89 resultados para K-12 education
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Minna Canth, eg. Ulrika Wilhelmina Canth, f. Johnsson f. 19.3.1844 i Tammerfors d. 12.5.1897 i Kuopio Minna Canth har uppfattats som en av de viktigaste författarna inom 1880-talets finländska realism. I sin produktion behandlade hon många av sin tids samhälleliga missförhållanden, så som arbetarklassens fattigdom och kvinnornas svaga ställning i samhället. Canths drama Työmiehen vaimo (1885, sv. Arbetarens hustru, översatt till svenska 1886) markerar inledningen på en samhällskritisk period i författarskapet. Skådespelet Kovan onnen lapsia (1888, sv. Olyckans barn, tidigare kallad De vanlottade) väckte upprörda känslor och ströks ur repertoaren vid Finska teatern efter den första föreställningen. Sedermera har man lyft fram kombinationen av samhälleliga och psykologiska tendenser i Canths produktion. Canth var även verksam som tidningsskribent och skrev många polemiska artiklar om kvinnans ställning. Hon deltog också aktivt i den litterära diskussionen och organiserade litterära salonger för tidens framväxande bildade klass, den s.k. ”Minnan salonki” (sv. Minnas salong) i sin hemgård Kanttila. Biografiskt lexikon för Finland: http://www.blf.fi/artikel.php?id=2816
Zachris Topelius s. 14.1.1818 Kuddnäsissä, Uusikaarlepyyn lähellä k. 12.3.1898 Sipoossa Zachris Topelius on yksi aikansa suurimpia suomalaisia kirjailijoita, kulttuuripersoonia ja yhteiskunnallisia vaikuttajia. Topeliuksen pääosin 1800-luvun jälkipuoliskolla syntyneessä tuotannossa vallitsee kansallisromantiikan henki, mutta teoksista löytyy myös realistisia piirteitä. Ominaista Topeliuksen kansankuvaukselle on naiivi tunteellisuus ja isänmaallisuus. Kirjailijan teoksiin vaikutti myös hänen kristillinen elämänkatsomuksensa. Topeliuksen mittavan tuotannon tärkeimpiin teoksiin kuuluvat lapsille suunnatut teokset, esimerkiksi Lukemisia lapsille (Läsning för barn I-VIII, 1865‒1896) sekä oppikirja Maamme kirja (Boken om vårt land, 1875), jotka vaikuttivat ajan ruotsinkielisen lastenkirjallisuuden uudistumiseen. Suomessa Topelius oli edelläkävijä myös historiallisten romaanien ja novellien kirjoittajana. Hänen teoksiaan ovat esimerkiksi Suomen herttuatar (Hertiginnan af Finland, 1850) ja Välskärin kertomuksia (Fältskärns berättelser I-V, kirjana 1853‒1867). Topelius tunnettiin lisäksi tuotteliaana lyyrikkona, jonka useita runoja on sävelletty. Virsi- ja laulutuotantoon kuuluvat sellaiset edelleen tunnetut virret ja laulut kuten ”En etsi valtaa loistoa” (”Julvisa”/”Gif mig ej glans”, 1887), ”Kesäpäivä Kangasalla” (”En sommardag i Kangasala”, 1853), ”Sylvian joululaulu” (”Sylvias hälsning från Sicilien”/”Sylvias julvisa”, 1853) ja ”Pajulaulu” (”Videvisan”/”Sof, du lilla vide ung”, 1869). - - - - - Zachris Topelius f. 14.1.1818 i Kuddnäs, nära Nykarleby d. 12.3.1898 i Sibbo Zachris Topelius är en av de största finländska författarna, kulturpersonligheterna och samhällspåverkarna under sin tid. Hans litterära produktion, främst tillkommen under den senare halvan av 1800-talet, präglas av den nationella romantikens anda men även av realistiska drag. Topelius fosterländskhet och bild av det finländska karakteriseras av en naiv känslosamhet och är starkt präglad av hans kristna livssyn. Till det mest betydelsefulla i hans omfattande författarskap hör hans produktion för barn (t.ex. Läsning för barn I-VIII, 1865-1896 samt läroboken Boken om vårt land, 1875) som innebar en förnyelse av tidens svenskspråkiga barnlitteratur. Han var också en föregångare som finländsk författare till historiska romaner och noveller (t.ex. Hertiginnan af Finland, 1850 och Fältskärns berättelser I-V, i bokform 1853-1867), samt mycket produktiv som lyriker. Topelius lyrik har i flera fall tonsatts och han är upphovsman till en rad klassiska och fortfarande sjungna psalmer och andra sånger (t.ex. Julvisa/Gif mig ej glans…, 1887, En sommardag i Kangasala, 1853, Sylvias hälsning från Sicilien/Sylvias julvisa, 1853 och Videvisan/Sof, du lilla vide ung, 1869). Kansallisbiografia: http://www.kansallisbiografia.fi/kb/artikkeli/2854/ http://www.blf.fi/artikel.php?id=2854
Escherichia coli K-12 (pEGFPluxABCDEAmp) (E. coli-lux), constitutively emitting bioluminescence (BL), was constructed and its BL emitting properties tested in different growth and killing conditions. The BL emission directly correlated with the number of viable E. coli-lux cells, and when subjected to the antimicrobial agent, the diminishment of the BL signal was linked directly to the number of killed bacterial cells. The method provided a very convenient application, especially when compared to conventional plate counting assays. This novel real-time based method was utilized in both immunological and toxicological assessments. The parameters such as the activation phase, the lytic phase and the capacity of the killing of the serum complement system were specified not only in humans but also in other species. E. coli-lux was also successfully used to study the antimicrobial activities of insect haemolymph. The mechanisms of neutrophil activity, like that of a myeloperoxidase (MPO)-H2O2-halide system, were studied using the E. coli-lux approach. The fundamental role of MPO was challenged, since during the actual killing in described circumstances in phagolysosome the MPO system was inactivated and chlorination halted. The toxicological test system, assessing indoor air total toxicity, particularly suitable for suspected mold damages, was designed based on the E. coli-lux method. Susceptibility to the vast number of various toxins, both pure chemicals and dust samples from the buildings and extracts from molds, were investigated. The E. coli-lux application was found to possess high sensitivity and specificity attributes. Alongside the analysis system, the sampling kit for indoor dust was engineered based on the swipe stick and the container. The combination of practical specimen collector and convenient analysis system provided accurate toxic data from the dust sample within hours. Neutrophils are good indicators of the pathophysiological state of the individual, and they can be utilized as a toxicological probe due to their ability to emit chemiluminescence (CL). Neutrophils can either be used as probe cells, directly exposed to the agent studied, or they can act as indicators of the whole biological system exposed to the agent. Human neutrophils were exposed to the same toxins as tested with the E. coli-lux system and measured as luminol amplified CL emission. The influence of the toxins on the individuals was investigated by exposing rats with moniliniformin, the mycotoxin commonly present in Finnish grains. The activity of the rat neutrophils was found to decrease significantly during the 28 days of exposure.
Kirje 30.12.1974
Kirje 12.12.1974
Soitinnus: Oboet (2), klarinetit (2), fagotit (2), käyrätorvet (2).
Curriculum innovation in teacher education : exploring conceptions among Tanzanian teacher educators
The focus of the study is to understand curriculum innovation from the perspective of Tanzanian teacher educators. It is argued that the deterioration of quality of education in schools is partly to be attributed to the way in which teachers are educated. Curriculum innovation is considered as an essential strategy for bringing about improvement in teacher education. Therefore, in 2000 a new curriculum was introduced; however, right from the inception the curriculum was criticised by teacher educators. The overall aim of the study is to investigate teacher educators’ conceptions of curriculum innovation. In the theoretical framework the main focus is on discussion about different curriculum approaches for teacher education and innovation. In order to achieve the aim of the study, a phenomenographic approach is employed. This approach is used in order to identify similarities and variation in educators’ conceptions of curriculum innovation. The empirical basis of the study consists of interviews with thirty teacher educators working in eight teachers’ colleges situated in various parts of Tanzania. The findings, in brief, reveal variation in teacher educators’ conceptions of the dominant domains of innovation. Two broad conceptions of teaching with six aspects are identified. Conceptions of educational studies are presented in four broad categories of description with four aspects. Similarly, in methodology subjects two conceptions are described with four aspects. On the integration of subject matter studies and subject methods, two broad conceptions are presented with six aspects. Conceptions of textbook prescription policy are characterised in two broad categories of description with four aspects. With the use of modules two broad conceptions are identified with six aspects. In addition, the study identifies four broad conceptions of future curriculum approaches with eight aspects. Looking across the categories of description, the results indicate that educators cope with innovation individually. Three character types of teacher educators are presented: loyal, creative and critical. Furthermore, four types of phenomena suggesting critical areas about teacher educators’ conceptions of innovation are described: educators’ prior educational background, technical factors, student teachers’ factors and shifting from teaching to learning. On the whole, educators express a number of frame factors in the process of change towards the aim of curriculum innovation. This indicates that the new curriculum (2000) is not implemented as intended by curriculum developers. Constraints to the implementation are presented and discussed in detail. From these findings, two models of educators’ stance towards curriculum innovation are presented and can be used as a framework for planning successful curriculum innovations and analysing practice in teachers’ colleges.
12 x 23 cm