114 resultados para Atmosphere Polution


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Yritys edistää menestymistään oikeanlaisen johtamisen sekä työn imua omaavan henkilöstön kautta. Johtajuus käsittää asioiden- ja henkilöiden johtamisen sekä valmentamisen. Tutkimus etenee johtamisen teemasta valmentamisen ja motivaation kautta työn imun kokemuksiin. Henkilöjohtaminen tarkoittaa lähes kokonaan esimiehen käyttäytymistä, mikä on koko ajan tarkkailun alla, halusi hän sitä tai ei. Leader -johtaja tekee organisaatiossa muutosta. Valmentaminen on erinomainen tapa päästä lähelle työntekijöitä ja aikaansaada oikeansuuntaista ja haluttua kehitystä. Valmentamisen yksi tärkeimmistä työkaluista on avoimet kysymykset, joiden avulla esimies pystyy auttamaan valmennettavaa löytämään omat vahvuutensa, kehittämiskohteensa sekä motivaationlähteensä. Työn imu on yksi työhyvinvoinnin käsitteistä. Työn imulla tarkoitetaan myönteistä tunne- ja motivaatiotäyttymyksen tilaa, jota luonnehtivat tarmokkuus (vigor), omistautuminen (dedication) ja uppoutuminen (absorption). Se on pitkäkestoinen ja kaikkialle levittyvä tila, joka ei kohdistu mihinkään yhteen tiettyyn asiaan, tapahtumaan, yksilöön tai käyttäytymiseen.


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Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee valmistumassa olevien lääkäri- ja sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden näkemyksiä terveydenhuollon työnantajakuvaan ja sen vetovoimaisuuteen liittyen. Tarkastelun näkökulmina ovat strateginen henkilöstövoimavarojen johtaminen, rekrytointiprosessi ja motivaatio työhön hakeutumisessa. Aihetta on tutkittu toistaiseksi vähän terveydenhuollon opiskelijoiden näkökulmasta. Laadullisen tutkimuksen teoreettinen osuus toteutettiin kyselylomakkeella. Kyselylomakkeen vastausten (n=14) analyysissä käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä. Tulosten mukaan voidaan todeta, että terveydenhuollon työnantajakuvalla on melko suuri merkitys lääkäreiden ja sairaanhoitajien työhön hakeutumisessa. Työpaikan vetovoimaisuutta lisäävät tekijät liittyvät esimiehen hyviin johtamistaitoihin, ammatillisen osaamisen kehittämisen mahdollisuuksiin ja kilpailukykyiseen palkkaukseen. Lisäksi työpaikan sijainnilla ja tehtävän sisällöllä on vaikutusta työpaikkaan hakeutumisessa. Vetovoimaisuutta vähentävät vastaavasti huono työilmapiiri, huono palkka, esimiehen heikot johtamistaidot sekä konsultaatiomahdollisuuksien puute. Rekrytointiprosesseissa ja työnantajan markkinoinnissa on vaihtelua eri työnantajien välillä.


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In knowledge-intensive economy an effective knowledge transfer is a part of the firm’s strategy to achieve a competitive advantage in the market. Knowledge transfer related to a variety of mechanisms depends on the nature of knowledge and context. The topic is, however, very little empirical studied and there is a research gap in scientific literature. This study examined and analyzed external knowledge transfer mechanisms in service business and especially in the context of acquisitions. The aim was to find out what kind of mechanisms was used when the buyer began to transfer data e.g. their own agendas and practices to the purchased units. Another major research goal was to identify the critical factors which contributed to knowledge transfer through different mechanisms. The study was conducted as a multiple-case study in a consultative service business company, in its four business units acquired by acquisition, in various parts of the country. The empirical part of the study was carried out as focus group interviews in each unit, and the data were analyzed using qualitative methods. The main findings of this study were firstly the nine different knowledge transfer mechanisms in service business acquisition: acquisition management team as an initiator, unit manager as a translator, formal training, self-directed learning, rooming-in, IT systems implementation, customer relationship management, codified database and ecommunication. The used mechanisms brought up several aspects as giving the face to changing, security of receiving right knowledge and correctly interpreted we-ness atmosphere, and orientation to use more consultative touch with customers. The study pointed out seven critical factors contributed to different mechanisms: absorption, motivation, organizational learning, social interaction, trust, interpretation and time resource. The two last mentioned were new findings compared to previous studies. Each of the mechanisms and the related critical factors contributed in different ways to the activity in different units after the acquisition. The role of knowledge management strategy was the most significant managerial contribution of the study. Phenomenon is not recognized enough although it is strongly linked in knowledge based companies. The recognition would help to develop a better understanding of the business through acquisitions, especially in situations such as where two different knowledge strategies combines in new common company.


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PIXE (Particle Induce X-ray Emission spectrometry) was used for analysing stem bark and stem wood of Scots pine, Norway spruce and Silver birch. Thick samples were irradiated, in laboratory atmosphere, with 3 MeV protons and the beam current was measured indirectly using a photo multiplicator (PM) tube. Both point scans and bulk analyses were performed with the 1 mm diameter proton beam. In bulk analyses, whole bark and sectors of discs of the stem wood were dry ashed at 550 ˚C. The ashes were homogenised by shaking and prepared to target pellets for PIXE analyses. This procedure generated representative samples to be analysed, but the enrichment also enabled quantification of some additional trace elements. The ash contents obtained as a product of the sample preparation procedure also showed to be of great importance in the evaluation of results in environmental studies. Spot scans from the pith of pine wood outwards, showed clearly highest concentrations of manganese, calcium and zinc in the first spot irradiated, or 2-3 times higher than in the surrounding wood. For stem wood from the crown part of a pine this higher concentration level was found in the first four spots/mms, including the pith and the two following growth rings. Zinc showed increasing concentrations outwards in sapwood of the pine stem, with the over-all lowest concentrations in the inner half of the sapwood. This could indicate emigration of this element from sapwood being under transformation to heartwood. Point scans across sapwood of pine and spruce showed more distinct variations in concentrations relative to hearth wood. Higher concentrations of e.g. zinc, calcium and manganese were found in earlywood than in denser latewood. Very high concentrations of iron and copper were also seen for some earlywood increments. The ash content of stem bark is up to and order higher than for the stem wood. However, when the elemental concentration in ashes of bark and wood of the same disc were compared, these are very similar – this when trees are growing at spots with no anthropogenic contamination from the atmosphere. The largest difference was obtained for calcium which appeared at two times high concentrations in ashes of bark than in ashes of the wood (ratio of 2). Pine bark is often used in monitoring of atmospheric pollution, where concentrations in bark samples are compared. Here an alternative approach is suggested: Bark and the underlying stem wood of a pine trees are dry ashed and analysed. The elemental concentration in the bark ash is then compared to the concentration of the same element in the wood ash. Comparing bark to wood includes a normalisation for the varying availability of an element from the soil at different sites. When this comparison is done for the ashes of the materials, a normalisation is also obtained for the general and locally different enrichment of inorganic elements from wood to bark. Already a ratio >2 between the concentration in the bark ash and the concentration in the wood ash could indicate atmospheric pollution. For monitoring where bark is used, this way of “inwards” comparison is suggested - instead of comparing to results from analyses of bark from other trees (read reference areas), growing at sites with different soil and, locally, different climate conditions. This approach also enables evaluation of atmospheric pollution from sampling of only relative few individual trees –preferable during forest felling.


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The aim of this thesis has been to illustrate the multifaceted talent in Ellen Thesleff's (1869 - 1954) work with particular emphasis on her technique and artistic expression. Why did Ellen Thesleff work withso many techniques? How did the technique affect the expression and what characterizes it? It would also be of interest to gather some idea of Ellen Thesleff's position among other artists. The investigation covers a representative selection of about 60 pictures, using nine different techniques, primarily as oils, woodcuts and monumental painting. The pictures illustrate three periods of time, the natural (1890 - 1905), the colourful (1906 - 1927) and the free period (1928 -1950). I describe the pictures in regard to their conception and subject matter and scrutinize their formal creation. Thereafter, I investigate the painting technique and artistic expression of each picture and position it, where applicable, in relation to other art. Ellen Thesleff's artistic quality is discussed in relation to her techniques and expression. Thesleff consciously chooses different techniques for related subjects in order to vary the expression. The progressing evolution within individual techniques and a cross-fertilization between them has evidently contributed to raising her artistic quality. I have studied how the techniques influence expression and found it possible to identify certain characteristic styles during the three periods: first a natural painting technique which reminds one of both French realism, paintings reflecting the Nordic mood and atmosphere, and symbolism, ascetism and synthetism; later an expressive Thesleff colourism with brilliant over- and underpainting in contrasting colours and last a free decorative painting in lines, with symbolistic undertones. Most characteristic is the lyrical expression which seems to be a common theme throughout Thesleff's entire artistry. I have found that Ellen Thesleff in her works had herown personal style compared to her contemporaries. Despite deep knowledge of styles and techniques she continually creates art from her inner self and with her own personal brush signature.


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The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences of received support of aging employees and their work related self-image in changing working environments. Firstly, theaim was to discover how the support from organisations and leaders was verified. Secondly, the aim was to get answers how employees experienced themselves as workers and as learners in the current work context. Thirdly, the aim was to compare different knowledge information stages and company cultures and how they have influenced the experiences of professional competence development among aging employees. In addition the education- and career backgrounds were investigated to gain more understanding of their role in experiencing support and relation to the occupational self-image. The theoretical frame of reference of this researchis multidisciplinary. The theoretical part focuses on the meaning of work for human being from a sociological, late-modern perspective. On the other hand it examines the ageing process from a physiological and also from a perspective of age discrimination and life control. The occupational selfimage and the strength of motivation has an effect on learning in working life which is crucial and firmpart individual trajectories. According to the theoretical review company culture, leadership and especially the managers' role as a creator of a learning atmosphere are increasingly critical for aging adults' learning when the role of informal work-based learning is increasing. The empirical data was collected with aquestionnaire and interviews, which were carried out in May to October 2001. The data consists of 263 respondents of which further eight persons were interviewed. All respondents were over the age of 45 and represented all levels of their organisations in an IT-technology firm and a chemical industry plant. The central findings in this research show that the aging adults have experienced that theemployers do care about the development of their occupational skills. On the other hand there are fewer concrete activities to reveal this support. There is anobvious disproportion between the expressed aims and the realisation of the activities. Signs of age discrimination are few. The style of management has becomemore supporting for self directed activities which are seen to support adults learning. Higher education and individual activity to seek possibilities to learnwere encouraging the development of occupational skills. Age itself was not a crucial aspect when comparing the experiences among younger (45-54 years) and older (55-64 years) groups. Job satisfaction and professional self esteem seemed tobe considerably strong. The individual characteristics were more important elements in developing occupational skills than the age. The degree of anxiety at work was low. In addition among the older group the strong feeling of coherence and the occupational self image were significant for supporting the professional competence. The motivation to learn was also stable. Among the seniors there was some slight evidence of declining motivation. In the IT-firm the support was experienced stronger for aging employees than in the chemical industry plant. Thosewho had experienced support in the chemical industry plant had higher educational background than the others. In IT-firm they also experienced more support from the manager than in the chemical industry plant. The results show that it is more likely that the differences are caused mostly by the stage of information intensity and the character of company culture which is determined by the activities. IT-business demands constantly accommodation to changes and the chemical industry plant which is representing more traditional business field, where the atmosphere of learning is determined by the traditions of company culture, the changes are carried out slowly.


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The overall purpose of this dissertation is to better knowledge and understanding of enterprise education and investigate how such can be expressed in a school environment. The study’s research objective focuses on what teachers think and value about enterprise education and how they feel they are able to support students in their development towards an enterprising initiative. In the study’s theoretical background description, enterprise education, which was introduced into the Finnish national curriculum in 1994, is investigated outgoing from six so-named paths: linguistic, economic, educational-political, cultural, psychological, and the pedagogical, which is the main focus of the study. In the theoretical background, different characteristics have been identified; these are functional, social, and individual enterprise. The study’s empirical foundation consists of interviews with thirty teachers working at comprehensive and upper secondary schools. Two research efforts are combined: a phenomenographic and a phenomenological. In both efforts, a hermeneutic analysis takes place. Five principles that facilitate interpretation are presented and used: the indispensability of pre-understanding, the indispensability of the dimension of time, the indispensability of totality, the indispensability of negativism, and the indispensability of rationality. One study result is that teachers understand enterprise education as immanent, technical, and/or cooperative activity. The majority of teachers choose to emphasize that the purpose of activity is comprised of individual and social activity that is directed towards personal development, in contrast to functional enterprise, which is directed towards a technical form of activity and business-related, entrepreneurial knowledge. The question of how teachers understand the phenomenon is of significance for how they value it. The results also show that teachers’ abilities to reassess and change their manner are influenced by their knowledge/skills and awareness that they have of the interpretive possibilities that enterprise education manifests. In order to stimulate students to enterprising initiatives, teachers stress activity-promoting methods, authenticity, and an auspicious atmosphere in educational activities.


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I det lilla sammanhanget synliggörs de stora frågorna om både pedagogik, kultur och struktur och om samverkan mellan dem. Studiet av de minsta enheterna i den finländska utbildningen ger kunskap om det viktiga i pedagogiska relationer och i skolgemenskaper, men synliggör också samhällsskeendets inbyggda konflikter om mål och värderingar. Det övergripande syftet med studien är att fördjupa kunskapen om de små skolornas pedagogiska, kulturella och strukturella innebörd och betingelser. Genom djupintervjuer med 12 finlandssvenska lärare i byskolor med färre än 30 elever, analys av skolindragningsdebatt och utbildningspolitiska styrdokument, samt genom teoretiskt förankrade reflektioner skapas en förståelse av såväl lärares arbete och pedagogiska tänkande som skolans funktion i samhället. Avhandlingen byggs upp enligt ett hermeneutiskt och narrativt tänkande. I studien framkommer att byskollärares pedagogiska tänkande syftar till det enskilda barnets optimala och balanserade helhetsutveckling i en gemenskap, där det är centralt att finna den pedagogiska balansen och möjligheten inom kontinuum mellan bl.a. elevbemyndigande och beledsagande. De pedagogiska intentionerna bär syftet att ge rötter och vingar, samhörighet och frihet. I lärarnas beskrivningar uttrycks en sammanvävning mellan deras pedagogiska intentioner och de kontextuella möjligheterna att realisera dessa. Byskollärarna är bärare av en pedagogisk professionalitet som utvecklas i relation till arbetets betingelser. Det praktiska yrkeskunnandet innefattar en balansgång mellan å ena sidan systematik och organisering och å andra sidan flexibilitet och frihet. Att samma lärare handhar eleverna en lång tid är en pedagogisk möjlighet och utmaning. I lärarnas berättelser aktualiseras vad balansgången i en god pedagogisk relation innebär. Både lärare och elever fostras in i en särskild skolkultur och undervisningskultur, i en växelverkan. Yrkeskulturen präglas av olika former av samverkan, både med skolans hela personal som ett teamarbete och med lokalsamhället. Lärarna uttrycker god arbetstrivsel, men friheten och ansvaret i arbetet kan vara både stimulerande och betungande. I en metaanalys skapas teoretiska modeller för vad arbete i närhetens och litenhetens spänningsfält kan innebära och hur det kan påverka lärares professionella utveckling och ork. Den lilla byskolan relaterad till en större samhällskontext öppnar för frågor om vad kvalitet innebär och vilka värderingar som är riktgivande inom utbildningsplanering. Kampen för kontinuiteten i byskolans berättelse tolkas som en kamp för det lokala rummet, för gemenskap, existens, framtid, likvärdighet och trygghet. Kampen för byskolan är ett försvar av både lokal livskvalitet och pedagogisk kvalitet för den enskilde eleven. I det övergripande kulturella sammanhanget synliggörs motsättningar. Det verkar finnas en inbyggd konflikt i utbildningsplaneringens föresatser att samtidigt uppnå jämlikhet, kostnadseffektivitet och kvalitet. En teoretisk modell synliggör hur pedagogik, kultur och struktur samverkar inom utbildning/byskola och påverkar lärares och elevers handlingsutrymme.


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Engelskans dominerande roll som internationellt språk och andra globaliseringstrender påverkar också Svenskfinland. Dessa trender påverkar i sin tur förutsättningarna för lärande och undervisning i engelska som främmande språk, det vill säga undervisningsmålen, de förväntade elev- och lärarroller, materialens ändamålsenlighet, lärares och elevers initiala erfarenheter av engelska och engelskspråkiga länder. Denna studie undersöker förutsättningarna för lärande och professionell utveckling i det svenskspråkiga nybörjarklassrummet i engelska som främmande språk. Utgångsläget för 351 nybörjare i engelska som främmande språk och 19 av deras lärare beskrivs och analyseras. Resultaten tyder på att engelska håller på att bli ett andraspråk snarare än ett traditionellt främmande språk för många unga elever. Dessa elever har också goda förutsättningar att lära sig engelska utanför skolan. Sådan var dock inte situationen för alla elever, vilket tyder på att det finns en anmärkningsvärd heterogenitet och även regional variation i det finlandssvenska klassrummet i engelska som främmande språk. Lärarresultaten tyder på att vissa lärare har klarat av att på ett konstruktivt sätt att tackla de förutsättningar de möter. Andra lärare uttrycker frustration över sin arbetssituation, läroplanen, undervisningsmaterialen och andra aktörer som kommer är av betydelse för skolmiljön. Studien påvisar att förutsättningarna för lärande och undervisning i engelska som främmande språk varierar i Svenskfinland. För att stöda elevers och lärares utveckling föreslås att dialogen mellan aktörer på olika nivå i samhället bör förbättras och systematiseras.


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The home as ethos, an ethical dimension of human beings, is this study’s focus of interest. Can the home as ethos comprise motive and driving force for a human being? This dissertation has a mainly hermeneutic approach with a Caring Science interpretive horizon. Firstly, the purpose of this study is to develop the concept “home” through etymological and semantic analysis. The concept’s Caring Science content is also investigated. Secondly, the purpose of this study is to investigate, through the use of a history of ideas method, how the home as ethos is made visible and evident in public health nurses’ caring during the first half of the 20th century. Which motives compromise the driving force behind public health nurses’ caring? Which idea patterns are stressed? Material for the study’s concept determination consists of tymological dictionaries as well as Swedish language dictionaries published from 1850 – 2001. The results of the concept determination provide a preliminary idea-model, where dimensions such as ethos as a human being’s innermost room, human beings’ manner of being, and the metaphor “my home is my castle” are stressed. These results comprise the background of the history of ideas portion of the study. The study’s history of ideas investigation occurs through the evaluation and interpretation of historical sources focusing on the caring provided by public health nurses. Public health nurses comprise both the context and prevalent traditions during the time-period studied. The historical sources consist of three different types of sources, namely textbooks, archived material, and the professional nursing journals Epione and Sairaanhoitajatarlehti. The purpose is to rediscover fundamental idea-patterns through the thematic structuring of the patterns appearing in the historical sources. Three main idea-patterns and underlying themes are rediscovered: love- a fire which burns inside human beings; reverence for human beings and home; and the honor of responsibility. The emerging patterns are tightly interwoven and form a pattern. A new interpretation occurs, widening the study’s horizon and leading to the emergence of the theory-model’s contours. The study’s theory-model is formed from three different levels. Ethos as a human being’s innermost room- the spirit, encompasses a human being’s value base and the spirit that he/she is permeated with. Fundamental values are converted into an internal ethic, becoming visible in human beings’ manner of being- the manner of conduct. The metaphor “my home is my castle”- the tone, symbolizes the room where a human being’s abstract or concrete being lives. The spirit, the ethos, is expressed in a home’s culture and atmosphere, that is to say the tone of a home or how one lives in a room. Communion is a significant component in the creation of a culture and atmosphere. This study’s theory-model gives rise to a new perspective that can generate new patterns of action. The study’s theory-model results in a new historically-based view that create new patterns of action in care and Caring Science today.


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Military conscription and peacetime military service were the subjects of heated political, social and cultural controversies during the early years of national independence in Finland. Both the critics and the supporters of the existing military system described it as strongly formative of young men’s physical and moral development into adult men and male citizens. The conflicts over conscription prompted the contemporaries to express their notions about what Finnish men were like, at their best and at their worst, and what should and could be done about it. This thesis studies military conscription as an arena for the “making of manhood” in peacetime Finnish society, 1918–1939. It examines a range of public images of conscripted soldiering, asking how soldiering was depicted and given gendered meanings in parliamentary debates, war hero myths, texts concerned with the military and civic education of conscripts, as well as in works of fiction and reminiscences about military training as a personal experience. Studying conscription with a focus on masculinity, the thesis explores the different cultural images of manliness, soldiering and male citizenship on offer in Finnish society. It investigates how political parties, officers, educators, journalists, writers and “ordinary” conscripts used and developed, embraced or rejected these notions, according to their political purposes or personal needs. The period between the two world wars can be described as a fast-forward into military modernity in Finland. In the process, European middle class gender ideologies clashed with Finnish agrarian masculinities. Nationalistic agendas for the militarisation of Finnish manhood stumbled against intense class conflicts and ideological resistance. Military propaganda used images of military heroism, civic virtue and individual success to persuade the conscripts into ways of thinking and acting that were shaped by bourgeois mentality, nationalistic ideology and religious morality. These images are further analysed as expressive of the personal experiences and emotions of their middle-aged, male authors. The efforts of these military educators were, however, actively resisted on many fronts, ranging from rural working class masculinities among the conscripted young men to ideological critiques of the standing army system in parliament. In narratives about military training, masculinity was depicted as both strengthened and contradicted by the harsh and even brutal practices of interwar Finnish military training. The study represents a combination of new military history and the historical study of men and masculinities. It approaches masculinity as a contested and highly political form of social and cultural knowledge that is actively and selectively used by historic actors. Instead of trying to identify a dominant or “hegemonic” form of masculinity within a pre-determined theoretical structure, this study examines how the meanings ascribed to manhood varied according to class, age, political ideology and social situation. The interwar period in Finland can be understood as a period of contest between different notions of militarised masculinity, yet to judge by the materials studied, there was no clear winning party in that contest. A gradual movement from an atmosphere of conflict surrounding conscription towards political and cultural compromises can be discerned, yet this convergence was incomplete and many division lines remained.


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Diplomityö on tehty Lappeenrannan teknilliselle yliopistolle koskien yliopiston yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuutta sekä vaikuttavuuden parantamista. Työn tavoitteena oli kartoittaa LUT:n yhteiskunnallista asemaa ja vaikuttavuutta sen strategian kärkialoilla. Työn teoreettinen tausta rakentuu institutionaalisen strategiateorian ympärille. Yliopistoa ja sen toimintaa tutkittaessa on olennaista ymmärtää yliopisto-organisaation toiminnan luonne ja yliopistojen asema niin yhteiskunnassa kuin myös kansainvälisellä yliopistokentällä. Työssä tutkittiin puolistrukturoidun haastattelututkimuksen avulla yhteiskunnallisten toimijoiden sekä elinkeinoelämässä työskentelevien näkemyksiä LUT:n toiminnasta. Samalla tutkittiin LUT:n kärkialojen Energia, Venäjä ja Bisnes yleisiä yhteiskunnallisia trendejä sekä alojen toimintakenttää ja muutoksia. Työn tulokset on esitetty koskien LUT:n yhteiskunnallista toimintaa yliopistona yleisesti ja alakohtaisesti yliopiston strategian kärkialojen mukaan. Tulokset sisältävät suosituksia yliopistolle siitä, millä tavoin se voisi lisätä yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuuttaan niin yleisesti yliopistona kuin erikseen LUT:n strategian mukaisilla kärkialoilla. Työn keskeiset tulokset liittyvät siihen, että yliopistolla tulee olla toimijoita akateemisen yhteisön ja yhteiskunnan rajapinnassa. Lisäksi yliopistoyhteisön tulee luoda tapoja ja positiivista ilmapiiriä sekä kannusteita yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun osallistumiseen.


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Denna vårdvetenskapliga avhandling syftar till att avtäcka och belysa en vårdande och helande dimension vid existentiellt lidande patienters möten med bildkonst inom vårdkontext. Kunskapssökandet sker i två studier. Den första (studie I) är en ikonografi sk tolkning av konstnären Matthias Grünewalds (ca 1460–1528) senmedeltida altarskåpsmålningar. I studien uttolkas lidandets uttryck och narrativa budskap samt symboliska gestaltningar av vårdande och helande i valda delar av detta s.k. Isenheimaltares bildprogram. Tolkningen utgår från rekonstruktionen av altarskåpets ursprungskontext, det medeltida Isenheimklostret, där svårt sjuka och döende patienter vårdades. I studie två (II) fortsätter sökandet i den moderna hospicevårdens kontext med hjälp av en kvalitativ intervjustudie som utforskar patienters meningsskapande vid möten med självvald bildkonst (oljemålningar och akvareller av fi nländska konstnärer som donerats till det sjukhus där intervjustudien gjordes). Forskningsansatsen är inspirerad av Hans-Georg Gadamers (1901–2002) hermeneutik. Vidare används några nyare tolkningsteoretiska ansatser inom bildkonstens område. Forskningens tolkningsresultat visar att bildkonsten har potentialer såväl på ett miljöestetiskt plan som på en djupare individuell symbolnivå. Som designkomponent i vårdmiljöns rumsliga gestaltning bygger bildkonsten in estetiska, etiska och andliga kvaliteter utifrån tidsmässiga och kulturella koder. I den medeltida klostervårdens kontext sammanföll bildkonstens dekorativa betydelse med andliga och helande syften. När det gäller självvalda konstverk i den moderna vårdkontexten bidrar de till det enskilda patientrummets atmosfär på ett unikt sätt utifrån patientens personlighet och behov. På en fördjupad mötesnivå, i samspel med bildens symboliska funktion, sker en inlevelsemässig förfl yttning in i bildens värld. Betraktarens inlevelse aktiveras till en transcenderande rörelse som går bortom det faktiska rummets och den reella tidens gränser. Vid resor i konstens bildvärld spelas minnesvärda händelser upp från det förgångna, men även framtiden kommer betraktaren till mötes. I en existentiell livssituation söker människan i konstverkets bildinnehåll efter symbolisk mening som kan ge svar på lidandets frågor. Bilderna iscensätter då helande motbilder som utgör korrektiv i symboliska former när olika existentiella förluster hotar. När livet förbleknats av sjukdom besvarar bildvärlden den lidandes blick med lysande violer som blommar upp, ger livskraft och bekräftar personens värdighet mitt i det förvissnande människolivet. När ångest och otrygghet nalkas inbjuds betraktaren till besök i landskap som utvidgar sjukhusrummets väggar mot hemgårdens trygghet. Där livet hotas av förgänglighet tar bildvärlden människan med sig till naturens eviga återfödelse. Upplevelsen av att vara delaktig i ett större och heligt sammanhang öppnar vägen ut ur lidandets avskurenhet. I medeltidens vårdkontext erbjöd den sakrala bilden en kollektiv och helande Symbolon som genom sin representationskraft synliggjorde det osynliga. Vid bildmöten i den moderna hospicevårdens kontext var det naturteman som gläntade på dörren till ”det hemliga rummet i djupet av hjärtat”. Forskningen antyder att även om meningsskapandet i ett bildmöte är avhängigt tidsepok, betraktarens förförståelse och kulturella kontext samt typen av bilder kan bildsymboliken, generellt förstådd som den saknade formen eller det saknade livssammanhanget, framvisa en helande och hoppingivande ordning i lidandets kaos.


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Kiihtyvän kasvihuoneilmiön aiheuttama maailmanlaajuinen ilmastonmuutos on yksi aikamme suurimmista haasteista. Kasvihuoneilmiön voimistuminen on ihmistoiminnan seurausta, mutta myös luonnon omat prosessit toimivat kasvihuonekaasujen lähteinä ja nieluina. Tässä työssä on selvitetty luonnon kasvihuonekaasulähteiden ja –nielujen määrää ja merkitystä maakunnallisella tasolla. Lisäksi työssä on esitetty maakunnallisia toimenpide-ehdotuksia kasvihuonekaasunielujen ylläpitämiseksi ja lisäämiseksi. Esimerkkinä työssä on käytetty Keski-Suomen maakuntaa ja laskenta on kohdistettu vuoteen 2008. Keski-Suomessa luonnon prosessit toimivat vuonna 2008 nettonieluna, jonka suuruus oli 1 813 701 tonnia hiilidioksidiekvivalenttia. Eniten kasvihuonekaasuja sitoi puusto 3 019 360 hiilidioksidiekvivalenttitonnin nielulla. Laskennassa huomioitiin hiilidioksidi, metaani ja dityppioksidi. Laskenta suoritettiin soveltuvilta osin kansallisen kasvihuonekaasuraportoinnin periaatteiden mukaisesti sekä tutkimuskirjallisuuteen perustuvien päästö- ja nielukertoimien avulla. Tämä työ osoittaa luonnon nielujen olevan tärkeässä roolissa ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemisessä. Nielujen säilyttämiseen ja lisäämiseen tähtäävillä toimenpiteillä ilmakehän kasvihuonekaasupitoisuuksiin voidaan vaikuttaa kustannustehokkaasti sekä maailmanlaajuisella että alueellisella tasolla.


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The aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge about learning in and through art related to pupils’ study processes developing clown characters in secondary school. The pre understanding of this qualitative piece of micro ethnographic research is that the elaboration of clown has openness to play, creative activity and imagination. The art form clown inspires and motivates. The clown character creates a kind and friendly atmosphere, calls upon smile, which promotes learning. It is an art form promoting deep and personal reflection and evoking questions regarding identity formation. The pre understanding finally is that existential themes are brought to articulation in the art form clown. The problem formulation for the hermeneutic phenomenological study is an exploration of the meaning potential of an arts educational work with clown from the pupils’ as well as the teacher’s perspective. The study elaborates the following research questions: 1.) How are the pupils staging themselves in the work with clown? a) How are they constructing the clown character? b) How do they reflect upon their construction? c) What are the characteristics of the working process in the elaboration of clown? 2.) What is characteristic of the teacher’s contribution to the arts educational work? 3.) What is characteristic of the meaning making in the elaboration of clown? One group of 21 pupils and their drama teacher in a Swedish secondary school in six workshops (each one 90 minutes) elaborating the clown theme is the group under study through video observation, interviews, students’ logs and drawings, teacher log and researcher’s field notes. The theoretical framework comprises three perspectives on clown: a perspective on the culture of carnival, a drama education perspective and a performance perspective. Through a content analysis of texts about clown a set of characteristics for the clown is used as analytical concepts in the subsequent analysis of the pupils’ working process when they create three clown characters: August, the white clown and the bag lady. The results are presented as fictive narratives built on the video observations and the interviews. The presentation is brought to even more condensation through poetic ethnographic writing of haiku poems by the researcher. This ethnographic writing is idiomatic to the art form under study, and can be seen as a metaphorical meta commentary to the narratives. As a main result the researcher has developed a model describing the different aspects of the clown characters and the meaning potential of the clown as learning regarding exploration of identity and elaboration of existential questions regarding life, loneliness, love, religion and death.