70 resultados para Planning Decision Support Systems


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The importance of logistics for companies is a well known and justified issue. Today, enterprises are developing their logistics processes in order to match their products and services to the requirements of the most important customers. Therefore there is a need for developing analysing tools for logistics and especially for analysing the significance of various customer service elements. The aim of this paper is to propose analytic tools for supporting strategic level logistics decision making by emphasizing service level elements on two levels: (1) to introduce and propose approaches to categorize the developing efforts of logistics and (2) to introduce and/or propose approaches for solving some customer service related strategic level logistics problems. This study consists of two parts. In the first part an overview of the work is presented, and the second part comprises eight research papers on the topic of the study. The overview includes an introduction, where strategic and tactical level logistics problems are discussed and the relation of logistics to marketing and customer service issues is presented. In the first part of the study the objectives, the structure, the research strategy and the contribution of the research are described, and the challenges for future research are discussed. In the second part the three first papers deal with the identification of objectives for logistics while the remaining five papaers concentrate on solving customer service related strategic level logistics problems.


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This study examines Smart Grids and distributed generation, which is connected to a single-family house. The distributed generation comprises small wind power plant and solar panels. The study is done from the consumer point of view and it is divided into two parts. The first part presents the theoretical part and the second part presents the research part. The theoretical part consists of the definition of distributed generation, wind power, solar energy and Smart Grids. The study examines what the Smart Grids will enable. New technology concerning Smart Grids is also examined. The research part introduces wind and sun conditions from two countries. The countries are Finland and Germany. According to the wind and sun conditions of these two countries, the annual electricity production from wind power plant and solar panels will be calculated. The costs of generating electricity from wind and solar energy are calculated from the results of annual electricity productions. The study will also deal with feed-in tariffs, which are supporting systems for renewable energy resources. It is examined in the study, if it is cost-effective for the consumers to use the produced electricity by themselves or sell it to the grid. Finally, figures for both countries are formed. The figures include the calculated cost of generating electricity from wind power plant and solar panels, retail and wholesale prices and feed-in tariffs. In Finland, it is not cost-effective to sell the produced electricity to the grid, before there are support systems. In Germany, it is cost-effective to sell the produced electricity from solar panels to the grid because of feed-in tariffs. On the other hand, in Germany it is cost-effective to produce electricity from wind to own use because the retail price is higher than the produced electricity from wind.


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Energy efficiency and saving energy are the main question marks when thinking of reducing carbon dioxide emissions or cutting costs. The objective of thesis is to evaluate policy instruments concerning end-use energy efficiency of heavy industry in European Union. These policy instruments may be divided in various ways, but in this thesis the division is to administrative, financial, informative and voluntary instruments. Administrative instruments introduced in this thesis are Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services, and Climate and Energy Package. Financial means include energy and emission taxation, EU Emission Trading Scheme and diverse support systems. Informative instruments consist of horizontal BAT Reference Document for Energy Efficiency, as well as substantial EU documents including Green Paper on Energy Efficiency, Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and An Energy Policy for Europe. And finally, voluntary instruments include environmental managements systems like ISO 14001 and EMAS, energy auditing and benchmarking. The efficiency of different policy instruments vary quite a lot. Informative instruments lack the commitment from industry and are thus almost ineffective, contrary to EU Emission Trading Scheme, which is said to be the solution to climate problems. The efficiency of administrative means can be placed between those mentioned and voluntary instruments are still quite fresh to be examined fruitfully. However, each instrument has their potential and challenges. Cases from corporate world strengthen the results from theoretical part. Cases were written mainly on the basis of interviews. The interviewees praised the energy efficiency contract of Finnish industry, but the EU ETS takes the leading role of policy instruments. However, for industry the reductions do not come easily.


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Tehdyssä kirjallisuus- ja teoriakatsauksessa vuosien 2006 - 2010 välisenä aikana, Keski-Suomessa toimivan konepajateollisuuden järjestelmätoimittajayrityksen toimeksiannosta, pyrittiin muodostamaan kokonaiskuva laajasta tuotannonsuunnittelun ja -ohjauksen aihealueesta. Perustutkimuskysymykset liittyivät ns. MPC-systeemiin, jolla tarkoitetaan sitä, että tuotannonsuunnittelu- ja ohjauskysymyksissä on huomioitava aina henkilöiden, organisaation, teknologioiden ja prosessien muodostama kokonaisuus. Operatiivisen johtamisen tehtävänä on yrityksen tuotteita koskevan kysynnän ja tarjonnan tasapainottaminen niin, että resursseja käytettäisiin ja tarvittaisiin mahdollisimman vähän vastattaessa kysyntään asiakasvaatimukset huomioiden. Tuotantostrategian pohjalta on voitava rakentaa MPC-systeemi, jonka avulla ja jota kehittäen tuotanto saavuttaisi sille asetetut suorituskykytavoitteet mm. kustannusten, laadun, nopeuden, luotettavuuden sekä tuottavuuskehityksen osalta. Työssä tarkasteltiin yleisen kolmitasoisen viitekehyksen kautta ”perinteisistä MPC-systeemien perusratkaisuista” hierarkkisia, suunnittelu- ja laskentaintensiiviä, MRP-pohjaisia sekä yksinkertaistamiseen ja nopeuteen perustuvia JIT/Lean -menetelmiä. Tämä viitekehys käsittää: 1) kysynnän- ja resurssien hallinnan, 2) yksityiskohtaisemman kapasiteetin ja materiaalien hallinnan sekä 3) tarkemman tuotannon ja hankintojen ohjauksen sekä tuotannon lattiatason osa-alueet. Johtamisen ja MPC-systeemien kehittämisen ”uusina aaltoina ja näkökulmina” raportissa käsiteltiin myös johtamisen eri koulukuntia sekä em. viitekehyksen pohjalta tarvittavia tietojärjestelmiä. Olennaisimpana johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että MRP-pohjaisten ratkaisujen lisäksi, etenkin monimutkaisia tuotteita tilausohjautuvasti valmistavien kappaletavarateollisuuden yritysten, on mahdollisesti hyödynnettävä myös kehittyneempiä suunnittelu- ja ohjausjärjestelmiä. Lisäksi huomattiin, että ”perinteisten strategioiden” rinnalle yritysten on nostettava myös tieto- ja viestintäteknologiastrategiat. On tärkeää ymmärtää, että täydellistä MPC-systeemiä ei ole vielä keksitty: jokaisen yrityksen tehtäväksi ja vastuulle jää ”oman totuutensa” muodostaminen ja systeeminsä rakentaminen sen pohjalta.


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A company’s competence to manage its product portfolio complexity is becoming critically important in the rapidly changing business environment. The continuous evolvement of customer needs, the competitive market environment and internal product development lead to increasing complexity in product portfolios. The companies that manage the complexity in product development are more profitable in the long run. The complexity derives from product development and management processes where the new product variant development is not managed efficiently. Complexity is managed with modularization which is a method that divides the product structure into modules. In modularization, it is essential to take into account the trade-off between the perceived customer value and the module or component commonality across the products. Another goal is to enable the product configuration to be more flexible. The benefits are achieved through optimizing complexity in module offering and deriving the new product variants more flexibly and accurately. The developed modularization process includes the process steps for preparation, mapping the current situation, the creation of a modular strategy and implementing the strategy. Also the organization and support systems have to be adapted to follow-up targets and to execute modularization in practice.


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Työn tutkimusongelmana oli selvittää EDI-yhteyksien vaihtoehtoiset toteutustavat kustannuksineen. EDI-palveluiden käytöstä aiheutuvien kustannusten arviointia varten muodostettiin MS Office Excel -laskentamalli, jonka avulla voidaan arvioida perushankinnasta ja käytöstä aiheutuvia kustannuksia sekä EDI-projektin kannattavuutta. Tilaustenkäsittelyn yhteydessä syntyviä vuotuisia kustannuksia sekä kustannussäätöjä arvioitiin aikaperusteisen toimintolaskennan avulla.   Sovellettava teoria rajattiin toiminto- ja investointilaskennan alueelle. EDI-palveluita tarjoavilta operaattoreilta selvitettiin hinta, palveluiden laatu ja muut lisäarvopalvelut. Kustannustarkastelu rajattiin perushankintakustannusten ja käytönaikaisten kustannusten selvittämiseen. Työn tutkimusote on luonteeltaan konstruktiivinen, sillä tavoitteena oli luoda johdon päätöksentekoa tukeva laskentamalli.   Kartoituksen perusteella EDI:n käyttökustannuksiin vaikuttavat tekijät muodostuvat kolmesta ryhmästä, joita ovat sähköisten tilaussanomien piirissä olevien asiakkaiden ja toimittajien lukumäärä, verkkolaskut sekä EDI-sanomat. EDI-sanomien osalta vaikuttavana tekijänä on lähettävän sanoman muoto ja veloitusperuste.


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Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a recent approach to problem solving and learning that has got a lot of attention over the last years. In this work, the CBR methodology is used to reduce the time and amount of resources spent on carry out experiments to determine the viscosity of the new slurry. The aim of this work is: to develop a CBR system to support the decision making process about the type of slurries behavior, to collect a sufficient volume of qualitative data for case base, and to calculate the viscosity of the Newtonian slurries. Firstly in this paper, the literature review about the types of fluid flow, Newtonian and non-Newtonian slurries is presented. Some physical properties of the suspensions are also considered. The second part of the literature review provides an overview of the case-based reasoning field. Different models and stages of CBR cycles, benefits and disadvantages of this methodology are considered subsequently. Brief review of the CBS tools is also given in this work. Finally, some results of work and opportunities for system modernization are presented. To develop a decision support system for slurry viscosity determination, software application MS Office Excel was used. Designed system consists of three parts: workspace, the case base, and section for calculating the viscosity of Newtonian slurries. First and second sections are supposed to work with Newtonian and Bingham fluids. In the last section, apparent viscosity can be calculated for Newtonian slurries.


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The ongoing global financial crisis has demonstrated the importance of a systemwide, or macroprudential, approach to safeguarding financial stability. An essential part of macroprudential oversight concerns the tasks of early identification and assessment of risks and vulnerabilities that eventually may lead to a systemic financial crisis. Thriving tools are crucial as they allow early policy actions to decrease or prevent further build-up of risks or to otherwise enhance the shock absorption capacity of the financial system. In the literature, three types of systemic risk can be identified: i ) build-up of widespread imbalances, ii ) exogenous aggregate shocks, and iii ) contagion. Accordingly, the systemic risks are matched by three categories of analytical methods for decision support: i ) early-warning, ii ) macro stress-testing, and iii ) contagion models. Stimulated by the prolonged global financial crisis, today's toolbox of analytical methods includes a wide range of innovative solutions to the two tasks of risk identification and risk assessment. Yet, the literature lacks a focus on the task of risk communication. This thesis discusses macroprudential oversight from the viewpoint of all three tasks: Within analytical tools for risk identification and risk assessment, the focus concerns a tight integration of means for risk communication. Data and dimension reduction methods, and their combinations, hold promise for representing multivariate data structures in easily understandable formats. The overall task of this thesis is to represent high-dimensional data concerning financial entities on lowdimensional displays. The low-dimensional representations have two subtasks: i ) to function as a display for individual data concerning entities and their time series, and ii ) to use the display as a basis to which additional information can be linked. The final nuance of the task is, however, set by the needs of the domain, data and methods. The following ve questions comprise subsequent steps addressed in the process of this thesis: 1. What are the needs for macroprudential oversight? 2. What form do macroprudential data take? 3. Which data and dimension reduction methods hold most promise for the task? 4. How should the methods be extended and enhanced for the task? 5. How should the methods and their extensions be applied to the task? Based upon the Self-Organizing Map (SOM), this thesis not only creates the Self-Organizing Financial Stability Map (SOFSM), but also lays out a general framework for mapping the state of financial stability. This thesis also introduces three extensions to the standard SOM for enhancing the visualization and extraction of information: i ) fuzzifications, ii ) transition probabilities, and iii ) network analysis. Thus, the SOFSM functions as a display for risk identification, on top of which risk assessments can be illustrated. In addition, this thesis puts forward the Self-Organizing Time Map (SOTM) to provide means for visual dynamic clustering, which in the context of macroprudential oversight concerns the identification of cross-sectional changes in risks and vulnerabilities over time. Rather than automated analysis, the aim of visual means for identifying and assessing risks is to support disciplined and structured judgmental analysis based upon policymakers' experience and domain intelligence, as well as external risk communication.


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This thesis examines customer value creation in a service ecosystem context. The objective of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive view of value creation processes in a service ecosystem context and an understanding on the roles of the stakeholders involved in these processes, focusing on the information technology industry. The novelty of the two central concepts of this thesis, systemic customer value and service ecosystem, as well as the gap in the literature of empirical research on value creation in an ecosystem-level, opened an interesting research topic. The empirical study is conducted as a single case analysis, utilizing Group Decision Support System (GDSS) and also Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The findings suggest that customer value is created by a complex combination of interactions among different actors of the ecosystem. Thus, value is not created by a single offering directed to the customer, but by an integration of services from different parts of the ecosystem as well as the active participation of customer in this process.


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Suuryritysten skandaalit ovat herättäneet huolenaiheita organisaatioiden tilintarkas-tuksen hallintajärjestelmistä. Tietokonepohjainen tilintarkastuksen tukijärjestelmä voi auttaa tilintarkastajaa suorittamaan valvontaa ja varmistuskokeita, tilinpäätöstietojen analysointia ja tarkistusta sekä jatkuvaa seurantaa ja tilintarkastusta. Tilintarkastuk-sen hallintaohjelmiston avulla voidaan tehostaa työnkulkua ja vähentää virheiden riskiä. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia sähköisen tukijärjestelmän käyttöä tilintarkastusprosessissa sekä tilintarkastukseen liittyvien riskien hallinnassa. Tavoit-teena on saada selville, miten sähköistä tukijärjestelmää käytetään hyväksi tilintar-kastusriskien hallitsemisessa osana tilintarkastusprosessia. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto koostuu neljästä teemahaastattelusta. Kaikki haastateltavat ovat samasta tilintar-kastusyhteisöstä. Teemahaastattelun aiheet on koottu aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa esiinnousseista teemoista. Tutkielman empiiristen tutkimustulosten mukaan sähköiset järjestelmät ovat vaikut-taneet merkittävästi tilintarkastajan työhön. Järjestelmätarkastuksen avulla saadaan tarkastettua tehokkaasti suuria aineistomääriä, ja näin koko tarkastus nopeutuu. Laatuvaatimukset ovat kuitenkin kiristyneet, mikä osaltaan syö tehokkuutta. Järjes-telmätarkastajilla on käytössään monenlaisia sähköisiä tilintarkastuksen järjestel-miä, joilla voidaan hakea ja analysoida dataa asiakkaan järjestelmästä. Tämän jäl-keen tarkastajilla on mahdollisuus käydä läpi analysoitua dataa erilaisten raporttien muodossa. Järjestelmätarkastajien toimesta voidaan käydä läpi asiakkaan koko populaatio. Tämä osaltaan auttaa tilintarkastuksen riskienhallinnassa.