10 resultados para Polish Impact Factor

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on identifioida yleisimmät toimintolaskennan implementointiin liittyvät ongelmat ja muutosprojektin onnistumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät. Tavoitteena on myös saada kokonaisvaltainen kuva siitä, miksi laskentatoimen muutokset ovat vaikeita implementoida ja miten ihmisten käyttäytyminen vaikuttaa muutosprosessin onnistumiseen. Sekä laskentatoimen että muutosjohtamisen teorioita tarkastellaan laaja-alaisen kuvan saamiseksi siitä, miten ihmisiin ja heidän käyttäytymiseensä liittyvät tekijät vaikuttavat muutosprojektin onnistumiseen tai epäonnistumiseen. Tutkielma käyttää empiirisiä tutkimustuloksia pohjana aiheen tarkastelulle. Tutkielma tarjoaa ehdotuksia tulevaisuuden tutkimukselle liittyen laskentatoimen muutoksen kriittisiin tekijöihin. Kiinnostavimpia alueita tulevaisuuden tutkimukselle on pohtia tarkemmin, miten työntekijöiden oletukset johtajien motiiveista muutoksen takana vaikuttavat muutosvastarintaan sekä miten organisaation rakenne ja muutosvastarintavaikuttavat muutoksen institutionaalistamiseen.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan julkisesti noteerattujen pankkien riskienhallintaraportoinnin nykykäytäntöä Puolassa. Tutkimus jakaantuu kahteen osaan: Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä osassa esitellään pankkitoimintaa, pankkitoiminnan riskejä ja riskienhallintaa. Pankkitoiminnan riskejä ovat luotto- ja markkinariskit, lisäksi puhutaan operatiivisista ja ympäristöriskeistä. Tutkimuksen toisessa osassa selvitetään ja kuvataan sitä, millaista on tutkimuksen kohdeyritysten riskienhallinta ja riskienhallintaraportointi, tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on myös verrata pankkien riskienhallintaraportointia keskenään. Tutkimuksen kohteena on 13 Varsovan pörssissä listattua pankkia. Tutkimusaineistona käytetään näiden pankkien vuoden 2005 vuosikertomuksia. Kysymyksessä on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, jolle on tyypillistä kuvaileva ja selittävä tutkimusote. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä on käytetty pattern matchingiä, jonka avulla tutkitaan aineistosta löytyviä riskienhallintaraportoinnin osatekijöitä/indikaattoreita ja verrataan niitä oletettuihin malleihin. Tutkittujen riskienhallintaraporttien perusteella voidaan todeta, että pankkitoiminnan ydinriskeistä: luotto-, korko-, valuutta- ja likviditeettiriskeistä raportoidaan hyvin. Sen sijaan puutteita löytyy operatiivisten ja ympäristöriskien raportoinnista. Suurin osa pankeista raportoi operatiivisista riskeistä, mutta raportointi on pintapuolista ja analysointi puuttuu. Ympäristöriskeistä raportointi ei ole yleistä. Raportoinnin laajuus ja informatiivisuus vaihtelevat pankkien kesken: Suuret, kansainväliset pankkikonsernit raportoivat riskeistään laajasti ja informatiivisesti, kun taas pienemmillä, kansallisilla pankeilla raportointi jää usean pankin kohdalla suppeaksi. Syitä raportoinnin eroille on monia: Yksi syistä on IFRS-standardien vakiintumaton käyttö pienimmillä, kansallisilla pankeilla verrattuna kansainvälisiin pankkikonserneihin. Kansainvälisillä pankkikonserneilla on paremmat valmiudet raportoida riskienhallinnastaan verrattuna pienimpiin pankkeihin, jotka julkaisivat tilinpäätöksensä ensimmäistä kertaa IFRS-standardien mukaisesti vuonna 2005. Yhtenä selittävänä tekijänäraportoinnin eroille voidaan myös mainita omistuspohja: sijoittajainformaation merkitys on korostunut erityisesti organisaatioissa, joissa on laaja, kansainvälinen omistuspohja. Sen sijaan valtio-omisteisessa yrityksessä sijoittajainformaation merkitys on vähäisempi. Myös yrityskulttuuri vaikuttaa siihen, missä laajuudessa, ja mitä tietoa yritys antaa julkisuuteen. Pankit ovat myös tarkkoja maineestaan, mitä tietoa voidaan julkaista ja mitä vaikutuksia tiedon julkaisemisellaon yrityskuvaan. Sen sijaan pankin koolla ei välttämättä ole vaikutusta riskienhallintaraportoinnin laajuuteen ja informatiivisuuteen.


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This research focuses on the link between quantitative sustainability disclosure and information asymmetry. It builds upon previous research which links information asymmetry with voluntary disclosure. Stakeholders from the financial services sector claim that sustainability disclosure needs to be more numerical and comparable between companies. This research covers 111 firms from Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden from non-service industries and studies how quantitative their sustainability disclosure is, and whether or not there is a negative relation with information asymmetry. The results support the hypotheses, where two out of three information asymmetry proxies have a significant negative relation with quantitative disclosure. Size is supported as a moderating factor. Quantitativity also proves to have a significant link with third party sustainability ratings. The direct link between quantitativity and cost of capital is not however supported.


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The environmental impacts of a single mine often remain local, but acidic and metal-rich acid mine drainage (AMD) from the waste materials may pose a serious threat to adjacent surface waters and their ecosystems. Testate amoebae (thecamoebian) analysis was used together with lake sediment geochemistry to study and evaluate the ecological effects of sulphidic metal mines on aquatic environments. Three different mines were included in the study: Luikonlahti Cu-mine in Kaavi, eastern Finland, Haveri Cu-Au mine in Ylöjärvi, southern Finland and Pyhäsalmi Zn-Cu-S mine in Pyhäjärvi, central Finland. Luikonlahti and Haveri are closed mines, but Pyhäsalmi is still operating. The sampling strategy was case specific, and planned to provide a representative sediment sample series to define natural background conditions, to detect spatial and temporal variations in mine impacts, to evaluate the possible recovery after the peak contamination, and to distinguish the effects of other environmental factors from the mining impacts. In the Haveri case, diatom analyses were performed alongside thecamoebian analysis to evaluate the similarities and differences between the two proxies. The results of the analyses were investigated with multivariate methods (direct and indirect ordinations, diversity and distance measure indices). Finally, the results of each case study were harmonized, pooled, and jointly analyzed to summarize the results for this dissertation. Geochemical results showed broadly similar temporal patterns in each case. Concentrations of ions in the pre-disturbance samples defined the natural baseline against which other results were compared. The beginning of the mining activities had only minor impacts on sediment geochemistry, mainly appearing as an increased clastic input into the lakes at Haveri and Pyhäsalmi. The active mining phase was followed by the metallic contamination and, subsequently, by the most recent change towards decreased but still elevated metal concentrations in the sediments. Because of the delay in the oxidation of waste material and formation of AMD, the most intense, but transient metal contamination phase occurred in the post-mining period at Luikonlahti and Haveri. At Pyhäsalmi, the highest metal contamination preceded effluent mitigation actions. Spatial gradients were observed besides the temporal evolution in both the pre-disturbance and mine-impacted samples from Luikonlahti and Pyhäsalmi. The geochemical gradients varied with distance from the main source of contaminants (dispersion and dilution) and with water depth (redox and pH). The spatial extent of the highest metal contamination associated with these mines remained rather limited. At Haveri, the metallic impact was widespread, with the upstream site in another lake basin found to be contaminated. Changes in thecamoebian assemblages corresponded well with the geochemical results. Despite some differences, the general features and ecological responses of the faunal assemblages were rather similar in each lake. Constantly abundant strains of Difflugia oblonga, Difflugia protaeiformis and centropyxids formed the core of these assemblages. Increasing proportions of Cucurbitella tricuspis towards the surface samples were found in all of the cases. The results affirmed the indicator value of some already known indicator forms, but such as C. tricuspis and higher nutrient levels, but also elicited possible new ones such as D. oblonga ‘spinosa’ and clayey substrate, high conductivity and/or alkalinity, D. protaeiformis ‘multicornis’ and pH, water hardness and the amount of clastic material and Centropyxis constricta ‘aerophila’ and high metal and S concentrations. In each case, eutrophication appeared to be the most important environmental factor, masking the effects of other variables. Faunal responses to high metal inputs in sediments remained minor, but were nevertheless detectable. Besides the trophic state of the lake, numerical methods suggested overall geochemical conditions (pH, redox) to be the most important factor at Luikonlahti, whereas the Haveri results showed the clearest connection between metals and amoebae. At Pyhäsalmi, the strongest relationships were found between Ca- and S-rich present loading, redox conditions and substrate composition. Sediment geochemistry and testate amoeba analysis proved to be a suitable combination of methods to detect and describe the aquatic mine impacts in each specific case, to evaluate recovery and to differentiate between the effects of different anthropogenic and natural environmental factors. It was also suggested that aquatic mine impacts can be significantly mitigated by careful design and after-care of the waste facilities, especially by reducing and preventing AMD. The case-specific approach is nevertheless necessary because of the unique characteristics of each mine and variations in the environmental background conditions.


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The main objective of this Master’s Thesis was to examine the interrelations of service quality and relationship quality (customer satisfaction, trust and commitment), and find out are they antecedents for customer loyalty in business-to-business context. Literature review revealed some research gaps concerning these focal concepts, which should be studied more closely. The theoretical basis for this research was collected for evaluating a strategic increase of customer’s perceptions of service quality and relationship quality as well as customer loyalty in business-to-business environment, and it was tested empirically in a sample of 164 corporate customers, who responded to the Internet-based survey. The measures, used in the survey, were first assessed by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and then the hypothesized relationships were further verified using structural equation modeling (SEM) in LISREL 8.80. There was found support for a half of the hypothesized construct relations. The results of the research confirm the direct influence of trust and commitment on customer loyalty. Also, service quality turned out to have an indirect impact on customer loyalty through trust. No support, however, was offered for the proposed impact of customer satisfaction on loyalty in this case. The research provides managerially relevant and actionable results that may help service providers execute more specific customer relationship quality strategies that lead to higher customer loyalty.


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The purpose of this research is to investigate how CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa) stock markets are integrated with Europe as measured by the impact of euro area (EA) scheduled macroeconomic news announcements, which are related to macroeconomic indicators that are commonly used to indicate the direction of the economy. Macroeconomic announcements used in this study can be divided into four categories; (1) prices, (2) real economy, (3) money supply and (4) business climate and consumer confidence. The data set consists of daily market data from CIVETS and scheduled macroeconomic announcements from the EA for the years 2007-2012. The econometric model used in this research is Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (EGARCH). Empirical results show diverse impacts of macroeconomic news releases and surprises for different categories of news supporting the perception of heterogeneity among CIVETS. The analyses revealed that in general EA macroeconomic news releases and surprises affect stock market volatility in CIVETS and only in some cases asset pricing. In conclusion, all CIVETS stock markets reacted to the incoming EA macroeconomic news suggesting market integration to some extent. Thus, EA should be considered as a possible risk factor when investing in CIVETS.


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The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions of mental health and mental illness as well as the perceptions towards people with mental illness among adolescents, and further to examine the impact that a mental health educational intervention has on these perceptions. The review of the literature revealed a small number of publications on mental health educational interventions among adolescents which aimed at increasing knowledge and affecting attitudes towards mental illness with positive results. Fifty nine pupils (13-16 years old) from two randomly selected secondary schools around Athens, Greece, participated in this study. These schools were randomly selected as the experimental group (n=28) which participated in the mental health educational intervention, and the comparison group (n=31), which did not receive any intervention. Data were collected using individual interviews with open-ended questions, drawings and a questionnaire (Opinions about Mental Illness - O.M.I. scale). The participants described mental health and mental illness before and after the intervention, using the same expressions for both terms. Among the experimental group, changes were seen within the same expressions after the intervention, although some descriptions did not change. However, after the intervention, participants in the experimental group did not confuse mental health with mental illness and they also included specific diagnostic examples or stated that mental illness can happen to anyone and it can be managed. Moreover, they expressed positive attitudes towards mentally ill people, which they had not done before the intervention. The analysis of the drawings before the intervention showed that mentally ill persons were drawn similarly in both groups. After the intervention, the drawings of the participants in the experimental group changed, including fewer negative elements, while the drawings of the comparison group did not change. Regarding the results on the O.M.I. scale, it was found that the score on the Social Discrimination factor significantly decreased from pre-test to post-test in both study groups. The experimental group had higher levels on Social Discrimination at pre-test compared to the comparison group, but this difference was not significant at post-test. No significant changes were found for the Social Restriction factor for either study group. Scores of the Social Care and Social Integration factors increased significantly only in the intervention group. Overall, the results of this study indicate that the mental health educational intervention had a positive impact on the perceptions about mental health and mental illness among adolescents, and (mental) health professionals can use these results for implementing similar interventions and further research.


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Innovation and internationalization nowadays play significant role in formation of the competitive advantage for the companies and it is important to explore these processes deeply and use their potential. Such parameters, as industrial context and institutional factors, are essential parts of the business life and their influence may be crucial for the company’s performance. The Master’s Thesis explores impact of industrial context and institutional factors on innovation and internationalization of Russian companies. This research is quantitative and based on the analysis of the relevant scientific literature and results of the survey, conducted among Russian manufacturing companies. Findings show positive influence of industrial context factor “international threat” and institutional environment factor “lack of resources and the market imperfections” on internationalization of innovative Russian companies.


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Celebrity endorsement has increased in popularity over the past decades and companies are willing to spend increasingly excessive amounts of money into it. Even though multiple studies support celebrity endorsement, further research on its impact on advertising effectiveness is called for. Fur-ther, the role of consumers’ product class involvement in advertising needs to be further studied. The purpose of this study is to explore if consumers’ product class involvement and exposure to celebrity endorsers affect consumers brand recall. Supported by earlier studies, brand recall was used as a measure for advertising effectiveness in this study. In general, a psychological approach was chosen for building the theoretical framework. Concept of classical conditioning was presented in order to understand why people act how they do. Balanced theory and meaning transfer model were presented in order to study how celebrities can be used effectively in advertising context. Further, the importance of product class involvement in advertising effectiveness was evaluated. Hypotheses were formulated based on a literature review of the existing research. Because of the versatility of the research design, a mixed methods approach for this study was adopted. Empirical part of the study was conducted in three stages. First, a pre-test was conducted in order to choose suitable product endorsers for the advertisement stimuli used in the experiment. Second, an eye-tracking experiment with 30 test subjects was conducted in order to study how people view advertisements and whether the familiarity of the product endorser and consumers’ product class involvement affects brand recall. For the experiment, a fictional brand was created in order to avoid bias on brand recall. Third, qualitative interviews for 15 test subjects were conducted in the post-experiment stage in order to gain deeper understating of the phenomenon and to make sense of the findings from the experiment. Findings from this study support celebrity endorsement by suggesting that a famous spokesperson does not steal attention from brand information more than a non-celebrity product endorser. As a result, the use of a celebrity endorser did not decrease brand recall. Results support earlier research as consumer’ higher product class involvement resulted in a better brand recall. Findings from the interviews suggest that consumers have positive perceptions of celebrity endorsement in general. However, the celebrity–brand congruence is a crucial factor when creating attitudes towards the advertisement. Future research ideas were presented based on the limitations and results of this study