8 resultados para adolescence, delinquency, alexithymia, emotions, family structure
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia kahdeksan vuoden iässä arvioitujen perhetekijöiden, psyykkisten oireiden ja kiusaamiskäyttäytymisen yhteyttä äidiksi tulemiseen alle 20-vuotiaana, isäksi tulemiseen alle 22-vuotiaana ja raskaudenkeskeytyksen tekemiseen alle 29-vuotiaana. Tutkimus perustui suomalaiseen LAPSET-kohorttiin, joka on yleisväestöotos (n=5813) vuonna 1981 syntyneistä henkilöistä. Vuonna 1989 tutkittavat sekä heidän vanhempansa ja opettajansa vastasivat psyykkistä oireilua ja kiusaamista koskeviin kyselyihin. Vanhemmat antoivat tietoa myös perhetekijöistä ja opettajat koulumenestyksestä. Tiedot tyttöjen (n=2694, 94 % osallistuneista tytöistä) synnytyksistä ja raskaudenkeskeytyksistä kerättiin hoitoilmoitusrekisteristä ja raskaudenkeskeyttämisrekisteristä. Poikien (n=2721, 92 % osallistuneista pojista) osalta nuorena isäksi tuleminen selvitettiin väestötietojärjestelmästä. Nuorten äitien tyttäret tulivat vanhempien äitien tyttäriä todennäköisemmin nuorena äidiksi ja nuorten isien pojat nuorena isäksi. Matalasti koulutettujen äitien pojilla oli kohonnut todennäköisyys nuorena isäksi tulemiseen ja tyttärillä raskaudenkeskeytykseen. Muu kuin kahden biologisen vanhemman muodostama perherakenne oli yhteydessä nuorena äidiksi tulemiseen ja raskaudenkeskeytykseen. Lapsuuden käytösongelmat olivat yhteydessä nuorena vanhemmaksi tulemiseen sekä raskaudenkeskeytykseen. Ylivilkkaus oli yhteydessä nuorena äidiksi tulemiseen. Tytöistä ne, jotka olivat kiusaajia tai kiusaaja-kiusattuja, tulivat todennäköisimmin nuorena äidiksi ja pojista kiusaaja-kiusatut nuorena isäksi. Kiusaaminen ei ollut yhteydessä raskaudenkeskeytyksen tekemiseen. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää terveydenhuollossa kohdattaessa nuoria vanhempia ja muita nuoria. Lisäksi niillä voi olla merkitystä esimerkiksi suunniteltaessa toimenpiteitä, joiden tavoitteena on nuorten epätoivottujen raskauksien ehkäiseminen.
Nuorten tunneilmaisun yhteys psyykkiseen oireiluun Aleksitymialla tarkoitetaan persoonallisuuden piirteistöä, jolle on tyypillistä heikko kyky tunnistaa ja ilmaista tunteita sekä vähäinen mielikuvitus ja konkreettinen, ulkokohtainen ajattelutapa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella aleksitymian yhteyttä psyykkiseen oireiluun nuorilla sekä tutkia aleksitymian kehittymiselle altistavia yksilöllisiä lapsuudenaikaisia tekijöitä. Tutkimusaineisto koostui aiempaan nuorten syömishäiriöoireilua tarkastelevaan tutkimukseen osallistuneista nuorista (n = 320) ja heille satunnaisotannalla poimituista verrokeista (n = 640). Seurantakyselyssä käytettiin vastaajan itsensä täytettäviä mittareita ja aineisto kerättiin postikyselynä. Yhteensä 729 henkilöä (78 %) palautti lomakkeen täytettynä, muodostaen näin lopullisen tutkimusaineiston. Tyttöjä vastanneista oli 74 % ja poikia 26 %. Aineiston keski-ikä oli 19 vuotta tämän tutkimuksen aikaan. Aineistosta oli käytettävissä neuvolatiedot syntymästä lähtien. Tutkimusaineistossa todettiin aleksitymian yleisyydeksi tytöillä 8,2 % ja pojilla 8,5 %. Sukupuolten välillä ei todettu eroa 20-osioisella Toronto Alexithymia Scale-kyselyllä (TAS-20) pistemäärissä (tytöillä 44.7 ja pojilla 46.0). Syömishäiriöoireiden todettiin olevan yleisempiä aleksityymisillä nuorilla verrattuna ei-aleksityymisiin. Syömishäiriöoireita mitattiin SCOFF-mittarilla (“Sick”, “Control”, “One”, “Fat”, “Food”). Aleksityymisten nuorten keskimääräinen SCOFF-pistemäärä oli merkitsevästi korkeampi kuin ei-aleksityymisten ja SCOFF-positiivisten (pistemäärä vähintään 2) osuus oli aleksityymisten ryhmässä kolminkertainen ei-aleksityymisten ryhmään verrattuna. Myös ahdistuneisuuden todettiin olevan yhteydessä aleksitymiaan nuorilla. Ahdistuneisuutta mitattiin State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-mittarilla (STAI) ja lisäksi mitattiin masennusoireita ja alkoholinkäyttöä. Aleksityymisten nuorten STAI-pisteet olivat merkitsevästi korkeammat kuin eialeksityymisten. Ahdistuneet aleksityymiset nuoret olivat myös yleisemmin masentuneita ja käyttivät runsaammin alkoholia kuin yhtä ahdistuneet ei-aleksityymiset nuoret. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin aleksitymian yhteyttä sosiaaliseen tukeen sekä koettuun vanhempien hoivaan ja ylisuojelevaisuuteen. Käytetyt mittarit olivat Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support ja Parental Bonding Instrument. Aleksitymia oli merkitsevästi yhteydessä sekä heikompaan koettuun sosiaaliseen tukeen – erityisesti ystäviltä saatavaan − että korkeampaan vanhempien ylisuojelevaisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin 5-vuotisneuvolatarkastuksen tietoja sen arviointiin, mitkä kehitykselliset tekijät saattavat olla yhteydessä aleksitymian ilmenemiseen. Puheenkehityksen ongelmien todettiin olevan miehillä selvästi yhteydessä aleksitymiaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella aleksityymisillä nuorilla esiintyy ei-aleksityymisiin ikätovereihin verrattuna selvästi yleisemmin psyykkisiä oireita. Koska aleksitymia heikentää hoitovastetta todennäköisesti myös nuorilla, tulisi aleksitymian mahdollisuus selvittää tehokkaasti psyykkisesti oireilevilla nuorilla. Lisääntyvä tutkimustieto aleksitymian kehittymisestä mahdollistaa riskitapausten varhaisemman tunnistamisen ja tilanteeseen puuttumisen.
Family-based dietary intervention in the STRIP study – influences on diet and diet-related attitudes
The focus of this dissertation was to investigate the effects of family-based dietary intervention during childhood and adolescence. The participants comprised of children and parents who participated in a longitudinal, randomised atherosclerosis prevention trial (STRIP study). The intervention families (n=540) took part in a dietary intervention since the child’s age of 8- months. The control group (n=522) did not receive any tailored dietary intervention. The main focus of the intervention was to improve the quality of dietary fat. The diet of children and parents was evaluated by daily food records and dietrelated attitudes by a questionnaire. The dietary intervention influenced, favourably, the dietary fat quality in children and parents. Fat quality improved mainly by the decrease of saturated fat intake. Some minor effects of the intervention were also observed in children’s fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption although the F&V consumption was very low. The intervention increased parental interest in healthy eating, but there was no difference in interest in natural products or in attitudes towards hedonic eating attitudes between the intervention and control parents. Parents’ interest in healthy eating associated with parents’ and children’s high fruit and vegetable consumption but not with their fat quality ratio. On the other hand, dietary fat quality improved at every level of interest in healthy eating. It seems that the main target of the intervention, the dietary fat quality of the children, was promoted effectively. In the future, more emphasis should be given on increasing unsaturated fat intake and on elevating F&V consumption in children. Children’s diet, especially F&V consumption, associated with diet-related attitudes of the parents. Therefore, co-operation with parents and family-based premises for working should be capitalized upon when promoting healthy eating in children and adolescents.
Cyanobacteria are unicellular, non-nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes, which perform photosynthesis similarly as higher plants. The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is used as a model organism in photosynthesis research. My research described herein aims at understanding the function of the photosynthetic machinery and how it responds to changes in the environment. Detailed knowledge of the regulation of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria can be utilized for biotechnological purposes, for example in the harnessing of solar energy for biofuel production. In photosynthesis, iron participates in electron transfer. Here, we focused on iron transport in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 and particularly on the environmental regulation of the genes encoding the FutA2BC ferric iron transporter, which belongs to the ABC transporter family. A homology model built for the ATP-binding subunit FutC indicates that it has a functional ATPbinding site as well as conserved interactions with the channel-forming subunit FutB in the transporter complex. Polyamines are important for the cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In plants, polyamines have special roles in stress response and in plant survival. The polyamine metabolism in cyanobacteria in response to environmental stress is of interest in research on stress tolerance of higher plants. In this thesis, the potd gene encoding an polyamine transporter subunit from Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 was characterized for the first time. A homology model built for PotD protein indicated that it has capability of binding polyamines, with the preference for spermidine. Furthermore, in order to investigate the structural features of the substrate specificity, polyamines were docked into the binding site. Spermidine was positioned very similarly in Synechocystis PotD as in the template structure and had most favorable interactions of the docked polyamines. Based on the homology model, experimental work was conducted, which confirmed the binding preference. Flavodiiron proteins (Flv) are enzymes, which protect the cell against toxicity of oxygen and/or nitric oxide by reduction. In this thesis, we present a novel type of photoprotection mechanism in cyanobacteria by the heterodimer of Flv2/Flv4. The constructed homology model of Flv2/Flv4 suggests a functional heterodimer capable of rapid electron transfer. The unknown protein sll0218, encoded by the flv2-flv4 operon, is assumed to facilitate the interaction of the Flv2/Flv4 heterodimer and energy transfer between the phycobilisome and PSII. Flv2/Flv4 provides an alternative electron transfer pathway and functions as an electron sink in PSII electron transfer.
Extant research on exchange-listed firms has acknowledged that the concentration of ownership and the identity of owners make a difference. In addition, studies indicate that firms with a dominant owner outperform firms with dispersed ownership. During the last few years, scholars have identified one group of owners, in particular, whose ownership stake in publicly listed firm is positively related to performance: the business family. While acknowledging that family firms represent a unique organizational form, scholars have identified various concepts and theories in order to understand how the family influences organizational processes and firm performance. Despite multitude of research, scholars have not been able to present clear results on how firm performance is actually impacted by the family. In other words, studies comparing the performance of listed family and other types of firms have remained descriptive in nature since they lack empirical data and confirmation from the family business representatives. What seems to be missing is a convincing theory that links the involvement and behavioral consequences. Accordingly, scholars have not yet come to a mutual understanding of what precisely constitutes a family business. The variety of different definitions and theories has made comparability of different results difficult for instance. These two issues have hampered the development of a rigorous theory of family business. The overall objective of this study is to describe and understand how the family as a dominant owner can enhance firm performance, and can act a source of sustainable success in listed companies. In more detail, in order to develop understanding of the unique factors that can act as competitive advantages for listed family firms, this study is based on a qualitative approach and aims at theory development, not theory verification. The data in this study consist of 16 thematic interviews with CEOs, members of the board, supervisory board chairs, and founders of Finnish listed-family firms. The study consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic, research paradigm, methods, and publications, and also discusses the overall outcomes and contributions of the publications. The second part consists of four publications that address the research questions from different viewpoints. The analyses of this study indicate that family ownership in listed companies represents a structure that differs from the traditional views of agency and stewardship, as well as from resource-based and stakeholder views. As opposed to these theories and shareholder capitalism which consider humans as individualistic, opportunistic, and self-serving, and assume that the behaviors of an investor are based on the incentives and motivations to maximize private profits, the family owners form a collective social unit that is motivated to act together toward their mutual purpose or benefit. In addition, socio-emotional and psychological elements of ownership define the family members as owners, rather than the legal and financial dimensions of ownership. That is, collective psychological ownership of family over the business (F-CPO) can be seen as a construct that comprehensively captures the fusion between the family and the business. Moreover, it captures the realized, rather than merely potential, family influence on and interaction with the business, and thereby brings more theoretical clarity of the nature of the fusion between the family and the business, and offers a solution to the problem of family business definition. This doctoral dissertation provides academics, policy-makers, family business practitioners, and the society at large with many implications considering family and business relationships.
In my PhD Thesis, I study the conceptions and representation of emotions in medieval 13th and 14th-century Iceland. I have used Icelandic saga literature as my source material and Icelandic Family sagas (Íslendingasögur) as my main sources. Firstly, I wished to explore in my study the medieval Icelandic folk theory of emotions: what emotions were thought to be, from what they originated and how they operated? Secondly, in earlier research it has been shown that emotions were seldom described in Íslendingasögur. They were mostly represented in dialogue, poetry or in somatic changes (e.g. turning pale). Consequently, I examined whether medieval Icelanders had alternative emotion discourses in literature, in addition to the usual manner of representation. My study consists of qualitative case studies, and I have analysed the sources intertextually. I suggest that medieval Icelanders regarded emotions as movements of the mind. The mind existed in the heart. As a consequence, emotions were considered physical in nature. The human body and therefore also the human mind was considered porous: if the mind of the person was not strong enough, supernatural agents and forces could penetrate theboundaries of his/her body as winds or sharp projectiles. Correspondingly, minds of strong-willed people could penetrate the minds of others. As a result, illness and emotions could upspring. People did not always distinguish between emotions and physical illnesses. Excessive emotions could cause illness, even death. Especially fear, grief and emotions of moral responsibility (e.g. guilt) made people vulnerable to the supernatural influence. Guilt was considered part of the emotional experience of misfortune (ógæfa), and in literature guilt could also be represented as eye pain that was inflicted upon the sufferer by a supernatural agent in a dream. Consequently, supernatural forces and beings were part of the upspring of emotions, but also part of the representation of emotions in literature: They caused the emotion but their presence also represented the emotional turmoil in the lives of the people that the supernatural agents harassed; emotions that had followed from norm transgressions, betrayal and other forms of social disequilibrium. Medieval readers and listeners of the Íslendingasögur were used to interpreting such different layers of meaning in texts.
The purpose of this study was to analyze emotions related to a child’s critical illness from the perspective of the family and discuss the link those emotions might form with value creation. High quality service is of paramount importance in hospital care, especially when a child is diagnosed with critical illness. Through the analysis of patient family emotions and their triggers, the study was aiming to deepen the understanding of value creation for customer. Therefore, the research sought to find answers to the following three sub-questions: 1. What are the emotions experienced? 2. What triggers them? 3. How are the emotions linked to amelioration or aggravation of value for patient and family? The theoretical background of this research is built on two core concepts: emotions and value creation. As both concepts are wide and multifaceted, the research concentrates on viewing emotions from the applicable cognitive angle, identifying and categorizing emotions in a general level. Value creation is studied from the service perspective, discussing the possible relations between emotions and value creation. Moreover, the suitability of views regarding customer value co-creation to health care encounters is analyzed. Qualitative approach was selected as the most appropriate methodology for conducting the empirical research. The empirical data was collected from public blogs, for which a total of 18 blogs were reviewed. Five blogs were selected for the analysis, which had the intent of identifying the emotions experienced by patient families and deepening the knowledge of their role in value creation during health care service encounters. The empirical study of this research discovered a wide range of positive and negative emotions, which denotes that a severe life situation does not prevent the feeling of positive emotions. Furthermore, by combining the empirical findings to the theoretical background, this study concludes that recognizing and treating the patient family as a partner and value creator is essential. The high quality technical aspect of care is vital, but it is not the sole attribute for service quality, as the interpersonal communication plays a large role in the customer’s overall assessment of the health care performance. The patients and their families largely evaluate the service encounter based on their perceptions, thus emotions play a significant role. Depending on the service experience, value maybe created or destructed. Hence, this study posits emotion at the core of the service encounter, indicating towards the importance of active assessment of customer perceptions and the recognition of the emotional states
The protein Ezrin, is a member of the ERM family (Ezrin, Radixin and Moesin) that links the F-actin to the plasma membrane. The protein is made of three domains namely the FERM domain, a central α-helical domain and the CERMAD domain. The residues in Ezrin such as Ser66, Tyr145, Tyr353 and Tyr477 regulate the function of the protein through phosphorylation. The protein is found in two distinct conformations of active and dormant (inactive) state. The initial step during the conformation change is the breakage of intramolecular interaction in dormant Ezrin by phosphorylation of residue Thr567. The dormant structure of human Ezrin was predicted computationally since only partial active form structure was available. The validation analysis showed that 99.7% residues were positioned in favored, allowed and generously allowed regions of the Ramachandran plot. The Z-score of Ezrin was −7.36, G-factor was 0.1, and the QMEAN score of the model was 0.61 indicating a good model for human Ezrin. The comparison of the conformations of the activated and dormant Ezrin showed a major shift in the F2 lobe (residues 142-149 and 161-177) while changes in the conformation induced mobility shifts in lobe F3 (residues 261 to 267). The 3D positions of the phosphorylation sites Tyr145, Tyr353, Tyr477, Tyr482 and Thr567 were also located. Using targeted molecular dynamic simulation, the molecular movements during conformational change from active to dormant were visualized. The dormant Ezrin auto-inhibits itself by a head-to-tail interaction of the N-terminal and C-terminal residues. The trajectory shows the breakage of the interactions and mobility of the CERMAD domain away from the FERM domain. Protein docking and clustering analysis were used to predict the residues involved in the interaction between dormant Ezrin and mTOR. Residues Tyr477 and Tyr482 were found to be involved in interaction with mTOR.