61 resultados para Electricity supply industry
The topic of this Master’s Thesis is risk assessment in the supply chain, and the work was done for a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. The unique features of the industry bring additional challenges to risk management, due to high regulatory, docu-mentation and traceability requirements. The objective of the thesis was to generate a template for assessing the risks in the supply chain of current and potential suppliers of the case company. Risks pertaining to the case setting were sought mainly from in-house expertise of this specific product and supply chain as well as academic research papers and theory on risk management. A questionnaire was set up to assess the found risks on impact, occurrence and possibility of detection. Through this classification of the severity of the risks, the supplier assessment template was formed. A questionnaire template, comprised of the top 10 risks affecting the flow of information and materials in this setting, was formulated to serve as a generic tool for assessing risks in the supply chain of a pharmaceutical company. The template was tested on another supplier for usability and accuracy of found risks, and it demonstrated functioning in a differing supply chain and product setting.
The Nordic electricity market is often seen as an example of how to create a working, developed and integrated electricity market. Nevertheless, this thesis studies the obstacles of transmission network investments and the market integration challenges in the Nordic electricity market. The main focus is in the Nordic Transmission system operators (TSOs), which have a key role in grid development. This study introduces a case study of cancellation of South-West link, Western part, which was seen as essential grid investment in order to improve the Nordic electricity market functioning but ended up with cancellation in 2013. This study includes semi-structured theme interviews of the experts among Nordic electricity industry stakeholders. Despite the political will to create more equal prices for electricity in the Nordic market, the differing national regulation, mixed incentives created by bottleneck income and the focus moving from Nordic integration to European integration may create challenges to the Nordic electricity market integration in the future.
This thesis studies how the case company could digitalize its supply chain and what kind of advantages this would create in the light of supply chain efficiency. The case company manufactures several pulp products that are used for paper, fabrics and packaging products by customers worldwide. The paper and pulp industry has been paying more and more attention to increasing supply chain efficiency with new operating and service models made possible by today’s information technology. The main focus of this study is on the supply chain between the case company and its key customers and the goal is to find ways to make the operations between them as efficient as possible. The study relays heavily on collaboration techniques and digitalization technologies. In addition to a theoretical framework, the study includes several empirical studies that offer real-life examples of how these theories and technologies are applied in operating environments similar to the case company. A plan with strategic and operational levels is created according to the findings of the previous sections to support the case company’s future operations. The plan is based on an RFID-supported collaboration model that aims to advance information sharing between the supply chain partners. The time for an RFID-investment is sought to be very optimal and the benefits of such system to be noteworthy, but challenging to measure in monetary terms.
Tutkimus kuvaa tiedon, osaamisen ja teknologian siirtoa Suomesta ja Itävallasta Puolaan, Romaniaan ja Slovakiaan hajautetussa puupohjaisessa sähkö- ja lämpöenergian tuotannossa. Metsävaroiltaan rikas ja bioenergia-asioissa toimintatavoiltaan edistynyt Suomi toimi Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen (nykyisin Luonnonvarakeskus) johdolla tutkimuksen empiirisen aineiston tuottaneen kehittäjäverkostohankkeen pääkoordinaattorina vuosina 2011-2014. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin hankkeen dokumentaation sisällönanalyysiä. Itävalta on tunnettu edistyksellisistä bioenergia-alan tuki- ja ohjausjärjestelmistä. Suomi ja Itävalta kuuluvat EU:n viiden edistyneimmän maan joukkoon uusiutuvien energialähteiden hyödyntämisessä. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten Suomessa ja Itävallassa hyvin toimivia liiketoimintamalleja voidaan siirtää kohdemaihin puupohjaisen uusiutuvan energian tuotannossa hyödynnettäviksi. Työssä kuvataan tiedonsiirtäjämaiden eli Suomen ja Itävallan ydinosaaminen kiinteän biomassan energiantuotannossa politiikkatasolta käytännön liiketoiminnan tasolle. Lisäksi työssä analysoidaan poliittisen ohjauksen merkitystä alan kehittämisessä, missä käydään läpi maakohtaiset uusiutuvan energian toimintasuunnitelmat vuodelta 2010. Lopuksi arvioidaan tiedonsiirtäjä- ja tiedonhyödyntäjämaiden välisiä eroavaisuuksia kyseisellä liiketoiminta-alueella, ja onko olemassa sellaisia tekijöitä, mitkä estävät tiedonsiirtoa tai hyväksi todettujen liiketoimintamallien soveltamista kohdemaissa. Kussakin maassa metsänomistusolosuhteet ratkaisevat kiinteän biomassan tarjonnan toimivuuden eli tilanteen toimitusketjun alkupäässä. Tuotannon ohjauksen pyrkimys on myös hyödyntää mekaanisen puunjalostuksen sivutuotevirrat mahdollisimman tarkoin energiantuotannon tarpeisiin. Yleiset taloudelliset suhdanteet vaikuttavat ketjun toimivuuteen ja tehokkuuteen. Yksin energiantuotannon tarpeisiin puunkorjuuta ei kannata suunnitella, koska se harvemmin erikseen toteutettuna on kannattavaa liiketoimintaa. Puun käyttö energiantuotantoon tarvitsee hyvin suunniteltua tuki- ja ohjausjärjestelmää, joista kansalliset hallitukset vastaavat. Suomalainen tuotannon suunnittelun ja ohjauksen ajattelutapa sekä itävaltalainen energiapuun varastointi biomassan logistiikkakeskuksiin koettiin kohdemaiden yrittäjäkunnassa varteenotettavimpina liiketoiminnan kehittämisvaihtoehtoina paikallisissa toimintaympäristöissä. Lean-tuotantoajatteluun kuuluva hukan poistaminen toimitusketjusta liittyy mm. varastonhallinnan järjestelyihin ja sivutuotevirtojen hyödyntämiseen. Näitä piirteitä oli myös löydettävissä tiedonhyödyntäjämaiden yritysten toiminnassa hankkeen toteutuksen aikana.
Finland, other Nordic countries and European Union aim to decarbonize their energy production by 2050. Decarbonization requires large scale implementation of non-emission energy sources, i.e. renewable energy and nuclear power. Stochastic renewable energy sources present a challenge to balance the supply and demand for energy. Energy storages, non-emissions fuels in mobility and industrial processes are required whenever electrification is not possible. Neo-Carbon project studies the decarbonizing the energy production and the role of synthetic gas in it. This thesis studies the industrial processes in steel production, oil refining, cement manufacturing and glass manufacturing, where natural gas is already used or fuel switch to SNG is possible. The technical potential for fuel switching is assessed, and economic potential is necessary after this. All studied processes have potential for fuel switching, but total decarbonization of steel production, oil refining requires implementation of other zero-emission technologies.
The pulp and paper industry is currently facing broad structural changes due to global shifts in demand and supply. These changes have significant impacts on national economies worldwide. In this paper, we describe the recent trends in the pulp and recovered paper (RP) production, and estimate augmented gravity models of bilateral trade for chemical pulp and RP exports with panel data. According to our results, there is some variation in the effects of the traditional gravity-model variables between pulp grades and RP. The results imply also that, in comparison to export supply, import demand plays a larger role in determining the volume of exports. Finally, it is evident that Asia, particularly China, is the most important driver of chemical pulp and RP trade: China is hungry for fiber, and must import to satisfy its growing needs. Moreover, the speed of China’s growth in chemical pulp and RP imports has been driving the increased significance of planted forests in the exports of hardwood pulp (BHKP) as well.
The pulp and paper industry is currently facing broad structural changes due to global shifts in demand and supply. These changes have significant impacts on national economies worldwide. Planted forests (especially eucalyptus) and recovered paper have quickly increased their importance as raw material for paper and paperboard production. Although advances in information and communication technologies could reduce the demand for communication papers, and the growth of paper consumption has indeed flattened in developed economies, particularly in North America and Western Europe, the consumption is increasing on a global scale. Moreover, the focal point of production and consumption is moving from the Western world to the rapidly growing markets of Southeast Asia. This study analyzes how the so-called megatrends (globalization, technological development, and increasing environmental awareness) affect the pulp and paper industry’s external environment, and seeks reliable ways to incorporate the impact of the megatrends on the models concerning the demand, trade, and use of paper and pulp. The study expands current research in several directions and points of view, for example, by applying and incorporating several quantitative methods and different models. As a result, the thesis makes a significant contribution to better understand and measure the impacts of structural changes on the pulp and paper industry. It also provides some managerial and policy implications.
Manufacturing industry has been always facing challenge to improve the production efficiency, product quality, innovation ability and struggling to adopt cost-effective manufacturing system. In recent years cloud computing is emerging as one of the major enablers for the manufacturing industry. Combining the emerged cloud computing and other advanced manufacturing technologies such as Internet of Things, service-oriented architecture (SOA), networked manufacturing (NM) and manufacturing grid (MGrid), with existing manufacturing models and enterprise information technologies, a new paradigm called cloud manufacturing is proposed by the recent literature. This study presents concepts and ideas of cloud computing and cloud manufacturing. The concept, architecture, core enabling technologies, and typical characteristics of cloud manufacturing are discussed, as well as the difference and relationship between cloud computing and cloud manufacturing. The research is based on mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, and a case study. The case is a prototype of cloud manufacturing solution, which is software platform cooperated by ATR Soft Oy and SW Company China office. This study tries to understand the practical impacts and challenges that are derived from cloud manufacturing. The main conclusion of this study is that cloud manufacturing is an approach to achieve the transformation from traditional production-oriented manufacturing to next generation service-oriented manufacturing. Many manufacturing enterprises are already using a form of cloud computing in their existing network infrastructure to increase flexibility of its supply chain, reduce resources consumption, the study finds out the shift from cloud computing to cloud manufacturing is feasible. Meanwhile, the study points out the related theory, methodology and application of cloud manufacturing system are far from maturity, it is still an open field where many new technologies need to be studied.
Growing awareness in corporate responsibility and issues related to sustainability is seen to increase innovativeness in a company as well as in its supply chain. The stakeholders’ awareness on sustainability has increased, and they demand the companies to identify sustainability risks and adapt procedures for mitigating them. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how risks are managed in sustainable supply chain. Definition of sustainability risks and risk management procedures construct the framework of the study. It is done through an empirical study conducted on 95 Finnish companies operating in the manufacturing industry. The data is acquired via an online questionnaire. The research has been conducted as a quantitative study utilizing the methods of statistical analysis, such as correlation analysis and factor analysis. The essential results of this thesis are identified risk-procedure connections, and the importance of different risks and procedures in the respondent companies.
Tässä työssä tutkitaan suljetun jakeluverkon regulaatiota yhden suomalaisen teollisuussähköverkon näkökulmasta ja sitä verrataan olemassa olevaan energiaviraston jakeluverkkoja koskevaan säätelymalliin. Työssä tutkitaan verkkoyhtiön kehittämän säätelymallin toimivuutta ja sitä kuinka se täyttää hyvän valvontamallin ominaispiirteet. Tässä työssä ei ole tarkoituksena esittää uutta valvontamallia, vaan tutkia ja arvioida olemassa olevia malleja. Työssä käydään läpi olemassa oleva kolmannen valvontajakson regulaatiomalli sekä muutokset, joita on esitetty tuleville valvontakausille. Työssä taustoitetaan valvontatoimintaa myös yleisen talousteorian ja valvontateorioiden avulla. Tämän taustoituksen avulla tarkastellaan teollisuussähköverkkojen erityisiä ominaisuuksia ja edelleen tutkitun teollisuussähköverkon korkeita käyttövaatimuksia ja syitä tällaisille vaatimuksille. Verkkoyhtiön käyttämä tariffimalli kuvataan myös sen liittyessä sääntelyyn saumattomasti. Työssä todistettiin mallin toimivuus tämän kaltaisessa toimintaympäristössä, jossa käyntivarmuusvaatimus on erittäin korkea. Havainnoissa myös korostuu mallin pitkäjänteisyys ja ennustettavuus. Laskentaesimerkkien avulla arvioidaan liittymähinnoittelun kohtuullisuutta asiakkaalle ja mallin toimivuutta yleensä. Näissä tarkasteluissa havaittiin, että yleisellä tasolla liittymähinnoittelu on kohtuullista asiakkaalle ja se mahdollistaa asiakkaan pääomien tehokkaamman käytön kuin ilman verkkoyhtiötä. Kehittämiskohteina tuodaan esille keskeytyksistä aiheutuvien haittojen käsittely ja se, ettei tällaiseen verkkoympäristöön ole tällä hetkellä toimivaa mittaria, jolla voitaisiin arvioida kuinka hyvin verkkoyhtiö toimii.
This thesis aims to redesign the supply chain system in an automotive industry in order to obtain space reduction in the inventory by using tailored logistics network. The redesigning process by tailored supply chain will combine all possible shipment methods including direct shipment, milk-run, milk-run via distribution center and Kanban delivery. The current supply chain system in Nissan goes rather well when the production volume is in moderate level. However, when the production volume is high, there is a capacity problem in the warehouse to accommodate all delivered parts from suppliers. Hence, the optimization of supply chain system is needed in order to obtain efficient logistics process and effective inventory consumption. The study will use primary data for both qualitative and quantitative approach as the research methods. Qualitative data will be collected by conducting interviews with people related to procurement and inventory control. Quantitative data consists of list of suppliers with their condition in several parameters which will be evaluated and analyzed by using scoring method to assign the most suitable transportation network to each suppliers for improvement of inventory reduction in a cost efficient manner.
The thesis presents the study relative to the collaboration between suppliers and buyers in packaging industry with the impact of product features. The main purpose of this study is to examine the importance of product characteristics on collaboration to develop better packaging and to figure out how buyer-supplier collaboration in the supply chain perspectives is conducted and managed in packaging industry. The theoretical part reviewed some basic frameworks of collaboration including the scopes and levels of collaboration, risks as well as powers of collaboration, relationship and some key factors for successful collaboration. Followed by the overviews of packaging industry with the main issues related to product characteristics in packaging. By using the qualitative method, secondary data consisting of articles, reports, websites and primary data through interviewing some well-known packaging companies and case companies are collected in the thesis. The empirical result emphasized the importance of product features’ analysis in packaging industry since it plays a central role in the materials, design process, production and innovation with the role of collaboration. Collaboration in packaging is vital for packaging companies to survive and grow in the competitive environment. Finally, some key factors for effective collaboration were summarized based on the perspectives of packaging companies. It is highly recommend building a long-run collaboration with their customers due to undeniable benefits With increasingly importance of collaboration in packaging industry, further studies may be conducted.
The objective of this research is to create a current state analysis of pulp supply chain processes from production planning to deliveries to customers. A cross-functional flowchart is being used to model these processes. These models help finding key performance indicators (KPIs) which enable examinations of the supply chain efficiency. Supply chain measures in different processes reveal the changes need processes that affect the whole supply chain and its efficiency and competitiveness. Structure of pulp supply chain differs from most of the other supply chains. The fact that there are big volumes of bulk products, small product variations and supply forecasts are made for the year ahead make the difference. This factor brings different benefits but also challenges when developing supply chain. This thesis divides pulp supply chain in three different main categories: production planning, warehousing and transportation. It provides tools for estimating the functionality of supply chain as well as developing the efficiency for different functions of supply chain. By having a better understanding of supply chain processes and measurement the whole supply chain structure can be developed significantly.
Globalization and the developments of supply chain have made inexpensive labor and the low production costs of developing countries available to businesses worldwide. Unfortunately, these developments have also led to the exploitation of human and natural resources. The increasing supply of cheap and fashionable clothing has created a contradiction between consumers’ concerns for sustainability and their purchase behavior in the fashion industry. Since the uncovering of several sweatshop scandals in the 1980’s and 1990’s ethical fashion brands have started to emerge. Ethical fashion has sparked the interest of consumers and studies have shown promising positive attitudes towards it. However, these attitudes have failed to translate into action and purchase behavior of ethical fashion has not reached the expectations. In order to translate the positive attitudes into buying companies must understand consumer’s motivations and reasons behind the purchase decision. The objective of this study is to understand the antecedents behind young consumer’s purchase intention of ethical fashion. The study is based on the theory of planned behavior which has been widely used to study consumer behavior and purchase decisions. The theory has also been used in ethical decision-making and fashion context before. According to the theory, in order to understand purchase intentions consumer’s attitudes toward buying ethical fashion were studied. The theory also states that attitudes are formed from beliefs, thus, consumer’s beliefs about the fashion industry were studied. To contribute to existing research, the effect of sweatshop issues and environmental issues were compared. The data was collected from university students (n=617) with an online survey. The results were analyzed by statistical methods and they revealed that young Finnish consumers hold positive attitudes towards buying ethical fashion as well as positive purchase intentions of ethical fashion. A strong relationship was found between positive attitudes and positive purchase intentions. Also, the more negative consumers’ beliefs of the fashion industry were the more positive their attitudes toward buying ethical fashion were. In contradiction to previous research this study revealed that environmental issues had greater effect on attitudes than sweatshop issues. Interesting differences between consumers were found depending on their field of education. Students from humanities and social sciences held the most negative beliefs as well as most positive attitudes and purchase intentions of ethical fashion.