71 resultados para postgraduate supervision


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In this postgraduate thesis the focus is on two documentary films, Renaud Brothers's Dope Sick Love (2005) and Joonas Neuvonen's Reindeerspotting (2010). In both of these films, addicts are on limelight. The directors of both films follow addicts and their everyday lives on streets with handheld cameras. This thesis will analyze and compare the narratives of these addicts. Do these documentaries affirm to the existing conventions, according to which representations of addicts and addiction are always either miraculous survival stories or stories, which always end up in utter decadence. The main questions this thesis proposes, are how addicts and their narratives are being handled in the two case study films, and how the drug cultures depicted in the films differ from each other. What changes between New York City and Rovaniemi, Northern Finland, and what remains the same. The academic and theoretical framework of this thesis consists of Susanna Helke's doctoral thesis Nanookin jälki, where the history of documentary films' methods and approaches are discussed. Additionally, the thinking is heavily informed by such poststructuralist writers as Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Louis Althusser, Stuart Hall and Chris Weedon.


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A postgraduate seminar series with a title Critical Infrastructure Protection against Cyber Threats held at the Department of Military Technology of the National Defence University in the fall of 2013 and 2014. This book is a collection of some of talks that were presented in the seminar. The papers address origin of critical infrastructure protection, wargaming cyberwar in critical infrastructure defence, cyber-target categorization, supervisory control and data acquisition systems vulnerabilities, electric power as critical infrastructure, improving situational awareness of critical infrastructure and trust based situation awareness in high security cloud environment. This set of papers tries to give some insight to current issues of the network-centric critical infrastructure protection. The seminar has always made a publication of the papers but this has been an internal publication of the Finnish Defence Forces and has not hindered publication of the papers in international conferences. Publication of these papers in peer reviewed conferences has indeed been always the goal of the seminar, since it teaches writing conference level papers. We still hope that an internal publication in the department series is useful to the Finnish Defence Forces by offering an easy access to these papers.


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The competence of graduating nursing students is an important issue in health care as it is related to professional standards, patient safety and the quality of nursing care. Many changes in health care lead to increased demand with respect to nurses’ competence as well the number of nurses. The purpose of this empirical study was to i) describe the nurse competence areas of nursing students in Europe, ii) evaluate the nurse competence of graduating nursing students, iii) identify factors related to the nurse competence, and to iv) assess the congruence between graduating nursing students’ self-assessments and their mentors’ assessments of students’ nurse competence. The study was carried out in two phases: descriptive phase and evaluation phase. The descriptive phase focused on describing the nurse competence areas of nursing students in Europe with the help of a literature review (n=10 empirical studies and n=4 additional documents). Thematic analysis was used as the analysis method. In the evaluation phase, the nurse competence with particular focus on nursing skills of graduating nursing students (n=154) was assessed. In addition, factors related to the nurse competence were examined. Also, the congruence between graduating nursing students’ self-assessments and their mentors’ assessments of students’ nurse competence was evaluated by comparing graduating nursing students’ self-assessments with the assessments by their mentors (n=42) in the final clinical placement in four university hospitals. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Based on the results, the nurse competence of nursing students in Europe consists of nine main competence areas: (1) professional/ethical values and practice, (2) nursing skills and interventions, (3) communication and interpersonal skills, (4) knowledge and cognitive ability, (5) assessment and improving quality in nursing, (6) professional development, (7) leadership, management and teamwork, (8) teaching and supervision, and (9) research utilization. Graduating nursing students self-assessed their nurse competence as good. However, when graduating nursing students’ nurse competence was assessed by their mentors, the results were poorer. Readiness for practice based on nurse education, pedagogical atmosphere on the ward, supervisory relationship between student and mentor and being in paid work in health care at the moment of the study were the most significant factors related to the nurse competence. Conclusions: Nurse competence can be evaluated with a scale based on self-assessment, but other evaluation methods could be used alongside to ensure that nurse competence can be completed and evaluated critically. Practical implications are presented for nurse education and nursing practice. In future, longitudinal research is needed in order to understand the development of nurse competence during nurse education and the transition process from a nursing student to a professional nurse.


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The purpose of this thesis is to find development areas for site operations in power plant construction projects delivered by Wärtsilä. The inspected operations are subcontractor management, site material management and work scheduling. The contractor's role in EPC project is to respond for engineering, procurement, and construction supervision. Geographical and cultural differences brings challenges for finding development areas as Wärtsilä delivers projects world-wide. Searching for development area is mainly made with survey, which answers were collected from the target company's site personnel. Based on the results, with good planning and preparation various problems would be avoided. An external view for the thesis was collected by an expert interview, which was held to three expe-rienced construction operating executives. Interviewees believed that with the se-lection of right site personnel and clearly defined areas of responsibility will great-ly affect the outcome of the project. Some of the theory has been collected from areas, which have helped to under-stand the inspected operations on site. Improving competence knowledge has been important due to the broad scope of work and the author’s inexperience of the topic. Also generally effective practices from construction projects has been col-lected to the theory part. Functionality of general practices have been reflected together with the results of empirically collected data for Wärtsilä's projects. As a result, a model was generated where development proposals and the benefits from new procedures were presented.


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This book was created as postgraduate lecture notes for Lappeenranta University of Technology's special course of steam power plants. But as with anything ever written the ideas shown have nurtured for a long time. Parts of these chapters have appeared elsewhere as individual papers or work documents. One of the most helpful episodes have been presentations and discussions during Pohto Operator training seminars. Input from those sessions can be seen in chapter firing. You who run recovery boilers, I salute you. The purpose of this text is to give the reader an overview of recovery boiler operation. Most parts of the recovery boiler operation are common to boilers burning other fuels. The furnace operation differs significantly from operation of other boiler furnaces. Oxygen rich atmosphere is needed to burn fuel efficiently. But the main function of recovery boiler is to reduce spent cooking chemicals. Reduction reactions happen best in oxygen deficient atmosphere. This dual, conflicting nature of recovery furnace makes understanding it so challenging. To understand the processes happening in the recovery furnace one must try to understand the detailed processes that might occur and their limitations. Therefore chapters on materials, corrosion and fouling have been added.


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Object detection is a fundamental task of computer vision that is utilized as a core part in a number of industrial and scientific applications, for example, in robotics, where objects need to be correctly detected and localized prior to being grasped and manipulated. Existing object detectors vary in (i) the amount of supervision they need for training, (ii) the type of a learning method adopted (generative or discriminative) and (iii) the amount of spatial information used in the object model (model-free, using no spatial information in the object model, or model-based, with the explicit spatial model of an object). Although some existing methods report good performance in the detection of certain objects, the results tend to be application specific and no universal method has been found that clearly outperforms all others in all areas. This work proposes a novel generative part-based object detector. The generative learning procedure of the developed method allows learning from positive examples only. The detector is based on finding semantically meaningful parts of the object (i.e. a part detector) that can provide additional information to object location, for example, pose. The object class model, i.e. the appearance of the object parts and their spatial variance, constellation, is explicitly modelled in a fully probabilistic manner. The appearance is based on bio-inspired complex-valued Gabor features that are transformed to part probabilities by an unsupervised Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). The proposed novel randomized GMM enables learning from only a few training examples. The probabilistic spatial model of the part configurations is constructed with a mixture of 2D Gaussians. The appearance of the parts of the object is learned in an object canonical space that removes geometric variations from the part appearance model. Robustness to pose variations is achieved by object pose quantization, which is more efficient than previously used scale and orientation shifts in the Gabor feature space. Performance of the resulting generative object detector is characterized by high recall with low precision, i.e. the generative detector produces large number of false positive detections. Thus a discriminative classifier is used to prune false positive candidate detections produced by the generative detector improving its precision while keeping high recall. Using only a small number of positive examples, the developed object detector performs comparably to state-of-the-art discriminative methods.


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Postgraduate seminar series with a title Situational Awareness for Critical Infrastructure Protection held at the Department of Military Technology of the National Defence University in 2015. This book is a collection of some of talks that were presented in the seminar. The papers address designing inter-organizational situation awareness system, principles of designing for situation awareness, situation awareness in distributed teams, vulnerability analysis in a critical system context, tactical Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence (C4I) systems, and improving situational awareness in the circle of trust. This set of papers tries to give some insight to current issues of the situation awareness for critical infrastructure protection. The seminar has always made a publication of the papers but this has been an internal publication of the Finnish Defence Forces and has not hindered publication of the papers in international conferences. Publication of these papers in peer reviewed conferences has indeed been always the goal of the seminar, since it teaches writing conference level papers. We still hope that an internal publication in the department series is useful to the Finnish Defence Forces by offering an easy access to these papers.


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Tutkimus käsittelee talkootyön verotusta, joka liittyy lähinnä aatteellisten yhdistysten toimintaan. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on muodostaa selkeä kokonaiskuva talkootyön verokohtelusta sekä osoittaa oikeustapauksiin perehtymällä mahdollisia riskitekijöitä yhdistysten kannalta kielteisiin veroseuraamuksiin. Tutkimusmenetelmä on lainopillinen eli voimassa olevaa oikeutta tutkiva. Työn teoreettisen viitekehyksen muodostavat siten lainsäädäntö, oikeuskirjallisuus sekä Verohallinnon ohjeistus, jolla on ennakkopäätösten ohella suuri käytännön merkitys verotuksessa. Yhdistystoiminnan perusta on vapaaehtoistyövoima. Välitön, vastikkeeton työ suoraan yhdistyksen hyväksi on verotuksellisesti ongelmaton. Talkootyösuoritteet eli välillinen työ yhdistyksen nimissä kolmannen osapuolen lukuun muodostavat merkittävän osuuden yhdistysten varainhankinnasta. Talkootyötulo voi olla verotonta ainoastaan, mikäli korvauksen saaja täyttää tuloverolaissa mainitut yleishyödyllisyyskriteerit. Lisäksi verottomuuden edellytyksenä on se, ettei suoritusta pidetä yhdistyksen elinkeinotulona tai työn tekijän henkilökohtaisena palkkana. Saatu tulo on käytettävä yhdistyksen tarkoituksen mukaiseen yleishyödylliseen toimintaan, eikä hyöty saa kanavoitua työn tekijöiden hyväksi. Oikeustapausten perusteella talkootyön verollisuutta arvioitaessa merkitystä on annettu työn kestolle, toimeksiantajan johdon ja valvonnan olemassaololle, työn läheiselle liittymiselle varsinaiseen yleishyödylliseen toimintaan, kilpailuolosuhteille sekä tulojen määrälle suhteessa muihin tuloihin. Ratkaisujen valossa verotuskäytäntö vaikuttaa osittain ristiriitaiselta. Lisäksi on muistettava, että kyseessä on aina yksittäistapauksen kokonaisarviointi. Riskialttiilta vaikuttavassa tapauksessa verovelvollisen on suositeltavaa hakea ennakkokannanotto, sillä usean vuoden ajalta kumuloituvat veroseuraamukset johtavat helposti syvään talousahdinkoon, pahimmillaan jopa toiminnan lakkaamiseen.


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Tässä diplomityössä määritettiin Nesteen Suomen jalostamoiden normaalitoiminta ja integroidun päästöjen hallintamallin mukainen monitorointi. Työn ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli selvittää määritelmä integroidun päästöjen hallintamallin mukaiselle normaalitoiminnalle öljynjalostamolla. Toisena tavoitteena oli löytää ratkaisut integroidun päästöjen hallintamallin monitoroinnin heikosti ohjeistettuihin kohtiin. Jalostamoiden normaalitoiminnan määrittäviä kohteita selvitettiin keskustelemalla jalostamon käyttöhenkilökunnan kanssa kriittisistä kohteista päästöjenhallinnan sekä jalostamokokonaisuuden toiminnan kannalta. Keskusteluissa esiin tulleiden kohteiden hyödyllisyyttä jalostamon normaalitoiminnan määrittämiseksi tutkittiin Nesteen jalostamoiden automaatiojärjestelmän historiatietojen perusteella. Selkeästi normaalista poikkeavaksi toiminnaksi lisääntyneiden päästöjen takia tunnistettiin polttoaineiden ja savukaasujen puhdistusprosessien häiriöt sekä Porvoon jalostamolla voimalaitoksen höyryntuotantohäiriöt. Lisäksi jalostamon normaalitoiminnan kuvaajaksi tunnistettiin toiminnassa olevien yksiköiden määrä. Monitoroinnin ohjeistuksen puutteisiin etsittiin ratkaisua olemassa olevista muiden soveltamisalojen ohjeistuksista. Integroidun päästöjen hallintamallin monitorointitarpeista tunnistettiin paljon samaa päästökaupan monitoroinnin kanssa. Monitoroinnin lisäohjeistuksena suositeltiin käyttämään päästökaupan monitorointiohjetta ja sieltä löytyviä määräyksiä. Integroidussa päästöjen hallintamallissa tunnistettiin uusia haasteita viranomaisseurannan toteuttamisessa.


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Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin ajoneuvokatsastuksen suorituskykymittari sekä suorituskyvyn johtamiseen perustuva ajoneuvokatsastuksen valvontamalli. Suorituskykymittarin avulla voidaan mitata ajoneuvokatsastuksen suorituskykyä, seurata suorituskyvyn kehitystä, suunnitella ja päättää mitä pitäisi parantaa sekä seurata tehtyjen toimenpiteiden vaikutuksia eli johtaa toimintaa. Tutkimuksessa kehitetty suorituskykymittari perustuu Liikenteen turvallisuusviraston ylläpitämään ajoneuvoliikennerekisteriin tallennettujen katsastustietojen analysointiin sekä tilastollisten prosessin ohjausmenetelmien (SPC) hyödyntämiseen. Tutkimuksessa kehitetyssä ajoneuvokatsastuksen valvontamallissa Liikenteen turvallisuusviraston valvontatoimintoja sekä katsastusyritysten omaa laadunhallintaa johdetaan suorituskykymittarin avulla. Tutkimuksessa kehitetyn suorituskykymittarin ja valvontamallin avulla Liikenteen turvallisuusvirastolla ja katsastusyrityksillä on aiempaa paremmat edellytykset valvoa ja johtaa ajoneuvokatsastuksen suorituskykyä katsastustoiminnalle asetettujen tavoitteiden kannalta vaikuttavasti ja oikein. Tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivista tutkimusotetta käyttäen ja tutkimuksessa kehitetty ajoneuvokatsastuksen valvontamalli implementoitiin osaksi kansallista lainsäädäntöä sekä Liikenteen turvallisuusviraston ja katsastusyritysten johtamistoimintoja.