45 resultados para capital stock and investment


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Työn tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä teollisuuden kunnossapidon toimialasta ja sen tulevaisuudesta, tutkimalla teollisuuden kunnossapitoyritysten toteuttamia käyttöomaisuus- ja käyttöpääomainvestointeja vuosilta 2003–2007. Tutkimus toteutettiin tilinpää-tösanalyysin menetelmin suppealla, mutta edustavalla, 20 teollisuuden kunnossapitoyrityksen tilinpäätösaineistolla. Yritysjoukko jaettiin pk-yrityksiin ja suuriin yrityksiin, jolla pyrittiin kuvaamaan toimialan todellisempaa rakennetta. Analyysiosiossa tarkasteltiin toteutuneita investointiasteita, investointilogiikoita, yritysten kannattavuuksia sekä käyttöpääomainvestointien hallintaa. Toteutetun analyysin perusteella luotiin kolme tulevaisuuden skenaariota teollisuuden kunnossapidon toimi-alan kehitykselle. Eri skenaarioille laskettiin ennustemallilla keskimääräiset investointiasteet. Analyysin mukaan teollisuuden kunnossapitoyrityksien liikevaihto kasvoi tutkimusaikavälillä keskimäärin noin 8,5 prosenttia vuodessa. Kyseinen kasvu on vaatinut yrityksiltä noin 2,5 prosentin investointiasteen. Verratessa pk-yrityksiä ja isoja yrityksiä, havaittiin merkittäviä eroja toteutuneissa investointiasteissa sekä investointilogiikoissa. Yhteistä yritysjoukoille oli hyvä kannattavuus, johon eri investointiasteilla ei näyttäisi lyhyellä aikavälillä olevan vaikutusta. Tulevaisuuden investointitarve vaikuttaa maltillisemmalta kuin toteutunut taso, johtuen osaltaan taantuman vaikutuksista.


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The Swedish State is a large owner of enterprises. The Swedish Government Office administers 54 companies/groups, of which 40 are wholly-owned and 14 partly-owned by the State. A total of approximately 180,000 people are employed in these enterprises. The State is moreover one of the largest owners of the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The total value of the enterprises is assessed at around SEK 750 billion. This study focuses on the key reasons why the Swedish State has had ownership in a wide range of companies. The study provides, with the help of earlier research, an historical review of government involvement in business. A deeper analysis of the Swedish situation is presented for the period 1980-2007. Concrete reasons are identified, along with explanations of the development of the state–owned sector, with respect to turnover, employment, industrial structure, results and investment. The development of the rules for Corporate Governance in the State sector is explained. This study also includes a look at the creation of State-owned subsidiaries as the means to develop and expand business. In addition, this examination presents a systematization of important reasons why new State-owned companies will be created. A creation which must be considered as a dynamic process over time.


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Suomen Pankin kirjastossa on kattava kokoelma kotimaisten pankkien ja rahoituslaitosten vuosikertomuksia. Kokoelmaan kuuluu liikepankkien, osuus- ja säästöpankkien ja investointipankkien vuosikertomuksia. Lisäksi kokoelmassa säilytetään Helsingin pörssin vuosikertomuksia vuodesta 1912 lähtien. Vanhimmat kokoelmaan kuuluvat vuosikertomukset ovat 1800-luvulta, ja kokoelmaa kartutetaan jatkuvasti. Julkaisujen kielinä ovat suomi, ruotsi ja englanti.


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This thesis is a study of articles published in scientific journals about working capital management using bibliometric methods. The study was restricted to articles published in 1990–2010 that deal with the whole working capital management topic not a single sub-area of it. Working capital is defined as current assets minus current liabilities; sometimes also a definition of inventory plus accounts receivable minus accounts payable is used. The data was retrieved from the databases ISI Web of Science and Sciverse Scopus. Articles about working capital management were found 23. Content analysis, statistical analysis and citation analysis was performed to the articles. The most cited articles found in citation analysis were also analyzed by nearly same methods. This study found that scientific research of working capital management seems not to be concentrated to specific persons, organizations or journals. The originality and novelty in many articles is low. Many articles studied relation between working capital management and profitability in firms or working capital management practices of firms using statistical analyses. Data in articles was firms of all sizes, except in developing economies only big firms were used. Interesting areas for future research could be surveys made about working capital management practices in firms, finding of best practices, tools for working capital management, inventing or improving alternative views to working capital management like process-oriented view and firm or industry specific studies.


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Tutkielmassa selvitetään rahoitusvälineiden markkinat -direktiivin vaikutuksia sijoituspalvelun tarjoajan velvollisuuksiin ja sijoittajansuojaan oikeusdogmaattisen metodin avulla. Tutkielmassa pyritään vastaamaan seuraaviin kysymyksiin: 1) Millainen merkitys MIFID-direktiivillä on Euroopan unionin rahoitusmarkkinoiden integraatiolle? 2) Mitä velvollisuuksia sijoituspalvelun tarjoajalla on MiFID-direktiivin implementoinnin jälkeen? 3) Millainen sijoittajansuoja on MiFID-direktiivin seurauksena? 4) Mitä mahdollisia puutteita sijoittajansuojassa on, ja miten säädäntöä tulisi kehittää? MiFID-direktiivi edistää merkittävästi EU:n rahoitusmarkkinoiden integrointia. MiFID helpottaa pääomien ja sijoituspalvelujen liikkuvuutta jäsenvaltioiden rajojen yli. Sijoituspalvelun tarjoajan menettelytapavelvollisuudet ovat lisääntyneet, minkä johdosta sijoittajansuoja on parantunut. Etenkin direktiivin selonotto- ja tiedonantovelvollisuus aiheuttavat transaktiokustannuksia, mutta vähentävät toisaalta palvelun tarjoajan ja asiakkaan välistä neoklassista oikeustaloustieteellistä informaation epäsymmetriaa. Selonottovelvollisuuden sääntelyä EU:ssa kehitettäessä tulee kansallisia menettelytapoja yhdenmukaistaa. Kun palvelun tarjoajat täyttävät tiedonantovelvollisuuttaan, ei-ammattimaiset asiakkaat saattavat joutua informaatiotulvaan, josta jotkut eivät kykene erottamaan merkityksellisiä tietoja. Menettelytapojen nykyinen paras toteutus -velvollisuus on tulkinnanvarainen. Sijoitusneuvontaa koskee päämies–agentti-teorian mukainen valvontaongelma, minkä takia palvelun tarjoajan ja sijoittajan intressit tulisi säädännön avulla saada nykyistä yhteneväisemmiksi. MiFIDin säädökset eivät välttämättä johda ei-ammattimaisten asiakkaiden saaman informaation optimaaliseen allokointiin eivätkä informaatiokustannusten tehokkaaseen kohdistumiseen. Monimutkaisten rahoitusinstrumenttien käsitettä tulisi tarkentaa ja kyseisiä tuotteita tarjota ainoastaan ammattimaisille asiakkaille ja hyväksyttäville vastapuolille. Sijoittajansuojaa lisäisi heterogeenisen ei-ammattimaisten asiakkaiden ryhmän jako informaatiotarpeeseen perustuviin alaryhmiin, jotta eri asiakasryhmille voitaisiin tarjota heidän tarvitsemansa palvelu nykyistäkin kohdentuvammin. Tulisi selvittää, pitäisikö varoitus pääoman menettämisestä merkitä niihin sijoitustuotteisiin, joita riski koskee. Yhteinen eurooppalainen valvontaorganisaatio ilmeisesti voimistaisi rahoitusmarkkinoiden transparenssia, toimivuutta ja sijoittajansuojaa.


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Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia lineaarisen regressioanalyysin avulla sekä osingonjakopolitiikan määräytymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä että osinkojen osakekurssivaikutusta Helsingin pörssissä. Osinkopolitiikan määräytymistä tutkittiin yhtiön koon, kannattavuuden, velkaisuuden, investointi- ja kasvumahdollisuuksien sekä sisäpiirin omistuksen avulla. Käytetty aineisto koostuu Helsingin pörssissä noteerattujen yhtiöiden tilinpäätösluvuista ja osakekurssitiedoista vuosina 2000-2010. Empiiriset tutkimukset osoittivat, että osinkotuottoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä Helsingin pörssissä ovat yhtiön kannattavuus, velkaisuus, investointi- ja kasvumahdollisuudet sekä sisäpiirin omistus. Saadut tulokset ovat samansuuntaisia aikaisempien tutkimusten kanssa. Toinen merkittävä löydös on, että osingoilla todettiin olevan positiivinen yhteys osakekurssimuutoksiin Helsingin pörssissä. Osinkojen ja osakekurssin välinen yhteys tukee signalointiteoriaa.


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The environmental aspect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) expressed through the process of the EMS implementation in the oil and gas companies is identified as the main subject of this research. In the theoretical part, the basic attention is paid to justification of a link between CSR and environmental management. The achievement of sustainable competitive advantage as a result of environmental capital growth and inclusion of the socially responsible activities in the corporate strategy is another issue that is of special significance here. Besides, two basic forms of environmental management systems (environmental decision support systems and environmental information management systems) are explored and their role in effective stakeholder interaction is tackled. The most crucial benefits of EMS are also analyzed to underline its importance as a source of sustainable development. Further research is based on the survey of 51 sampled oil and gas companies (both publicly owned and state owned ones) originated from different countries all over the world and providing reports on sustainability issues in the open access. To analyze their approach to sustainable development, a specifically designed evaluation matrix with 37 indicators developed in accordance with the General Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines for non-financial reporting was prepared. Additionally, the quality of environmental information disclosure was measured on the basis of a quality – quantity matrix. According to results of research, oil and gas companies prefer implementing reactive measures to the costly and knowledge-intensive proactive techniques for elimination of the negative environmental impacts. Besides, it was identified that the environmental performance disclosure is mostly rather limited, so that the quality of non-financial reporting can be judged as quite insufficient. In spite of the fact that most of the oil and gas companies in the sample claim the EMS to be embedded currently in their structure, they often do not provide any details for the process of their implementation. As a potential for the further development of EMS, author mentions possible integration of their different forms in a single entity, extension of existing structure on the basis of consolidation of the structural and strategic precautions as well as development of a unified certification standard instead of several ones that exist today in order to enhance control on the EMS implementation.


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The importance of efficient supply chain management has increased due to globalization and the blurring of organizational boundaries. Various supply chain management technologies have been identified to drive organizational profitability and financial performance. Organizations have historically been concentrating heavily on the flow of goods and services, while less attention has been dedicated to the flow of money. While supply chains are becoming more transparent and automated, new opportunities for financial supply chain management have emerged through information technology solutions and comprehensive financial supply chain management strategies. This research concentrates on the end part of the purchasing process which is the handling of invoices. Efficient invoice processing can have an impact on organizations working capital management and thus provide companies with better readiness to face the challenges related to cash management. Leveraging a process mining solution the aim of this research was to examine the automated invoice handling process of four different organizations. The invoice data was collected from each organizations invoice processing system. The sample included all the invoices organizations had processed during the year 2012. The main objective was to find out whether e-invoices are faster to process in an automated invoice processing solution than scanned invoices (post entry into invoice processing solution). Other objectives included looking into the longest lead times between process steps and the impact of manual process steps on cycle time. Processing of invoices from maverick purchases was also examined. Based on the results of the research and previous literature on the subject, suggestions for improving the process were proposed. The results of the research indicate that scanned invoices were processed faster than e-invoices. This is mostly due to the more complex processing of e-invoices. It should be noted however that the manual tasks related to turning a paper invoice into electronic format through scanning are ignored in this research. The transitions with the longest lead times in the invoice handling process included both pre-automated steps as well as manual steps performed by humans. When the most common manual steps were examined in more detail, it was clear that these steps had a prolonging impact on the process. Regarding invoices from maverick purchases the evidence shows that these invoices were slower to process than invoices from purchases conducted through e-procurement systems and from preferred suppliers. Suggestions on how to improve the process included: increasing invoice matching, reducing of manual steps and leveraging of different value added services such as invoice validation service, mobile solutions and supply chain financing services. For companies that have already reaped all the process efficiencies the next step is to engage in collaborative financial supply chain management strategies that can benefit the whole supply chain.


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The iron and steelmaking industry is among the major contributors to the anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide in the world. The rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and the global concern about the greenhouse effect and climate change have brought about considerable investigations on how to reduce the energy intensity and CO2 emissions of this industrial sector. In this thesis the problem is tackled by mathematical modeling and optimization using three different approaches. The possibility to use biomass in the integrated steel plant, particularly as an auxiliary reductant in the blast furnace, is investigated. By pre-processing the biomass its heating value and carbon content can be increased at the same time as the oxygen content is decreased. As the compression strength of the preprocessed biomass is lower than that of coke, it is not suitable for replacing a major part of the coke in the blast furnace burden. Therefore the biomass is assumed to be injected at the tuyere level of the blast furnace. Carbon capture and storage is, nowadays, mostly associated with power plants but it can also be used to reduce the CO2 emissions of an integrated steel plant. In the case of a blast furnace, the effect of CCS can be further increased by recycling the carbon dioxide stripped top gas back into the process. However, this affects the economy of the integrated steel plant, as the amount of top gases available, e.g., for power and heat production is decreased. High quality raw materials are a prerequisite for smooth blast furnace operation. High quality coal is especially needed to produce coke with sufficient properties to ensure proper gas permeability and smooth burden descent. Lower quality coals as well as natural gas, which some countries have in great volumes, can be utilized with various direct and smelting reduction processes. The DRI produced with a direct reduction process can be utilized as a feed material for blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace. The liquid hot metal from a smelting reduction process can in turn be used in basic oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace. The unit sizes and investment costs of an alternative ironmaking process are also lower than those of a blast furnace. In this study, the economy of an integrated steel plant is investigated by simulation and optimization. The studied system consists of linearly described unit processes from coke plant to steel making units, with a more detailed thermodynamical model of the blast furnace. The results from the blast furnace operation with biomass injection revealed the importance of proper pre-processing of the raw biomass as the composition of the biomass as well as the heating value and the yield are all affected by the pyrolysis temperature. As for recycling of CO2 stripped blast furnace top gas, substantial reductions in the emission rates are achieved if the stripped CO2 can be stored. However, the optimal recycling degree together with other operation conditions is heavily dependent on the cost structure of CO2 emissions and stripping/storage. The economical feasibility related to the use of DRI in the blast furnace depends on the price ratio between the DRI pellets and the BF pellets. The high amount of energy needed in the rotary hearth furnace to reduce the iron ore leads to increased CO2 emissions.


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Ambitious energy targets set by EU put pressures to increase share of renewable electricity supply in this and next decades and therefore, some EU member countries have boosted increasing renewable energy generation capacity by implementing subsidy schemes on national level. In this study, two different change approaches to increase renewable energy supply and increase self-sufficiency of supply are assessed with respect to their impacts on power system, electricity market and electricity generation costs in Finland. It is obtained that the current electricity generation costs are high compared to opportunities of earnings from present-day investor’s perspective. In addition, the growth expectations of consumptions and the price forecasts do not stimulate investing in new generation capacity. Revolutionary transition path is driven by administrative and political interventions to achieve the energy targets. Evolutionary transition path is driven by market-based mechanisms, such as market itself and emission trading scheme. It is obtained in this study that in the revolutionary transition path operation of market-based mechanisms is distorted to some extent and it is likely that this path requires providing more public financial resources compared to evolutionary transition path. In the evolutionary transition path the energy targets are not achieved as quickly but market-based mechanisms function better and investment environment endures more stable compared to revolutionary transition path.


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In today’s knowledge intense economy the human capital is a source for competitive advantage for organizations. Continuous learning and sharing the knowledge within the organization are important to enhance and utilize this human capital in order to maximize the productivity. The new generation with different views and expectations of work is coming to work life giving its own characteristics on learning and sharing. Work should offer satisfaction so that the new generation employees would commit to organizations. At the same time organizations have to be able to focus on productivity to survive in the competitive market. The objective of this thesis is to construct a theory based framework of productivity, continuous learning and job satisfaction and further examine this framework and its applications in a global organization operating in process industry. Suggestions for future actions are presented for this case organization. The research is a qualitative case study and the empiric material was gathered by personal interviews concluding 15 employee and one supervisor interview. Results showed that more face to face interaction is needed between employees for learning because much of the knowledge of the process is tacit and so difficult to share in other ways. Offering these sharing possibilities can also impact positively to job satisfaction because they will increase the sense of community among employees which was found to be lacking. New employees demand more feedback to improve their learning and confidence. According to the literature continuous learning and job satisfaction have a relative strong relationship on productivity. The employee’s job description in the case organization has moved towards knowledge work due to continuous automation and expansion of the production process. This emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and means that productivity can be seen also from quality perspective. The normal productivity output in the case organization is stable and by focusing on the quality of work by improving continuous learning and job satisfaction the upsets in production can be handled and prevented more effectively. Continuous learning increases also the free human capital input and utilization of it and this can breed output increasing innovations that can increase productivity in long term. Also job satisfaction can increase productivity output in the end because employees will work more efficiently, not doing only the minimum tasks required. Satisfied employees are also found participating more in learning activities.


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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether different private equity fund characteristics have any influence on the fund performance. Fund characteristics include fund type (venture capital or buyouts), fund size (sizes of funds are divided into six ranges), fund investment industry, fund sequence (first fund or follow-on fund) and investment market (US or EMEA). Fund performance is measured by internal rate of return, and tested by cross-sectional regression analysis with the method of Ordinary Least Squares. The data employs performance and characteristics of 997 private equity funds between 1985 and 2008. Our findings are that fund type has effect on fund performance. The average IRR of venture capital funds is 2.7% less than average IRR of buyout funds. However, We did not find any relationship between fund size and performance, and between fund sequence and performance. Funds based on US market perform better than funds based on EMEA market. The fund performance differs across different industries. The average IRRs of industrial/energy industry, consumer related industry, communications and media industry and medical/health industry are higher than the average IRR of other industries.


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Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää sähkön jakeluverkkotoiminnan valvontamenetelmien muutoksien vaikutuksia Loiste Sähköverkko Oy:n talouteen neljännellä ja viidennellä valvontajaksolla. Tarkastelua varten tehtiin talousmalli, joka mallintaa verkkoyhtiön taloutta vuoteen 2040 asti. Talousmallissa mallinnettiin kaikkien kannustimien vaikutus paitsi innovaatio- ja toimitusvarmuuskannustimien vaikutus. Talousmallinnuksen perusperiaate oli, että mitä ei pystytä kattamaan siirtotuloilla, rahoitetaan vieraalla pääomalla, kun kassavirran minimitaso ja investointitaso ovat valittu. Talousmallilla tarkasteltiin neljää erilaista verkostoskenaariota. Tarkasteltavat verkostoskenaariot olivat kehittämissuunnitelman mukainen skenaario, nopeutettu kehittämissuunnitelman mukainen skenaario, kaapelointipainotteinen skenaario ja kunnossapitopainotteinen skenaario. Verkon arvon kehittyminen verkostoskenaarioissa mallinnettiin Loiste Sähköverkko Oy:n investointimallilla ja kuvattiin talousmallinnusta varten jälleenhankinta-arvon, nykykäyttöarvon, investointien ja tasapoistojen kehittymisellä vuoteen 2029 asti. Työn tulosten perusteella kehittämissuunnitelman mukaisessa skenaariossa vieraan pääoman määrä pysyy kohtuullisena ja mahdollistaa kohtuullisen kassavirran tarkastelujakson lopussa. Nopeutetussa kehittämissuunnitelman mukaisessa skenaariossa ja kaapelointipainotteisissa skenaariossa vieraan pääoman määrä kasvaa merkittävästi, mikä voi lisätä liiketaloudellisia riskejä, mutta toisaalta mahdollistavat korkeamman kassavirran tarkastelujakson lopussa. Kunnossapitopainotteisessa skenaariossa vieraan pääoman määrä on matala, mutta kassavirta myös pysyy matalana tarkastelujakson loppuun asti.


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For my Licentiate thesis, I conducted research on risk measures. Continuing with this research, I now focus on capital allocation. In the proportional capital allocation principle, the choice of risk measure plays a very important part. In the chapters Introduction and Basic concepts, we introduce three definitions of economic capital, discuss the purpose of capital allocation, give different viewpoints of capital allocation and present an overview of relevant literature. Risk measures are defined and the concept of coherent risk measure is introduced. Examples of important risk measures are given, e. g., Value at Risk (VaR), Tail Value at Risk (TVaR). We also discuss the implications of dependence and review some important distributions. In the following chapter on Capital allocation we introduce different principles for allocating capital. We prefer to work with the proportional allocation method. In the following chapter, Capital allocation based on tails, we focus on insurance business lines with heavy-tailed loss distribution. To emphasize capital allocation based on tails, we define the following risk measures: Conditional Expectation, Upper Tail Covariance and Tail Covariance Premium Adjusted (TCPA). In the final chapter, called Illustrative case study, we simulate two sets of data with five insurance business lines using Normal copulas and Cauchy copulas. The proportional capital allocation is calculated using TCPA as risk measure. It is compared with the result when VaR is used as risk measure and with covariance capital allocation. In this thesis, it is emphasized that no single allocation principle is perfect for all purposes. When focusing on the tail of losses, the allocation based on TCPA is a good one, since TCPA in a sense includes features of TVaR and Tail covariance.


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The negotiations between the EU and the US over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have generated a lot of discussion about investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). This discussion provided the inspiration for this thesis, with the TTIP in the background, setting the scene. In this thesis I study the nature of ISDS and the principle of transparency within investor-state arbitration. I aim to determine whether the use of ISDS is restricted to international arbitration and whether ISDS can be considered to constitute a system or regime. Furthermore, I consider whether the introduction of the UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration (2014, the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules) changes investor-state arbitration in relation to transparency. To achieve this, I examine ISDS provisions in several different international investment agreements (IIAs) and evaluate the ways in which transparency is incorporated into investment law. Moreover, I compare the provisions on transparency and confidentiality in institutional arbitration rules with the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules. I have formed several conclusions, including that the ISDS provisions may contain methods other than international arbitration and that ISDS does not constitute a system. Furthermore, the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules do change – theoretically, at least – investor-state arbitration to become more transparent. Whether the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules will make investor-state arbitration fully transparent depends on the actions of the contracting state parties when negotiating new IIAs and whether they choose to incorporate the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules in the IIAs already concluded.