164 resultados para multiparty outsourcing environment.
Heinolan Sahakoneet Oy on tunnettu maailmanlaajuisesti osaavana ja luotettavana sahalaitosratkaisutoimittajana. Yrityksen tuotelinjaan kuuluvat myos hakkurit, kiinteat sivutuotehakkurit, seka mobiiiihakkurit jotka ovat kasvattaneet menekkiaan bioenergian kayton yleistyessa. Toimitettavat sahalaitosprojektit ovat vaativia ja asiakaslahtbisia toimitusprojekteja, joten mybs alihankintavalmistuksen yhteistyokumppaneilta vaaditaan vahvaa sitoutumista projektien onnistumiseksi. Usein eri yritysten valinen alihankintatoiminta missa tahansa tuoteymparistossa on suurienkin jarjestelmatoimittajien kanssa perustunut pelkastaan tilaus toimituslasku periaatteeseen, jossa molemmat osapuolet toimivat lahes itsenaisesti, jakamatta tietoa valttamatonta enempaa toisilleen. Joissakin tapauksissa paahankkijan ja alihankkijan valinen toimitussuhde on kehittynyt osapuolten erikseen tavoittelematta todellisen kumppanuustoiminnan elementteja sisaltavaksi yhteistyoksi. Tasta ei valttamatta ole pitka matka todelliseen kumppanuustoimintaan, joka parhaimmillaan mahdollistaa turvallisen tuotantokapasiteetin kasvattamisen ilman suuria ongelmia toimitusketjussa. Diplomityossa kasitellaan Heinolan Sahakoneet Oy:n toimitusprojektien toimitusketjua sahalaitosratkaisujen alihankintapositioiden ostamisen, kumppanuus toiminnan kehittamisen, seka sen yllapitamisen nakokulmasta. Tyo tarkastelee mita varmistustoimenpiteita tulee tehda kumppanin kanssa toimitusketjun eri vaiheissa, jotta mahdolliset ongelmat eivat kasaantuisi toimitusajankohdan viime hetkille. Usein toimitusketjussa ilmenneet vaikeudet saattavat vaikuttaa erittain vahapatoisilta, eivatka useimmiten edes tule esille mm. huonosta tiedonkulusta johtuen, mutta voivat vaikuttaa merkittavasti lopputulokseen. Kumppanuustoimintaa, seka erityisesti tiedonkulkua kehittamalla varmistetaan tuloksellisemmat ja vahemman ongelmia sisaitavat toimitusprojektit
Logistiikan kehittäminen on nykypäivänä tärkeä tekijä yrityksen kilpailukyvyn parantamiseksi. Huonon taloustilanteen takia kustannussäästöt sekä logistisen toimitusketjun tehostaminen ovat nyt entistä tärkeämmässä asemassa. Tämän diplomityön päätavoitteena on tehdasalueen logistiikan kehittämisen avulla saavuttaa säästöjä Sulzer Pumps Finland Oy:n Karhulassa sijaitsevien yksiköiden logistiikka-kustannuksissa. Logistiikkatoimintoja on vuosien saatossa vähitellen ulkoistettu, joten tutkimus keskittyy pääosin ulkoistettujen logistiikkapalvelujen kehittämiseen. Nykytilan selvittäminen suoritettiin ensin haastatteluiden ja seurannan avulla. Selvityksen tuloksena havaittiin palveluntoimittajien toiminnoissa esiintyvän päällekkäisyyksiä ja tehottomuutta, joista aiheutuu yritykselle ylimääräisiä kustannuksia. Logistiikan kehittämisehdotuksia käsitellään tässä tutkimuksessa tehokkuuden lisäämisen, ylimääräisten työvaiheiden vähentämisen sekä roolijaon selkeyttämisen näkökulmista. Työn keskeisenä tuloksena todettiin myös, että vaiheittaisen ulkoistamisen myötä on menetetty ulkoistetun logistiikkapalvelun hallinta. Hallinnan palauttamisen keinoina käsitellään raportoinnin ja tiedonkulun lisäämistä, sopimuksellisia ja veloitusperusteellisia näkökulmia sekä palvelu- ja kustannustason mittaamiseen soveltuvien mittareiden kehittämistä.
Both the competitive environment and the internal structure of an industrial organization are typically included in the processes which describe the strategic management processes of the firm, but less attention has been paid to the interdependence between these views. Therefore, this research focuses on explaining the particular conditions of an industry change, which lead managers to realign the firm in respect of its environment for generating competitive advantage. The research question that directs the development of the theoretical framework is: Why do firms outsource some of their functions? The three general stages of the analysis are related to the following research topics: (i) understanding forces that shape the industry, (ii) estimating the impacts of transforming customer preferences, rivalry, and changing capability bases on the relevance of existing assets and activities, and emergence of new business models, and (iii) developing optional structures for future value chains and understanding general boundaries for market emergence. The defined research setting contributes to the managerial research questions “Why do firms reorganize their value chains?”, “Why and how are decisions made?” Combining Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Resource-Based View (RBV) within an integrated framework makes it possible to evaluate the two dimensions of a company’s resources, namely the strategic value and transferability. The final decision of restructuring will be made based on an analysis of the actual business potential of the outsourcing, where benefits and risks are evaluated. The firm focuses on the risk of opportunism, hold-up problems, pricing, and opportunities to reach a complete contract, and finally on the direct benefits and risks for financial performance. The supplier analyzes the business potential of an activity outside the specific customer, the amount of customer-specific investments, the service provider’s competitive position, abilities to revenue gains in generic segments, and long-term dependence on the customer.
In the paper machine, it is not a desired feature for the boundary layer flows in the fabric and the roll surfaces to travel into the closing nips, creating overpressure. In this thesis, the aerodynamic behavior of the grooved roll and smooth rolls is compared in order to understand the nip flow phenomena, which is the main reason why vacuum and grooved roll constructions are designed. A common method to remove the boundary layer flow from the closing nip is to use the vacuum roll construction. The downside of the use of vacuum rolls is high operational costs due to pressure losses in the vacuum roll shell. The deep grooved roll has the same goal, to create a pressure difference over the paper web and keep the paper attached to the roll or fabric surface in the drying pocket of the paper machine. A literature review revealed that the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll is not very well known. In this thesis, the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll in interaction with a permeable or impermeable wall is studied by varying the groove properties. Computational fluid dynamics simulations are utilized as the research tool. The simulations have been performed with commercial fluid dynamics software, ANSYS Fluent. Simulation results made with 3- and 2-dimensional fluid dynamics models are compared to laboratory scale measurements. The measurements have been made with a grooved roll simulator designed for the research. The variables in the comparison are the paper or fabric wrap angle, surface velocities, groove geometry and wall permeability. Present-day computational and modeling resources limit grooved roll fluid dynamics simulations in the paper machine scale. Based on the analysis of the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll, a grooved roll simulation tool is proposed. The smooth roll simulations show that the closing nip pressure does not depend on the length of boundary layer development. The surface velocity increase affects the pressure distribution in the closing and opening nips. The 3D grooved roll model reveals the aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll. With the optimal groove size it is possible to avoid closing nip overpressure and keep the web attached to the fabric surface in the area of the wrap angle. The groove flow friction and minor losses play a different role when the wrap angle is changed. The proposed 2D grooved roll simulation tool is able to replicate the grooved aerodynamic behavior with reasonable accuracy. A small wrap angle predicts the pressure distribution correctly with the chosen approach for calculating the groove friction losses. With a large wrap angle, the groove friction loss shows too large pressure gradients, and the way of calculating the air flow friction losses in the groove has to be reconsidered. The aerodynamic functionality of the grooved roll is based on minor and viscous losses in the closing and opening nips as well as in the grooves. The proposed 2D grooved roll model is a simplification in order to reduce computational and modeling efforts. The simulation tool makes it possible to simulate complex paper machine constructions in the paper machine scale. In order to use the grooved roll as a replacement for the vacuum roll, the grooved roll properties have to be considered on the basis of the web handling application.
This thesis discusses the different possibilities to brand and promote a patented prescription lifestyle drug through different marketing communications practices. This thesis aims in explaining how branding procedures can be built in circumstances, where the legislative environment is strickt and furthermore, the environment consists of both B-to-B and B-to-C market characteristics simultaneously.
Tuotantostrategisia päätöksiä, tässä tutkimuksessa erityisesti ulkoistamis-, verkostoitumis- ja ulkomaille laajentamispäätöksiä, tehdään yrityksissä jatkuvasti nykyisessä dynaamisessa liiketoimintaympäristössä. Tuotantostrategisen päätöksenteon jäljet ovat pitkälle johtavia ja päätöksenteossa tehdyt virheet voivat siksi olla yrityksille todella haavoittavia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata nykyistä tuotantostrategista päätöksentekoa suomalaisissa kone- ja metalliteollisuuden pk-yrityksissä. Kirjallisuudesta ja aikaisemmista tutkimuksista muodostetaan teoriapohja tuotantostrategisesta päätöksenteosta ja tunnetuimmista päätöksentekotyökaluista. Empiirinen aineisto koostuu asiantuntija- ja yrityshaastatteluista. Sekä teoriassa että empiriassa tuotantostrategista päätöksentekoa pidetään viime kädessä ylimmän johdon osaamis- ja vastuualueena. Teoria näkee päätöksenteon koko henkilöstön sitovana prosessina, jossa apuna käytetään taloudellisten menetelmien lisäksi myös muita työkaluja. Haastattelujen perusteella päätöksentekovaiheista ei yrityksissä ole olemassa kirjallista kuvausta ja päätökset tehdään hallituksessa tai johtoryhmässä nopeasti ja pääasiassa taloudellisiin menetelmiin nojaten.
Deregulation of the electricity sector liberated the electricity sale and production for competitive forces while in the network business, electricity transmission and distribution, natural monopoly positions were recognised. Deregulation was accompanied by efficiencyoriented thinking on the whole electricity supply industry. For electricity distribution this meant a transition from a public service towards profit-driven business guided by economic regulation. Regulation is the primary means to enforce societal and other goals in the regulated monopoly sector. The design of economic regulation is concerned with two main attributes; end-customer price and quality of electricity distribution services. Regulation limits the costs of the regulated company but also defines the desired quality of monopoly services. The characteristics of the regulatory framework and the incentives it provides are therefore decisive for the electricity distribution sector. Regulation is not a static factor; changes in the regulatory practices cause discontinuity points, which in turn generate risks. A variety of social and environmental concerns together with technological advancements have emphasised the relevance of quality regulation, which is expected to lead to the large-scale replacement of overhead lines with underground cables. The electricity network construction activity is therefore currently witnessing revolutionary changes in its competitive landscape. In a business characterised by high statutory involvement and a high level of sunk costs, recognising and understanding the regulatory risks becomes a key success factor. As a response, electricity distribution companies have turned into outsourcing to attain efficiency and quality goals. This doctoral thesis addresses the impacts of regulatory risks on electricity network construction, which is a commonly outsourced activity in the electricity distribution network sector. The chosen research approach is characterised as an action analytical research on account of the fact that regulatory risks are greatly dependent on the individual nature of the regulatory regime applied in the electricity distribution sector. The main contribution of this doctoral thesis is to develop a concept for recognising and managing the business risks stemming from economic regulation. The degree of outsourcing in the sector is expected to increase in years to come. The results of the research provide new knowledge to manage the regulatory risks when outsourcing services.
The main objective of this Master’s thesis is to find out which one of the two pricing models is the most cost-effective. In this thesis there are two companies that have made an outsourcing contract, in which they have a possibility to choose between two different pricing models. The first model is so called FTE (Full Time Employee) -based. The total cost will be based on the amount of outsourced person-workyears. The second pricing model is the transaction-based, in which the price will be formed according to the amount of transactions. Changing the pricing model from FTE-based to the transaction-based will also incur other costs. It is very important that these other costs are also taken into consideration, so that it is possible to determine the total costs of the pricing models. These other costs are direct costs, indirect costs and performance related costs of outsourcing. Activity based-costing (ABC) was used in order to find out the trues indirect costs of the outsourced processes. Performance related costs are related to quality, so Pareto-analysis was used to analyse the costs. Based on all of that, a framework for service related cost analysis was developed. Quality costs were almost impossible to quantify, so quality had to be taken into consideration in a qualitative way. Furthermore, considering only the indirect and direct costs in a quantitative way and quality costs in a qualitative way, it was possible to find a conditional solution for the research question.
For any international companies who wish to enter the Chinese market, quality is base on the fundamental. The companies are coming to realize the importance of quality gradually, thus companies have been put the quality problems on the agenda. The competitiveness of companies comes from quality. Quality is the key to success, and it can decide that the companies can be accepted or eliminated by the market. Due to the obvious benefits, the demand of the method of how to achieve high quality of product keeps growing. During achieving the high quality process, the main troubles come from the impact between Eastern and Western culture. Chinese culture which is different with Western one have lasted as long as five thousand years. Such a culture deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people, and effected generation after generation of Chinese people's working style and ways of thinking. This thesis determines how to find a good fit point between Eastern and Western culture. Doing right thing by the right way. The nature of improving quality is improving management level in fact. "How to manage, who should be managed", the thesis explains the basic and best option to achieve those. It describes three-dimension-style management to monitoring the working process. This kind of management style can inspect production process from horizontal and vertical direction. In this management way, it defines effective evaluation system to every subcontractor, and makes the companies to achieve the ultimate goal - satisfy quality. Because of the importance of human factor, the thesis determines the range of training of the inspector and welder due to the current situation of China. The results show that in order to reach reliable training effective evaluation, not only the quality of the human but also the ultimate goal of product quality.
The subject being analyzed of this Master’s Thesis is a development of a service that is used to define a current location of a mobile device. The service utilized data that is obtained from own GPS receiver in some possible cases and as well data from mobile devices which can be afforded for the current environment for acquisition of more precise position of the device. The computation environment is based on context of a mobile device. The service is implemented as an application for communicator series Nokia N8XX. The Master’s Thesis presents theoretical concept of the method and its practical implementation, architecture of the application, requirements and describes a process of its functionality. Also users’ work with application is presented and recommendations for possible future improvements are made.
The aim of this study is to examine how small and medium sized (SME) sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the changing environment. Firstly, this study researches what changes affect SME sawmills’ competitiveness and what factors construct their competitive advantage. Secondly, this study examines how SME sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the future and how agile and flexible they are. The theoretical part of this study represents the existing literature related to changes and competitive advantage in changing situations. The empirical part was executed as a qualitative research and it consists of thematic interviews with two SME sawmills. The results of the study indicate that several change factors affect the competitiveness of SME sawmills and therefore it is crucial to be alert on them. SME sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the future by specialization and by being agile.
At the time of moving towards knowledge-based economy, countries pay much attention to innovations by making them a central issue in countries’ innovation policy development. Innovations are influenced much by the institutional environment, in which they are created. That is why exploration of National Innovation Systems, as an important part of such an environment, became central in works of different researchers all over the world.