198 resultados para Generation companies
This study examines Smart Grids and distributed generation, which is connected to a single-family house. The distributed generation comprises small wind power plant and solar panels. The study is done from the consumer point of view and it is divided into two parts. The first part presents the theoretical part and the second part presents the research part. The theoretical part consists of the definition of distributed generation, wind power, solar energy and Smart Grids. The study examines what the Smart Grids will enable. New technology concerning Smart Grids is also examined. The research part introduces wind and sun conditions from two countries. The countries are Finland and Germany. According to the wind and sun conditions of these two countries, the annual electricity production from wind power plant and solar panels will be calculated. The costs of generating electricity from wind and solar energy are calculated from the results of annual electricity productions. The study will also deal with feed-in tariffs, which are supporting systems for renewable energy resources. It is examined in the study, if it is cost-effective for the consumers to use the produced electricity by themselves or sell it to the grid. Finally, figures for both countries are formed. The figures include the calculated cost of generating electricity from wind power plant and solar panels, retail and wholesale prices and feed-in tariffs. In Finland, it is not cost-effective to sell the produced electricity to the grid, before there are support systems. In Germany, it is cost-effective to sell the produced electricity from solar panels to the grid because of feed-in tariffs. On the other hand, in Germany it is cost-effective to produce electricity from wind to own use because the retail price is higher than the produced electricity from wind.
The environmental impact of landfill is a growing concern in waste management practices. Thus, assessing the effectiveness of the solutions implemented to alter the issue is of importance. The objectives of the study were to provide an insight of landfill advantages, and to consolidate landfill gas importance among others alternative fuels. Finally, a case study examining the performances of energy production from a land disposal at Ylivieska was carried out to ascertain the viability of waste to energy project. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. The study was conducted in two parts; the first was the review of literatures focused on landfill gas developments. Specific considerations were the conception of mechanism governing the variability of gas production and the investigation of mathematical models often used in landfill gas modeling. Furthermore, the analysis of two main distributed generation technologies used to generate energy from landfill was carried out. The review of literature revealed a high influence of waste segregation and high level of moisture content for waste stabilization process. It was found that the enhancement in accuracy for forecasting gas rate generation can be done with both mathematical modeling and field test measurements. The result of the case study mainly indicated the close dependence of the power output with the landfill gas quality and the fuel inlet pressure.
Energy industry has gone through major changes globally in past two decades. Liberalization of energy markets has led companies to integrate both vertically and horizontally. Growing concern on sustainable development and aims to decrease greenhouse gases in future will increase the portion of renewable energy in total energy production. Purpose of this study was to analyze using statistical methods, what impacts different strategic choices has on biggest European and North American energy companies’ performance. Results show that vertical integration, horizontal integration and use of renewable energy in production had the most impact on profitability. Increase in level of vertical integration decreased companies’ profitability, while increase in horizontal integration improved companies’ profitability. Companies that used renewable energy in production were less profitable than companies not using renewable energy.
For any international companies who wish to enter the Chinese market, quality is base on the fundamental. The companies are coming to realize the importance of quality gradually, thus companies have been put the quality problems on the agenda. The competitiveness of companies comes from quality. Quality is the key to success, and it can decide that the companies can be accepted or eliminated by the market. Due to the obvious benefits, the demand of the method of how to achieve high quality of product keeps growing. During achieving the high quality process, the main troubles come from the impact between Eastern and Western culture. Chinese culture which is different with Western one have lasted as long as five thousand years. Such a culture deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people, and effected generation after generation of Chinese people's working style and ways of thinking. This thesis determines how to find a good fit point between Eastern and Western culture. Doing right thing by the right way. The nature of improving quality is improving management level in fact. "How to manage, who should be managed", the thesis explains the basic and best option to achieve those. It describes three-dimension-style management to monitoring the working process. This kind of management style can inspect production process from horizontal and vertical direction. In this management way, it defines effective evaluation system to every subcontractor, and makes the companies to achieve the ultimate goal - satisfy quality. Because of the importance of human factor, the thesis determines the range of training of the inspector and welder due to the current situation of China. The results show that in order to reach reliable training effective evaluation, not only the quality of the human but also the ultimate goal of product quality.
Today cloud computing is the next stage in development information-oriented society in field of information technologies. Great attention is paid to cloud computing in general, but the lack of scientific consideration to components brings to the problem, that not all aspects are well examined. This thesis is an attempt to consider Platform as a Service (a technology of providing development environment through the Internet) from divergent angles. Technical characteristics, costs, time, estimation of effectiveness, risks, strategies that can be applied, migration process, advantages and disadvantages and the future of the approach are examined to get the overall picture of cloud platforms. During the work literature study was used to examine Platform as a Service, characteristics of existent cloud platforms were explored and a model of a typical software development company was developed to create a scenario of migration to cloud technologies. The research showed that besides all virtues in reducing costs and time, cloud platforms have some significant obstacles in adoption. Privacy, security and insufficient legislation impede the concept to be widespread.
The purpose of this study was to define the key challenges for Finnish companies in doing business in Russia. The study consists of a theoretical and an empirical part and is conducted as a quantitative study. The theoretical framework was build around capital structure, cost of capital and emerging market theories. The findings suggest that the firms in the sample seek growth mainly from emerging markets. These research results also indicate that challenges are visible in emerging market environment. Challenges that companies are facing in Russian market are mainly connected with legislation, communication and language problems. In addition, companies’ profitability has changed during the financial crisis, which has been the main reason for the negative changes in companies’ profitability. Even though the financial crisis has had a strong effect on the worldwide economy, the firms in the sample are not postponing their investments to Russia, because of lack of new financing or unfavorable credit terms.
At the time of moving towards knowledge-based economy, countries pay much attention to innovations by making them a central issue in countries’ innovation policy development. Innovations are influenced much by the institutional environment, in which they are created. That is why exploration of National Innovation Systems, as an important part of such an environment, became central in works of different researchers all over the world.
Reformation of electricity markets has initiated creation of ancillary services markets all over the world. The Russian electricity market reform is in transition period, that is why the problem of ancillary services market has just arisen. Since the model of market rules was created, ancillary services market became a topical question for generating companies. This master’s thesis is focused on the describing the possible ancillary services around the world and in Russia specifically. Moreover, the physical interpretation of ancillary services is defined. In addition, possibility of generation company to participate in the ancillary services market was considered. Calculations were made for primary frequency regulation service, where necessary level of price bids and payback period were evaluated.
Segmentointi on perinteisesti ollut erityisesti kuluttajamarkkinoinnin työkalu, mutta siirtymä tuotteista palveluihin on lisännyt segmentointitarvetta myös teollisilla markkinoilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoite on löytää selkeästi toisistaan erottuvia asiakasryhmiä suomalaisen liikkeenjohdon konsultointiyritys Synocus Groupin tarjoaman case-materiaalin pohjalta. K-means-klusteroinnin avulla löydetään kolme potentiaalista markkinasegmenttiä perustuen siihen, mitkä tarjoamaelementit 105 valikoitua suomalaisen kone- ja metallituoteteollisuuden asiakasta ovat maininneet tärkeimmiksi. Ensimmäinen klusteri on hintatietoiset asiakkaat, jotka laskevat yksikkökohtaisia hintoja. Toinen klusteri koostuu huolto-orientoituneista asiakkaista, jotka laskevat tuntikustannuksia ja maksimoivat konekannan käyttötunteja. Tälle kohderyhmälle kannattaisi ehkä markkinoida teknisiä palveluja ja huoltosopimuksia. Kolmas klusteri on tuottavuussuuntautuneet asiakkaat, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita suorituskyvyn kehittämisestä ja laskevat tonnikohtaisia kustannuksia. He tavoittelevat alempia kokonaiskustannuksia lisääntyneen suorituskyvyn, pidemmän käyttöiän ja alempien huoltokustannusten kautta.
Due to increasing waterborne transportation in the Gulf of Finland, the risk of a hazardous accident increases and therefore manifold preventive actions are needed. As a main legislative authority in the maritime community, The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set down plenary laws and recommendations which are e.g., utilised in the safe operations in ships and pollution prevention. One of these compulsory requirements, the ISM Code, requires proactive attitude both from the top management and operational workers in the shipping companies. In this study, a crosssectional approach was taken to analyse whether the ISM Code has actively enhanced maritime safety in the Gulf of Finland. The analysis included; 1) performance of the ISM Code in Finnish shipping companies, 2) statistical measurements of maritime safety, 3) influence of corporate top management to the safety culture and 4) comparing safety management practices in shipping companies and port operations of Finnish maritime and port authorities. The main results found were that maritime safety culture has developed in the right direction after the launch of the ISM Code in the 1990´s. However, this study does not exclusively prove that the improvements are the consequence of the ISM Code. Accident prone ships can be recognized due to their behaviour and there is a lesson to learn from the safety culture of some high standard safety disciplines such as, air traffic. In addition, the reporting of accidents and nearmisses should be more widely used in shipping industry. In conclusion, there is still much to be improved in the maritime safety culture of the Finnish Shipping industry, e.g., a “no blame culture” needs to be adopted.
Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää miten sähköistä kysynnän herättämistä voidaan hyödyntää Mantsinen Group Ltd Oy:ssä siten, että sillä pystytään tukemaan myyntiä. Lisäksi sähköisen kysynnän herättämisen tehokkuutta tutkitaan, jotta saadaan selville onko se kannattavaa ja kuinka hyvin se sopii yritykselle. Kysynnän herättämisjärjestelmän käyttö on määritelty kirjallisuuteen perustuen ja sen jälkeen järjestelmän käyttö on aloitettu. Sähköisen kysynnän herättämisen tehokkuus mitataan kolmen kuukauden tarkastelujakson todellisella datalla. Sähköisen kysynnän herättämisen sopivuutta arvioidaan perustuen sen kustannustehokkuuteen ja tuloksiin. Työn tulokset osoittavat, että sähköinen kysynnän herättäminen on kannattavaa ja se sopii yritykselle. Sillä voidaan parhaiten tukea myyntiä järjestelmän tuottaessa laadukkaita myyntimahdollisuuksia tasaisena virtana myynnille. Myös aiemmin manuaalisesti tehtyjä työtehtäviä voidaan automatisoida ja näin vähentää myyjien työtaakkaa.
Previous studies of the local involvement of multinational corporation (MNC) subsidiaries focus on host-country firms and local business partners such as suppliers and customers. The role of host-country universities in the same context of innovation networks is neglected. Furthermore, there are many organizational culture- and knowledge-related differences between universities and companies, and this is likely to pose additional challenges for successful collaboration. Early university-industry (U-I) studies have primarily been limited within a national boundary, being concerned with a single level of culture (i.e., at an organizational level) and one-way knowledge transfer from university to industry. Research on more dynamic knowledge interaction in multinational settings is lacking. This is particularly true in the business context of China. In today’s globalizing and rapidly changing organizations, addressing cultural differences and clashes is an everyday reality, and inter-cultural U-I collaboration is becoming a key asset for gaining global competitiveness. This study deals with Finnish MNC subsidiaries’ research collaboration with Chinese universities. It aims to explore the essence of such U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction, uncovering the deep functioning mechanisms of culture underlying effective collaborative knowledge creation and innovation. The study reviews critically different bodies of literature including knowledge management theories and studies, U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction, and cross-cultural research in terms of organizational knowledge generation and utilization. It adopts a case study strategy with qualitative research methods, and data is collected through in-depth interviews and participant observation. The study presents the following major findings: 1. In the light of a comprehensive analysis of U-I collaboration, an effective matching strategy is proposed, in the assumption that good alignment of knowledge interaction strategies and approaches with their corresponding knowledge type, capability development and research task may greatly enhance the effectiveness of cross-cultural U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction. 2. It is proposed that in the Chinese MNC context more dynamic types of knowledge interaction like knowledge co-creation should be of key concern particularly when dealing simultaneously with multi-disciplinary applied research of human factors and technologies. U-I knowledge interaction, otherwise, pays attention only to the study of one-way technology and knowledge transfer. 3. It is posited that the influence of culture on collaborative knowledge interaction can be studied in a valuable way when knowledge-related variables are simultaneously taken into account. A systematic analysis of the role of knowledge in cross-cultural knowledge interaction could best be approached from multi-aspects of knowledge including not only nature, characteristics and types of knowledge but also the process of knowledge (e.g., intensifications of knowledge interaction). 4. The study demonstrates the significant role of aspects of the host-country culture (e.g., Chinese guanxi) in U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction. This is evident, for instance, in issues related to interpersonal relationships and trust, true interest and the relatedness of the research, mutual commitment and learning, communication intensity and interaction, and awareness of cultural and knowledge-related differences between collaboration partners. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are suggested and discussed.
Mobiltelefonen uppfanns år 1970, den förta komerciella produkten lanserades 1983 och marknaden för mobiltelefoner tog kraftigt fart 1986. Exemplet belyser fenomenet innovation såsom ett mångårigt, ofta upptill tio år eller årtionden, vilket är forkningsansatsen i doktorsavhandlingen. Studien har betraktat fenomenet utgående från ett företagsledningsperspektiv, inte som ett innovations projekt vilket är det trditionella perspektivet. Forskningen bygger vidare på kritiken mot den allmänna uppfattningen att nystartade små och entrepreneursdrivna företag är idealomgivningen för innovation. I forskningen har studerats gamla och stora innovativa konsumentvaruföretag. De sex studerade företagen drivs inte längre av företagets grundare, hans tankar, nätverk, ledningssätt, utan är mera influerat av strukturer, system och prosesser som och iståndsatts av en annan professionell ledning. Denna ledning har i viss mån förmått att professionalisera sättet hur innovation hanteras framgångsrikt i företaget. I forskningen har den innovativa företagsledningens tankevärld och dynamiken i tänkandet definierats. Genom studien framkommer dels tre påtagliga tankemönster och dels en generell beskrivning av ledningen för ett innovativt företag. Kärnan i arbetet definierar ledningens uppmärksamhetsområde vilket är kritiskt för att det innovativa tillståndet och cykeln för innovation har fortbestått. Innovationsaktivisternas roll är avgörande, där produkten formas som en funktion av idéer som någon har och jobbar med, av beslutsfattadet i företaget, samt av tolkning och slutledningen av företagets gällande och framtida verksamhetsvilkor. Detta kritiska uppmärksamhetsområde har även testats och verifierats i avhandlingen. Ur forskningen framstår belägg och ett förslag till en teori, med vilken det är möjligt att förklarar skillnaden i ledningens tänkande vid betraktelsen av de innovativa företagen och de icke-innovativa företagen.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää yrittäjien näkökulmasta yrityskaupan suunnittelua ja toteutusta, kanavia jatkajan löytämiseksi, yrityksen arvonmääritystä sekä yhteiskunnan roolia yrityskaupassa niin verottajana kuin tukijana. Pk-yrittäjiä ollessa eniten juuri eläkkeelle jäävissä suurissa ikäluokissa, yritysten suuren tarjonnan vuoksi luopuvien yrittäjien on ensin etsittävä yritykselleen kiinnostunut ostaja. Koska kaikille yrityksille ei löydetä jatkajia, tutkimuksessa selvitetään myös yrityksen purkamisprosessia. Tietolähteinä on käytetty yrityskauppaa, yrityksen arvonmääritystä ja purkamista käsittelevää kirjoittelua suomalaisissa ja ulkomaisissa lehdissä, kirjoissa ja julkaisuissa. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevasta pienestä teollisuusyrityksestä on tutkimukseen kerätty tilinpäätöstietoja yli viideltä vuodelta ja yrittäjien haastatteluja eri vuosilta. Työntekijöiden kiinnostusta jatkamiseen itsenäisinä yrittäjinä on tutkimuksessa selvitetty erillisellä kyselyllä.