10 resultados para Work Satisfaction

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Ammatti-identiteetti luo pohjan henkilÃn ammattitaidolle, oman, henkilÃkohtaisen ammatillisen osaamisen arvostamiselle sekä koko ammattikuvalle, sille millaisena tyÃntekijänä jokainen itsensä näkee. Vahva ammatti-identiteetti aikaansaa positiivisen takaisinkytkennän, kun hyvin tehdyn tyÃn seurauksena saadaan kannustavaa palautetta, mikä kasvattaa itsetuntoa, joka puolestaan luo positiivinen omakuvan, jonka seurauksena syntyy vahva ammatti-identiteetti. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää millä tavoin ammatti-identiteetti rakentuu ja muotoutuu, ja millaisia ovat sitä muovaavat tekijät. Samalla pyritään selvittämään millainen merkitys ammatti-identiteetillä on tyÃn suorittamiseen, tyÃssä viihtymiseen sekä omaan näkemykseen itsestään tietyn alan ammattilaisena. Tutkimuksen kontekstina on terveydenhoitoala, ja empiriassa tutkitaan sairaanhoitajien ammatti-identiteettiä. Tutkimuksen perusteella näyttää siltä, että sairaanhoitajat arvostavat ammattiaan ja ammattitaitoaan huolimatta yhteiskunnallisesta aliarvostuksesta. Tämä tukee käsitystä sairaanhoitajien vahvasta ammatti-identiteetistä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että sairaanhoitajan ammatti-identiteetti on moniulotteinen ilmiÃ. Ammatti-identiteetti ei ole irrallinen henkilÃn persoonallisesta identiteetistä, vaan ne tukevat toinen toistaan.


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Tämän Pro Gradu âtutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia, onko tyÃponnistuksen ja organisaation uudistumiskyvyn välillä yhteyttä. Lisäksi selvitettiin, vaikuttavatko tyÃtyytyväisyys, tyÃmotivaatio ja henkilÃkohtainen uudistumiskyky organisaation uudistumiskykyyn. Niiden yhteys selvitettiin myÃs tyÃponnistukseen. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kahta erilaista tiedonhankintaa. Esimerkkiyritykselle tehtiin määrällinen tutkimuskysely. Lisäksi tehtiin kolme puolistruktuoitua ryhmähaastattelua. MyÃs kolme yksikÃnjohtajaa haastateltiin. Tutkielma antoi selkeän todisteen siitä, että tyÃponnistuksella ja organisaation uudistumiskyvyllä on yhteys toisiinsa. Vielä vahvempi yhteys lÃytyi tyÃmotivaation ja uudistumiskyvyn välillä. HenkilÃkohtaisen uudistumiskyvyn ja organisaation uudistumiskyvyn välillä oli hyvin heikko yhteys. Vielä heikompi oli sen yhteys tyÃponnistukseen. TyÃtyytyväisyys korreloi hyvin vahvasti tyÃponnistuksen kanssa, mutta sen suhde organisaation uudistumiskykyyn oli selvästi huonompi kuin tyÃmotivaation ja tyÃponnistuksen. Esimerkkiorganisaation yksikkÃjen, osastojen ja suoritusportaiden välisiä eroja tutkittiin myÃs. Toimitusosastojen ja muiden osastojen väliltä lÃytyi merkitseviä eroja, mutta muuten yrityksen arvot eri tahoilla olivat melko tasaisia.


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Expatriation has become increasingly common due to the global trade expansion. Many large companies base their production facilities in far-flung countries, where experts are sent from their own countries to launch the operations. Working in a foreign environment demands from so-called expatriates considerable adaptability. This study aimed to investigate if following expatriation mental health difficulties were experienced by the employees themselves or their family members. This study investigated by a questionnaire and interviews how expatriate employees in Finnish companies operating in different regions of Brazil and their families adjusted. Investigated employees were required to be at least 6 months in expatriation. Data were collected in Brazil during their stay at least 3 months after the arrival. The survey covered 121 expatriate employees, that operated in 17 different companies, from which 71 employees from 10 different companies responded to the questionnaire. All the employees from the two largest enterprises and their spouses were invited to focus groups; in total 43 persons (22 employees and 21 employeesâ spouses) participated in a group or individual interviews. No significant mental health difficulties were found among the expatriate employees. Only a tenth of the expatriate employees reported strain. The experience of strain symptoms was found to be related to long working days, intense working rhythm and lack of friends. Work satisfaction seemed to be an important mediator in the coping process. While abroad, the expatriate employees were highly recognized for their work. Due to the immature organization of work they could often use their creative capacities to improve the work flow. The opportunity to see the effects of their own contribution with their own eyes to the development of the enterprise made them feel good. The association between the expatriate employeesâ adjustment and that of their spousesâ was evident. The spousesâ situation was markedly different than that of the expatriate employeesâ themselves. Expatriation changed the family membersâ previous division of tasks considerably. The expatriate spouses had to change their roles more than the expatriate employees themselves; since most of them were highly educated women, who were leaded through an identity crisis due to at least temporary renunciation of own work and career.


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<b>Challenges of mass university conceived and experienced by university language centre language teachers </b> The massification of the university involved not only an expansion but also a transition from one period to another, from elite higher education to mass higher education. Massification cannot be viewed as expansion and structural change but it has to be viewed in a context of a number of changes involving universities, state, economy, society and culture as well as science, technology, education and research. In the Finnish academic context, massification is often associated with negative development and it may be used as an excuse for poor teaching. The objective of the present study is to find out how the mass context is manifested in the work of university language centre language teachers. The data were collected by means of semi-structured questionnaires from 32 language teachers working at language centres at the universities of Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku in Finland. Both Finnish and native speakers, 6 male and 26 female teachers, were included. All the teachers in the study had taught more than 10 years. The data were complemented by interviews of four teachers and email data from one teacher. Phenomenographic analysis of the informantsâ conceptions enabled a description of their experiences of students at a mass university, conceptions of teaching and learning and of issues related to work health. Some conceptions were consonant with earlier results. The conceptions revealed differences between two teacher groups, teachers of subject-specific language, or language for specific purposes (LSP), and teachers of elementary and advanced language courses (general language teachers). For the first, the conceptions of the investigated teachers provided a picture of the students as a member of a mass university. The students were seen as customers who demanded special services to facilitate their studies or were selective about the contents of the course. The finding that appeared only in the LSP teachersâ data was the unengaged attitude towards language study, which appeared as mere hunt for credits. On the other hand, the students were also seen as language learning individuals, but a clear picture of a truly interested language learner was evident in the data of general language teachers. The teachersâ conceptions of teaching and learning revealed a picture of experienced teachers with a long background of teaching, reflecting experiences from different time periods and influences from their own education and illustrating the increasing problems with organizing individual tutoring due to large, heterogeneous groups. It seemed, however, that in spite of the large student groups, general language teachers were able to support the studentsâ learning processes and to use learner-centred methods, whereas LSP teachers were frequently compelled to resort to knowledge transmission type of teaching. The conditions of the mass university were clearly manifested in the respondentsâ conceptions about work satisfaction: there were a number of factors related to administration, teaching arrangements and the status of the language centres that were likely to add to the teachersâ work stress, whereas traditional characteristics of academic work were viewed as promoting work satisfaction. On the basis of the teachersâ conceptions, it is safe to assume that academic mass context and studentsâ orientations have an effect on the teacherâs approach to teaching, while there is no unequivocal association between mass university teaching and poor teaching.


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TyÃn tarkoituksena on kehittää suorittavalle esimiestasolle tyÃkalu, millä voidaan mitata esimiehen kompetensseja. S-market esimiehen ydinosaamiset tyÃssä jakautuvat kahteen kokonaisuuteen vuorovaikutus- ja ketjuyksikÃn johtamiseen. TyÃn tavoitteena on myÃs tarkastella millä esimiehen ydinosaamisella on merkitystä tyÃtyytyväisyyteen ja yrityksen tulokseen. Tutkimus on kvantitatiivinen ja sen aineisto on verkkokyselylomakkeen avulla kerätystä 129 vastauksesta. Verkkokyselylomakkeen väittämät ovat rakennettu esimiestyÃn kompetensseista, jotka pohjautuvat tutkielman teoriaan. Verkkokyselyn, tyÃtyytyväisyyden ja tuloksen lukuarvot on analysoitu tilastollisella tulostenkäsittelyohjelmalla, SPSS:llä. TyÃtyytyväisyystulokset ovat koottu tutkimukseen osallistuneen viidentoista S-marketin tyÃtyytyväisyystutkimuksen tuloksista vuodelta 2008. Tuloksen mittareina tutkielmassa on käytetty samojen S-markettien tyÃtehokkuutta ja toimintakateprosenttia vuodelta 2008. TyÃn tulokset vahvistivat sen, että esimiestyÃllä on suora syy-seuraussuhde tyÃtyytyväisyyteen ja tuloksellisuuteen. Tutkimustuloksien perusteella esimieskäyttämisen vaikutus tyÃtyytyväisyyden kokemiseen on vahva. Hyvällä vuorovaikutusjohtamisella tuloksien perusteella oli vaikutusta tyÃtyytyväisyyteen. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että tyÃtyytyväisyyteen esimiehen kompetensseista eniten vaikuttivat yksilÃllinen huomiointi, tavoitteisiin kannustaminen ja motivointi sekä asiakaslähtÃisyys. Tuloksen mittareihin eniten vaikutti tulos- ja tavoitejohtaminen. Tuloksellisuuteen vaikuttavat tutkimuksen mukaan esimiehen jämäkkä ja vaativa tavoitteisiin ohjaava toiminta sekä päätÃksenteko ja organisointikyky. Tarkempien ja täsmällisimpien S-market esimiehen kompetenssien lÃytämiseksi kehitysehdotuksena tutkielmassa on laajemman tutkimusaineiston käsittely neljän faktorin avulla.


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One of the aims of the study was to clarify the reliability and validity of the Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) and the Eigenzustand (EZ) method as measures of the objective characteristics of work and short-term mental work load in the Finnish data. The reliability and validity were examined taking into consideration the theoretical backgrounds of the methods and the reliability of the measurements. The methods were used for finding out the preconditions for organisational development based on self-improvement and clarifying the impacts of working environment (organisational functioning and job characteristics) on a workerâs mental state and health. The influences were examined on a general level - regardless of individual personal or specific contextual factors. One aim was also to clarify how cognitions and emotions are intertwined and how they influence a personâs perception of the working environment. The data consisted of 15 blue-collar organisations in the public sector. The organisations were divided in target and comparison groups depending on the research frames. The data was collected by questionnaires by post. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (Lisrel) were used as the main statistical methods in examining the structures of the methods and impacts between the variables. It was shown that it is possible for organisations to develop their working conditions themselves on specific preconditions. The advance of the development processes could be shown by the amount of the development activity as well as by the changes of the mental well-being (ability to act) and sick absenteeism of the personnel. It was found that the JDS and the EZ methods were reliable and valid measures in the Finnish data. It was shown that, in addition to the objective working environment (organisational functioning and job characteristics), also such a personal factor as selfesteem influences a personâs perception of mental work load. However, the influence did not seem to be direct. The importance of job satisfaction as a general indicator of perceived working conditions was emphasised. Emotional and cognitive factors were found to be functionally intertwined constituting a common factor. Organisational functioning and the characteristics of work had connections with a personâs health measured by sick absenteeism.


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In todayâs knowledge intense economy the human capital is a source for competitive advantage for organizations. Continuous learning and sharing the knowledge within the organization are important to enhance and utilize this human capital in order to maximize the productivity. The new generation with different views and expectations of work is coming to work life giving its own characteristics on learning and sharing. Work should offer satisfaction so that the new generation employees would commit to organizations. At the same time organizations have to be able to focus on productivity to survive in the competitive market. The objective of this thesis is to construct a theory based framework of productivity, continuous learning and job satisfaction and further examine this framework and its applications in a global organization operating in process industry. Suggestions for future actions are presented for this case organization. The research is a qualitative case study and the empiric material was gathered by personal interviews concluding 15 employee and one supervisor interview. Results showed that more face to face interaction is needed between employees for learning because much of the knowledge of the process is tacit and so difficult to share in other ways. Offering these sharing possibilities can also impact positively to job satisfaction because they will increase the sense of community among employees which was found to be lacking. New employees demand more feedback to improve their learning and confidence. According to the literature continuous learning and job satisfaction have a relative strong relationship on productivity. The employeeâs job description in the case organization has moved towards knowledge work due to continuous automation and expansion of the production process. This emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and means that productivity can be seen also from quality perspective. The normal productivity output in the case organization is stable and by focusing on the quality of work by improving continuous learning and job satisfaction the upsets in production can be handled and prevented more effectively. Continuous learning increases also the free human capital input and utilization of it and this can breed output increasing innovations that can increase productivity in long term. Also job satisfaction can increase productivity output in the end because employees will work more efficiently, not doing only the minimum tasks required. Satisfied employees are also found participating more in learning activities.


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The purpose of the thesis was to explore expectations of elderly people on the nurse-client relationship and interaction in home care. The aim is to improve the quality of care to better meet the needs of the clients. A qualitative approach was adopted. Semi-structured theme interviews were used for data collection. The interviews were conducted during spring 2006. Six elderly clients of a private home care company in Southern Finland acted as informants. Content analysis was used as the method of data analysis. The findings suggest that clients expect nurses to provide professional care with loving-kindness. Trust and mutual, active interaction were expected from the nurse-client relationship. Clients considered it important that the nurse recognizes each client's individual needs. The nurse was expected to perform duties efficiently, but in a calm and unrushed manner. A mechanic performance of tasks was considered negative. Humanity was viewed as a crucial element in the nurse-client relationship. Clients expressed their need to be seen as human beings. Seeing beyond the illness was considered important. A smiling nurse was described to be able to alleviate pain and anxiety. Clients hoped to have a close relationship with the nurse. The development of a close relationship was considered to be more likely if the nurse is familiar and genuine. Clients wish the nurses to have a more attending presence. Clients suggested that the work areas of the nurses could be limited so that they would have more time to transfer from one place to another. Clients felt that they would benefit from this as well. The nurses were expected to be more considerate. Clients wished for more information regarding changes that affect their care. They wished to be informed about changes in schedules and plans. Clients hoped for continuity from the nurse-client relationship. Considering the expectations of clients promotes client satisfaction. Home care providers have an opportunity to reflect their own care behaviour on the findings. To better meet the needs of the clients, nurses could apply the concept of loving-kindness in their work, and strive for a more attending presence.