99 resultados para Quantum Communication
Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani amerikkalaisen John Ashberyn (1927–) runoudessa lmenevää moniäänisyyttä. Runoutta pidetään yleensä yksiäänisenä puheena, kun taas omaanin ajatellaan erityisesti Mihail Bahtinin vaikutuksesta olevan luonnostaan oniääninen kirjallisuudenlaji. Ashberyn postmoderni runous haastaa tämän äsityksen. Ashbery tunnetaan vakiintuneita runouskäsityksiä vastaan kirjoittavana avantgarde-runoilijana. Pääasiallisina tutkimuskohteinani ovat Ashberyn pitkä runoelma nimeltä ”Litany” (1979) sekä lyhyiden runojen valikoima Your Name Here (2000). Vertailukohtana tarkastelen Ashberyn yhdessä James Schuylerin kanssa kirjoittamaa romaania A Nest of Ninnies (1969). Teoreettisena pohjana on käytetty Ashberyä käsittelevän muun tutkimuksen lisäksi muun muassa jälkistrukturalistisiin teorioihin liittyviä ajatuksia pronominien vaikutuksesta siihen miten lukija muodostaa käsityksen subjektiivisesta läsnäolosta runossa. Ashbery käyttää persoonapronomineja ilman selkeitä viittaussuhteita. Viittaussuhteiden hämärtymisen ja fragmentaarisuuden vuoksi Ashberyn runoja pidetään usein vaikeina, eikä niistä ole helppo löytää yhtä selkeää aihetta. Hajanaisuus on kuitenkin motivoitua, koska juuri se mahdollistaa moniäänisyyden ja avoimen tekstin, joka voi sisältää monia merkityksiä. Kun runossa ei ole yhden puhujan hallitsevaa ääntä, lukijan rooli merkitysten muodostajana nousee keskeiseksi. ”Litany” on selkeästi metatekstuaalinen runo, jossa fiktiivinen taso sekoittuu runouden, taiteen ja kritiikin mahdollisuuksien pohdintaan. Runo hahmottelee uudenlaista, moniäänistä teorian ja runouden rajoja purkavaa kommunikaation muotoa. Toisen persoonan pronominien voidaan runossa usein ajatella puhuttelevan lukijaa. Your Name Here -kokoelmassa puolestaan toisen persoonan pronominipositiot määrittyvät usein tietyiksi henkilöhahmoiksi runojen maailmassa, ja pronominipositioiden kautta runoissa rakentuu moniäänisiä dialogeja määrittymättömien henkilöhahmojen välille. Näin lukijan huomio suunnataan ensisijaisesti kommunikaation ja arkipäivän kielenkäytön kliseiden sävyihin ja asiayhteyksiin pikemminkin kuin yksittäisten lausumien sisältöön. A Nest of Ninnies -romaani toimii näennäisestä dialogisuudestaan huolimatta ennen kaikkea yksiäänisesti, sillä romaanin yksiulotteisten henkilöhahmojen esittämiä ajatuksia hallitsee parodioimaan pyrkivä kertojanääni. Ashberyn runojen ja romaanin tarkasteleminen osoittaa, että käsitys runoudesta väistämättä yksiäänisenä ja romaanista moniäänisenä ei ole kaikilta osin ongelmaton. Moniääninen, monimerkityksinen runo voi tarjota toiselle itsenäisen aseman.
In the present work structural, magnetic and transport properties of InGaAs quantum wells (QW) prepared by MBE with an remote Mn layer are investigated. By means of high-resolution X-ray diffractometry the structure of the samples is analyzed. It is shown that Mn ions penetrate into the QW. Influence of the thickness of GaAs spacer and annealing at 286 ºС on the properties of the system is shown. It is shown that annealing of the samples led to Mn activation and narrowing of the Mn layer. Substantial role of 2D holes in ferromagnetic ordering in Mn layer is shown. Evidence for that is observation of maximum at 25 – 55 K on the resistivity temperature dependence. Position of maximum, which is used for quantitative assessment of the Curie temperature, correlates with calculations of the Curie temperature for structures with indirect interaction via 2D holes’ channel. Dependence of the Curie temperature on the spacer thickness shows, that creation of applicable spintronic devices needs high-precision equipment to manufacture extra fine structures. The magnetotransport measurements show that charge carrier mobility is very low. This leads to deficiency of the anomalous Hall effect. At the same time, magnetic field dependences of the magnetization at different temperatures demonstrate that systems are ferromagnetically ordered. These facts, most probably, give evidence of presence of the ferromagnetic MnAs clusters.
TransPromo communication as a part of company’s marketing communications when the e-bill is a medium
The goal of this thesis was to research what TransPromo is, why companies want to implement TransPromo communication, and what the elements of effective Transpromo communication are. Furthermore, the goal was to develop a TransPromo communication strategy and a normative model for TeliaSonera Finland, which depicts the elements of effective TransPromo communication when the electronic bill is a medium. Abductive reasoning was utilized in this thesis, which means that empirical and theoretical worlds are alternating in researcher’s reasoning process. This thesis didn’t rely on any specific theory nor did it utilize any previous theoretical model. However, certain theoretical connections existed so this thesis cannot be considered purely inductive. The empirical part of this thesis was conducted by examining secondary industry data and by conducting specialist interviews at TeliaSonera Finland and Strålfors. Grounded Theory approach was utilized in the analysis of the interview data and content analysis was used in the analysis of secondary industry data. This thesis increases knowledge in the area of TransPromo communication, and provides one definition of TransPromo communication. As a result of this thesis, a TransPromo communication strategy and a normative model for TeliaSonera Finland was built. The model depicts the elements of the effective TransPromo communication when the e-bill is a medium. The TranPromo communication objective is to utilize transaction documents, such as bills, in order to deliver targeted and personalized marketing messages to current customers. The aim is to strengthen the customer relationship, and to enforce up-sell and cross-sell opportunities and cost savings.
Kvanttimekaniikan teoriassa suljettuja, ympäristöstään eristettyjä systeemejä koskevat tulokset ovat hyvin tunnettuja. Eräs tärkeä erityispiirre tällaisille systeemeille on, että niiden aikakehitys on unitaarista. Oletus siitä, että systeemi on suljettu, on osaltaan tietysti vain yksinkertaistus. Käytännössä kaikki kvanttimekaaniset systeemit vuorovaikuttavat ympäristönsä kanssa ja tästä johtuen niiden dynamiikka monimutkaistuu oleellisesti. Kuitenkin tietyissä tapauksissa systeemin aikakehitys voidaan ratkaista, ainakin approksimatiivisesti. Tärkeimpinä esimerkkeinä on ympäristön joko nopea tai erittäin hidas muutos kvanttisysteemin ominaiseen aikaskaalaan verrattuna. Näistä erityisesti jälkimmäinen on käyttökelpoinen oletus monissa fysikaalisissa tilanteissa. Tällöin voidaan suorittaa niin sanottu adiabaattinen approksimaatio. Sen mukaan systeemi, joka on aikakehityksen generoivan Hamiltonin operaattorin ominaistilassa, pysyy vastaavassa ominaistilassa ympäristön muuttuessa äärettömän hitaasti, mikäli systeemin eri energiatasot eivät leikkaa toisiaan. Todellisissa tilanteissa muutos ei tietenkään voi olla äärettömän hidasta ja myös energiatasojen leikkaukset ovat mahdollisia, jolloin tapahtuu transitio eri ominaistilojen välillä. Energiatasojen leikkauksilla on oleellisia vaikutuksia erittäin monissa fysikaalisissa prosesseissa ja niitä kuvaamaan on luotu monia malleja kvanttimekaniikan alkuajoista lähtien aina tähän päivään saakka. Nykyinen teknologinen kehitys on avannut uudenlaisen mahdollisuuden ilmiön kokeelliseen varmentamiseen ja hyödyntämiseen. Tämän vuoksi kyseisten mallien dynamiikan ja erityisesti energiatasojen useiden peräkkäisten leikkausten aiheuttamien koherenssi-ilmiöiden selvittäminen on tärkeää. Tässä työssä käsitellään kvanttimekaanisia kaksitasosysteemejä, joissa esiintyy energiatasojen leikkauksia sekä niiden pitkän aikavälin dynamiikkaa. Tutkielmassa perehdytään tarkemmin kahteen tiettyyn malliin. Näistä ensimmäinen, Landau-Zener -malli, on tunnetuin ja sovelluksissa käytetyin malli. Kuitenkin erityisen mielenkiinnon kohteena on niin kutsuttu parabolinen malli, jolle johdetaan eri approksimaatioita käyttäen asymptoottiset transitiotodennäköisyydet eri tilojen välille. Näitä verrataan numeerisiin tuloksiin.
During the past decades testing has matured from ad-hoc activity into being an integral part of the development process. The benefits of testing are obvious for modern communication systems, which operate in heterogeneous environments amongst devices from various manufacturers. The increased demand for testing also creates demand for tools and technologies that support and automate testing activities. This thesis discusses applicability of visualization techniques in the result analysis part of the testing process. Particularly, the primary focus of this work is visualization of test execution logs produced by a TTCN-3 test system. TTCN-3 is an internationally standardized test specification and implementation language. The TTCN-3 standard suite includes specification of a test logging interface and a graphical presentation format, but no immediate relationship between them. This thesis presents a technique for mapping the log events to the graphical presentation format along with a concrete implementation, which is integrated with the Eclipse Platform and the OpenTTCN Tester toolchain. Results of this work indicate that for majority of the log events, a visual representation may be derived from the TTCN-3 standard suite. The remaining events were analysed and three categories relevant in either log analysis or implementation of the visualization tool were identified: events indicating insertion of something into the incoming queue of a port, events indicating a mismatch and events describing the control flow during the execution. Applicability of the results is limited into the domain of TTCN-3, but the developed mapping and the implementation may be utilized with any TTCN-3 tool that is able to produce the execution log in the standardized XML format.
This Master's thesis is devoted to semiconductor samples study using time-resolved photoluminescence. This method allows investigating recombination in semiconductor samples in order to develop quality of optoelectronic device. An additional goal was the method accommodation for low-energy-gap materials. The first chapter gives a brief intercourse into the basis of semiconductor physics. The key features of the investigated structures are noted. The usage area of the results covers saturable semiconductor absorber mirrors, disk lasers and vertical-external-cavity surface-emittinglasers. The experiment set-up is described in the second chapter. It is based on up-conversion procedure using a nonlinear crystal and involving the photoluminescent emission and the gate pulses. The limitation of the method was estimated. The first series of studied samples were grown at various temperatures and they suffered rapid thermal annealing. Further, a latticematched and metamorphically grown samples were compared. Time-resolved photoluminescence method was adapted for wavelengths up to 1.5 µm. The results allowed to specify the optimal substrate temperature for MBE process. It was found that the lattice-matched sample and the metamorphically grown sample had similar characteristics.
In this master’s thesis, possibilities to utilize Near Field Communication (NFC) technology in health care applications are examined. NFC is a short-range wireless communication technology that enables the exchange of data between devices. Main components in NFC are tag, which contains data, a NFC reader device, which can be for instance embedded to mobile phone and also act as a tag, and an antennae in both tag and reader. In this work NFC technology is discussed and its utilization in health care information systems that are in use or in trial. Utilization of information technology in health care field is examined superficially. In this thesis, a system utilizing NFC is designed and its requirements and architecture presented. NFC is used in identification of care worker. When care worker arrives at the house of a patient, she brings the NFC-enabled mobile phone near NFC tag. This sends information to the application server. This information contains the time of arrival and patient and location identifier. When care worker leaves the place, she repeats the procedure. Information gathered can be used in reporting and real time tracking.
The relationship between a virtual leader’s communication practices and a virtual team’s performance
A lot of research has been carried out into virtual teams and virtual leadership, yet there is hardly any research available on the communication behaviour of virtual leaders within a real business context. This research assessed the communication practices of virtual leaders and analysed the relationship between these practices and the performance of virtual teams. The objective of this research was to examine the distinctions of virtual teams, to study the leader’s role in a virtual team and its performance, and to examine the leader’s communication practices within virtual teams. The research involves a case study in which interviews have been carried out within an international technology company headquartered in Finland. Qualitative research methods were applied in the research. Based on the results of the study it can be said that there is a strong relationship between a virtual leader’s communication practices and a virtual team member’s job satisfaction. Through their communication practices, activities and message contents, leaders can affect the job satisfaction of virtual team members. In virtual leadership the focus is not in virtual but in leadership. It does not matter if the context is virtual or face-to-face; similar communication practices are good in both cases. As the global economic crisis strongly affected the sales results of the between a leader’s communication practices and a virtual team’s objective performance cannot be made.
In this Thesis I discuss the exact dynamics of simple non-Markovian systems. I focus on fundamental questions at the core of non-Markovian theory and investigate the dynamics of quantum correlations under non-Markovian decoherence. In the first context I present the connection between two different non-Markovian approaches, and compare two distinct definitions of non-Markovianity. The general aim is to characterize in exemplary cases which part of the environment is responsible for the feedback of information typical of non- Markovian dynamics. I also show how such a feedback of information is not always described by certain types of master equations commonly used to tackle non-Markovian dynamics. In the second context I characterize the dynamics of two qubits in a common non-Markovian reservoir, and introduce a new dynamical effect in a wellknown model, i.e., two qubits under depolarizing channels. In the first model the exact solution of the dynamics is found, and the entanglement behavior is extensively studied. The non-Markovianity of the reservoir and reservoirmediated-interaction between the qubits cause non-trivial dynamical features. The dynamical interplay between different types of correlations is also investigated. In the second model the study of quantum and classical correlations demonstrates the existence of a new effect: the sudden transition between classical and quantum decoherence. This phenomenon involves the complete preservation of the initial quantum correlations for long intervals of time of the order of the relaxation time of the system.
In this thesis, a Peer-to-Peer communication middleware for mobile environment is developed using the Qt framework and the Qt Mobility extension. The Peer-to-Peer middleware – called as PeerHood – is for service sharing in network neighborhood. In addition, the PeerHood enables service connectivity and device monitoring functionalities. The concept of the PeerHood is already available in native C++ implementation on Linux platform using services from the platform. In this work, the PeerHood concept is remade to be based on use of the Qt framework. The objective of the new solution is to increase PeerHood quality with using functionalities from the Qt framework and the Qt Mobility extension. Furthermore, by using the Qt framework, the PeerHood middleware can be implemented to be portable cross-platform middleware. The quality of the new PeerHood implementation is evaluated with defined quality factors and compared with the existing PeerHood. Reliability, CPU usage, memory usage and static code analysis metrics are used in evaluation. The new PeerHood is shown to be more reliable and flexible that the existing one.
The aim of this thesis was to find out how the carbon footprint calculations can be utilized in the company’s external environmental communication, what is the demand for carbon footprint from the market, and how the other actors in the forest industry have approached the issue. The aim was to recognize the best practises to communicate carbon footprints and to find possibilities to extend the UPM-Kymmene Wood Oy’s mill specific carbon footprints. This research included a literature review, an inquiry to the UPM-Kymmene Wood Oy’s sales offices, and Internet survey concerning the external environmental communication in the forest industry and three small case studies based on mill specific parameters. The inquiry to the sales offices showed that the carbon footprint is not yet a common demand from the customers in the wood product sector. In addition, the Internet survey showed that generally in the forest industry, not much has been done concerning carbon footprint communication so far. The biggest challenge in carbon footprint communication is the variation in the knowledge level of the receivers. In addition btob and btoc communication situations demand a different approach to the issue. Carbon profile brochures developed in the company can be seen as suitable for btob communication situations. Case studies have shown that the contribution of final product transport to the overall carbon footprint was significant. It was recommended to include post mill transport in the carbon footprint information supplied to the btob customers. When discussing environmental communication on a general level it can be stated that a good external environmental communication is based on facts, is open and proactive and takes into account the needs of the receiver. However, the openness and the quality of external environmental communication are essentially strategic decisions. The significance of internal communication as well as the knowhow in the communication and marketing networks play a major role in achieving success in external environmental communication. Carbon footprints are only one part of good balanced external environmental communication. One specific environmental feature like carbon footprint should not be over emphasized to the detriment of other important environmental aspects.
The aim of this study is to analyse the content of the interdisciplinary conversations in Göttingen between 1949 and 1961. The task is to compare models for describing reality presented by quantum physicists and theologians. Descriptions of reality indifferent disciplines are conditioned by the development of the concept of reality in philosophy, physics and theology. Our basic problem is stated in the question: How is it possible for the intramental image to match the external object?Cartesian knowledge presupposes clear and distinct ideas in the mind prior to observation resulting in a true correspondence between the observed object and the cogitative observing subject. The Kantian synthesis between rationalism and empiricism emphasises an extended character of representation. The human mind is not a passive receiver of external information, but is actively construing intramental representations of external reality in the epistemological process. Heidegger's aim was to reach a more primordial mode of understanding reality than what is possible in the Cartesian Subject-Object distinction. In Heidegger's philosophy, ontology as being-in-the-world is prior to knowledge concerning being. Ontology can be grasped only in the totality of being (Dasein), not only as an object of reflection and perception. According to Bohr, quantum mechanics introduces an irreducible loss in representation, which classically understood is a deficiency in knowledge. The conflicting aspects (particle and wave pictures) in our comprehension of physical reality, cannot be completely accommodated into an entire and coherent model of reality. What Bohr rejects is not realism, but the classical Einsteinian version of it. By the use of complementary descriptions, Bohr tries to save a fundamentally realistic position. The fundamental question in Barthian theology is the problem of God as an object of theological discourse. Dialectics is Barth¿s way to express knowledge of God avoiding a speculative theology and a human-centred religious self-consciousness. In Barthian theology, the human capacity for knowledge, independently of revelation, is insufficient to comprehend the being of God. Our knowledge of God is real knowledge in revelation and our words are made to correspond with the divine reality in an analogy of faith. The point of the Bultmannian demythologising programme was to claim the real existence of God beyond our faculties. We cannot simply define God as a human ideal of existence or a focus of values. The theological programme of Bultmann emphasised the notion that we can talk meaningfully of God only insofar as we have existential experience of his intervention. Common to all these twentieth century philosophical, physical and theological positions, is a form of anti-Cartesianism. Consequently, in regard to their epistemology, they can be labelled antirealist. This common insight also made it possible to find a common meeting point between the different disciplines. In this study, the different standpoints from all three areas and the conversations in Göttingen are analysed in the frameworkof realism/antirealism. One of the first tasks in the Göttingen conversations was to analyse the nature of the likeness between the complementary structures inquantum physics introduced by Niels Bohr and the dialectical forms in the Barthian doctrine of God. The reaction against epistemological Cartesianism, metaphysics of substance and deterministic description of reality was the common point of departure for theologians and physicists in the Göttingen discussions. In his complementarity, Bohr anticipated the crossing of traditional epistemic boundaries and the generalisation of epistemological strategies by introducing interpretative procedures across various disciplines.
This document contains papers that were presented at the conference “Enhancing the Visibility and Collaboration of Researchers in Intercultural Communication in Finland” which took place at the University of Turku (Finland), on October 1st & 2nd 2004. A paper version of some of the following papers as well as articles by specialists in intercultural communication will be published by Peter Lang.
This thesis considers modeling and analysis of noise and interconnects in onchip communication. Besides transistor count and speed, the capabilities of a modern design are often limited by on-chip communication links. These links typically consist of multiple interconnects that run parallel to each other for long distances between functional or memory blocks. Due to the scaling of technology, the interconnects have considerable electrical parasitics that affect their performance, power dissipation and signal integrity. Furthermore, because of electromagnetic coupling, the interconnects in the link need to be considered as an interacting group instead of as isolated signal paths. There is a need for accurate and computationally effective models in the early stages of the chip design process to assess or optimize issues affecting these interconnects. For this purpose, a set of analytical models is developed for on-chip data links in this thesis. First, a model is proposed for modeling crosstalk and intersymbol interference. The model takes into account the effects of inductance, initial states and bit sequences. Intersymbol interference is shown to affect crosstalk voltage and propagation delay depending on bus throughput and the amount of inductance. Next, a model is proposed for the switching current of a coupled bus. The model is combined with an existing model to evaluate power supply noise. The model is then applied to reduce both functional crosstalk and power supply noise caused by a bus as a trade-off with time. The proposed reduction method is shown to be effective in reducing long-range crosstalk noise. The effects of process variation on encoded signaling are then modeled. In encoded signaling, the input signals to a bus are encoded using additional signaling circuitry. The proposed model includes variation in both the signaling circuitry and in the wires to calculate the total delay variation of a bus. The model is applied to study level-encoded dual-rail and 1-of-4 signaling. In addition to regular voltage-mode and encoded voltage-mode signaling, current-mode signaling is a promising technique for global communication. A model for energy dissipation in RLC current-mode signaling is proposed in the thesis. The energy is derived separately for the driver, wire and receiver termination.