11 resultados para Daily ingestion
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Selostus: Lihassolutyypin ja lihassolun poikkipinta-alan yhteys sian kasvuun ja ruhon koostumukseen maatiaisessa ja yorkshiressa
Francesca Morsellin esitys Europeana työpajassa 20.11.2012 Helsingissä.
This thesis was part of lean adaptation project started at Outotec Lappeenranta factory in early 2013. The purpose of this thesis was to develop and propose lean tools that could be used in daily management, visual management and continuous improvement. This thesis was “outsiders” view, and as such, did not study the current processes deeply. As result of this thesis, two different Daily Management -boards were designed, one for parallel processes and one for sequential processes. In addition, methods of doing continuous improvement and daily task accountability were framed and standard work for the leaders outlined. The tools presented in this thesis are general tools which support work in lean environment. They are visual and, if used correctly, they provide a basis from which continuous improvement can be done. Lean philosophy emphasizes the deep understanding of the current situation and it would be against the lean principles to blindly implement anything developed “on the outside”. The tools presented should be reviewed and modified further by the people working on the factory floor.
This study aims at applying the customer behaviour studies of satisfaction, trust, perceived value and loyalty to a daily deals concept. The goal is to find out whether the relationships are the same in this specific context when compared to previous e-commerce studies. The study examines how the daily deals service process affects customer satisfaction, trust and value, and how these in turn impact customer loyalty and each other. The data was collected via e-mail survey from case company customers, and research was conducted on a quantitative basis by using multivariate methods as tools. The results suggest that daily deals service process and service quality do have a direct and positive effect on customer satisfac-tion, trust and value. Additionally, positive correlations between the latter variables and customer loyalty were found. The results imply that the daily deals concept does not differ from other e-services when considering the studied factors. The results also emphasize the importance of recognizing what determinants have the greatest impact on customer loyalty in this specific context.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Caries is a plaque-associated multifactorial chronic disease. Oral hygiene habits, sugar, and oral micobiota interactions are important for caries to occur. Xylitol has been shown to reduce caries mainly due to its effects on mutans streptococci (MS). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of daily oral health habits and bacterial level on the caries occurrence and to study the effect of xylitol on the composition of oral microflora. A total of 192, 10-12 years old, male school children had been screened for salivary MS. Healthy subjects with high MS counts participated in two parallel double-blinded, randomised, controlled trials. In the first 5-week trial, subjects were assigned into xylitol (n=35) and sorbitol gum (n=38) groups. At baseline, children were examined using International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) criteria and interviewed for oral health habits. In the second 4-week trial, subjects were assigned into xylitol (n=25) and saccharine mouthrinse (n=25) groups. In the end of both interventions, saliva samples were collected. The samples were analysed for changes in MS counts and changes in the composition of the oral microbiota assessed by the Human Oral Microbe Identification Microarray (HOMIM). Relationships between daily habits, bacterial levels and caries were evaluated. Daily use of sweets and soft drinks were the habits significantly associated with caries severity measured by ICDAS Caries Index (CI), while toothbrushing was the only habit associated with the low caries severity. Abiotrophia defectiva and Actinomyces meyeri/ A. odontolyticus were significantly higher in caries-affected children while Shuttleworthia satelles was significantly higher in caries-free children. Xylitol showed significant reduction in salivary levels of MS in both trials. No significant effects on other members of the microbiota were found when evaluated by HOMIM. In conclusion, other members of oral microbiota than MS may be associated with caries occurrence or absence. The use of xylitol had significant effect on MS with no effects on the other members of the salivary microbiota.
Today’s healthcare organizations are under constant pressure for change, as hospitals should be able to offer their patients the best possible medical care with limited resources and, at the same time, to retain steady efficiency level in their operation. This is challenging, especially in trauma hospitals, in which the variation in the patient cases and volumes is relatively high. Furthermore, the trauma patient's care requires plenty of resources as most the patients have to be treated as single cases. Occasionally, the sudden increases in demand causes congestion in the operations of the hospital, which in Töölö hospital appears as an increase in the surgery waiting times within the yellow urgency class patients. An increase in the surgery waiting times may cause the diminution of the patient's condition, which also raises the surgery risks. The congestion itself causes overloading of the hospital capacity and staff. The aim of this master’s thesis is to introduce the factors contributing to the trauma process, and to examine the correlation between the different variables and the lengthened surgery waiting times. The results of this study are based on a three-year patient data and different quantitative analysis. Based on the analysis, a daily usable indicator was created in order to support the decision making in the operations management. By using the selected indicator, the effects of congestion can be acknowledged and the corrective action can also be taken more proactively.