75 resultados para nuclear engineering


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Taking the maximum advantage of technological innovations and the investment in them is of key importance for businesses. The IT industry offers a wide range of innovative high-technology solutions to manage information processing and distribution. However for end-user businesses to make informed decisions in this area is challenging. The aim of this research is to identify the key differences in principal solutions, and what the selection criteria should be for those involved. Existing methodologies for software development are classified, and some key criteria are described to help IT system developers and users determine what are the most important factors in system selection, development and deployment. Statistical data is researched and analysed, a theoretical basis is developed and reviewed, key issues from case studies are identified and generalized to be presented along with the conclusions in the current study. The results give a good basis for corporate consideration and provide overall support to the key decisions in developing web-based software. The conclusion is that new web developments should be considered the stakeholders as an evolution of existing business systems, but they should then pay particular attention to the new advantages that web-based software offers in terms of standardised interfaces and procedures, universal deployment opportunities, and a range of other benefits the study highlights.


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Bone engineering is a rapidly developing area of reconstructive medicine where bone inducing factors and/or cells are combined with a scaffold material to regenerate the structure and function of the original tissue. The aim of this study was to compare the suitability of different macroporous scaffold types for bone engineering applications. The two scaffold categories studied were a) the mechanically strong and stable titanium fiber meshes and b) the elastic and biodegradable porous polymers. Furthermore, bioactive modifications were applied to these basic scaffold types, and their effect on the osteogenic responses was evaluated in cell culture and ectopic bone formation studies. The osteogenic phenotype of cultured cell-scaffold constructs was heightened with a sol-gel derived titania coating, but not with a mixed titania-silica coating. The latter coating also resulted in delayed ectopic bone formation in bone marrow stromal cell seeded scaffolds. However, the better bone contact in early implantation times and more even bone tissue distribution at later times indicated enhanced osteoconductivity of both the coated scaffold types. Overall, the most promising bone engineering results were obtained with titania coated fiber meshes. Elastic and biodegradable poly(ε-caprolactone/D,L-lactide) based scaffolds were also developed in this study. The degradation rates of the scaffolds in vitro were governed by the hydrophilicity of the polymer matrix, and the porous architecture was controlled by the amount and type of porogen used. A continuous phase macroporosity was obtained using a novel CaCl2 • 6H2O porogen. Dynamic culture conditions increased cell invasion, but decreased cell numbers and osteogenicity, within the scaffolds. Osteogenic differentiation in static cultures and ectopic bone formation in cell seeded scaffolds were enhanced in composites, with 30 wt-% of bioactive glass filler.


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Customer relationship management has been one essential part of marketing for over 20 years. Today’s business environment is fast changing, international and highly competitive, and that is why the most important factor for long-term profitability is one-to-one customer relationships. However, managing relationships and serving customers that are profitable has been always challenging. In this thesis the objective was to define the main obstacles that the case company must overcome to succeed in CRM. Possible solutions have also been defined. The main elements of the implementation i.e. people, processes and technologies, can clearly be found behind these matters and solutions. This thesis also presents theoretical information about CRM and it is meant to act as a guide book inside the organisation to spread information about CRM for those who are not so familiar with the topic.


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Electrolyte solutions are of importance in a wide range of scientific contexts and as such have attracted considerable theoretical and experimental effort over many years. Nuclear Magnetic resonance provides a precise and versatile tool for investigation of electrolyte solutions, both in water and in organic solvents. Many structural and dynamic properties can be obtained through NMR experiments. The solution of aluminum chloride in water was studied. Different concentrations were taken for investigation. Independence of maximum line shift from concentration and acidity was shown. Six-coordinated structure of solvation shell was confirmed by experiments on 'H and 27A1 nuclei. Diffusion coefficients were studied. The solution of nickel chloride in methanol was studied. Lines, corresponding to coordinated and bulk methanol were found. Four-, five- and six-coordinated structures were found in different temperatures. The line for coordinated -OD group of deuterated methanol was observed on 2H spectrum for the first time. Partial deuteration of CH3 group was detected. Inability to observe coordinated -OH group was explained.


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The purpose of the study is to find factors affecting projects' profitability in project business. The issue is approached from customer profitability and project management point of view. The study has been made for a big Finnish company acting in a global market place. The research method is quantitative. Research hypotheses are based on the literature. The used database is originated from the company's ERP- (enterprise resource planning) and project financial follow-up —system. The findings of the study supported the hypotheses weakly. Obviously profitability fluctuated depending on a customer and a project manager. The reasons could not be justified with the variables used in the research.


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In this paper, manufacturability analysis and collection of design aspects is made for a microwave test-fixture. Aspects of applying systematic design for a microwave test-fixture design and manufacturing are also analysed. Special questionnaires for the component and machining are made in order to enable necessary information to ensure DFM(A) – aspects of the component. The aspects of easy manufacturing for machining the microwave test-fixture are collected. Material selection is discussed and manufacturing stages of prototype manufacturing are presented.


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The purpose of gamma spectrometry and gamma and X-ray tomography of nuclear fuel is to determine both radionuclide concentration and integrity and deformation of nuclear fuel. The aims of this thesis have been to find out the basics of gamma spectrometry and tomography of nuclear fuel, to find out the operational mechanisms of gamma spectrometry and tomography equipment of nuclear fuel, and to identify problems that relate to these measurement techniques. In gamma spectrometry of nuclear fuel the gamma-ray flux emitted from unstable isotopes is measured using high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. The production of unstable isotopes correlates with various physical fuel parameters. In gamma emission tomography the gamma-ray spectrum of irradiated nuclear fuel is recorded for several projections. In X-ray transmission tomography of nuclear fuel a radiation source emits a beam and the intensity, attenuated by the nuclear fuel, is registered by the detectors placed opposite. When gamma emission or X-ray transmission measurements are combined with tomographic image reconstruction methods, it is possible to create sectional images of the interior of nuclear fuel. MODHERATO is a computer code that simulates the operation of radioscopic or tomographic devices and it is used to predict and optimise the performance of imaging systems. Related to the X-ray tomography, MODHERATO simulations have been performed by the author. Gamma spectrometry and gamma and X-ray tomography are promising non-destructive examination methods for understanding fuel behaviour under normal, transient and accident conditions.


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This thesis includes several thermal hydraulic analyses related to the Loviisa WER 440 nuclear power plant units. The work consists of experimental studies, analysis of the experiments, analysis of some plant transits and development of a calculational model for calculation of boric acid concentrations in the reactor. In the first part of the thesis, in the case of won of boric acid solution behaviour during long term cooling period of LOCAs, experiments were performed in scaled down test facilities. The experimental data together with the results of RELAPS/MOD3 simulations were used to develop a model for calculations of boric acid concentrations in the reactor during LOCAs. The results of calculations showed that margins to critical concentrations that would lead to boric acid crystallization were large, both in the reactor core and in the lower plenum. This was mainly caused by the fact that water in the primary cooling circuit includes borax (Na)BsO,.IOHZO), which enters the reactor when ECC water is taken from the sump and greatly increases boric acid solubility in water. In the second part, in the case of simulation of horizontal steam generators, experiments were performed with PACTEL integral test loop to simulate loss of feedwater transients. The PACTEL experiments, as well as earlier REWET III natural circulation tests, were analyzed with RELAPS/MOD3 Version Sm5 code. The analysis showed that the code was capable of simulating the main events during the experiments. However, in the case of loss of secondary side feedwater the code was not completely capable to simulate steam superheating in the secondary side of the steam generators. The third part of the work consists of simulations of Loviisa VVER reactor pump trip transients with RELAPSlMODI Eur, RELAPS/MOD3 and CATHARE codes. All three codes were capable to simulate the two selected pump trip transients and no significant differences were found between the results of different codes. Comparison of the calculated results with the data measured in the Loviisa plant also showed good agreement.


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Systems suppliers are focal actors in mechanical engineering supply chains, in between general contractors and component suppliers. This research concentrates on the systems suppliers’ competitive flexibility, as a competitive advantage that the systems supplier gains from independence from the competitive forces of the market. The aim is to study the roles that power, dependence relations, social capital, and interorganizational learning have on the competitive flexibility. Research on this particular theme is scarce thus far. The research method applied here is the inductive multiple case study. Interviews from four case companies were used as main source of the qualitative data. The literature review presents previous literature on subcontracting, supply chain flexibility, supply chain relationships, social capital and interorganizational learning. The result of this study are seven propositions and consequently a model on the effects that the dominance of sales of few customers, power of competitors, significance of the manufactured system in the end product, professionalism in procurement and the significance of brand products in the business have on the competitive flexibility. These relationships are moderated by either social capital or interorganizational learning. The main results obtained from this study revolve around social capital and interorganizational learning, which have beneficial effects on systems suppliers’ competitive flexibility, by moderating the effects of other constructs of the model. Further research on this topic should include quantitative research to provide the extent to which the results can be reliably generalized. Also each construct of the model gives possible focus for more thorough research.


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Aiheen laajempi artikkeli on julkaistu konferenssi-CD:llä.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of co-operation between a project owner and an outside engineering consultant in combined heat and power plant implementation projects. Moreover, as another focal subject of the study was to familiarize the purchasing behavior of the energy producer and how an outside engineering consultant participated into different stages of the purchasing process. The study was carried out as a multiple case study including altogether six Finnish power plant implementation projects that had been taken into commercial use during 1995 – 2015. By adjusting the findings of empirical interview data and comparing those to the theoretical framework concerning, among others, Finnish energy production, engineering consulting businesses, delivery methods of construction project and finally the purchasing process, it can be concluded that especially in the power plant implementation projects in the past have a great influence to decisions made during the project. The role of the main engineering consultant is to act as an assistant, who helps to achieve the project goals successfully rather than an advisor who only knows how the project should be conducted. At least in these five project cases this was the case, meaning that the final decision power always remaining with project owner.


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Research focus of this thesis is to explore options for building systems for business critical web applications. Business criticality here includes requirements for data protection and system availability. The focus is on open source software. Goals are to identify robust technologies and engineering practices to implement such systems. Research methods include experiments made with sample systems built around chosen software packages that represent certain technologies. The main research focused on finding a good method for database data replication, a key functionality for high-availability, database-driven web applications. Research included also finding engineering best practices from books written by administrators of high traffic web applications. Experiment with database replication showed, that block level synchronous replication offered by DRBD replication software offered considerably more robust data protection and high-availability functionality compared to leading open source database product MySQL, and its built-in asynchronous replication. For master-master database setups, block level replication is more recommended way to build high-availability into the system. Based on thesis research, building high-availability web applications is possible using a combination of open source software and engineering best practices for data protection, availability planning and scaling.