150 resultados para Flour mills
Suomen ympäristönsuojelulaki (86/200) velvoittaa toiminnanharjoittajia olemaan selvillä päästöistään ja hakemaan ympäristöluvan ympäristön pilaantumisen vaaraa aiheuttavalle toiminnalle. Sellutehtaat tuottavat tietoa merkittävimmistä ilmaan johdettavista päästöistään mittaamalla niitä jatkuvatoimisesti. Tuloksia käytetään tiedottamisessa ja päätöksenteossa. Yksi tärkeimmistä käyttökohteista on ympäristöluvan ehtojen täyttymisen seuranta. Mittaustulosten on oltava luotettavia. Luotettavuutta voidaan arvioida vertailumittauksien ja mittausepävarmuustarkastelujen avulla. Tässä työssä määritettiin mittausepävarmuudet Imatran tehtaiden kuorikattilan (LCP-kattila) NOX-mittaukselle sekä sellutehtaan meesauunien ja soodakattiloiden mittauksille. Tämän jälkeen tarkasteltiin, kuinka mittausepävarmuus huomioidaan ympäristö¬luparajaseurannassa. Lopuksi arviointiin, kuinka jatkuvatoimisten mittalaitteiden laadunvarmistusstandardia SFS-EN 141481 voidaan soveltaa Imatran tehtailla. Tarkastellut jatkuvatoimiset mittaukset todettiin varsin luotettaviksi. Etenkin NOx¬mittaukset ovat luotettavia. Kuorikattila 2:lla luotettavuutta heikentää mittauspaikan epä¬edustavuus. Rikin yhdisteiden (SO2 ja TRS) mittausten luotettavuus on alhaisempi, koska mitattavat pitoisuudet ovat pieniä. Mittausten luotettavuus on kuin vertailumittausten. Kuorikattila 2:lla Mittausepävarmuus huomioidaan NOX-pitoisuuden lupaseurannassa LCP-asetuksen mukaisesti. Sellutehtaan TRS-päästöillä mittausepävarmuus voidaan huomioida joko LCP-asetuksen mukaisesti tai tilastomatemaattisesti. Kummallakin tavalla saadaan negatiivisia luparajaan verrattavia keskiarvoja. Standardia SFS-EN 141481 voidaan soveltaa kuorikattilalla mutta sellutehtaalla se voi olla epäkäytännöllistä, eikä välittömästi paranna mittausten luotettavuutta
This paper is a literature review which describes the construction of state of the art of permanent magnet generators and motors constructing and discusses the current and possible application of these machines in industry. Permanent magnet machines are a well-know class of rotating and linear electric machines used for many years in industrial applications. A particular interest for permanent magnet generators is connected with wind mills, which seem to be becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Geared and direct-driven permanent magnet generators are described. A classification of direct-driven permanent magnet generators is given. Design aspects of permanent magnet generators are presented. Permanent magnet generators for wind turbines designs are highlighted. Dynamics and vibration problems of permanent magnet generators covered in literature are presented. The application of the Finite Element Method for mechanical problems solution in the field of permanent magnet generators is discussed.
Traditionally, fossil fuels have always been the major sources of the modern energy production. However prices on these energy sources have been constantly increasing. The utilization of local biomass resources for energy production can substitute significant part of the required energy demand in different energy sectors. The introduction of the biomass usage can easily be started in the forest industry first as it possesses biomass in a large volume. The forest industry energy sector has the highest potential for the fast bioenergy development in the North-West Russia. Therefore, the question concerning rational and effective forest resources use is important today as well as the utilization of the forestry by-products. This work describes and analyzes the opportunities of utilising biomass, mainly, in the form of the wood by-products, for energy production processes in general, as well as for the northwest Russian forest industry conditions. The study also covers basic forest industry processes and technologies, so, the reader can get familiar with the information about the specific character of the biomass utilization. The work gives a comprehensive view on the northwest forest industry situation from the biomass utilisation point of view. By presenting existing large-scale sawmills and pulp and paper mills the work provides information for the evaluation of the future development of CHP investments in the northwest Russian forest industry.
Sustainability of palm oil production and opportunities for Finnish technology and know-how transfer
The global demand for palm oil is growing, thus prompting an increase in the global production particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia. Such increasing demand for palm oil is due to palm oil’s relatively cheap price and versatile advantage both in edible and non-edible applications. Along with the increasing demand for palm oil, particularly for the production of biofuel, is a heated debate on its sustainability. Ecological degradation, climate change and social issues are among the main sustainability issues pressing the whole palm oil industry today. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects fulfilling the imperatives of the Kyoto Protocol are starting to gain momentum in Malaysia as reflected by the increasing registration of CDM projects in the palm oil mills. Most CDM projects in palm oil mills are on waste-to-energy, cocomposting, and methane recovery with the latter being the most common. The study on greenhouse gases (GHG) in the milling process points that biogas collection and energy utilisation has the greatest positive effect on GHG balance. On the other hand, empty fruit bunches (EFB) end-use as energy and high energy efficiency of the mill have the least effect on GHG balance of the mill. The range of direct GHG emissions from the palm oil mill is from 2.5 to 27 gCO2e/MJCPO, while the range of GHG emissions with all indirect and avoided emissions included is from -9 to 29 gCO2e/MJCPO. Comparing this GHG balance result with that of the EU RES-Directive suggests a further check on the values and emissions consideration of the latter.
Synchronous motors are used mainly in large drives, for example in ship propulsion systems and in steel factories' rolling mills because of their high efficiency, high overload capacity and good performance in the field weakening range. This, however, requires an extremely good torque control system. A fast torque response and a torque accuracy are basic requirements for such a drive. For large power, high dynamic performance drives the commonly known principle of field oriented vector control has been used solely hitherto, but nowadays it is not the only way to implement such a drive. A new control method Direct Torque Control (DTC) has also emerged. The performance of such a high quality torque control as DTC in dynamically demanding industrial applications is mainly based on the accurate estimate of the various flux linkages' space vectors. Nowadays industrial motor control systems are real time applications with restricted calculation capacity. At the same time the control system requires a simple, fast calculable and reasonably accurate motor model. In this work a method to handle these problems in a Direct Torque Controlled (DTC) salient pole synchronous motor drive is proposed. A motor model which combines the induction law based "voltage model" and motor inductance parameters based "current model" is presented. The voltage model operates as a main model and is calculated at a very fast sampling rate (for example 40 kHz). The stator flux linkage calculated via integration from the stator voltages is corrected using the stator flux linkage computed from the current model. The current model acts as a supervisor that prevents only the motor stator flux linkage from drifting erroneous during longer time intervals. At very low speeds the role of the current model is emphasised but, nevertheless, the voltage model always stays the main model. At higher speeds the function of the current model correction is to act as a stabiliser of the control system. The current model contains a set of inductance parameters which must be known. The validation of the current model in steady state is not self evident. It depends on the accuracy of the saturated value of the inductances. Parameter measurement of the motor model where the supply inverter is used as a measurement signal generator is presented. This so called identification run can be performed prior to delivery or during drive commissioning. A derivation method for the inductance models used for the representation of the saturation effects is proposed. The performance of the electrically excited synchronous motor supplied with the DTC inverter is proven with experimental results. It is shown that it is possible to obtain a good static accuracy of the DTC's torque controller for an electrically excited synchronous motor. The dynamic response is fast and a new operation point is achieved without oscillation. The operation is stable throughout the speed range. The modelling of the magnetising inductance saturation is essential and cross saturation has to be considered as well. The effect of cross saturation is very significant. A DTC inverter can be used as a measuring equipment and the parameters needed for the motor model can be defined by the inverter itself. The main advantage is that the parameters defined are measured in similar magnetic operation conditions and no disagreement between the parameters will exist. The inductance models generated are adequate to meet the requirements of dynamically demanding drives.
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää Stora Enso Oyj:n Imatran tehtaille Wedge-pohjainen analysointityökalu, jolla voidaan hallita prosessi- ja päästötietojen yhteys nykyistä paremmin. Wedgeen määriteltiin päästömittauksia, olennaisia prosessimittauksia ja tarpeelliset laskennat kuormituksen ennustamiseksi lähtien tuotantoprosessien tilasta. Työssä tehtiin kemialliselle ja biologiselle jätevedenpuhdistamolle meneville jätevesille laskennallisia malleja, joita verrattiin mitattuihin arvoihin. Kemialliselle jätevedenpuhdistamolle meneville jätevesille tehtiin malli jäteveden virtaamalle. Biologiselle jätevedenpuhdistamolle meneville jätevesille tehtiin mallit jäteveden virtaamalle sekä COD-, AOX- ja alkuainekuormituksille. Alkuaineista työhön otettiin mukaan natrium, rikki ja kloori. Teoriaosassa on käsitelty sellu- ja paperitehtaiden vedenkäyttöä, tehtaan eri osastojen jätevesikuormitusta, jäteveden puhdistusmenetelmiä sekä prosessidatan käsittelymenetelmiä. Kokeellisessa osassa on esitelty mitattujen ja laskennallisten mallien yhteyttä. Suurin osa laskennallisista malleista näyttää seuraavan kohtuullisen hyvin mitattuja arvoja. Kokeellisessa osassa on myös havainnollistettu esimerkkien avulla mallien hyödyntämistä. Työn hyötynä on normaalien kuormitusvaihteluiden ja häiriöpäästöjen entistä tarkempi ja nopeampi erottelu. Pitkällä tähtäimellä Wedge-ohjelman avulla pystytään keskittämään jätevesikuormituksen vähentämistoimenpiteet olennaisimpiin kohteisiin.
The amount of water available is usually restricted, which leads to a situation where a complete understanding of the process, including water circulations and the influence of water components, is essential. The main aim of this thesis was to clarify the possibilities for the efficient use of residual peroxide by means of water circulation rearrangements. Rearranging water circulations and the reduction of water usage may cause new problems, such as metal induced peroxide decomposition that needs to be addressed. This thesis introduces theoretical methods of water circulations to combine two variables; effective utilization of residual peroxide and avoiding manganese in the alkaline peroxide bleaching stage. Results are mainly based on laboratory and mill site experiments concerning the utilization of residual peroxide. A simulation model (BALAS) was used to evaluate the manganese contents and residual peroxide doses. It was shown that with optimum recirculation of residual peroxide the brightness can be improved or chemical costs can be decreased. From the scientific perspective, it was also very important to discover that recycled peroxide was more effective pre-bleaching agent compared to fresh peroxide. This can be due to the organic acids i.e. per acetic acid in wash press filtrate that have been formed in alkaline bleaching stage. Even short retention time was adequate and the activation of residual peroxide using sodium hydroxide was not necessary. There are several possibilities for using residual peroxide in practice regarding bleaching. A typical modern mechanical pulping process line consist of defibering, screening, a disc filter, a bleach press, high consistency (HC) peroxide bleaching and a wash press. Furthermore there usually is not a particular medium consistency (MC) pre-bleaching stage that includes additional thickening equipment. The most advisable way to utilize residual peroxide in this kind of process is to recycle the wash press filtrate to the dilution of disc filter pulp (low MC pre-bleaching stage). An arrangement such as this would be beneficial in terms of the reduced convection of manganese to the alkaline bleaching stage. Manganese originates from wood material and will be removed to the water phase already in the early stages of the process. Recycling residual peroxide prior to the disc filter is not recommended because of low consistencies. Regarding water circulations, the novel point of view is that, it would be beneficial to divide water circulations into two sections and the critical location for the division is the disc filter. Both of these two sections have their own priority. Section one before the disc filter: manganese removal. Section two after the disc filter: brightening of pulp. This division can be carried out if the disc filter pulp is diluted only by wash press filtrate before the MC storage tower. The situation is even better if there is an additional press after the disc filter, which will improve the consistency of the pulp. This has a significant effect on the peroxide concentration in the MC pre-bleaching stage. In terms of manganese content, it is essential to avoid the use of disc filter filtrate in the bleach press and wash press showers. An additional cut-off press would also be beneficial for manganese removal. As a combination of higher initial brightness and lower manganese content, the typical brightness increase varies between approximately 0.5 and 1% ISO units after the alkaline peroxide bleaching stage. This improvement does not seem to be remarkable, but as it is generally known, the final brightness unit is the most expensive and difficult to achieve. The estimation of cost savings is not unambiguous. For example in GW/TMP mill case 0.6% ISO units higher final brightness gave 10% savings in the costs of bleaching chemicals. With an hypothetical 200 000 ton annual production, this means that the mill could save in the costs of bleaching chemicals more than 400 000 euros per year. In general, it can be said that there were no differences between the behavior of different types of processes (GW, PGW, TMP and BCTMP). The enhancement of recycling gave a similar response in all cases. However, we have to remember that the utilization of residual peroxide in older mills depends a great deal on the process equipment, the amount of water available and existing pipeline connections. In summary, it can be said that processes are individual and the same solutions cannot be applied to all cases.
This study presents examination of ways to increase power generation in pulp mills. The main purpose was to identify and verify the best ways of power generation growth. The literature part of this study presented operation of energy pulp mill departments, energy consumption and generation by the recovery and power boilers. The second chapter of this part described the main directions for increase of electricity generation rise of black liquor dry solid content, increase of main steam parameters, flue gas heat recovery technologies, feed water and combustion air preheating. The third chapter of the literature part presented possible technical, environment and corrosion risks appeared from described alternatives. In the experimental part of this study, calculations and results of possible models with alternatives was presented. The possible combinations of alternatives were generated in 44 `models of energy pulp mill. The target of this part was define extra electricity generation after alternatives using and estimate profitability of generated models. The calculations were made by computer programme PROSIM. In the conclusions, the results were estimated on the basis of extra electricity generation and equipment design data of models. The profitability of cases was verified by their payback periods and additional incomes.
Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää miksi kohdeyrityksen erään avainkomponentin, kehäpyörän, kovasorvauksen vaiheajoissa on niin paljon vaihtelua ja kuinka sitä saataisiin vähennettyä. Samalla pyrittiin lyhentämään keskimääräisiä vaiheaikoja. Tutkimus aloitettiin tuotannon nykytilan kartoituksella, jossa selvitettiin yrityksen toimintatapoja ja tuotannon tehokkuutta heikentäviä ongelmia. Tämän jälkeen aloitettiin varsinainen kehitysprojekti, joka perustui Lean-ajatteluun. Lean-ajattelu on tuotannon kehittämiseen tähtäävä filosofia, jossa pyritään tekemään enemmän vähemmällä, poistamalla tuotannosta kaikki ylimääräinen arvoa lisäämätön toiminta. Tuotantoon pyritään saamaan aikaiseksi tuotteiden jatkuva virtaus tuotantoa tahdistamalla. Erinomaisuutta tavoitellaan jatkuvalla parantamisella. Kohdeyrityksen tuotannon ongelmien tarkemmaksi selvittämiseksi toteutettiin erilaisia seurantoja, niin paikan päällä tuotannossa, kuin automaattista tiedonkeruuohjelmistoa hyväksi käyttäen. Seurantojen tuloksena selvisi, että pääsyyt tuotannon vaiheaikojen vaihteluun löytyvät teknisen järjestelmän sijaan ihmisten asenteista ja osaamisesta. Kun kehitystyön tuloksena toteutetaan muutoksia, kohdataan usein muutosvastarintaa. Tällöin tarvitaan tehokasta muutosjohtamista. Muutostyössä on tärkeä hallita tietoa sen jakamisen lisäksi myös sen keräämisessä. Muutoksiin johtavan tiedon tulee olla aina relevanttia ja faktapohjaista. Muutosjohtamisen tavoitteena on saada aikaiseksi tietoa luova organisaatio, joka kestää itsekritiikkiä ja jolla on poisoppimisen taito. Työsuoritusten parantamiseksi toteutettiin pilottihanke, jossa testattiin tässä työssä kehitettyä palautejärjestelmää. Palaute perustui automaattisen tiedonkeruuohjelmiston keräämään dataan. Samalla selvitettiin työtä hidastaneita ongelmia yhteistyössä työntekijöiden kanssa. Pilottihankkeen tulokset ovat lupaavia, sillä seurannassa olleen kehäpyörämallin viikoittaisten vaiheaikojen keskiarvo laski 32,6 % ja kehäpyörän puolikkaiden kovasorvauksen vaiheaikojen vaihtelut vähenivät 18,1 ja 26,8 %. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella päivittäisten työmäärien tarkempaa seurantaa kannattaa jatkaa ja palautejärjestelmää kehittää edelleen.
The aim of this thesis is to analyze how increasing the level of unitizing affects to the costs in the transport system of a Finnish paper and board company. The parts of the supply chain where costs are analyzed are limited to domestic inland transport and port operations. Supply Chain management is important aspect of modern day companies’ strategies. Intermodal transport and different transport systems are the key items which are studied in the theory part of this thesis. In the case study the payload simulations for SECU container (Stora Enso Cargo Unit) stuffed in mills sites are base of the cost analyze of this thesis. Thesis also makes a glance for the restrictions and development trends in Finnish railroads. In analyze SECU containers are moved up to the mill site for stuffing. This increases the level of unitizing in supply chain. Analyze is made for three variation of current traffic lines. Analyze shows that when idea of intermodalism is well used there is considerable cost savings to gather in pre-transportation and port operations. But also effects to mill sites and destination ports needs to be take under considering. In analyze the effects of increased axle weight for SECU container transportation in Finnish railroads is studied. When transport unit is stuffed in earliest possible point supply chain and unloaded the last possible point the savings made in chain can be considerable. In case study of this thesis almost 40% savings in total costs could be reached in pre transportation and port operations when unitizing level is increased in supply chain.
The UPM-Kymmene Oyj Pietarsaari pulp and paper Mill biological wastewater treatment plant was built in the 1980's and the plant has been in use ever since. During the past years there have been problems with deviations. The wastewater treatment plant needs update, especially the aeration basin, where the old surface aerators cannot produce enough mixing and indroduce oxygen enough to the wastewater. In this thesis how extra aeration with oxygen affects the wastewater treatment plant effluent was studied. In the literature part the main focus is in aeration devices, which can be used in biological wastewater treatment. The target is to compare different kind of aerators, which are suitable for pulp and paper wastewater treatment. Studies show, that EDI-aerators are commonly used and also most suitable. In the experimental part, the focus is on the Pietarsaari Mills wastewater treatment plant and oxygen aeration during autumn 2008. This thesis presents the results of the trial run. Studies show, that extra oxygen devices can produce lot a of mixing and the oxygenation capacity was more than what the micro-organisms needed. The effect on sludge quality could not been seen during the trial runs.
International energy and climate strategies also set Finland’s commitments to increasing the use of renewable energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The target can be achieved by, for example, increasing the use of energy wood. Finland’s forest biomass potential is significant compared with current use. Increased use will change forest management and wood harvesting methods however. The thesis examined the potential for integrated pulp and paper mills to increase bioenergy production. The effects of two bioenergy production technologies on the carbon footprint of an integrated LWC mill were studied at mill level and from the cradle-to-customer approach. The LignoBoost process and FT diesel production were chosen as bioenergy cases. The data for the LignoBoost process were obtained from Metso and for the FT diesel process from Neste Oil. The rest of the information is based on the literature and databases of the KCL-ECO life-cycle computer program and Ecoinvent. In both case studies, the carbon footprint was reduced. From the results, it can be concluded that it is possible to achieve a fossil-fuel-free pulp mill with the LignoBoost process. By using steam from the FT diesel process, the amount of auxiliary fuel can be reduced considerably and the bark boiler can be replaced. With a choice of auxiliary fuels for use in heat production in the paper mill and the production methods for purchased electricity, it is possible to affect the carbon footprints even more in both cases.
The objective in this Master’s Thesis was to determine VOC emissions from veneer drying in softwood plywood manufacturing. Emissions from plywood industry have become an important factor because of the tightened regulations worldwide. In this Thesis is researched quality and quantity of the VOCs from softwood veneer drying. One of the main objectives was to find out suitable cleaning techniques for softwood VOC emissions. In introduction part is presented veneer drying machines, wood mechanical and chemical properties. VOC control techniques and specified VOC limits are introduced also in the introduction part. Plywood mills have not had interest to VOC emissions previously nevertheless nowadays plywood mills worldwide must consider reduction of the emissions. This Thesis includes measuring of emissions from softwood veneer dryer, analyzation of measured test results and reviewing results. Different air conditions inside of the dryer were considered during planning of the measurements. Results of the emissions measurements were compared to the established laws. Results from this Thesis were softwood veneer dryer emissions in different air conditions. Emission control techniques were also studied for softwood veneer dryer emissions for further specific research.
Sähkön tukkuhinnat vaihtelivat hyvin voimakkaasti talvella 2009–2010. Työssä on esitetty rajahyötytarkasteluna yhdistetyn sellu- ja paperitehtaan mahdollisuudet lisätä vastapainesähkön tuotantoa sekä leikata sähkön kulutusta aikana, jolloin sähkön tuntihinta on korkea. Työssä tarkastellaan myös erilaisia sähkömarkkinaoperaatioita. Työn ensimmäisessä osiossa esitellään Stora Enson Imatran tehtaat. Myöhemmissä kappaleissa perehdytään pohjoismaisten sähkömarkkinoiden sekä kaasupörssin toimintaan. Jotta korkeista sähkön hinnoista voitaisiin hyötyä, tulee sähkön myyntitarjoukset jättää sähköpörssi Nord Poolin kaupankäyntijärjestelmään toimitusvuorokautta edeltävänä päivänä. Tässä työssä on määritetty sähköenergian mahdolliset myyntivolyymit sekä hinnat eri tuotantotilanteissa. Työssä pyritään parantamaan tehtaan sähkökaupankäynnin kannattavuutta käyttämällä eri sähkökaupan tuotteita. Työssä esitetään malleja, joiden avulla korkeita sähkön markkinahintoja voidaan pyrkiä hyödyntämään. Eri sähkömarkkinatuotteet soveltuvat myös riskienhallintaan voimakkaasti vaihtelevilla sähkömarkkinoilla