113 resultados para search engine marketing
Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tutkitaan vihreän markkinoinnin strategista roolia ja sen tuomaa lisäarvoa yritykselle. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mitä vihreä markkinointi on, mistä syistä yritykset harjoittavat sitä ja tuoko se lisäarvoa yritykselle. Case-yrityksinä tutkielmassa ovat UPM-Raflatac ja Lappeenrannan Energia Oy.
The goal of this thesis is to build a viral marketing management framework for a Finnish medium sized gaming company. This is achieved by first finding and building a theoretical five step management process framework based on literature, analyzing current model and giving recommendations for the case company to develop its own management process. In addition, viral marketing research is still in early stage resulting this study to propose its own take on the definition in the theory part. Empirical part is based on qualitative interviews, campaign material and secondary sources and is aimed to find out and analyze the case company’s current viral marketing state and to give recommendations to it. The final outcome of the study is a general, theoretical management framework for viral marketing campaigns and specified recommendations for the case company.
The Swedish public health care organisation could very well be undergoing its most significant change since its specialisation during the late 19th and early 20th century. At the heart of this change is a move from using manual patient journals to electronic health records (EHR). EHR are complex integrated organisational wide information systems (IS) that promise great benefits and value as well as presenting great challenges to the organisation. The Swedish public health care is not the first organisation to implement integrated IS, and by no means alone in their quest for realising the potential benefits and value that it has to offer. As organisations invest in IS they embark on a journey of value-creation and capture. A journey where a costbased approach towards their IS-investments is replaced with a value-centric focus, and where the main challenges lie in the practical day-to-day task of finding ways to intertwine technology, people and business processes. This has however proven to be a problematic task. The problematic situation arises from a shift of perspective regarding how to manage IS in order to gain value. This is a shift from technology delivery to benefits delivery; from an ISimplementation plan to a change management plan. The shift gives rise to challenges related to the inability of IS and the elusiveness of value. As a response to these challenges the field of IS-benefits management has emerged offering a framework and a process in order to better understand and formalise benefits realisation activities. In this thesis the benefits realisation efforts of three Swedish hospitals within the same county council are studied. The thesis focuses on the participants of benefits analysis projects; their perceptions, judgments, negotiations and descriptions of potential benefits. The purpose is to address the process where organisations seek to identify which potential IS-benefits to pursue and realise, this in order to better understand what affects the process, so that realisation actions of potential IS-benefits could be supported. A qualitative case study research design is adopted and provides a framework for sample selection, data collection, and data analysis. It also provides a framework for discussions of validity, reliability and generalizability. Findings displayed a benefits fluctuation, which showed that participants’ perception of what constituted potential benefits and value changed throughout the formal benefits management process. Issues like structure, knowledge, expectation and experience affected perception differently, and this in the end changed the amount and composition of potential benefits and value. Five dimensions of benefits judgment were identified and used by participants when finding accommodations of potential benefits and value to pursue. Identified dimensions affected participants’ perceptions, which in turn affected the amount and composition of potential benefits. During the formal benefits management process participants shifted between judgment dimensions. These movements emerged through debates and interactions between participants. Judgments based on what was perceived as expected due to one’s role and perceived best for the organisation as a whole were the two dominant benefits judgment dimensions. A benefits negotiation was identified. Negotiations were divided into two main categories, rational and irrational, depending on participants’ drive when initiating and participating in negotiations. In each category three different types of negotiations were identified having different characteristics and generating different outcomes. There was also a benefits negotiation process identified that displayed management challenges corresponding to its five phases. A discrepancy was also found between how IS-benefits are spoken of and how actions of IS benefits realisation are understood. This was a discrepancy between an evaluation and a realisation focus towards IS value creation. An evaluation focus described IS-benefits as well-defined and measurable effects and a realisation focus spoke of establishing and managing an on-going place of value creation. The notion of valuescape was introduced in order to describe and support the understanding of IS value creation. Valuescape corresponded to a realisation focus and outlined a value configuration consisting of activities, logic, structure, drivers and role of IS.
The goal of this research is to study how knowledge-intensive business services can be productized by using the service blueprinting tool. As services provide the majority of jobs, GDP and productivity growth in Europe, their continuous development is needed for Europe to retain its global competitiveness. As services are turning more complex, their development becomes more difficult. The theoretical part of this study is based on researching productization in the context of knowledge-intensive business services. The empirical part is carried out as a case study in a KIBS company, and utilizes qualitative interviews and case materials. The final outcome of this study is an updated productization framework, designed for KIBS companies, and recommendations for the case company. As the results of this study indicate, productization expanded with service blueprinting can be a useful tool for KIBS companies to develop their services. The updated productization framework is provided for future reference.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
The first objective of the thesis is to find out which factors impact on customer profitability has been studied in scientific articles. The second objective is to find out the main authors and publishers from the subject area. Expectations were to find factors from marketing and management accounting literature, but this study did not succeed to gather management accounting perspective on the subject area. This study used bibliometric methods. The data for this study was collected manually from Scopus and Web of Science databases. Search words resulted 770 articles and from those 82 were included to further analyze. Descriptive analysis, citation analysis and content analysis were made. Bibexcel and Pajek software were used in this study. Publication activity was concentrated on years 2004-2013. The most productive author around the subject area is Kumar Vipin from Georgia State University (USA). A multiple customer profitability factors were identified. A lot of research was made for example about satisfaction, relationship duration, loyalty, marketing actions and customer equity drivers. The research is concentrated on service sector. The results are suggesting that there are research gaps in business-to-business and manufacturing sector.
This thesis examines the effectiveness of non-coercive influence tactics in the context of consumer online behaviour. The objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive understanding of consumer online behaviour and the role of information types in affecting the consumer’s cognitive responses and behavioural outcomes. The theoretical part of the study examines the academic literature on consumer online behaviour and influence tactics used both in traditional buyer/seller relationships as well as in relationships mediated by online technologies. The empirical part of the study is carried out with four experiments that utilise non-coercive influence tactics to affect online consumer behaviour. The consumers included in this study are 18-28 year-old structural and civil engineering students in Finland, United Kingdom, United States and India. The findings suggest that non-coercive influence tactics are applicable in the online marketing context and generate cognitive responses of site awareness, site involvement and exploratory behaviour which subsequently results in behavioural outcomes of compliance, eWOM and site abandonment.
The aim of this master’s thesis is to introduce what is experimental research and how the researcher is able to use this researching method in business-to-business context. This work has been done with analyzing articles of four academic marketing journals from years 1992-2012. In the literature part there is introduction of the nature of the experimental research, its terminology and design. There is also discussion about limitations of experimental research and comparison of experimental research to quasi-experimental design. In the results part there is a review how experimental research has been used in the business-to-business context in the past two decades. In the analysis there is introduction of themes, samplings, different kinds of variables and main findings. The work offers a good understanding to nature of experimental research and useful data for organizing a real experimental study.
The purpose of the thesis is to examine how a medical device manufacturer can exploit social networking sites as a part of its everyday marketing communications. The ultimate goal is to create an ideal process of developing marketing communications in social networking sites as a medical device manufacturer with the help of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. Theoretical part examines the traditional process of developing marketing communications, defines social networking sites and presents marketing activities carried out on these sites as well as introduces the characteristics of healthcare technology industry. Empirical part is collected through participation in medical device manufacturer’s marketing operations and by observing effects of different factors and actions on social media marketing. In addition, completed interviews and a meeting with company’s personnel have been utilized for data collection. This part offers comprehensive information on the examined company’s current marketing operations, industry, and activities carried out on social networking sites. As a result of the thesis a comprehensive process description of integrating and using social networking sites as a part of company’s marketing communications was formed. With the help of the process description factors and actions which have an effect on marketing operations in social networking sites are presented and methods for further developing these activities are introduced.
The objective of this study is to understand how employer branding can be strategically supported by inbound marketing in Russia. Furthermore, the aim is to examine the special features of inbound marketing in Russia, as well as to learn what the most useful inbound marketing channels are in the Russian context. The theoretical background of this study is built from employer branding and inbound marketing literature. Inbound marketing is currently lacking a profound research on the topic and thus, this study contributes to the inbound marketing literature as well. The empirical data of this research is collected via three qualitative expert field interviews. The interviews were conducted between January and February 2014. Furthermore, a thematic content analysis was used in the process of analyzing the research results. Both the employer branding and inbound marketing are growing their importance in Russia. The results of this study suggest that a combination of employer branding and inbound marketing can bring companies competitive advantage over others in the Russian market. It is, however, crucial to first understand the peculiarities of the inbound marketing in Russia before taking it to the employer branding context. This study provides a framework for inbound marketing tools in Russia. The proposed framework takes into careful consideration the cultural factors affecting the selection of the inbound marketing tools in Russia. Furthermore, the results of this study suggest how inbound marketing could be successfully combined with employer branding in Russia in order to strengthen the employer brands in the Russian market. However, these results are mainly applicable in the Russian context. Therefore, additional research is needed in order to understand the relationship between the employer branding and inbound marketing in other cultural settings or in particular fields of business.
BCM (business continuity Management) is a holistic management process aiming at ensuring business continuity and building organizational resilience. Maturity models offer organizations a tool for evaluating their current maturity in a certain process. In the recent years BCM has been subject to international ISO standardization, while the interest of organizations to bechmark their state of BCM agains standards and the use of maturity models for these asessments has increased. However, although new standards have been introduced, very little attention has been paid to reviewing the existing BCM maturity models in research - especially in the light of the new ISO 22301 standard for BCM. In this thesis the existing BCM maturily models are carefully evaluated to determine whetherthey could be improved. In order to accomplish this, the compliance of the existing models to the ISO 22301 standard is measured and a framework for assessing a maturitymodel´s quality is defined. After carefully evaluating the existing frameworks for maturity model development and evaluation, an approach suggested by Becker et al. (2009) was chosen as the basis for the research. An additionto the procedural model a set of seven research guidelines proposed by the same authors was applied, drawing on the design-science research guidelines as suggested by Hevner et al. (2004). Furthermore, the existing models´ form and function was evaluated to address their usability. Based on the evaluation of the existing BCM maturity models, the existing models were found to have shortcomings in each dimension of the evaluation. Utilizing the best of the existing models, a draft version for an enhanced model was developed. This draft model was then iteratively developed by conducting six semi-structured interviews with BCM professionals in finland with the aim of validating and improving it. As a Result, a final version of the enhanced BCM maturity model was developed, conforming to the seven key clauses in the ISO 22301 standard and the maturity model development guidelines suggested by Becker et al. (2009).
The purpose of this study is to identify opportunities to match marketing communication message strategies with the target audience characteristics in the Chinese luxury market entry context. Therefore, consumer behaviour and psychographic marketing segmentation fields are being reviewed in a holistic view in order to identify the similarities and connection points. Through the analysis of the messages in advertisements placed in a certain luxury and fine living magazine, message creation strategies are being anticipated.