoittelu- ja jakelukanavavaihtoehdot on myöskin analysoitu ja määritelty. Menestystekijöihin liittyvät kysymykset, myynnin jälkeiseen toimintaan liittyvät asiat on myös tutkittu. Teoreettiset aspektit liittyvät pääsääntöisesti uuden palvelun ja palveluiden lanseeramiseen (palvelu, palvelun elinkaariajattelu), niiden markkinointistrategioihin lanseerausvaiheessa ja markkinointikanavien päättämiseen. Tutkimuksessa on selitetty MegaFonin ennustamis- ja lähestymistavat, joilla on valotettu todellista markkinatilannetta. Tämän tutkielman informaatio on kerätty useista lähteistä, kuten: yleistä aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta, sisäisiä raportteja ja Megafonin materiaalia, yhteistyökumppaneiden aineistoa, Internettia ja muuta saatavilla olevaa materiaalia. Tuloksena on määritelty päätöksenteon avainkohdat ja osaltaan perinteiset lähestymistavat on kyseenalaistettu.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, mikä on palvelun laadun taso infocom sektorilla Suomessa, ja miten sitä voidaan parantaa. Teoriaosassa tavoitteeseen pyrittiin muodostamalla teoriakirjallisuuteen, tieteellisiin julkaisuihin sekä aikaisempaan aihealuetta sivuavaan tutkimukseen perustuva viitekehysmalli. Empiirisessä osassa tavoitetta lähestyttiin tutkimalla infocom sektorin kunkin toimialueen (telekommunikaatio, informaatio teknologia ja sisältötuotanto) palvelujen laatua case-kuvausten muodossa. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena multiple case -tutkimuksena teemahaastattelu-menetelmää soveltaen. Case-analyysi suorittiin käyttäen ns. explanation- building -menetelmää. Teoreettiset ja empiiriset tutkimustulokset yhdistettiin erityisiksi infocom sektorille soveltuviksi toimenpidesuosituksiksi. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus antoi tukea teoreettisen osuuden pohjalta kehitetylle viitekehykselle. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli case-analyysi- menetelmän mukaisesti luoda perusta syvemmälle aihepiiriä käsittelevälle jatkotutkimukselle ja luoda kuva infocom sektorin tämän hetkisestä laadullisesta tilasta. Yhteenvetona voidaan sanoa, että laatu palvelujen markkinoinnissa infocom sektorilla on suhteellisen heikkoa, vaikka tutkimusaineiston mukaan laatu arvostetaan hyvin korkealle. Yritysten tämänhetkiset panostukset laatuun liittyvät lähinnä liiketoiminnan tukifunktioihin ja prosessien ohjausmenetelmiä koskeviin järjestelmiin. Tutkimuksen pohjalta tehtävät varsinaiset toimenpidesuositukset liittyvät laadun sisäistämiseen jo strategiaa luotaessa, asiakaslähtöisyyteen, laatujohtamiseen, laatukoulutukseen ja kokonaisvaltaisen laatukulttuurin luomiseen organisaatioissa. Turbulentissa, nopeasti kansainvälistyvässä ja erittäin voimakkaasti kilpaillussa liiketoimintaympäristössä nämä ovat elintärkeitä menestymisen kriteerejä.


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Tavoitteena on tutkia kuluttajille suunnatun markkinointiviestinnän lokalisointia Internetissä uuden tuotteen lanseerauksen yhteydessä. Vaikka Internet on globaali media, sen haasteena on tarjota paikallisesti kuluttajille merkityksellistä sisältöä, sekä ylläpitää yhtenäistä brandia. Tutkimus on toteutettu deskriptiivisenä tapaustutkimuksena globaalissa tietoliikenneyrityksessä, ja se perustuu haastatteluihin sekä valmiiseen aineistoon. Lyhentyneet kulutuselektroniikan elinkaaret, nopeat tuotelanseeraukset, kasvava yhteistyö ulkopuolisten kumppanien kanssa sekä markkinointiviestinnän integraation tarve aiheuttavat ajoitusongelmia lokalisointiin. Yhtenäinen web infrastruktuuri, työkalut ja globaalit prosessit mahdollistavat kustannustehokkaan lokalisoinnin business-tilanteen muuttuessa ja kultturieroista johtuen. Tässä tutkimuksessa on selvitetty neljän tekijän (ympäristö, tuote, kuluttaja, organisaatiostrategia) vaikutusta lokalisointiin. Jotta maiden parhaita menettelytapoja voidaan hyödyntää nykyistä paremmin ja välttää kultturierojen sivuuttaminen, tarvitaan sekä ’virallista’ että vapaamuotoista seurantaa. Globaalin Internet-sivuston ja lukuisten kansallisten sivustojen ylläpitäminen vaatii Internet-sivustojen fokuksen tarkkaa noudattamista, globaalia segmentointia, ja sen mukaista sisällön tarjontaa kuluttajille.


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The objective of the thesis was to explore the nature and characteristics of customer-related internal communication in a global industrial matrix organization during a specific customer relationship, and how it could be improved. The theoretical part of the study views the field of the concepts of intra-organizational information and knowledge sharing. The theoretical part also views the internal communications influences to customer relationships, its problematic, and the suggestions to improve internal communication in literature. The empirical part of the study was conducted with the Content Analysis and the Social Network Analysis as research methods. The data was collected by interviews and a questionnaire. Internal communication was observed first generally within the organization from the point of view of a certain business, and secondly, during a specific customer relationship at personal level and at departmental level. The results of the study describe the nature and characteristics of internal communication in the organization. The results give 13 suggestions for improving internal communication in the organization. Although the study has been done in one specific organization, it also offers insights for other organizations as well as managers to improve their internal communication.


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The present study explores relationships between project marketers and their customers in project marketing context. The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding on supplier’s position in project marketing networks. Project marketing is representing a high volume in the international business, and the industrial network approach and the project marketing research cannot fully explain a supplier’s position in project marketing networks. Increased knowledge on project networks can also contribute to industrial marketing research more generally. Data for the present study was collected firstly during the pilot case study from project buyers in the paper and the steel industry in interviews. Secondly an entire project marketing case concerning a steel industry case was used as a data source. The data included interviews, correspondence between the supplier and the buyer, and project documents. The data of the pilot case was analysed with contents analysis, and in the case a deeper analysis based on the developed Stage Dimension framework was used. Supplier’s position in project marketing networks is a hierarchical and dynamic concept including a supplier’s position on the highest level. The dimensions of the position concept are the intermediate level, and the dimensions are based on the underlying components. Supplier’s position is composed from four organization related dimensions, and two individual actor related dimensions. The composition of the supplier’s position varies during the project marketing process, and consequently the relative importance of the dimensions is changing over the process. Supplier’s position in project marketing networks is shaped by incremental and radical changes. Radical changes are initiated by critical events. The study contributes to the research of industrial networks and project marketing. The theoretical contribution of the study is threefold: firstly it proposes a structure of the position concept in project marketing networks, secondly it proposes the Position Stage Dimension Component (PSDC) model for the development of supplier’s position during the project marketing process, and thirdly the study widens the critical event concept to cover the project marketing process both on the organizational and individual level. In addition to the theoretical contributions there are several managerial implications for planning and implementing marketing strategies in the project context.


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This study focuses on the phenomenon of customer reference marketing in a business tobusiness (B to B) context. Although customer references are generally considered an important marketing and sales tool, the academic literature has paid surprisingly little attention to the phenomenon. The study suggests that customer references could be viewed as important marketing assets for industrial suppliers, and the ability to build, manage and leverage customer reference portfolios systematically constitutes a relevant marketing capability. The role of customer references is examined in the context of the industrial suppliers' shift towards a solution and project orientation and in the light of the on going changes in the project business. Suppliers in several industry sectors are undergoing a change from traditional equipment manufacturing towards project and solution oriented business. It is argued in this thesis that the high complexity, the project oriented nature and the intangible service elements that characterise many contemporary B to B offerings further increase the role of customer references. The study proposes three mechanisms of customer reference marketing: status transfer, validation through testimonials and the demonstration of experience and prior performance. The study was conducted in the context of Finnish B to B process technology and information technology companies. The empirical data comprises 38 interviews with managers of four case companies, 165 customer reference descriptions gathered from six case companies' Web sites, as well as company internal material. The findings from the case studies show that customer references have various external and internal functions that contribute to the growth and performance of B to B firms. Externally, customer references bring status transfer effects from reputable customers, concretise and demonstrate complex solutions, and provide indirect evidence of experience, previous performance, technological functionality and delivered customer value. They can also be leveraged internally to facilitate organisational learning and training, advance offering development, and motivate personnel. Major reference projects create new business opportunities and can be used as a vehicle for strategic change. The findings of the study shed light on the on going changing orientations in the project business environment, increase understanding of the variety of ways in which customer references can be deployed as marketing assets, and provide a framework of the relevant tasks and activities related to building, managing and leveraging a firm's customer reference portfolio. The findings contribute to the industrial marketing research, to the literature on marketing assets and capabilities and to the literature on projects and solutions. The proposed functions and mechanisms of customer reference marketing bring a more thorough and structured understanding about the essence and characteristics of the phenomenon and give a wide ranging view of the role of customer references as marketing assets for B to B firms. The study suggests several managerial implications for industrial suppliers in order to systematise customer reference marketing efforts.


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Deregulation of the electricity sector liberated the electricity sale and production for competitive forces while in the network business, electricity transmission and distribution, natural monopoly positions were recognised. Deregulation was accompanied by efficiencyoriented thinking on the whole electricity supply industry. For electricity distribution this meant a transition from a public service towards profit-driven business guided by economic regulation. Regulation is the primary means to enforce societal and other goals in the regulated monopoly sector. The design of economic regulation is concerned with two main attributes; end-customer price and quality of electricity distribution services. Regulation limits the costs of the regulated company but also defines the desired quality of monopoly services. The characteristics of the regulatory framework and the incentives it provides are therefore decisive for the electricity distribution sector. Regulation is not a static factor; changes in the regulatory practices cause discontinuity points, which in turn generate risks. A variety of social and environmental concerns together with technological advancements have emphasised the relevance of quality regulation, which is expected to lead to the large-scale replacement of overhead lines with underground cables. The electricity network construction activity is therefore currently witnessing revolutionary changes in its competitive landscape. In a business characterised by high statutory involvement and a high level of sunk costs, recognising and understanding the regulatory risks becomes a key success factor. As a response, electricity distribution companies have turned into outsourcing to attain efficiency and quality goals. This doctoral thesis addresses the impacts of regulatory risks on electricity network construction, which is a commonly outsourced activity in the electricity distribution network sector. The chosen research approach is characterised as an action analytical research on account of the fact that regulatory risks are greatly dependent on the individual nature of the regulatory regime applied in the electricity distribution sector. The main contribution of this doctoral thesis is to develop a concept for recognising and managing the business risks stemming from economic regulation. The degree of outsourcing in the sector is expected to increase in years to come. The results of the research provide new knowledge to manage the regulatory risks when outsourcing services.


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Mix marketing and relationships marketing are two major approaches that often form a basis for organizational marketing planning. The superiority of these approaches has been debated for long without any rational conclusion. Lately there have been studies indicating that both of the major approaches are many times used side by side in marketing planning. There have been also studies suggesting that even combining the mix marketing and relationship marketing approaches might be possible. The aim of this thesis is to provide knowledge about the usage of mix marketing and relationship marketing approaches in organizations and possibilities in combining the approaches. Also a settlement of strengths, weaknesses and risks of combining is intended to provide. The objectives were met through the literature and a case study research. In the case study, interviews were conducted in order to gain a deeper knowledge about marketing planning in various organizations. Based on this study, the combining of the major marketing approaches will be possible and even recommended when keeping in mind few aspects which might cause some troubles in the combining process.


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The aim of the present dissertation is to investigate the marketing culture of research libraries in Finland and to understand the awareness of the knowledge base of library management concerning modern marketing theories and practices. The study was based onthe notion that a leader in an organisation can have large impact on its culture. Therefore, it was considered important to learn about the market orientation that initiates at the top management and flows throughout the whole organisationthus resulting in a particular kind of library culture. The study attempts to examine the marketing culture of libraries by analysing the marketing attitudes, knowledge (underlying beliefs, values and assumptions), behaviour (market orientation), operational policies and activities, and their service performance (customer satisfaction). The research was based on the assumption that if the top management of libraries has market oriented behaviour, then their marketing attitudes, knowledge, operational policies and activities and service performance should also be in accordance. The dissertation attempts to connect all these theoretical threads of marketing culture. It investigates thirty three academic and special libraries in the south of Finland. The library director and three to ten customers from each library participated as respondents in this study. An integrated methodological approach of qualitative as well as quantitative methods was used to gain knowledge on the pertinent issues lying behind the marketing culture of research libraries. The analysis of the whole dissertation reveals that the concept of marketing has very varied status in the Finnish research libraries. Based on the entire findings, three kinds of marketing cultures were emerged: the strong- the high fliers; the medium- the brisk runners; and the weak- the slow walkers. The high fliers appeared to be modern marketing believers as their marketing approach was customer oriented and found to be closer to the emerging notions of contemporary relational marketing. The brisk runners were found to be traditional marketing advocates as their marketing approach is more `library centred¿than customer defined and thus is in line of `product orientation¿ i.e. traditional marketing. `Let the interested customers come to the library¿ was appeared to be the hallmark of the slow walkers. Application of conscious market orientation is not reflected in the library activities of the slow walkers. Instead their values, ideology and approach to serving the library customers is more in tuneof `usual service oriented Finnish way¿. The implication of the research is that it pays to be market oriented which results in higher customer satisfaction oflibraries. Moreover, it is emphasised that the traditional user based service philosophy of Finnish research libraries should not be abandoned but it needs to be further developed by building a relational based marketing system which will help the libraries to become more efficient and effective from the customers¿ viewpoint. The contribution of the dissertation lies in the framework showing the linkages between the critical components of the marketing culture of a library: antecedents, market orientation, facilitators and consequences. The dissertationdelineates the significant underlying dimensions of market-oriented behaviour of libraries which are namely customer philosophy, inter-functional coordination,strategic orientation, responsiveness, pricing orientation and competition orientation. The dissertation also showed the extent to which marketing attitudes, behaviour, knowledge were related and impact of market orientation on the serviceperformance of libraries. A strong positive association was found to exist between market orientation and marketing attitudes and knowledge. Moreover, it also shows that a higher market orientation is positively connected with the service performance of libraries, the ultimate result being higher customer satisfaction. The analysis shows that a genuine marketing culture represents a synthesis of certain marketing attitudes, knowledge and of selective practices. This finding is particularly significant in the sense that it manifests that marketing culture consists of a certain sets of beliefs and knowledge (which form a specific attitude towards marketing) and implementation of a certain set of activities that actually materialize the attitude of marketing into practice (market orientation) leading to superior service performance of libraries.


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The purpose of the Thesis was to evaluate the business environment of electrical vehicle charging equipment (EVSE) in USA, find the key issues of entering the US EVSE markets and to form a marketing plan for possible market entry. The external market research analyzed the environment, customers, competitors and demand of EVSEs. In the internal analysis the focus was on resources and capabilities, offering, performance, business relations and US related issues. The research about the business environment was done using already available information from market studies and seminars. In external analysis there were also two semi-structured interviews from market experts used. The internal analysis was done mostly by interviews, but also company’s internal data sources were used. The interviews were semi-constructed and included eight interviewees from each part of EVSE value chain. The research findings were analyzed using SWOT analysis, which was converted to a so called TOWS matrix for extracting strategies. As a result of the Thesis, valuable information about the US markets and their requirements for EVSEs was gained. By matching the strengths of the case company and market requirements, customer segmentation and targeting were done and a marketing plan was constructed for the case company to help their management to evaluate the feasibility of possible market entry and investments to USA.


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Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a marker that is commonly used in estimating prostate cancer risk. Prostate cancer is usually a slowly progressing disease, which might not cause any symptoms whatsoever. Nevertheless, some cases of cancer are aggressive and need to be treated before they become life-threatening. However, the blood PSA concentration may rise also in benign prostate diseases and using a single total PSA (tPSA) measurement to guide the decision on further examinations leads to many unnecessary biopsies, over-detection, and overtreatment of indolent cancers which would not require treatment. Therefore, there is a need for markers that would better separate cancer from benign disorders, and would also predict cancer aggressiveness. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether intact and nicked forms of free PSA (fPSA-I and fPSA-N) or human kallikrein-related peptidase 2 (hK2) could serve as new tools in estimating prostate cancer risk. First, the immunoassays for fPSA-I and free and total hK2 were optimized so that they would be less prone to assay interference caused by interfering factors present in some blood samples. The optimized assays were shown to work well and were used to study the marker concentrations in the clinical sample panels. The marker levels were measured from preoperative blood samples of prostate cancer patients scheduled for radical prostatectomy. The association of the markers with the cancer stage and grade was studied. It was found that among all tested markers and their combinations especially the ratio of fPSA-N to tPSA and ratio of free PSA (fPSA) to tPSA were associated with both cancer stage and grade. They might be useful in predicting the cancer aggressiveness, but further follow-up studies are necessary to fully evaluate the significance of the markers in this clinical setting. The markers tPSA, fPSA, fPSA-I and hK2 were combined in a statistical model which was previously shown to be able to reduce unnecessary biopsies when applied to large screening cohorts of men with elevated tPSA. The discriminative accuracy of this model was compared to models based on established clinical predictors in reference to biopsy outcome. The kallikrein model and the calculated fPSA-N concentrations (fPSA minus fPSA-I) correlated with the prostate volume and the model, when compared to the clinical models, predicted prostate cancer in biopsy equally well. Hence, the measurement of kallikreins in a blood sample could be used to replace the volume measurement which is time-consuming, needs instrumentation and skilled personnel and is an uncomfortable procedure. Overall, the model could simplify the estimation of prostate cancer risk. Finally, as the fPSA-N seems to be an interesting new marker, a direct immunoassay for measuring fPSA-N concentrations was developed. The analytical performance was acceptable, but the rather complicated assay protocol needs to be improved until it can be used for measuring large sample panels.